Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
167 lines
Title 'Wolfware Assembler Sample', 'Key Reassignment'
; Key Reassignment Version 1.10 ;
; ;
; Reassign any string to any key via DOS 2.0. The ;
; ANSI.SYS device driver must be installed (see your DOS ;
; manual). Once assembled, to reassign a key, type: ;
; ;
; KEY <key code> <string> ;
; ;
; The parameters must be separated by a single space. ;
; Each parameter may consist of any combination of ;
; strings in double quotes and decimal ASCII codes, ;
; seperated by semicolons. ;
; ;
; The key to reset (first parameter) should be the ;
; key's character code (one or two bytes). The new ;
; assignment (second parameter) can be any combination ;
; of strings and ASCII values. ;
; ;
; Examples: ;
; ;
; KEY "g" "h" ;
; Assign lower-case h to the lower-case g key. ;
; ;
; KEY 0;59 19 ;
; Assigns ^S to the F1 key. 0;59 is the key code for ;
; F1. Makes F1 act like Ctl NumLock when you are, ;
; for instance, TYPEing out a file. ;
; ;
; KEY 0;68 "DIR";13 ;
; Assign DIR plus a carriage return to the F10 key. ;
; ;
; The extended codes for all applicable keys can be ;
; found in the BASIC manual right after the ASCII ;
; character table. Most application programs bypass ;
; the DOS keyboard routines (i.e. the reassignments ;
; won't work for them). Keyboard reaasignment by this ;
; method is probably best used for setting up the ;
; function keys to use from the DOS command level. ;
Proc Far
;----- print message
Mov Dx, Offset Keymess ;message location
Call Str_Display ;string display
;----- number of characters
Mov Cl, [Input] ;number of characters
Sub Ch, Ch
Cmp Cl, 1 ;check if too few
Jb Keyerror ;jump if so
;----- print input and end CR
Push Cx
Mov Si, Input + 2 ;start after space
Push Si
Mov Dx, Offset Keymess2 ;message location
Call Str_Display ;string display
Lodsb ;load next byte
Call Display ;display
Loop Keyiloop ;loop CX times
;----- move a line down
Mov Al, 10 ;byte to display, LF
Call Display ;display
Pop Di
Pop Bx
;----- scan for space
Dec Bx ;do not count initial space
Mov Cx, Bx ;number of characters to search
Mov Al,' ' ;look for space
Scasb ;scan until found or no more
;----- add semicolon
Jne Keyerror ;jump if not found
Mov Byte [Di-1], ';' ;save semicolon to location
;----- add start code
Mov Ax, Ctl_Start ;load starting control
Mov [Input], Ax ;save
;----- add end code
Mov Ax, Ctl_End ;load end control
Mov [Input+Bx+2], Ax ;save
;----- reset key
Mov Dx, Input ;control string location
Call Str_Display ;string display
Jmps Exit
;----- error in parameters
Mov Dx, Offset Keyemess ;error message location
Call Str_Display ;string display
;----- exit
Mov Ax, 4c00h ;function
Int 21h ;execute
; Display ;
; Display the character in AL to the screen. ;
Display Proc Near
Mov Dl, Al ;byte to display
Mov Ah, 2 ;display byte function
Int 21h ;execute
Endp ;Display
; Str_Display ;
; Display the string at DX terminated by a ;
; dollar sign to the screen. ;
Str_Display Proc Near
Mov Ah, 9 ;string output function
Int 21h ;execute
Endp ;Str_Display
; Program Data ;
Input Equ 80h ;parameter location
Ctl_Start Label Word
Db 27,'[' ;start of reassignment sequence
Ctl_End Label Word
Db 'p$' ;end of reassignment sequence
Keymess Db 10,'Key Reassignment Version 1.10', 13, 10,'$'
Keymess2 Db '--> $'
Keyemess Db 10,'Error in parameters: <key code> <output>', 13, 10
Db ' Each parameter may consist of any combination of', 13, 10
Db ' strings in double quotes and decimal ASCII codes,', 13, 10
Db ' seperated by semicolons.', 13, 10,'$'