A message base is a section of the BBS where users can go to read and post messages. This is the most important part of a BBS because it is where the majority of the communication between the users takes place. Users typically have many discussions going on at once, so many bases are set up. Each base has a title that identifies it. Within that base are messages related to that discussion.
Message Base Commands
[G]o will get you to the message bases from the main menu.
[S]how will tell you the base names and numbers.
You can get to a base by using either the number or the name, or a significant character string of the name. For example, if base 3 is called System News, you can type "Gsys" or "G3" (if it is the second base on your list). However, if there is a base with a similar character string (i.e. "System Suggestions") that appears first in the baselist, you will go to that base instead. Make sure the character string you type is unique to that base.
The following message base commands are available:
(Note: These commands are base-specific and will act only on the base you are currently using.)
1. [G]o lets you go to another base.
2. [P]ost lets you post a message if you have the privilege for that base.
3. [S]how gives you a list of bases. (See Baselist Help for more information.)
4. [D]elete lets you delete a message. To use it, you just type D# (where # is a message number). You may delete a message ONLY if you posted it.
5. [E]dit lets you edit a message that you posted. You will then be placed into the editor. To use it, just type E# (where # is a message number). See Editor Help for more information on this.
6. [R]ead lets you read messages in a base. Ranges are available. R* will give you all the new messages on the base. R#- will start you at a specific message number and continue to the end of the base. R#-# will start at one number and stop at the second number. NOTE: If you type RA from a message base, it will put you into the read ALL new scan on ALL bases, starting with the first base in your list. Tab or Control-I aborts single messages. Control-A or Control-C will abort the entire read new scan.
7. [Q]uickscan lets you to scan messages by the message header (title, author and date) on the base. Full ranges are available (see above). NOTE: QA works just like the RA except quickscans instead of reads are done.
8. [C]hange selection lets you select (or de-select) a base. You must go to the base you wish to change, and type "C". Then, when you want to read selected bases only, type "RS" from main menu or from a message base, and you will read new messages only on those bases. NOTE: You can still go to, read, or post on a de-selected base. Changing selection only takes it from your Read Selected new scan.
9. [I]information will give you the base description if it is available.
10. [>] and [<]. The greater than and less than keys will allow you to move forward (>) or backward (<) one base at a time. For IBMs and compatibles, you can use the up and down arrows IF you are in buffered mode and IF your terminal program is configured to ANSI emulation.