<123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890<123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890<Your luck is not going to be so good today. You are better <off by avoiding contact with men with bald hair. <Due to the moons position, you will not have a good time at <your job today. Keep away from tall people. <Venus is at her high position today. That is mean good news <for your sign. You are going to meet new friends. <Don't get to close to your partner today. He/She will not be<in a good mood. Write a letter to an old relative. <Money is coming your way tonight. Stay on the left side! <When in conversation don't talk about others. Look ahead. <Your mother will call you today. Bad news in the family. So <keep up the faith. Don't let the blues get to you today. <Mars whips past Mercury tonight. Tonight your are going to <be at your sexual peek for this month. Buy lots of daisies! <Avoid eating with Taurus people today. Your stars place them<at an advantage. Keep your mind straight at work. <Good news comes today. Try to talk to a Libra tonight if <you want to find out the news. Save that special number. <Your family will be visiting this weekend. Spend time with <your partner. Opals will bring bad luck to you this month. <Don't spread rhumors! They are going to catch up to you soon<Plan a dinner with a Pisces this week. Pisces brings luck. <A Capricorn brings love and romance to your sign. Don't be <taken in so quickly. Spend time with your friends. <Romance will call you tonight. Dial many numbers to find <the answer. Keep the bills in mind. They might catch up. <Silver brings your sign good luck today. Touch as much of <it as you can find. Take long walks tonight for health. <Good news is coming for your sign. Make sure not to spend <this evening alone. Talk on the phone to a Aquarius. <You will get a raise at your current job. If you don't work <then expect some respect at home. Grey stones bring luck! <The telephone bill will come soon. You will be unhappy to <see the amount due. Play with a ball to get money. <Sex tonight will be the best in months. Play your cards <right and you might be rich. Your lucky number is 4 tonight <See a movie tonight. You will see a Leo. Introduce yourself <and good things will come. Stay off green grass. <Copper brings you bad luck. You have a secret lover in the <midst. Keep cool and you might just win. Your luck is high! <Important news it coming to your house tonight. Don't <get undressed until later in the night. <Jupiter lines with Neptune. Your sign is weak today. Keep <your original ideas. Don't let love stand in your way. <Someone expecting a baby will call you. Tell her about <the secret you have been hiding. Pay close attention to her.<Magazines bring you luck tonight. Read some. Don't get into <bed without washing your feet, otherwise bad news. <Flowers brings your sign peace. Stay away from Virgo's. <Especially opposite sex. Plan ahead for some big news. <Mercury comes close to Venus today. Stay away from sex. <It can bring you embarressment. Keep your hopes up. <Mustard and Ketchup will come in contact with your clothes <today. Bring extra money for that special date this week. <Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex. You must stop having sex. If you don't <news will arrive in nine months. Stay away from bars. <Cats & Dogs will come in contact with your body. Avoid them <due to disease that they might bring to you. Watch out! <Playing cards tonight will bring you extra money. Play with <that old friend. Cook some soup for your loved one! <Money is on the way for your partner. So if you stick with <her/him now, then you are made in the shade. <A Scorpio person will bring some money to you today. Take <it with pride. Don't quick judge anyone today. Relax. <Please your partner/or best friend with some candy. Try to <touch cold items. Hot things bring your sign bad news. <That Gemini friend will come over and surprise you tonight. <Turn off the lights around 10pm. It might bring luck. <Pluto comes in contact with nearby moons. This means fights <are in the air. Keep this in mind throughout the week. <Textbooks bring news to you this coming monday. Remember <what you learn from them. Your sign will benefit from it. <Water and your sign mix today. Drink water, touch water <take showers. Come in contact with water today! <Pluto gets closer to the sun today at 3pm. Your sign, like <pluto, gets hot today after 3am. Chew on ice. <Pleasure is around the corner for your sign. Moon has <strong effects on the ocean and your sex drive. Enjoy it! <Young children bring your sign bad luck. Especially young <Aries. Keep all your personal things locked up. <Personal problems will be settled this afternoon. Drink <lots of tea. Stay away from items made with wax! <Your health will get better this week. Make room for <some visiting relatives. Rewards at the office come soon. <There is a Libra man wanting to hurt you. Give him a gift <to bring him bad news. Avoid getting into trouble. <Trouble is your middle name today. Stay away from people <with large names and/or large body features. <Small hands bring you package with great news. Reward your <partner with sex this week. Stay out of public bathrooms. <Cookies will bring your sign money. Eat as many as you can <today after 9am. Don't go out after midnight! Bad news. <Your favorite Taurus comes by to bring you insight. Open <doors to your enemies. Red foods are good for you today! <Stop day dreaming, and start doing what you want. Your sign <gains power from Saturn tonight. Career advances soon! <Luck comes with black objects. Keep pressing keys to make <more money this week. Put in overtime, you'll enjoy it! <You must visit a old friend before he/she dies. Your sign <needs the love of that person. Don't drive too much. <Large bills will soon come. Pay off the lower ones now. <A person in your neighborhood will make sexual advances. <Stay on TOP. In the workplace, in the household, and most <of all in the bedroom. Your sign needs the authority. <Your sign is in a low state due to a comet passing Uranus. <Keep all your thoughts on paper. They'll make you happy! <Don't gamble tonight or this week. It might seem good but <any money you receive, will bring you bad luck. <Call in sick today (and maybe the week). Earth is in a <unstable state for your sign to cope. You rather sleep! <Follow a co-worker into a room to receive good news. Stay <away from your electrical devices they might shock you! <Gemini people bring you bad luck this week. When they come <in contact just ignore them to win. Play dice for luck! <There is a female wanting to talk to you for several weeks <but she is afraid of you. Confront women this week. <Fish can bring your sign good news. Eat some fish food. If <you can go fishing VERY soon. Watch out for emotion traps. <The time is running out for your luck. Keep all your money <close to your body. Pink objects can bring fun and joy! <Sagittarius women will be friendly to you today. Make some <deals with them. It can be good. Go to the beach tonight. <The Cancer person of your life is leaving on a trip. Make <sure you return that favor. You have to prove yourself. <You do not have to prove yourself today. Keep your secret <news to yourself. A visitor will be knocking tonight. <Love looks good for a Gemini Partner. Find one, but be <warned that he/she might be cruel. Your luck is low today. <Earth is near Venus' orbit, so stay away from people with <your sign. A Taurus man will be very demanding tonight. <Tonight can be that special night. Take long walks on soil. <White flowers can bring good news this coming Tuesday. <Take that special person out for dinner this week. They <pop that question you have been wanting to hear. <Whispers can bring excitement. Make plans for a vacation. <News may come this week in a large white envelope. <Don't play with other minds. Keep your mind focus this <coming weekend for that long awaited confrontation. <Going shopping can prove beneficial today. Make eye contact <to all those who you come in contact with this week. <Time is ticking. Pay attention to that Scorpio male. He <it 100 percent right. You will be getting fatigue soon. <Lose that extra weight that you wanted to do. Gambling can <prove fortunate. Things colored orange can bring luck. <Numbers and Figures can bring excessive luck this month. <Uranus will cross your path. You might feel sleepy often. <Grab that item you always wanted. The money for it will be <coming to you soon. See some old distant relatives. <As Jupiter enters your constellation, Libra people become <attracted to your physical body, but not your soul. <Green items can bring terrible times. So stay away from <those things. The long confusion will soon cease. <Waves enter your body. The moon will make your sign lust <for the opposite sex. To avoid them eat pasta and olives. <Pasta can bring you good news. Eat pasta this week. Also <you might be getting extra attention in the family. <As Venus and Earth shadow your constellation, your temper <might increase. It is important to avoid confrontations. <Super news comes in print. Don't ponder on what happened <in the past few days. Business deals look good! <As Neptune re-enters your constellation you might find <yourself eating too much. Your luck number is 7 today. <Open doors today. This will bring long lasting benefits, <at the workplace. Avoid sex and/or any excitement. <Love is in the air for you and a Cancer person. Play your <cards right. Buy him/her a book. Make that book special. <Computers bring you bad news tonight. Avoid them. Some <pressure might hit home tonight. Be prepared for problems. <Long lasting pain will be coming soon. To stop it take a <loved one to dinner this coming Thursday. Luck is bad. <Old loved ones will enter your mind tonight. Try to avoid <telling others of them. Peanuts will bring your sign luck. <Buy that special item for yourself! Your sign is in glory <due to the comet shower in your constellation. Enjoy it! <Plans for a long trip will come soon. Take the trip, but <don't go to far from home. Rain brings your sign luck! <Virgo people might be following you. Don't come in contact <with them. Especially don't have sex with them! <Bald men bring your sign bad news. As the Moon leaves your <constellation you might find more upsetting times ahead. <Pain is headed your way. Since Saturn is at her highest in <your constellation stay away from eating out. <The Sun is near your constellation! This is great news! <Go out and paint the town red! Sex can be the best ever! <Sun is low for your constellation. Try to stay indoors <this week. This Saturday you might find yourself happy! <Listen to some music tonight. Your sign needs peace. <The unknown news will be solved soon. Be prepared ! <Libra people will try to hunt you down. Just ignore them, <and they will do away. Place money on number 42 today! <News is coming fast. Your sign is almost near her peek! <Try to avoid long conversations. Buy large objects. <As the Sun revolves around your constellation, your sign <benefits. You will look your best! Go out and enjoy it. <Slow times enter. Try to keep up with your enviroment. <At the job you might have some problems. <Enjoy the day and night by going out. Take that special <someone and/or you might FIND that special someone! <Mercury leaves your constellation. Your energy will be at <its lowest. You will not have any sexual endurance. <Don't worry about that female. She will get whats coming to <her very soon. As for you, you will succeed at the office! <Pleasure is on the way. Keep doing what your doing! Don't <listen to advice from Sagittarius people. <The sun enters your constellation path. Leo people start <to fall for you. Stay clear of food with oil in it. <Your love energy is low. Invite over a Aquarius to help it <rise. Keep eating olives for good luck this weekend. <The person who has hold on you will let go this Wednesday. <Financial news will be coming your way. Play lotto! <Stop pleasing other people. Start pleasing yourself. You <need to buy yourself a stone. A Emerald would be best. <Stop worrying. Start a new relationship. Write a letter <to a old woman friend and/or relative. She'll bring luck! <Mars and Venus have hold on your constellation this week. <Watch out for Capricorn people stealing your money. <Bad news enters your best friends life. Help him/her out. <Take your partner out for a romantic evening. <Go to the theatre tonight to see a play. You will meet a <new friend. Enjoy those days alone, visitors are coming. <As Uranus and Neptune pass into your constellation your sex <drive will be high. Have sex more often to bring luck!