Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Text File
176 lines
% ValidOOR - 0.47b Config File
% Copyright (C)1989 - Cabell Clarke - All Rights Reserved
% beta Version
% This is the config file that is necessary for the correct operation of
% ValidOOR. Note that ALL parameters must be specified and all must be
% in the correct order.
% Any line of this file which begins with a PER-CENT (%) is a remark
% and may be removed without affecting the operation of this program. If
% you choose to remove these remarks you are on your own. ValidOOR
% will read this config file MUCH faster without the remarks.
% %%%%%%% WARNING %%%%%%%
% This Vd.Cfg file is NOT compatible with versions of Vd prior to 0.47b
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% ----------------
% - System Names - two lines of info to identify your system to the
% ---------------- user.
SysName1 The Boot Factory BBS - FidoNet 1:264/19
SysName2 SysOp: Cabell Clarke - (804)262-9289
% -----------------------
% - Communications Port - 0 1 2 3 are Valid Ports
% ----------------------- 0 = COM1
Port 0
% Port 1
% Port 2
% Port 3
% ----------------------------
% - Modem Dial Prefix -
% ----------------------------
DialPrefix atdt
% ---------------------------------------------
% - Area Codes which are a local call for you - Max: 4
% ---------------------------------------------
AreaCode 804
% AreaCode 202
% -----------------------
% - Long Distance Calls - Toggle Long Distance Calling on/off
% -----------------------
LongDistance LDCall
% LongDistance NoLDCall
% --------------------
% - Maximum Attempts - MAX attempts with NO CONNECT
% -------------------- max attempts with CONNECT = 1 (hardcoded)
MaxAttempts 2
% -----------------
% - Modem TimeOut - set this in modem register s7 also
% -----------------
ModemTimeOut 45
% ----------------
% - User TimeOut - Inactivity Timer. (seconds)
% ----------------
UserTimeOut 40
% ------------------------------------------
% - City STate that your BBS is located in -
% ------------------------------------------
YourCityST Richmond VA
% -------------------------------
% - Modem Initialization String - use X0 since VD does not
% ------------------------------- understand result codes
ModemInit AT S0=0 E0 X0 S7=45
% ----------------------
% - Modem Reset Enable -
% ----------------------
ModemReset ATZ
% ModemReset NoATZ
% ------------------------------
% - Path to ValidOOR Log File - Log of VD activity
% ------------------------------
LogPath d:\qbbs\validoor.log
% -----------------------------------
% - Name of ValidOOR Directory File -
% -----------------------------------
UserDir d:\qbbs\validoor.dir
% ----------------
% - Modem Suffix -
% ----------------
ModemSuffix &M4
% -----------------
% - WaitTime - Number of seconds to wait before dialing
% -----------------
WaitTime 10
% ----------------------------------
% - String to take Modem OffHook -
% ----------------------------------
OffHook ath1
% -----------------------------------
% - String to put modem back OnHook -
% -----------------------------------
OnHook ath0
% -----------------------------------
% - Goodbye File for Validated User -
% -----------------------------------
ValidGoodbye d:\qbbs\text\validgb.asc
% ---------------------------------------
% - Goodbye File for Non-Validated User -
% ---------------------------------------
InValidGoodBye d:\qbbs\text\invaldgb.asc
% ---------------------------------------------------
% - GoodBye File for LD User if no LD Calls allowed -
% ---------------------------------------------------
LDGoodbye d:\qbbs\text\ldgoodby.asc
% ----------------------------------------------------------
% - Enable "Hit Any Key" at the end of above files display -
% ----------------------------------------------------------
% Use this if you run a high-speed modem with the port locked (Yes)
HitAnyKey No
% HitAnyKey Yes
% %%%%%% EOF %%%%%%