Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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227 lines
HEADER: CUG000.00;
TITLE: SGREP Documentation;
DATE: 05/17/1987;
SGREP is a modification of the public domain
version of the Unix utility GREP, PC Sig #149 or CUG 152.
The following additions were made:
1) string substitution capability,
2) multiple pattern search,
3) distinction between upper and lower case,
4) scanning options to extend capability and speed-up processing.
All Grep options are retained except multiple files.
The command line for Sgrep is similar to that
for Grep but with the pattern replaced by the name of the
pattern file. For output to the screen the command line is
sgrep [-y] pattern_file input_file
and for output to disk,
sgrep [-y] pattern_file input_file > output_file
The y-option removes the distinction between upper and lower case
when matching patterns.
Also included is a peprocessor using Sgrep which translates
from a Basic - Fortran like language into C. Several programs are
included in this "BC" language, which may also contain C statements.
The pattern file, pf.bc, for this preprocessor language illustrates
the use of Sgrep.
This disk contains the following files:
sgrep.doc pattern matching and substitution utility
pf.bc BC to C translator
progs.bc programs in BC
progs.c programs translated into C by Sgrep
bc.h small header file
bc.bat batch file to translate and compile
Information on the construction of patterns is contained
in the help file which is displayed on typing "sgrep ?". The contents
of the help file is:
* * * *
Sgrep searches a file for a given pattern and substitutes a pattern.
If no substitution is required, the command sgrep -myn corresponds
to grep -n and will match only. Output is to the screen and may be
re-directed using ">" at the DOS level. Execute by
sgrep [flags] pattern-file input-file
Flags are single characters preceeded by '-':
-c Only a count of matching lines is printed.
-m Match patterns only. No substitutions.
-n Each line is preceeded by its line number.
-v Only print non-matching lines.
-y Upper and lower case match.
Each match pattern is on a separate line followed by its substitute
pattern, if any, also on a separate line.
The regular_expression defines the pattern to search for. Upper and
lower-case are regarded as different unless -y option is used.
x An ordinary character (not mentioned below) matches that character.
'\' The backslash quotes any character. "\$" matches a dollar-sign.
'$' Matches beginning or end of line.
'.' A period matches any character except "new-line".
':a' A colon matches a class of characters described by the following
':d' character. ":a" matches any alphabetic, ":d" matches digits,
':n' ":n" matches alphanumerics, ": " matches spaces, tabs, and
': ' other control characters except new-line.
'*' An expression followed by an asterisk matches zero or more
occurrances of that expression: "fo*" matches "f", "fo"
"foo", etc.
'+' An expression followed by a plus sign matches one or more
occurrances of that expression: "fo+" matches "fo", etc.
'-' An expression followed by a minus sign optionally matches
the expression.
'[]' A string enclosed in square brackets matches any character in
that string, but no others. If the first character in the
string is a circumflex, the expression matches any character
except "new-line" and the characters in the string. For
example, "[xyz]" matches "xx" and "zyx", while "[^xyz]"
matches "abc" but not "axb". A range of characters may be
specified by two characters separated by "-". Note that,
[a-z] matches alphabetics, while [z-a] never matches.
The concatenation of regular expressions is a regular expression.
The default scanning option is match all occurences of the pattern.
'@' at the beginning of the pattern, is equivalent to
"$: *", meaning match first non-whitespace pattern.
'@e' at the end of a pattern means that if a match is
found (and a substitution made), end all pattern search
on current line.
'@r' at the end of a pattern means that after a match
(and substitution), rescan line until no match occurs.
The only control character for substitute patterns is "?".
Any other character represents itself. Only the characters ? and
\ itself need to be quoted.
'?n' where n is a non-zero digit, indicates the position where
the nth wildcard string is to be placed.
A wildcard string is any string which is not completely fixed,
both as to the characters and number of characters in the string.
* * * *
The options n, c and v are carried over from Grep and can be
used only with the m (match only) option. The added y option applies
to both match only and substitution.
A substituiton file consists of 2N records, where N is the
number of substitutions. The file contains N pattern pairs, each
pair consisting of a match pattern followed by its substitute pattern.
A match only file contains N records.
The control characters for constructing match patterns, listed
above, are the same as those for Grep with a few changes and addtions:
1) The beginning of line symbol "^", which also represents the
complement or NCLASS operator, has been replaced by "$, now used
for both beginning and end of line. When "$" is the first character in
the pattern, it is a beginning of line, otherwise, it is an end of line.
2) The expressions ".", "[^x]" and ": " do not match newline (linefeed).
3) The scan options described above have been added. The @ and @e
options speed-up processing. The @r option allows certain repetitve
operations. For example, the standard array index designation
A[I,J,K] is changed to the C form A[I][J][K] by the pattern pair
This will handle arrays of any number of dimensions. The @r scan option
is also used to insert the & before each item in a list of input variables.
The file pf.bc is the pattern file for the BC to C translator
and illustrates the use of Sgrep. The file progs.bc contains programs
in the BC language with C translations in progs.c. Translation
from the BC language into C is line for line to simplify
error detection. While some of the substitutions could be accomplished
with #define macros placed in the bc.h file, the target language would
not then be standard C.
The BC language has the following properties:
1) Each program must begin with the line GLOBAL even if there
are no global declarations.
2) Generally, each condition or statement occupies a separate
line but multiple declaration and assignment statements are possible,
I=1; J=2; K=3
3) No semicolons are required at the end of lines.
4) Only lines whose first non-whitespace character is a capital
letter will be processed. Other lines are copied without change. This
allows C statements to be included anywhere provided the first character
in the line is not a capital letter.
5) Comments are usually on a separate line but a comment may
follow a statement terminated by a semicolon,
A = B + C; /* Comment* /
6) All conditions and loops must have a terminal statement,
IF ...
FOR I ...
The FOR statement is terminated with NEXT rather than END to increase
7) The & is inserted before variables in an input statement but
a string variable must be preceded by *,
INPUT #1, "%d %s", A, *S
8) The file unit #n becomes file pointer fpn when used in C functions.
9) The switch ... case construction, although fairly common, has
been omitted because IF ... ELSE IF ... ELSE ... ENDIF is more general
and because the constructions switch, structure, typedef, #include, etc.
can be included in C.
This program, SGREP, is a modification of the public domain
version of the Unix utility GREP, PC Sig #149 or CUG 152. The following
additions were made:
1) string substitution capability
2) multiple pattern search
3) distinction between upper and lower case
4) scanning options to extend capability and speed-up processing.
Also included is a peprocessor using Sgrep which translates
from a Basic - Fortran like language into C. Several programs are
included in this "BC" language, which may also contain C statements.
James J. McKeon
7) The & is inserted before variabl