Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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#define PGM_ID "SILOAM CI-C86 Ver. of 11/22/86 for PC-DOS 2.x+"
/* An Adaptive Template Matching Image Categorizer
* (An Experimental Computer Vision Program)
* This program implements a trainable pattern classifier as
* a committee network of threshold logic units. It learns to
* recognize patterns by being trained from a set of prototype
* patterns presented in a training file. The training file is
* organized as a set of visual images represented as an orthogonal
* array of picture elements, or pixels. Each pixel is a number
* representing the gray-scale value of that point in the image.
* Associated with each pattern is a number, or tag, that
* represents the category to which that pattern belongs.
* R. J. Brown
* Elijah Laboratories International
* 5225 N.W. 27th Court
* Margate, FL 33063
* (305) 979-1567
* Ownership: I hereby place this program in the public domain.
* System: Red River ATlas 10 MHz 80286 IBM-PC/AT clone
* Compiler: C86 Version 2.30H; Computer Innovations, Inc.
* "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was BLIND from his birth...
* And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam... He went his way
* therefore, and washed, and came SEEING."
* John 9:1-7
#include "stdio.h" /* needed for stream input/output */
#define FALSE 0 /* boolean constant for 'false' */
#define TRUE !FALSE /* boolean constant for 'true' */
#define NULL ((int *)0) /* the pointer to nowhere */
#define void /* function that returns no value */
#define forall(index,limit)\
for((index)=0;(index)<(limit);(index)++) /* looping word */
#define kase(id,stmt) \
case(id): { \
stmt; \
break; \
} /* shorthand form for case statement */
#define u(x) ((unsigned)(x)) /* shorthand for '(unsigned)' cast */
typedef unsigned char byte; /* an 8-bit byte of storage */
typedef unsigned int word; /* a 16-bit word of storage */
typedef word boolean; /* a decision variable,
* 'true' or 'false value only */
typedef ELTYPE element; /* an element is a real number */
typedef DOTYPE DOT; /* type of a dot product may be bigger! */
typedef element *vector; /* a vector is a set of elements */
typedef vector tlu; /* a tlu is a vector */
typedef struct { /* the collection of */
tlu *wtpt; /* a set of tlu weight points, */
DOT *dot; /* and dot product save cells */
} committee; /* is a committee */
typedef char *pointer; /* a general pointer to whatever... */
* G l o b a l V a r i a b l e D e f i n i t i o n s
FILE *pat, /* the input training pattern file */
*fopen(); /* the file opener */
byte patname[64], /* ascii filename of input file */
*index(); /* string search library function */
int ncom, /* number of committees in the network */
patwide, /* pattern width in pixels */
pathite, /* pattern height in pixels */
pats_so_far, /* how many patterns in file so far */
pats_missed, /* how many patterns were mis-recognized so far */
missed, /* # of patterns missed on this pass */
tlus_trained, /* how many tlu's have been adjusted so far */
npass, /* number of current pass thru pattern file */
log_level, /* level of detail for run-time logging */
dim, /* number of elements in a vector (dimension) */
ntlu, /* number of tlus per committee */
corr_incr, /* fixed increment correction constant */
*vote; /* pointer to vote count array */
boolean goofed, /* mis-recognition indicator for training loop */
start_over, /* select start over on error training strategy */
absolute, /* flag for absolute correction training method */
*decsn, /* pointer to network's decision array */
*class; /* pointer to class (category) array */
DOT patmag; /* pattern magnitude (used for training) */
element fraction, /* correction fraction for training */
maxel=0; /* maximum element in a weight point */
radius; /* average radius (distance from origin)
* of tlu weight point at initialization */
vector pattern; /* pointer to current input pattern */
committee *net; /* pointer to network as an array of committees */
* L i b r a r y R o u t i n e s
extern float atof(); /* ascii to float library conversion routine */
extern double sqrt(); /* square root library function */
extern pointer calloc();/* memory allocation library function */
extern long time(); /* benchmark timing routine */
* B A N N E R -- D i s p l a y P r o g r a m I. D.
void banner() { /* display program identification information */
printf("\n%s",PGM_ID); /* Program Identification is #define'd
* at top of source file */
printf("\nWritten by: R. J. Brown, Elijah Laboratories Intn'l");
printf("\nThis program is in the Public Domain.\n");
* H E L P D i s p l a y S c r e e n
void help() { /* some user friendly help for the uninitiated ! */
printf("Simple Image Learning On Adaptive Machinery\n");
printf("An Adaptive Template Matching Image Categorizer\n");
printf(" R. J. Brown, Elijah Laboratories International\n");
printf(" 5150 W. Copans Rd. Suite 1135, Margate FL 33063\n");
printf("usage: siloam <options> filename[.ext]\n\n");
printf("where: filename -- is the input pattern file.\n\n");
printf("options: -r##.# -- gives initialization radius.\n");
printf(" -t## -- gives number of TLUs per committee.\n");
printf(" -o -- start over on error,\n\n");
printf("choose one: -i## -- fixed increment correction, ## = incr.\n");
printf(" -a -- absolute correction.\n");
printf(" -f##.# -- fractional correction, ##.# is lambda.\n");
printf(" -l# -- logging level: 0=least; 3=most.\n");
* S I G N -- T h e S i g n O f A n E l e m e n t +/- 1
int sign(x) /* return the sign of a number as plus or minus one */
element x; /* argument is an element */
return( x<(element)0 ? -1 /* if number is negative, return -1 */
: 1 );/* else return +1 */
* I S I G N -- T h e S i g n O f A n I n t e g e r +/- 1
int isign(x) /* return the sign of a number as plus or minus one */
int x; /* argument is an integer */
return( x<0 ? -1 /* if number is negative, return -1 */
: 1 ); /* else return +1 */
* A B S -- A b s o l u t e V a l u e Of A n E l e m e n t
element eabs(x) /* the absolute value of an element */
element x; /* argument is an element */
return( x<0 ? -x /* if number is negative, make it positive */
: x ); /* else return it like it is */
* I A B S -- A b s o l u t e V a l u e O f A n I n t e g e r
int iabs(x) /* the absolute value of an integer */
int x; /* argument is an integer */
return( x<0 ? -x /* if number is negative, make it positive */
: x ); /* else return it like it is */
* A L P H A -- S t e p F u n c t i o n
int alpha(x) /* step function return zero or one */
int x; /* argument is an integer (in this program...) */
return( x>0 ? 1 /* if argument strictly positive, return one */
: 0 ); /* else return zero */
* M O V E -- S t r i n g M o v e F u n c t i o n
char *move(src,dst) /* move a string returning ptr to end of result */
char *src,*dst; /* pointers to source & destination strings */
while(0!=((*dst++)=(*src++))); /* copy bytes until end of source */
return(--dst); /* return ptr to end of destination */
* R A D I U S S T A T I S T I C S -- S u m m a r y I n f o
void radius_statistics() { /* show how weight points are distributed */
element r, /* current radius accumulator */
*pe; /* pointer to current element */
float mu=0, /* mean of radii */
sigma=0; /* standard deviation of radii */
committee *pc=net; /* pointer to current committee */
vector *pt; /* pointer to current tlu */
int c, /* committee loop counter */
t, /* tlu loop counter */
e, /* element loop counter */
n=ncom*ntlu; /* number of tlu's altogether */
forall(c,ncom) { /* for all committees... */
pt=pc++->wtpt; /* point to first tlu */
forall(t,ntlu) { /* for all tlu's... */
pe=*pt++; /* point to first element */
r=0.; /* initialize radius tally */
forall(e,dim) { /* for all elements... */
r+=(*pe)*(*pe); /* accumulate radius sqr'd */
pe++; /* point to next element */
mu+=sqrt((float)r); /* accumulate sum of radii */
sigma+=(float)r; /* accumulate variance variable */
mu/=(float)n; /* divide to get overall average radius */
sigma-=mu*mu*n; /* compute variance */
sigma=sqrt(sigma)/mu; /* compute standard deviation */
printf("\nmean of the radii: %f",mu); /* print statistical */
printf("\nstandard deviation: %f",sigma); /* summary of weight */
printf("\n"); /* point distribution */
* R E A D H E A D E R -- R e a d F i l e H e a d e r
void read_header() /* read training file header information */
rewind(pat); /* rewind pattern file */
pats_so_far=0; /* reset pattern sequence counter */
fscanf(pat, /* header comes from pattern file */
"hdr %d %d %d \n", /* header must start with 'hdr'
* then read header information
* composed of three numbers */
/* put this information into the following global variables */
&ncom, /* number of committees in network */
&patwide, /* pattern width in pixels */
&pathite); /* pattern height in pixels */
* R A N D O M -- R a n d o m N u m b e r G e n e r a t o r
element random() { /* generate a uniformly distributed
* random number from the open interval (0...1) */
return(rand()/16384.); /* return scaled random integer */
* I N I T V A L -- I n i t i a l E l e m e n t V a l u e
element init_val(radius) /* generate init'l value for element a tlu */
element radius; /* the avarage radius of a weight point */
return( /* return the */
(radius*sqrt(3.))/(sqrt((float)dim)) /* average weight value */
* (2.*random()-1) /* scaled randomly by a */
); /* uniform distribution */
* I N I T I A L I Z E -- A l l o c a t e S t o r a g e, E t c.
void initialize() { /* allocate & initialize network array storage */
committee *pc; /* pointer to current committee of network */
tlu *pt; /* pointer to current tlu of committee */
element *pe, /* pointer to current element of tlu */
x; /* current initialization weight value */
int c, /* committee index in network */
t, /* tlu index in committee */
e; /* element index in tlu */
printf("\ninitializing"); /* say what's taking so long ! */
dim=patwide*pathite+1; /* number of elements in a tlu */
pattern=(vector)calloc(u(dim), /* allocate the pattern */
u(sizeof(element))); /* vector */
class=(boolean *)calloc(u(ncom), /* allocate the class array */
u(sizeof(boolean))); /* which will contain the
* desired decision bits from the committees, as read from the
* training file. the actual verdict of the network will be
* compared with this to see if training is required. */
vote=(int *)calloc(u(ncom), /* allocate the votes array */
u(sizeof(int))); /* which will contain the
* count of votes for each
* committee. */
decsn=(boolean *)calloc(u(ncom), /* allocate the decision */
u(sizeof(boolean))); /* array which will contain
* the bits of the answer,
* one bit per committee. */
pc=net=(committee *)calloc(u(ncom), /* allocate the network */
u(sizeof(committee))); /* as an array of committees */
forall(c,ncom) { /* for all committees in the network... */
pc->wtpt=pt=(tlu *)calloc(u(ntlu), /* allocate a committee */
u(sizeof(tlu))); /* as an array of tlu's */
pc++->dot=(DOTYPE *)calloc(u(ntlu), /* together with dot */
u(sizeof(DOT))); /* product save cells */
forall(t,ntlu) { /* for all tlu's in the committee... */
pe=*pt++=(element *)calloc(u(dim), /* allocate a tlu */
u(sizeof(element))); /* as an array
* of elements */
forall(e,dim) { /* for each weight... */
if(radius==0) *pe++=(e!=0); /* grow connections? */
else { /* or adjust weights? */
x=eabs(*pe++=init_val( /* adjust, get initial */
(element)radius));/* weight value */
if(x>maxel) maxel=x; /* update max magnitude */
/* initialize each element to a random value such that the average
* radius, or distance from the origin, of each weight point is 'radius'.
* this will produce a distribution of weight points clustered near the
* surface of a hyper-sphere as the starting condition. If the radius is
* zero, then all weights will be set to zero except for the threshold
* setting weight. This is analogous to forcing the program to grow new
* interneural connections on an as-needed basis, supposedly just like
* the real brain does! */
printf("\n"); /* perform new-line when initialize is done */
* D O T P R O D -- F o r m A D o t P r o d u c t
DOT dotprod(x,y) /* form the scalar product of two vectors */
vector x,y; /* both arguments are vectors */
DOT z=0; /* result accumulator, initialized to zero */
int i; /* element index, used as loop counter */
forall(i,dim) /* for all elements in each vector... */
z+=(*x++)*(*y++); /* compute the dot product */
return(z); /* return it to the caller */
* R E A D C L A S S -- R e a d T h e C l a s s T a g
boolean read_class() { /* read the class tag number for the image */
int i, /* loop counter for index in class array */
tmp; /* temp cell to hold decimal category */
boolean *pcl=class; /* pointer to class (category) array */
if(fscanf(pat,"%d",&tmp)!=1) /* read the pattern category */
return(FALSE); /* return FALSE for end of file */
forall(i,ncom) { /* for each committee in network */
*pcl++=tmp&1; /* extract desired committee output */
tmp>>=1; /* advance to next committee */
*pcl=1; /* augment with a 1 to prevent singularity */
pats_so_far++; /* update pattern sequence counter */
return(TRUE); /* return TRUE if class read successfully */
* R E A D P A T T E R N -- R e a d N e x t P a t t e r n
boolean read_pattern() { /* read next pattern from training file */
int i,j; /* loop counters for row & column of image */
element *pe=pattern; /* pointer to element of pattern vector */
float tmp; /* temp cell for input conversion */
forall(i,patwide) /* for each row in the image, */
forall(j,pathite) /* for each pixel in that row, */
if( fscanf(pat,"%f",&tmp) /* input value of pixel */
!=1 ) return(FALSE); /* return FALSE if end-of-file */
else *pe++=(element)tmp; /* convert to type element */
return( read_class() ); /* read in its class as an array
* of correct decisions for each committee in the network. If the
* entire pattern is read, together with its class, return TRUE. */
* C O U N T V O T E S -- C o u n t T h e V o t e s
int count_votes(pc) /* count the votes for each tlu in a committee */
committee *pc; /* second parameter is a pointer to committee */
DOT *pd=pc->dot; /* dot product save cell pointer */
tlu *pt=pc->wtpt; /* tlu pointer */
int ti, /* tlu index (loop counter) */
count=0; /* the count of votes for the committee */
forall(ti,ntlu) /* forall tlus in committee */
count+=sign( /* count votes as + or - */
*pd++= /* & save dot product as */
dotprod(*pt++,pattern) /* weight point dotted with */
); /* pattern vector */
return(count); /* return tally */
* R E C O G N I Z E -- R e c o g n i z e A P a t t e r n
void recognize() { /* recognize a pattern by taking the decision
* of each committee to be a bit in the category
* number for the pattern
int i, /* loop counter */
*pv=vote; /* pointer to vote count array */
boolean *pdec=decsn;/* pointer to decision array.
* this holds the decision bits for each
* of the committees in the network.
committee *pc=net; /* pointer to current committee in network */
forall(i,ncom) /* for all committees in the network... */
*pdec++=alpha(*pv++=count_votes(pc++)); /* how many votes ? */
* $ G E T W E A K T L U -- S w a y W h i c h O n e ?
int get_weak_tlu(ci) /* choose tlu most vulnerable to be swayed */
int ci; /* argument is committee index */
int weak=0, /* index of weakest tlu so far */
sv=isign(vote[ci]), /* sign of committee's vote */
ti; /* tlu index */
DOT *pd=(&net[ci])->dot, /* pointer to dot product array */
conviction=INFINITY, /* lowest conviction so far */
d; /* saved dot product value */
forall(ti,ntlu) { /* for all of the tlu's in this committee... */
d=pd[ti]; /* get the saved dot product value */
if(sign(d)==sv) { /* if tlu voted incorrectly */
if(eabs(d)<conviction) { /* and if this tlu has the
* least conviction of any that have been examined so far, */
weak=ti; /* then remember it as the best one so
* far to adjust to sway the vote of this committee. */
conviction=eabs(d); /* update lowest conviction */
return(weak); /* return subscript of weakest tlu in committee */
* A D J U S T M E N T -- C o r r e c t i o n C o e f f i c i e n t
element adjustment(ci,ti) /* compute correction coefficient */
int ci, /* committee index */
ti; /* tlu index */
DOT d=(&net[ci])->dot[ti]; /* saved dot product */
if(corr_incr) /* fixed increment correction */
if(absolute) /* absolute correction */
if(fraction) /* fractional correction */
return(abort("No correction method specified."));
* A D J U S T -- C h a n g e T L U ' s W e i g h t s
void adjust(ci,ti) /* adjust the weights of a single tlu */
int ci, /* committee index */
ti; /* tlu index */
vector pw=(&net[ci])->wtpt[ti], /* pointer to a weight */
pp=pattern; /* pointer to a pixel */
element lambda=adjustment(ci,ti), /* the correction coefficient */
wt,awt; /* temps for max weight point */
int i; /* element index & loop counter */
tlus_trained++; /* count adjustment of tlu */
forall(i,dim) { /* for each coefficient */
wt=(*pw++)-=lambda*(*pp++); /* adjust weights */
awt=eabs(wt); /* save magnitude */
if(maxel<awt) { /* new maximum ??? */
maxel=awt; /* yes, update max elem */
if(log_level) { /* if any logging, */
printf("\nmaxel=%f", /* then display the */
(float)maxel); /* new maximum value */
printf("\n com=%d tlu=%d lambda=%g",
* S W A Y T L U S -- S w a y T L U s T o C h a n g e V o t e
void sway_tlus(ci) /* sway enough tlu's to change the vote */
int ci; /* parameter is committee index */
int i, /* loop counter */
lost_by=iabs(vote[ci]/2)+1, /* how many votes we lost by */
weak_tlu; /* weakest wrong tlu in committee */
DOT *pd=(&net[ci])->dot; /* pointer to dot product array */
forall(i,lost_by) { /* do this enough times to sway the vote... */
weak_tlu=get_weak_tlu(ci); /* find most vulnerable tlu */
adjust(ci,weak_tlu); /* adjust its weights to change
* its mind about the pattern */
pd[weak_tlu]=-sign(pd[weak_tlu]); /* flip sign of dot product
* so this tlu won't be considered again in this loop */
* S H O W B I T S -- D i s p l a y B i t s O n C R T
void show_bits(ps,pb) /* display a bit vector on the screen */
char *ps; /* the label for the bit vector */
boolean *pb; /* the pointer to the bit vector */
int i, /* loop counter */
k=1, /* power of two */
v=0; /* value accumulator */
forall(i,ncom) { /* for all committees */
if(*pb++) v+=k; /* convert binary to decimal */
k<<=1; /* advance to next bit */
printf(" %s %d",ps,v); /* display label and value */
* T R A I N -- T r a i n T h e N e t w o r k
train() { /* train the network to recognize the pattern */
int ci; /* committee index */
goofed=FALSE; /* give benefit of doubt -- assume didn't goof */
patmag=dotprod(pattern,pattern); /* find pattern magnitude */
forall(ci,ncom) /* for all the committees in the network... */
if(decsn[ci]!=class[ci]) { /* if the committee goofed up, */
goofed=TRUE; /* then say so, */
pats_missed++; /* count misrecognized pattern, */
sway_tlus(ci); /* and change enough tlu's
* so it won't goof up on this pattern next time ! */
if(goofed) { /* did we goof? */
missed++; /* yes, count the boo boo! */
if(log_level>=2) { /* if detail requested, */
printf("\n"); /* start a new line */
show_bits("siloam ",decsn); /* show machine's decision */
show_bits("really ",class); /* display what really is */
* T O T C O N S -- T o t a l N u m b e r O f C o n n e c t s
int totcons() { /* count total # of connections */
committee *n=net; /* neural network pointer */
tlu *c, /* committee pointer */
t; /* tlu pointer */
int i,j,k, /* loop indices */
no=0; /* totalizer accumulator */
forall(i,ncom) { c=n++->wtpt; /* for each committee... */
forall(j,ntlu) { t=*c++; /* for each tlu in the committee*/
forall(k,dim-1) /* for each element in the tlu */
if(*t++!=0) no++; /* count it if it is connected */
return(no); /* return the count */
* S I L O A M O u t s i d e C o n t r o l S t r u c t u r e
void siloam() { /* outside control structure for pattern recognizer */
long start,stop; /* timer value cells for benchmarking */
int cons,new,old=0;/* connection counters */
read_header(); /* read header information in the training file */
initialize(); /* allocate the committees of TLUs and
* initialize the weight points randomly */
radius_statistics();/* print starting radius statistics */
npass=0; /* initialize pass counter */
start=time(NULL); /* remember start time */
do { /* start over in training file,
* we made a mistake... */
missed=0; /* reset misrecognition counter */
read_header(); /* rewind training file
* and skip over header information... */
while(read_pattern()) { /* keep reading patterns until we've
* done the entire training file and recognized them all */
recognize(); /* attempt to recognize the pattern */
train(); /* adjust any weights necessary to get
* the correct recognition if we goofed */
if(goofed&&start_over) break; /* select training strategy */
} /* end of while loop to read next pattern */
npass++; /* increment pass counter */
if(log_level>=1) { /* give pass summary report */
cons=totcons(); /* count the connections */
new=cons-old; /* compute how many new ones */
old=cons; /* remember for next time */
printf("\npass # %d missed %d cons=%d new=%d",
npass, missed, cons, new);
} while(missed); /* end of do loop to train network */
stop=time(NULL); /* get stop time */
/***************** print end of run summary *************************/
printf("\ntraining completed in %ld seconds.\n",stop-start);
printf("\nnumber of committees: %d",ncom );
printf("\nnumber of tlus total: %d",ncom*ntlu );
printf("\nnumber of elements: %d",ncom*ntlu*dim );
printf("\nnumber of connections: %d",totcons() );
printf("\nnumber of passes thru file: %d",npass);
printf("\nnumber of patterns in file: %d",pats_so_far );
printf("\nnumber of mis-recognitions: %d",pats_missed );
printf("\nnumber of tlu adjustments: %d",tlus_trained);
printf("\nmaximum element magnitude: %f",(float)maxel);
radius_statistics(); /* print ending radius statistics */
* M A I N P r o g r a m S t a r t s H e r e
main(paramct,params) /********** main program entry point ************/
int paramct; /* number of parameters on command line */
char *params[]; /* array of pointers to strings for each param */
int i; /* array index variable */
banner(); /* print program name, version, & release date */
printf("\nInvoked By:"); /* show how the program */
for(i=1;i<=paramct;i++) printf(" %s",params[i]); /* was started up! */
printf("\nelement type is %s",eltype); /* show arithmetic used */
/********************** parse the command line **********************/
if(paramct==1) help(); /* if no params, then give help and quit ! */
patname[0]=0; /* else set pattern filename to null string */
for (i=1;i<paramct;i++) { /* for each parameter... */
if('-'==params[i][0]) /* is it an option ? */
switch(toupper(params[i][1])) { /* yes, which one ? */
kase('O',start_over=TRUE) /* strategy */
kase('L',log_level=atoi(¶ms[i][2])) /* log detail */
kase('T',ntlu=atoi(¶ms[i][2])) /* # of TLUs */
kase('R',radius=atof(¶ms[i][2])) /* init radius */
kase('I',corr_incr=atoi(¶ms[i][2])) /* fixed incr */
kase('A',absolute=TRUE) /* absolute */
kase('F',fraction=atof(¶ms[i][2])) /* fractional */
/******************* parse filename *****************************/
else if(index(¶ms[i][0],'.')) /* is '.' in it? */
move(¶ms[i][0],patname); /* yes, pattern file */
else move(".PAT", /* no, default extension is */
move(¶ms[i][0],patname)); /* '.pat' for pattern file */
/**************** check for command line errors *********************/
if(patname[0]==0) /* check for missing pattern file name */
"pattern filename not specified!");
if(ntlu==0) /* check for missing number of TLUs */
"number of TLUs per committee not specified!");
/************************* open pattern file ************************/
if(!(pat=fopen(patname,"r"))) /* if open fails, abort */
"can't open pattern file!");
/********* perform the training and recognition algorithm ***********/
/* srand(1); */ /* make random number generator repeatable --
* ...this may be removed, if desired, after the
* debug phase is complete! */
siloam(); /* call the outside control structure for the
* trainable pattern recognizer. */