Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Rich Brown
* Manager of Special Projects
* Dartmouth College
* Kiewit Computer Center
* Hanover, NH 03755
* 603/646-3648
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
***** file ALAPDEFS.A *****
; AALAPdefs.a contains all the special definitions which were not
; needed for .MPP .
; .BPP et al should now use unmodified versions of:
; {AIncludes}atalkequ.a
; lapdefs.a
; vardefs.a
; Created 31 Mar 87 reb
; AALAP constant defs
MaxLAPFrmLen EQU 586+13+3+2 ; DDP data + DDP hdr + LAP hdr + CRC
FrameChar EQU $A5 ; the Framing Char
qFrmChar EQU -91 ; for moveq instructions
Xoff EQU $13
Xon EQU $11
lapIM EQU $86 ; I aM
lapUR EQU $87 ; yoU aRe (sorry for these names...)
qlapIM EQU -122
qlapUR EQU -121
noansalrt EQU -15998
portncalrt EQU -15997
; Added constant return value for AALAP --
noAnswer EQU -95 ; same as excessCollsns in real AtalkEqu
AAOfst EQU 10000 ; 0 or 10000 (for final version)
;+ MPP (Status calls to NBP, DDP and AALAP)
GetStats EQU 400 ; (ABLAP) get the statistics
GetMyName EQU AAOfst+255 ; get the name of the ATalk driver
GetChar EQU AAOfst+254 ; get the most recently received char
GetLAPStatus EQU AAOfst+253 ; return AALAP status (AALAP)
;+ MPP (Control calls to NBP, DDP, and AALAP)
FirstAPP EQU AAOfst+237 ; First APP control call
DoWarnings EQU AAOfst+237 ; Put up the specified alerts
PutChar EQU AAOfst+238 ; Loop 'til TBMT, then output the char
ReInitAALAP EQU AAOfst+239 ; ReInitialize the AALAP variables & SCC
GetNNNN EQU AAOfst+240 ; Do NNNN using SysNetNum and sysLAPAddr
SetBaud EQU AAOfst+241 ; Set the baud rate of the SCC
LastAPP EQU AAOfst+241
; LAP variables
WDSPtr EQU MPPVarsEnd ; (4) WDS pointer saved here on writes
LAPWrtRtn EQU WDSptr+4 ; (4) return adrs of LAPWrite caller
SaveA45 EQU LAPWrtRtn+4 ; (8) A4 and A5 saved here on interrupt
SaveDskRtn EQU SaveA45+8 ; (4) DskRtnAdr saved here for
SavePS EQU SaveDskRtn+4 ; (4) in AALAP, the real PollProc's
SaveBIn EQU SavePS+4 ; (4) .BIN DCE saved here (for close)
SaveBOut EQU SaveBIn+4 ; (4) .BOUT DCE saved here (for close)
SaveVects EQU SaveBOut+4 ; (16) SCC interrupt vectors saved
SaveRegs EQU SaveVects+16 ; (20) Registers saved here across
; Variables for Lisa/Mac hardware differences
VAVBufA EQU SaveRegs+20 ; Pointer to VIA or a $FF word
STLth EQU 6 ; Size of STData area
VSTData EQU VAVBufA+4 ; Data string to SCC after send
VDisTxRTS EQU VSTData+1 ; This is the DisTxRTS byte
EndOrigStuff EQU VSTData+STLth ;
; AALAP varibles
tWDSptr EQU EndOrigStuff+2 ; (4) WDS ptr of frame being tx
qWDSptr EQU tWDSptr+4 ; (4) WDS of a queued DevMgr frame
LastXmit EQU qWDSptr+4 ; (4) Ticks at time of last char sent
LastRcv EQU LastXmit+4 ; (4) Ticks at time of last good
received frame
LAPStash EQU LastRcv+4 ; (4) Pointer to next received char's
LAPFetch EQU LAPStash+4 ; (4) Pointer to next char to xmit
LAPInBuf EQU LapFetch+4 ; (4) Pointer to the LAP input buffer
IMURwds EQU LAPInBUf+4 ; (8) WDS for IM or UR frames
BusyBuf EQU IMURwds+8 ; (16) Holds up to 16 chars rcvd while
BusyStash EQU BusyBuf+16 ; (4) pointer to next space in BusyBuf
BusyFetch EQU BusyStash+4 ; (4) pointer to next char to remove
IMURbuf EQU BusyFetch+4 ; (8) Holds IM or UR (starting at odd
InputCRC EQU IMURBuf+8 ; (2) CRC for the receiver
OutputCRC EQU InputCRC+2 ; (2) CRC for the transmit side
RcvdLen EQU OutputCRC+2 ; (2) Number of chars received
TxCount EQU RcvdLen+2 ; (2) Number of char's transmitted
CRCBuf EQU TxCount+2 ; (2) Two bytes for the CRC for
RandomSeed EQU CRCBuf+2 ; (2) Seed for random number generator
LastRxCh EQU RandomSeed+2 ; (2) Lsbyte is last rcvd char, else
AALAPbaud EQU LastRxCh+2 ; (2) Current baud rate of the LAP
SentChar EQU AALAPbaud+2 ; (1) True if TxNextCh sent a char
nFrmChr EQU SentChar+1 ; (1) True if we must send a FrameChar
nCRC EQU nFrmChr+1 ; (1) True if we must send the CRC
EscIn EQU nCRC+1 ; (1) Escaping flag for the receiver
EscOut EQU EscIn+1 ; (1) Transmitter is sending an escaped
RcvdXoff EQU EscOut+1 ; (1) We received Xoff
AALAPup EQU RcvdXoff+1 ; (1) true if we've handshook IM & UR
AALAPstuck EQU AALAPup+1 ; (1) true if we have NNNN conflict
InpState EQU AALAPstuck+1 ; (1) 0 = idle; <> 0 = in a frame
stillBusy EQU InpState+1 ; (1) true if still processing a read
nXon EQU stillBusy+1 ; (1) true if we sent Xoff
SendingIMUR EQU nXon+1 ; (1) true if sending AALAP control frame
_AssumeEq (InpState+1),stillBusy ; tst.w InpState(A4) in
_AssumeEq (InpState**$FFFFFFFE),InpState ; myPollProc fails otherwise
IF debug THEN ; doing statistics
XmitCount EQU SendingIMUR+1
XOFFTOcount EQU XmitCount+4
OVRcount EQU XOFFTOcount+4
RcvIntCount EQU OVRcount+4
XOFFcount EQU RcvIntCount+4
XONcount EQU XOFFcount+4
LongFrame EQU XONcount+4
ShortFrame EQU LongFrame+4
FrmCount EQU ShortFrame+4
NoHandCnt EQU FrmCount+4
CRCCount EQU NoHandCnt+4
LenErrCnt EQU CRCCount+4
BadDDP EQU LenErrCnt+4
PPCount EQU BadDDP+4
PPXoffCnt EQU PPCount+4
DeferXmit EQU PPXoffCnt+4
ABVarsEnd EQU DeferXmit+4
ABVarsEnd EQU SendingIMUR+1 ; end of AALAP variables
***** file MPP.A *****
... section removed ...
; SCCConfig - set up the SCC for AppleBus
SCCConfig LEA OpenTbl,A0 ; A0 -> (common) open table
CMP.B #$FF,MacTypeByte ; Mac or Lisa?
BNE.S @10 ; Branch if Mac - configure it
BSR ToSCC ; Configure SCC to major settings
LEA LOpenTbl,A0 ; A0 -> Lisa open table
@10 BRA ToSCC ; Configure SCC and return
... section removed ...
ToSCC MOVE.L SCCWr,A3 ; Point to SCC port B write registers
ADDQ #ACtl,A3 ; Add in port A offset
@10 MOVE (A0)+,D0 ; Get next register number / control
BEQ.S CloseRTS ; Zero is terminator
MOVE.B D0,(A3) ; Put out register number
ROR #8,D0 ; Pickup control word
MOVE.B D0,(A3) ; Set to SCC
BRA.S @10 ; And keep going
... section removed ...
; Initialization tables
; SCC Initialization table - common between Mac and Lisa
; Entry format: .BYTE control-value, control-reg-number
; Taken from the Zilog SCC Application note, 00-2957-02
OpenTbl DC.B ResetOurPort,9 ; ($40 or $80) Reset port
DC.B $44,4 ; x16 clock, 1 stop, no parity
DC.B $0,2 ; Interrupt vector = $00
DC.B $C0,3 ; Rx is 8 bits, disable Rx
DC.B $E2,5 ; Tx is 8 bits, Disable Tx; DTR, RTS
DC.B $0,6 ; No address
DC.B $0,7 ; No Flag character
DC.B $0,10 ; NRZ
DC.B $56,11 ; Tx & Rx clock from BRG
DC.B $2,14 ; BRG source = PCLK, BRG off
; enables
DC.B $3,14 ; BRG on
DC.B $C1,3 ; Rx on
DC.B $EA,5 ; Tx on
; Interrupt controls
DC.B MouseInts,15 ; enable DCD ints (for mouse)
DC.B $10,0 ; reset external ints
DC.B $10,0 ; reset external ints (twice)
DC.B $13,1 ; Tx, Rx, Ext int enable
DC.B MIE,9 ; Master Interrupt Enable
DC.W 0 ; *** End of table ***
IF RAM THEN ; Only need Lisa table if RAM-based
; SCC initialization table for Lisa
; Port A uses PCLK (@4.0 MHz TTL) to drive BRG; Port B uses 3.6864 MHz Xtal
IF PortA THEN ; configuration for Port A
LOpenTbl DC.B $00,14 ; turn off BRG
DC.B $6A,5 ; enable TX, RTS; DTR low
DC.B $56,11 ; TTL clock, tx and rx use BRG
DC.B $02,14 ; Use PCLK to feed BRG, BRG off
DC.B $03,14 ; BRG on
DC.W 0
ELSE ; configuration for PortB
LOpenTbl DC.B $00,14 ; turn off BRG
DC.B $6A,5 ; enable TX, RTS; DTR low
DC.B $D6,11 ; Crystal clock, tx and rx use BRG
DC.B $00,14 ; Use crystal to feed BRG, BRG off
DC.B $01,14 ; BRG on
DC.W 0
; Mac initialization data (first is the post-transmitting SCC string)
MacInitData DC.B 5,MDisTxRTS ; ($60) Turn off drivers
DC.B 14,ResetClks ; ($41) Reset missing clocks flag
DC.B 3,EnbRxSlv ; ($DD) Enable receiver
DC.W $2100 ; SR to enable SCC interrupts
DC.B AbortDelay,0 ; Delay to send out abort bits (3.2B)
; Lisa initialization data
LisaInitData DC.B 5,LDisTxRTS ; ($E2) Turn off drivers
DC.B 14,ResetClks ; ($41) Reset missing clocks flag
DC.B 3,EnbRxSlv ; ($DD) Enable receiver
DC.W $2500 ; SR to enable SCC interrupts
DC.B 34,0 ; Just delay this much on Lisa (3.2B)
***** file LAP.A *****
; LAP.TEXT - the LAP part of AALAP
; April-August, 1984
; Alan Oppenheimer and Larry Kenyon
; Rich Brown, Dartmouth College
; May 1987
; Version 1.2a6 Created qWDSptr to point at queued WDS 21 May 87 reb
; Version 1.2a5 Always check that TBMT is true before sending 19 May 87 reb
; Version 1.2a4 TintHnd, VBLHnd, RintHnd now call TxNextCh; only TintHnd
; clears interrupts (as it should be) 14 May 87 reb
; Version 1.2a3 Prefetching warning dialogs doesn't work; backed out 10 May 87 reb
; Version 1.2a2 tWDSptr now determines whether we're sending a frame;
; DoWarn now doesn't read the resource file 8 May 87 reb
; Version 1.2a1 Removed queueing from LAPWrite. LAPWrite no longer
; allocates memory, so it won't fail if called from
; interrupt handling. 19 Apr 87 reb
; Version 1.1b2 Changed noAnswer to -95 (so it can be handled like excessCollsns)
; LAPWrite returns noAnswer if AALAP not up; (30 Mar 87)
; GetNNNN returns noAnswer or PortNotCF;
; Changed LAPWrite to return ddpLenErr if too long
; Version 1.1b1 Fixed PollProc to be more agressive about sucking chars
; from the SCC; added -1 SendChar value (sends Break);
; fix Initcursor bug in Dowarn 16 & 30 Dec 86 reb
; Version 1.1a1 Output an Xoff if called by PollProc during an input message
; 3 Nov 86 reb
; Version 1.0b2 Changed to set up SCC properly for Lisa 15 Oct 86
; (still has intermittent hangups, tho -- not diagnosed)
; Version 1.0b1 Changed last_valid_frame timer to 30 seconds; always send
; UR, even after un-matchable IM address
; Version 1.0a3 Fixed Status return buffer bug; SetBaud now takes actual
; baud rate; added GetLAPStatus call; copy entire message
; Version 1.0A2 Added alerts for NoAnswer, PortNotCf (17 Jul 86 reb)
; Version 4.2 Int handlers now do IUS etc. more carefully (4 Jul 86)
; Version 4.1 Now escapes either parity Xon and Xoff (21 Apr 86)
; Version 4.0 First cut at AALAP (26 Oct-14 Dec 85)
... section removed ...
... section removed ...
; MReInit - Control call to reinit AALAP and the SCC
MReInit bsr.s AALAPWarm ; Warm start ourselves
BRA AbusExit ; and return
; AALAPCold -- cold start for AALAP; called only once
; Allocate the input buffer (This should be alloc above BufPtr, not sysheap)
move.l #maxLAPFrmLen,D0 ; get an AALAP input buffer
_newptr ,SYS ; from the system heap
bne.s WarmRTS ; exit if bad
move.l A0,LAPInBuf(a2) ; otherwise save its pointer
; Clear out LAP variables
clr.l WDSPtr(a2)
clr.l tWDSptr(A2)
clr.l LAPWrtRtn(A2)
clr.w SysNetNum(a2)
clr.b SysLAPAddr(a2)
clr.l SavePS(A2)
sf AALAPup(a2)
sf AALAPstuck(a2)
; Setup SCC for AALAP
BSR SCCConfig ; Configure the SCC for Async
move #9600,D0 ; and set up for 9600 baud
bsr Set_Baud ;
; Reset all the LAP variables which don't irrevocably change the
; state of the driver. This routine can be called any time, only
; killing the current message(s) in progress.
AALAPWarm move.l Ticks,D0
move.l D0,LastXmit(a2)
move.l D0,LastRcv(a2)
lea BusyBuf(a2),A0
move.l A0,BusyStash(a2)
move.l A0,BusyFetch(a2)
move.w #$FFFF,LastRxCh(a2)
clr.l tWDSptr(A2)
clr.l qWDSptr(A2)
clr.w TxCount(a2)
sf RcvdXoff(a2)
sf InpState(a2)
sf EscIn(a2)
sf SendingIMUR(A2)
sf stillBusy(a2)
sf nFrmChr(a2)
sf nCRC(a2)
sf nXon(A2)
WarmRTS rts
; Status - handle driver status request
_SUBR ; no one better call this...
Status MOVE.L MPPVars,A2 ; A2 -> our variables
MOVEQ #StatusErr,D0 ; Assume a status error
lea CSParam(A0),A1 ; point at the CSParam buffer
move.w CSCode(A0),D1 ; and get the CScode
CMP.W #GetStats,D1 ; Clear stats command?
BNE.S @1 ; check for "What's my Name?" if not
move.w CSParam(A0),A1 ; CSParam contains a pointer to buffer
MOVE #SCCLockout,SR ; exclude interrupts to keep stats
ADD #StatsStart,A2 ; point to stats we keep
MOVEQ #(StatsLgCnt-1),D0
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; zero for faster clearing
@0 MOVE.L (A2),(A1)+ ; return current value
MOVE.L D1,(A2)+ ; then zero count
DBRA D0,@0
bra.s AbusExit
@1 cmp.w #GetMyName,D1 ; is this a "what's my name" call?
bne.s @2 ; go if not
Move.l MPP+18,(A1)+ ; move Pascal string from front of driver
move.b MPP+22,(A1) ; to beginning the buffer (5 chars)
bra.s @4 ; and exit with good status
@2 cmp.w #GetChar,D1 ; is this a "get last char" call?
bne.s @3 ; go if not
move.w LastRxCh(a2),(A1) ; copy the character (word)
move.w #$FFFF,LastRxCh(a2) ; and flag the character
bra.s @4
@3 cmp.w #GetLAPStatus,D1 ; is this a "get LAP status" call?
bne.s AbusExit ; go if not
move.b AALAPup(A2),(A1)+ ; AALAPup?
move.b AALAPstuck(A2),(A1)+;AALAPstuck?
move.w AALAPbaud(A2),(A1) ; What's the baud rate?
@4 clr.l D0 ; return good status
AbusExit MOVE.L MPPDCE,A1 ; Make sure A1 has DCE address
AbusExA1 MOVE.L JIODone,-(SP) ; This is how we exit (Prime, Control,
SUBEND 'MYSTATUS' ; this marks the AbusExit
Prime BCLR #DrvrActive,DCtlFlags+1(A1) ; *** V2.0C Fix Mac ROM bug
RTS ; *** V2.0C Fix Mac ROM bug
; MGetNNNN -- Do the NNNN, using the current values of SysLAPAddr and
; SysNetNum. Return bad status if it didn't work.
; On entry: A2 -> BPP variables
; On exit: D0 = noErr (0) if we succeeded,
; PortNotCF (-98) or
; noAnswer (-95) if not
MGetNNNN bsr.s Get_NNNN ; Use them just as they are
bra.s AbusExit ; return from the control calls
tries EQU -2 ; counter for the tries
endtime EQU -6 ; end time
move.w Ticks+2,RandomSeed(a2) ; randomize things
move.b SysLAPAddr(a2),D0 ; Node number in D0
move SysNetNum(a2),D1 ; Net number in D1
sf AALAPup(a2) ; we're not up yet
sf AALAPstuck(a2) ; and we're not in trouble either
move #4,tries(a6) ; tries counter (4 tries)
@10 move.l Ticks,D2
add.l #30,D2 ; set endtime to the current time+30
move.l D2,endtime(a6) ; remember the ending time
moveq #qlapIM,D2 ; get the lap type
move.w SysNetNum(a2),D1 ; get the Net number
move.b SysLAPAddr(a2),D0 ; and the node number
bsr SendIMUR ; and send it
@20 clr D0 ; good status if things are OK
tst.b AALAPup(a2) ; did the magic work?
bne.s NNNNexit ; go if so
tst.b AALAPstuck(a2) ; is there an irreconcilable difference?
bne.s NNNNstuck
move.l endtime(a6),D2
cmp.l Ticks,D2 ; otherwise, check the timer
bpl.s @20 ; loop if not timed out
sub #1,tries(a6) ; decr the counter
bgt.s @10 ; loop if non-zero
moveq #noAnswer,D0 ; They don't want to talk
bra.s NNNNexit
NNNNstuck moveq #PortNotCF,D0 ; They talk but say bad things
NNNNexit tst.w D0 ; set CC
_Subend 'GETNNNN ' ; and return
; MPutChar -- Kill output and send the char pointed to in the control call
; Entry: A0 -> IOQelement
; Exit: Return status is 0000 if noErr,
; BadIO if timed out waiting for TBMT
SendBrk equ $12 ; Sends Break (w/RTS) when sent to WR5
MPutChar bsr.s Put_Char
bra AbusExit ; and exit
Put_Char _SUBR
move.w CSParam(a0),D0 ; get the character (in an integer)
bmi.s @10 ; if it's 0..255,
bsr SendChar ; output the character
bra.s @20 ; and quit
@10 lea BreakTbl,A0 ;
move.b #SendBrk,(A0) ; set the break bit in WR5
bsr ToScc ;
move.l #10,A0 ; wait 10 ticks
move #$EA,D0 ; Enable Tx, DTR, RTS
CMPI.B #$FF,MacTypeByte ; Mac or Lisa?
BNE.S @15 ; Branch if Mac (PortA & PortB are same)
move #$6A,D0 ; Lisa doesn't assert DTR
@15lea BreakTbl,A0
move.b D0,(A0) ; and turn the Break off
bsr ToSCC
clr D0
breaktbl dc.b 0,5 ; THIS WON'T MAKE ROMMABLE CODE
dc.w 0000
; MSetBaud -- send the (integer) value in the CSParamblk to SCC as its Baud
; Entry: A0 -> IOQelement
; Exit: noErr if aok
; -1 if requesting 19,200 baud on a Lisa, port A (cannot be done)
BaudConsts DC.B 2,14 ; turn off BRG (so it doesn't count for
a while)
lsBaudVal DC.B 0,12 ; LSByte of BRG
msBaudVal DC.B 0,13 ; MSByte of BRG
BaudSrc DC.B 0,14 ; turn it on again, with proper baud
DC.W 0000 ; end of constant string
BaudTable DC.W 1200,94,102 ; 1200 baud, Mac&LisaB , LisaA BRG
DC.W 2400,46,50 ; 2400 baud
DC.W 4800,22,24 ; 4800 baud
DC.W 9600,10,11 ; 9600 baud
DC.W 19200,4,-1 ; 19200 baud (but not for Lisa Port
BaudTblEnd DC.W -1 ; sentinel
MSetBaud move CSParam(a0),D0 ; get the (integer) baud rate
bsr.s Set_Baud
bra AbusExit
Set_Baud _SUBR ; D0 contains the actual desired baud
move.w D0,AALAPbaud(A2) ; save the current baud rate
lea BaudTable,A0 ; point at the table
@10 cmp.w (a0),D0 ; does it match?
beq.s @30 ; go if so
addq.l #6,A0
tst.w (A0) ; are we done?
bpl.s @10 ; loop if we didn't hit the sentinel
moveq #-1,D0 ;
bra.s @50 ; and bail out
@30 moveq #3,D1 ; set up for Mac port A/B (PCLK/BRG on)
CMPI.B #$FF,MacTypeByte ; Mac or Lisa?
BNE.S @40 ; Branch if Mac (PortA & PortB are
IF PortA THEN ; Lisa ports A/B differ; Macs don't
addq.l #2,A0 ; bump to Lisa PortA column
moveq #1,D1 ; Lisa portB works from Xtal, not PCLK
@40 move.w 2(a0),D0 ; get value BRG (-1 if 19,200 on Lisa)
bmi.s @50 ; exit if negative
; D0 now contains the value for the BRG
lea BaudConsts,a0 ; point at the constants
move.b d0,lsBaudVal-BaudConsts(a0) ; save the LSByte of the BRG
ror #8,d0
move.b d0,msBaudVal-BaudConsts(a0) ; and the MSByte of the BRG
move.b d1,BaudSrc-BaudConsts(a0) ; and the source for BRG
bsr toSCC ; and output it
clr d0
; MWriteLAP - write out a LAP packet
; Call:
; A0 -> IO queue element
; A1 -> WDS. First entry must start as follows:
; +-----------------+
; | Destination addr|
; +-----------------+
; | | [ for source addr ]
; +-----------------+
; | LAP type code |
; +-----------------+
; : :
; A2 -> local variables
; Return:
; D0 = error code
; NOTE: for MPP, first two data bytes must be length
MWriteLAP MOVE.L 2(A1),A0 ; A0 -> first WDS entry
MOVEQ #LAPProtErr,D0 ; Assume an error (2.3F)
TST.B LAPType(A0) ; Make sure protocol is a valid one
ble.s MWRLAPex ; Return error if not
MOVE.B LAPDstAdr(A0),D2 ; D2 = destination address
bsr.s LAPWrite ; Write out the packet
MWRLAPex bra AbusExit
; LAPWrite - send a packet out an Async port. Called both by MWriteLAP
; and DDPWrite.
; Call:
; A1 -> WDS (first entry must start as in MWriteLAP above)
; A2 -> local variables
; D2 = LAP destination address
; Return:
; D0 = noErr or the error code
; Uses D1-D3,A0,A1,A3
; Save the WDS passed in
; If AALAP isn't up, return noAnswer
; Next, check the length of the frame for <= 603 bytes; return error if bad
; If we're currently sending a frame:
; if it's an IM/UR, simply return (WDS will be sent when done)
; if it's not, then stop (somehow we got two frames to send from DevMgr)
; If interrupts are on
; Update PollProc pointer if it needs it
; Check that the AALAP is still working, sending IM/UR if necessary.
; Start sending the frame
; This code relies on the Device Manager for queuing. Here's how it works:
; General Rule #1: All operations initiated by the device manager
; ultimately return to the DevMgr through jIOdone.
; General Rule #2: All async operations which cannot complete immediately
; return thru a RTS. When the operation does complete, the (interrupt)
; routine can go thru jIOdone.
; Specific AppleTalk Rule #1: All callers of LAPWrite have bra AbusExit
; code right after the call to LAPWrite. This eventually jumps to jIOdone.
; Specific AppleTalk Rule #2: Since they've taken care of the details,
; LAPWrite only has to remember two things: If we finish, we can return
; to our original caller (by jumping thru LAPWrtRtn to go to the device
; manager); If we don't finish, we should return to the caller's caller
; (which called the device manager in the first place). Whew!
LAPWrite move.l (SP)+,LAPWrtRtn(A2) ; save the caller's adrs
move.l A1,WDSptr(A2) ; and the frame we're asked to send
move.w #noAnswer,D0
tst.b AALAPup(a2) ; is the AALAP up?
beq LAPWexit ; exit if bad
; Next compute the length of the WDS -- exit if it's bad
move.l A1,A0 ; get the WDS pointer
clr.l D2 ; D2 = number of data bytes in frame
clr.l D1 ; D1 = number of segments in WDS
cmp.w #2,(a0) ; is first segment too short?
ble.s LAPWexit ; go if it is
@20 tst.w (a0) ; is WDS length = 0?
beq.s @30 ; go if so
add.w (a0),d2 ; add in this length
addq #1,d1 ; incr the segment counter
addq.l #6,A0 ; bump the WDS pointer
bra.s @20
; D2 is the length of the message we've been asked to send
; D1 is the number of segments we've been presented with
; (A1 still has WDSptr)
@30 moveq #LAPProtErr,D0
tst.l d1 ; is D1 (number of segments) < 1?
ble.s LAPWexit ; go if so (error)
moveq #ddpLenErr,D0
cmp.w #603,D2 ; is the length > 603 (3 LAP + 600
bgt.s LAPWexit ; go if it's bad
; we can try to send WDS in A1 -- are we currently sending a frame?
tst.l tWDSptr(a2) ; are we presently sending a frame?
beq.s @40 ; go if not
tst.b SendingIMUR(A2) ; is it an IM or UR?
beq.s @35 ; go if not
tst.l qWDSptr(A2) ; is one already queued?
bne.s @35 ; go if so (stop)
move.l A1,qWDSptr(A2) ; save the (queued) WDS pointer
_statcount DeferXmit
@35 pea AALAP2in1 ; point at the string
DC.W $ABFF ; and trap 'em (in lieu of $A9FF)
; WDS in A1 is OK to send now: if interrupts enabled,
; update PollProc and check time since last good frame
@40 move SR,D0
and #$70,D0 ; is the interrupt mask <> 0?
bne.s SendWDSptr ; just send it
; Update our local PollProc pointer
move SR,-(A7) ; save the state
move #SCCLockout,SR ; turn off interrupts
lea myPollProc,A1 ; A1 -> our PollProc
move.l PollProc,D0 ; get the current PollProc address
cmp.l D0,A1 ; have we already updated it?
beq.s @50 ; go if we have
move.l D0,SavePS(A2) ; else update our saved copy
move.l A1,PollProc ; and point the real PollProc at us
@50 move (A7)+,SR ; and re-enable
; check for (Ticks - LastRcv) > 1800 - see if they're still there
move.l Ticks,D0 ; have we received a frame recently?
sub.l LastRcv(a2),D0
cmp.l #1800,D0 ; (ticks - LastRcv) > 1800 (30 sec)?
bmi.s SendWDSptr ; go if not (send it)
bsr Get_NNNN ; do the IM/UR stuff
beq.s SendWDSptr ; go if it worked
move.w D0,-(SP) ; otherwise, save the status
bsr DoWarn ; else, warn them
move.w (SP)+,D0 ; and return bad status
; Come here if we need to return immediately (status is in D0)
LAPWexit move.l LAPWrtRtn(A2),A0 ; this'll get 'em to IOdone
jmp (A0) ; sooner or later
AALAP2in1 dc.b 24
align 2
; SendFrame -- Starts off transmission of a frame
; A0 points to the WDS of the frame to send
; SendFrame sets all the pointers, etc. and then sends the FrameChar
; ($A5). The Transmit Interrupt Handler ships all the remaining bytes
; as they are needed.
SendWDSptr move.l WDSptr(A2),A0 ; get the WDS to send
SendFrame move.w (a0)+,D0 ; D0 = the length of the 1st segment
move.l (a0)+,a1 ; a1 -> the first byte of 1st segment
move.l a0,tWDSPtr(a2) ; and save the pointer to rest of WDS
subq #2,D0 ; Finagle the length and address
move D0,TxCount(a2) ; of the segment (AALAP doesn't
addq.l #2,A1 ; send dest and source node)
move.l a1,LAPFetch(a2) ;
st nCRC(a2) ; we'll need to send a CRC
st nFrmChr(a2) ; and a closing FrameChar
sf EscOut(a2) ; clear the Escape flag
clr OutputCRC(a2) ; and the CRC
moveq #qFrmChar,D0 ; load a FrameChar
bra.s SendSCC ; and kick off the frame
; LAPSend -- send the next byte in the LAP frame
; This routine checks to see if we're flow-controlled, if not, it
; gets the next char, accumulates the CRC, generates DLE's as
; required, and calls the routine to place the byte in the SCC.
; It works from LAPFetch(a2), and advances it (and decrements TxCount)
; as necessary.
; If we sent a char, then we set SentChar(A2) to true
LAPSend tst.b RcvdXoff(a2) ; are we flow controlled?
bne.s LAPSendRTS ; go if so
move TxCount(a2),D3 ; get the remaining length
ble.s LAPBadCount ; go if zero or negative
cmp.w #maxLAPFrmLen,D3 ; check its length
bgt.s LAPBadCount ; go if too big
move.l Ticks,LastXmit(a2) ; remember when we last sent a char
subq #1,D3 ; decr the count
move.l LAPFetch(a2),a0 ;
move.b (a0)+,D0 ; and fetch the character, bumping the ptr
tst.b EscOut(a2) ; are we escaping this char?
bne.s @15 ; go if yes -- it's already in CRC
lea OutputCRC(a2),a3 ; point at the output CRC Accumulator
bsr NextCRC ; accumulate the un-processed char
cmp.b #DLE,D0 ; test for DLE, Xon, Xoff, FrameChar
beq.s @10 ; go if it's a special one
cmp.b #FrameChar,D0
beq.s @10
move.b D0,D1
and.b #$7F,D1 ; is it a XON or XOFF (either parity)?
cmp.b #Xoff,D1
beq.s @10
cmp.b #Xon,D1
bne.s @20 ; go if it's just a normal character
@10 st EscOut(a2) ; remember that we're escaping
moveq #DLE,D0 ; data to send is a DLE
bra.s SendSCC ; (and don't update the pointer/len)
@15 eor #$40,D0 ; come here if we're escaping this char
@20 move.l a0,LAPFetch(a2) ; update the pointer
move D3,TxCount(a2) ; and the remaining length
sf EscOut(a2) ;
; ; D0 has the next char to send
; bra.s SendSCC ; and send the character
; SendSCC -- sends D0 to the SCC Write Data Register
; Assumes that SCC is ready (TBMT is true)
; Returns D0 = 0
; uses A1
SendSCC st SentChar(A2) ; remember we sent a char
move.l SCCWr,a1 ; point at the SCC Write Control
addq.l #ACtl,a1 ; add in the offset for Port A
move.b D0,SCCData(a1) ; output the character
moveq #0,D0 ; clear the return status
LAPSendRTS rts ; and return
LAPBadCount pea BadCntStr
DC.W $ABFF ; Trap 'em (not $A9FF)
BadCntStr DC.B 10
DC.B 'Bad length'
align 2
; SendChar -- Synchronously wait for TBMT and send another character
; Use Ticks to watch for 1/2 sec timeout, so we don't hang forever
; Entry: D0 = char to send
; Exit: D0 = 0000 if OK
; D0 = BadTBMT if we timed out (-3110)
; A0,A1,D2 changed
SendChar _SUBR
move Ticks,D2 ; fail-safe counter
add.l #30,D2 ; bump by 1/2 second
@10 bsr.s TestTBMT ; look to see if we can send it
bne.s @20 ; go if we can
cmp.l Ticks,D2 ; did we time out?
bpl.s @10 ; go if not
move #-3110,D0 ; BadTBMT return code
bra.s @40
@20 bsr.s SendSCC ; else send it
; Check state of TBMT - sets CCR to state of TBMT
; Uses A0
TestTBMT movem.l SCCRd,A0 ; point at the SCC
addq.l #Actl,A0
btst #TxEmptyBit,(a0) ; is the TBMT set?
rts ; return
; TIntHnd -- this code catches the Tx Buffer Empty interrupts from
; the SCC and tries to send another character. If it could not
; send a character, it clears the Tx Pending bit, so that the SCC
; will not interrupt again. Finally (in any case) it also resets
; the highest interrupt under service (IUS) in the SCC to clear
; the interrupt before returning.
; On entry, A0/A1 point to the SCC control read/write registers.
; Like a normal interrupt handler, it must preserve D4-D7 and A4-A7
TIntHnd move.l MPPVars,a2 ; point at the MPP Variables
_statcount XmitCount ;
sf SentChar(A2) ;
bsr.s TxNextCh ; try to send another char
tst.b SentChar(A2) ; did we?
bne.s TintIUS ; go if so
move.l SCCWr,A1 ; otherwise reset TxPend
addq.l #Actl,A1
move.b #$28,(A1)
TIntIUS bra DoIUS ; and reset the highest IUS
; TxNextCh -- try to send (in this order)
; the next character of the segment, or
; the next segment, or
; the CRC, or
; the trailing FrameChar.
; If a complete frame which was initiated by the device manager has
; been sent, we should jump thru IODone (asking the DevMgr for more
; to do). Otherwise, (it was an IM or UR) we look to see if there
; is a frame from the DevMgr queued (in WDSptr). If so, we start
; sending it, otherwise, we simply RTS.
TxNextCh move.l tWDSPtr(a2),D0 ; D0 -> WDS in progress
beq.s TxNextRTS ; if nil, just exit (no message)
tst.w TxCount(A2) ; is there more of the segment to send
bne LAPSend ; if so, send next character
@5 move.l D0,A0 ; otherwise, point at the WDS
tst (a0) ; check the next length
beq.s @10 ; go if it's zero (end of the frame)
move (a0)+,TxCount(a2) ; otherwise, update TxCount and
move.l (a0)+,LAPFetch(a2) ; and LAPFetch
move.l a0,tWDSptr(a2) ; and update the tWDSPtr
bra LAPSend ; and send it off
; Now send the CRC
@10 tst.b nCRC(a2) ; do we need to send a CRC?
beq.s @20 ; go if not
sf nCRC(a2) ; don't need one now
move outputCRC(a2),D0 ; get the two CRC bytes
ror.w #8,D0 ; swap them
lea CRCBuf(a2),a0 ; point at the CRC Tx Buffer
move D0,(a0) ; save the CRC bytes
move.l a0,LAPFetch(a2) ; and save the fetch pointer
move #2,TxCount(a2) ; save the length, too
bra LAPSend ; and send them off
; We've sent the CRC, now send the closing FrameChar
@20 tst.b nFrmChr(a2) ; do we need to send a FrameChar?
beq.s @30 ; go if not
sf nFrmChr(a2) ;
moveq #qFrmChar,D0 ; get $A5
bra SendSCC ; send it and exit
; We've sent a full frame, now clean up
@30 clr.w TxCount(a2) ; clear the TxCount
clr.l tWDSPtr(a2) ; clear the tWDSptr (no longer sending)
; Now decide whether to return, wakeup the Dev. Mgr, or start a queued frame
tst.b SendingIMUR(A2) ; were we sending an IM or UR?
beq.s NotIMUR ; go if not
sf SendingIMUR(A2) ; well, we're not anymore
move.l qWDSptr(A2),D0 ; is there a queued frame?
beq.s TxNextRTS ; go if not
move.l D0,A0
bra SendFrame ; otherwise, start sending it
TxNextRTS rts ; otherwise, return (RTS)
; We weren't sending IM/UR so we must have finished a msg from the
; device mgr. Therefore, we should return to the Device Manager.
NotIMUR clr.l qWDSptr(A2) ; clear out the WDS
moveq #0,D0 ; good return status
bra LAPWexit ; and go thru LAPWrtRtn to IOdone
; RandomWord - generate a random number
; Call:
; RandomSeed(A2) = seed
; Return:
; D0 = random number (CCR set to it)
RandomWord MOVE RandomSeed(A2),D0 ; D0 = current seed
MULU #773,D0 ; Times 773
ADDQ #1,D0 ; Plus 1
MOVE D0,-(SP) ; Save high byte on stack
LSL #8,D0 ; Put low byte into high byte
MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ; And high byte into low byte
MOVE D0,RandomSeed(A2) ; Set back in seed
; VBL handler - come here every VBLtimer ticks. Used to check for long
; output puases; if we stop for > 1 second, we expermientally send
; the next character.
; A0 -> VBL queue element
VBLHnd MOVE #VBLtimer,VBLCount(A0) ; Better re-init VBL count
MOVE.L MPPVars,A2 ; A2 -> local variables
; Have we sent an Xoff (did we set nXon)? If so, try to send an Xon
tst.b nXon(A2) ; do we need an Xon?
beq.s @20 ; go if not
bsr TestTBMT ; try to send it to the SCC
beq.s VBLHndRTS ; quit if we couldn't send it
moveq #Xon,D0
bsr SendSCC ; send an Xon
sf nXon(A2) ; and clear the flag
bra.s VBLHndRTS ; and quit
; Check for long pause during transmit
@20 tst.l tWDSptr(A2) ; do we have anything to send?
beq.s VBLHndRTS ; return if not
move.l Ticks,D0
sub.l LastXmit(a2),D0 ; if (ticks - LastXmit) > 60 then
cmp #60,D0 ; let's try to send another char
bmi.s VBLHndRTS
bsr TestTBMT ; is TBMT set (can we send another char?)
beq.s VBLHndRTS ; go if not
sf RcvdXoff(a2) ;
_statcount XOFFTOcount
MOVE #SCCLockout,SR ; exclude SCC interrupts (VIA priority < SCC)
bsr TxNextCh ; otherwise, do another character
VBLHndRTS rts ; this'll restore SR et al
; myPollProc -- AALAP PollProc addendum (predendum?):
; The AALAP needs a bit of a PollProc, since it will lose characters
; whenever the disk spins. Of course, all good Macintosh programmers
; know that the Printer Port (PortB) isn't polled by the disk driver
; since there's just not enough horsepower to go around.
; The PollProc is called by the disk driver to poll PortA. We
; execute a snippet of code before the real PollProc, and send an
; Xoff to the other end if we're receiving or processing a message
; while the disk is spinning. Then we transfer to the real PollProc.
; This routine preserves all regs except the SR. It does this by
; reserving a longword on the stack, and then stuffing the SavePS
; value in it. If it's zero, then there wasn't a PollProc, and we
; pop that value off the stack and return to the disk driver. If
; that value wasn't zero, then the real PollProc's address will be
; on the top of the stack, and we go there. The disk driver's return
; address will be left on the stack, allowing the PollProc to return
; normally.
; InpState and stillBusy must both be in the same word. The
; tst.w InpState(A2) below fails otherwise.
myPollProc subq #4,A7 ; save space for a return adrs
move.l A2,-(SP) ; and save A2
move.l MPPVars,A2 ; point at the MPP locals
tst.b nXon(A2) ; have we already sent an Xoff?
bne.s myPPexit ; go if so
tst.w InpState(A2) ; are we receiving or processing a message?
beq.s myPPexit ; go if not
movem.l A0/A1/D0,-(SP) ; save regs
@10 bsr StashSCCch ; grab a char from the SCC, save it
bne.s @10 ; loop 'til it's empty
statcount PPCount
bsr TestTBMT ; is it OK to send the Xoff?
beq.s @30 ; go if not
moveq #Xoff,D0
bsr SendSCC ; send Xoff
st nXon(A2) ; and remember we need Xon
statcount PPXoffCnt
@30 movem.l (SP)+,A0/A1/D0 ; restore the regs
myPPexit move.l SavePS(A2),4(SP) ; move address onto stack (sets CC)
movea.l (SP)+,A2 ; restore A2
bne.s @20 ; go if PollProc adrs <> 0 (use it)
addq.l #4,SP ; else pop the (nil) adrs
@20 rts ; and go there
; ExtIntHnd -- catch the External or Status Interrupts from the SCC
; Checks for mouse interrupt, passes control if it is one, else resets
; the external/status SCC interrupts.
ExtIntHnd btst #DCDbit,D1 ; did the DCD bit change (mouse moved)
beq.s @10 ; go if not
move.l MouseVector,A3 ; else, point at the mouse handler
jmp (A3) ; and go there
@10 move.b #$10,(a1) ; reset ext interrupts
move.b #$10,(a1) ; (twice)
move.b #ResetIUS,(a1) ; Reset Highest IUS in SCC (to WR0)
; RIntHnd - SCC receive interrupt handler
; Called: A0 -> SCC control read register
; A1 -> SCC control write register
; This code is structured differently from the ABLAP code, since
; the arrival rate of the chars is so much slower for AALAP. Normal
; ABLAP routines call ReadPacket and ReadRest to get pieces or the rest
; of the frame as they arrive in real time. With AALAP, the character
; arrival rate is so slow that we copy the entire frame into an
; interrupt-time buffer.
; When we receive a good frame, we then pass control to the appropriate
; protocol handler, which then makes calls on ReadPacket and ReadRest to
; dole out the characters as necessary.
; Like all Mac interrupt handlers, it must preserve D4-D7 and A4-A7.
; and return with a RTS instruction.
; Since the default DDP socket listener is quite slow (3-4 msec to process
; a newly received message) we set up a buffer to contain characters
; which arrive during the time the socket listener is in control. We
; set a flag (stillBusy) to indicate that we're still busy, and save the
; chars in BusyBuf.
RIntHnd move.l MPPVars,A2 ; A2 -> driver variables
_statcount RcvIntCount ; remember the number of Rcv
RIntHnd10 bsr NextChar ; handle next char (from BusyBuf or
beq RIntRTS ; quit if no data
and #$00FF,D0 ; use only eight bits
move.w D0,LastRxCh(a2) ; remember the char
; Check for flow control from other side
@15 move.b D0,D1 ; check for either parity Xon/Xoff
and.b #$7F,D1
cmp.b #Xoff,D1 ; is it a control-S?
bne.s @20 ; go if not
_statcount XOFFcount ; count it
st rcvdXoff(a2) ; and remember we received Xoff
bra.s RIntHnd10 ; loop for another char
@20 cmp.b #Xon,D1 ; or is it a control-Q?
bne.s @30 ; go if not
_statcount XONcount
sf rcvdXoff(a2)
bsr TestTBMT ; is the tx empty?
beq.s RIntHnd10 ; loop if not
bsr TxNextCh ; otherwise, start up Tx side again
bra.s RIntHnd10 ; loop for another char
; Watch out for framing characters
@30 cmp.b #FrameChar,D0 ; is it a framing character?
beq.s GotFrmCh ; go if so
tst.b InpState(a2) ; are we in a frame?
beq.s RintHnd10 ; loop for another char
; Maybe this is a data char -- check the frame length
cmp #MaxLAPFrmLen,rcvdlen(a2) ; is the frame too long?
bls.s @50 ; go if it's OK
_statcount LongFrame ; remember the long frame
sf InpState(a2) ; go idle
bra.s RIntHnd10 ; loop for another char
; We have a real char -- un-escape it
@50 cmp.b #DLE,D0 ; is it a DLE?
bne.s @90 ; go if not
st EscIn(a2) ; remember we've seen an escape
bra.s RIntHnd10
; This is a data char -- complete any escaping, accumulate the CRC
@90 tst.b EscIn(a2) ; should we escape it?
beq.s @100 ; go if not
eor #$40,D0 ; xor with $40
sf EscIn(a2) ; and clear the escape flag
; now we've got a good char
@100 lea inputCRC(a2),a3 ; point at the CRC accumulator
bsr NextCRC ; update the CRC accum using byte in
move.l LAPStash(a2),a0 ; point at the next free char in
move.b D0,(a0)+ ; save the char in the buffer, bump the
addq #1,rcvdlen(a2) ; increment the bytes-read counter
cmp #3,rcvdlen(a2) ; have we read in exactly three chars?
bne.s @110 ; go if not
move.l LAPInBuf(a2),a0 ; otherwise point at the LAPInBuf
@110 move.l a0,LAPStash(a2) ; and update the pointer
bra RIntHnd10 ; loop for another char
RIntRTS bra DoIUS ; reset Highest IUS and return
; We've discovered a FrameChar -- check if we're done or just starting
GotFrmCh tst.b InpState(a2) ; are we in a frame?
beq.s FrmStart ; go if not (we will be)
FrmEnd cmp #2,rcvdlen(a2) ; found closing char
bhi.s CheckCRC ; go if frame is long enough
_statcount ShortFrame ; else, flag that we got a short frame
; and fall into FrameStrt
; We're in a frame now!
FrmStart lea toRHA(a2),a3 ; a3 -> RHA (holds 1st 5 bytes)
move.b sysLAPAddr(a2),(a3)+ ; copy the node number
move.b sysABridge(a2),(a3)+ ; and the bridge address
move.l a3,LAPStash(a2) ; remember where next byte goes
st InpState(a2) ; change the InpState to in_msg
sf EscIn(a2) ; and we're not escaping data
clr InputCRC(a2) ; no CRC yet
clr rcvdlen(a2) ; no data, either
bra.s RIntRTS
; We received a complete frame -- check the CRC
sf InpState(a2) ; we're not in a frame now
tst InputCRC(a2) ; is the CRC zero?
beq.s LAPDemux ; go if it is OK
_statcount CRCCount ; save the statistic
bra.s RIntRTS ; and exit
; Come here on receipt of a good frame. We've cleared the InpState
; to indicate we're out of a frame.
LAPDemux _statcount FrmCount ; log another good frame
move.l Ticks,LastRcv(a2) ; remember this frame's arrival time
lea 2+toRHA(a2),a3 ; a3 -> LAP type byte
MOVE.B (A3)+,D0 ; Get the LAPtype, bump pointer
tst.b D0
BMI LAPIn ; If minus, it's a LAP packet
; Got a data packet - look for a protocol handler
tst.b AALAPup(a2) ; but first, is the AALAP up?
beq.s @60 ; go if it's not up
MOVEQ #(LAPTblSz-1),D2 ; D2 = index into active protocols list
@30 CMP.B Protocols(A2,D2),D0 ; Match?
DBEQ D2,@30 ; (If none, D2 is negative - 3.1F)
LSL.W #2,D2 ; Make D2 a longword index into Handlers
; Got a protocol handler -- Compute the desired length of the message in D1
move.b (a3)+,D1 ; Get MSByte of the length into D1
and #3,D1 ; mask for two lsbits
LSL #8,D1 ; Move to proper position
MOVE.B (a3)+,D1 ; D1 = total length
move rcvdlen(a2),D0 ; D0 = total chars received (DDP + LAP
+ CRC)
subq #3,D0 ; disregard LAP type and CRC
cmp D1,D0 ; are they equal?
beq.s @40 ; go if so
_statcount LenErrCnt ; save the stats
bra RIntRTS ; and exit
@40 SUBQ #2,D1 ; Subtract 2 for length bytes
move d1,RcvdLen(a2) ; and remember the number of unread chars
; At this point, Handlers(A2,D2) points to the address of the protocol
; handler for this packet's protocol (or D2 is negative if there is
; none -- 3.1F). JMP to it with the following:
; A0,A1 = SCC read/write addressses
; A2 = ptr to driver locals
; A3 = ptr into the RHA (first 5 bytes loaded)
; A4 will be the address of our read packet routine
; A5 will be saved for handler's usage (until packet's all in or error)
; D1 = length of packet still left to read (from header)
; The protocol handler must obey the following conventions:
; 1) It must preserve, across the call, A0-A2, A4 and D1
; 2) A6 and D4-D7 must be saved and restored if used.
; 3) It must JSR to the routine at (A4) or 2(A4) with registers as defined
; there, for the purpose of reading more of the packet and eventually
; resetting the SCC for the next interrupt.
TST D2 ; Is there a protocol handler? (3.1F)
BMI.S @60 ; Branch if not
bsr DoIUS ; reset Highest IUS
MOVEM.L A4/A5,SaveA45(A2) ; Save A4 and A5 (may be free time now)
move.l LAPInBuf(a2),a4 ; point at the next char of the msg
move.l A4,LAPStash(a2) ; (we can snatch A4 for a few instrs)
MOVE.L Handlers(A2,D2),A5 ; A5 -> protocol handler
LEA ReadPacket,A4 ; A4 -> ReadPacket
st stillBusy(a2) ; remember we're processing a frame
move.w VSCCEnable(A2),SR ; re-enable so we can catch more chars (!)
JSR (A5) ; Call the protocol handler
move.l MPPVars,A2 ; point at our variables
cmpa.l SaveA45(A2),A4 ; paranoia land -- make sure they've left
bne.s @45 ; things as they should be
cmpa.l (SaveA45+4)(A2),A5
beq.s @50
@45 pea BadA4A5
DC.W $ABFF ; print the text (in lieu of $A9FF)
@50 sf stillBusy(A2) ; and now we're not in a frame
rts ; exit the interrupt handler
; No handler, just log the error
@60 _StatCount NoHandCnt ; Count packets without a handler
bra RIntRTS ; and exit
BadA4A5 DC.B 17 ; debugging only
DC.B 'AALAP - Bad A4/A5'
align 2
; NextChar -- Handle the next char
; This routine does two things: If we're awaiting a full message, then
; it gets the next character. That char may have arrived from the SCC,
; or it may be a char left in the BusyBuf. (Chars in the BusyBuf take
; precedence.)
; If we're still processing the previous message (stillBusy set true),
; then all characters which arrive will be placed in BusyBuf, and the
; associated pointers updated. (Note: myPollProc also inserts data
; into the BusyBuf, but it doesn't set stillBusy.)
; Uses A0,A1,D0
; Assumes A2 -> MPPVars
; Returns Z if no character
; NZ if char present (char is in 8 lsbits of D0)
NextChar _SUBR
tst.b stillBusy(A2) ; are we still processing the prev.
bne.s @30 ; go if we are
bsr.s GetBusyChar ; else, look for a char from BusyBuf
bne.s @50 ; quit if we got one
bsr.s GetSCCchar ; else check the SCC
bra.s @50 ; and quit
@30 bsr.s StashSCCch ; stash a char from SCC into BusyBuf
bne.s @30 ; go back and look for more
_assumeEq BusyStash,BusyBuf+16 ; otherwise cmpa.l A0,A1 (above)
GetBusyChar _SUBR ; get a char from the BusyBuf
move.l BusyFetch(A2),D0 ; get the fetch pointer
cmp.l BusyStash(A2),D0 ; is it the same as the stash pointer
bne.s @10 ; go if not (more chars to do)
lea BusyBuf(a2),a0 ; point at the busy buffer
move.l a0,BusyStash(A2) ; and save it in the BusyStash
move.l a0,BusyFetch(A2) ; and BusyFetch
moveq #0,D0 ; clear the CC
bra.s @20
@10 move.l D0,A0 ; there's still more to take
move.b (A0)+,D0 ; get the byte
move.l A0,BusyFetch(A2) ; update the pointer
or.w #$100,D0 ; make CC <> Z (must preserve 8
; GetSCCchar and StashSCCch both are called by RintHnd and myPollProc
; BOTH ROUTINES MAY ONLY USE A0, A1, AND D0!!!!! (A2 will -> MPPVars)
; GetSCCchar looks at RCA on the proper channel, and returns the char
; in D0 if there was one (with CC set <> Z); else it returns CC = Z.
GetSCCchar movem.l SCCRd,A0/A1 ; forces A0/A1 to point at SCC
addq.l #Actl,A0
addq.l #Actl,A1
btst #RCAbit,(A0) ; is there a char?
beq.s @20 ; go if not
move.b #1,(a1) ; point at the error bits from RR1
move.b (a0),D0 ; get them (Overrun,Framing) in D0
and #$70,D0 ; any error bits?
beq.s @10 ; go if not
move.b #ResetErr,(a1) ; else send Error Reset to WR0
move.b #1,(a1) ; point at WR1
move.b #$13,(a1) ; and set up for int on all rx chars
_statcount OVRcount ; count 'em
@10 move.b SCCData(a0),D0 ; and get the data (EVEN IF ERROR!)
or.w #$100,D0 ; set the SR (to NZ -- there's a char)
@20 rts
; StashSCCch -- take a char from SCC, save in BusyBuf if there's space
; Return Z if no char or no space; NZ otherwise
StashSCCch bsr.s GetSCCchar ; look for a char in the SCC
beq.s @50 ; go if none
lea BusyStash(a2),A1 ; point at the BusyStash pointer
move.l (a1),A0 ; and get it
cmpa.l A0,A1 ; will this be too many chars?
beq.s @50 ; yes, simply exit (and ignore the char)
move.b D0,(a0)+ ; save the char, and bump the pointer
move.l A0,BusyStash(A2) ; and update the pointer
or.w #$100,D0 ; set the CC <> Z ('cause we took one )
@50 rts ; and return
; DoIUS -- reset Highest IUS
move.l SCCWr,A1 ; point at the SCC write regs
addq.l #Actl,A1
move.b #ResetIUS,(a1) ; Reset Highest IUS in SCC (to WR0)
; LAPIn - it's a LAP control packet.
; D0 = LAP type
; A3 -> remainder of the frame
; Note: for IM/UR frames, the net number (2 bytes) is at (a3),
; but the node number (1 byte) is the first byte in LAPInBuf
; Check for IM
LAPIn move (a3),D1 ; D1 = Net number (a3 sb even)
move.l LAPInBuf(a2),A0 ; point at first char in input buf
move.b (a0),D2 ; D2 = node number
cmp.b #lapIM,D0 ; is it an IM?
bne.s @60 ; go if not
move D2,D0 ; D0 = node number
sf RcvdXoff(A2) ; so we can start sending
bsr.s CheckIM ; figure out the net and node to send
bsr.s SendIMUR ; send 'em
bra.s @80
; Check for UR
@60 cmp.b #lapUR,D0 ; is it a UR?
bne.s @80 ; go if not
move D2,D0 ; D0 = Node number (D1 = Net number)
bsr.s CheckUR ; check these values, return <> 0 if OK
sne AALAPup(a2) ; if non-zero, then we're up
@80 rts ; and return
_AssumeEq lapENQ,$81 ; (1)
_AssumeEq lapRTS,lapENQ+3 ; (2)
_AssumeEq lapCTS,lapRTS+1 ; (3)
; CheckIM -- check the received IM frame, compute UR response
; Entry: D0 = their node number
; D1 = their network number
; Exit: D0,D1 = node, net number for the UR
; D2 = qlapUR
; Changes A0,A1,A3, D0-D3
CheckIM move.l #0,A0 ; return nil sometimes
move.w SysNetNum(a2),D2 ; D2 = our Net number
beq.s @10 ; go if so -- check the node numbers
move D2,D1 ; else, use our net number
@10 move.b SysLAPAddr(a2),D3 ; D3 = our node number
@15 tst.b D0 ; while (theirnode <> 0)
beq.s @18 ; & (theirnode <> mynode)
cmp.b D3,D0 ; have we both chosen the same value?
bne.s @20 ; go if not -- return their value
@18 bsr RandomWord ; choose a random value
and #$7F,D0 ; mask to 7 bits
bra.s @15 ; loop to insure they're different
@20 move.b D0,sysABridge(a2) ; remember their node number
moveq #qlapUR,D2 ; D2 = LAP type
; CheckUR -- check the received UR frame
; Entry: D0 = node number
; D1 = network number
; Exit: D0 = 0 if net/node didn't match
; <> 0 if they matched right off
cmp SysNetNum(a2),D1 ; Network numbers match?
bne.s @10 ; go if not
cmp.b SysLAPAddr(a2),D0 ; Node number match?
bne.s @10 ; go if not
moveq #-1,D0 ; make D0 non-zero (it's OK)
bra.s CkURRTS ; and exit
@10 tst SysNetNum(a2) ; is our network number 0000?
bne.s @50 ; go if not (we cannot resolve this)
move D1,SysNetNum(a2) ; save their Net/Node suggestions
move.b D0,SysLAPAddr(a2)
bra.s @60
@50 st AALAPstuck(a2) ; we're really bad off -- NNNN conflict
@60 clr D0 ; we didn't match
; SendIMUR - This routine fills and sends an IM or UR frame. This is
; a bit dicey, since a UR may be required as a result of receiving
; an IM. Since it's difficult to abort a frame already in progress,
; we finesse the problem by not sending the IM/UR frame. Here's why
; it works:
; A UR response is only necessary in two cases:
; a) we're trying to bring the link up, and the other guy said "IM";
; b) he hasn't heard from us, and he wants to make sure we're here.
; For a), we shouldn't be talking, but he'll ask again anyway;
; for b), the IM is trying to force us to send a good frame.
; If the frame in transit makes it, OK. If not, he'll
; still ask again.
; Entry: A0 -> master pointer of this hdlblk
; A2 -> MPPVars
; D0 = node number
; D1 = Net number
; D2 = LAP type
; Exit: A0,A1,A3,D0-D3 changed
tst.l tWDSptr(A2) ; are we sending?
bne.s SndIMUR1 ; yes, just return
lea IMURbuf+1(A2),A1 ; A1 points at IMURbuf (odd adrs)
move.b D2,2(a1) ; save the LAPtype (IM or UR)
move.w D1,3(a1) ; and the Net number
move.b D0,5(a1) ; and the Node number
lea IMURwds(A2),A0 ; A0 points at the WDS
move.w #6,(A0) ; save the length
move.l A1,2(A0) ; and the pointer to the data
clr.w 6(A0) ;
st SendingIMUR(A2) ; remember this!
bsr SendFrame ; and send it
; ReadPacket - read in the specified number of bytes into the specified
; buffer. It is an error to request more bytes than have been received.
; ReadRest - read in the rest of the packet, putting the specified number
; of bytes into the specified buffer. Error if packet longer than buffer.
; Call:
; A0,A1,A2 = SCC read and write addresses and local variables
; A3 -> buffer to read into
; A4 -> start of ReadPacket
; D3 = byte count to read (word)
; Return:
; D0 changed
; D1 number of chars still unread (ReadPacket); modified (ReadRest)
; D2 saved
; D3 = 0 if exact number of bytes requested were read
; > 0 indicates number of bytes requested but not read
; (packet smaller than requested maximum)
; < 0 indicates number of extra bytes read but not returned
; (packet larger than requested maximum)
; A0,A1 preserved by ReadPacket, modified by ReadRest
; A3 -> one past where last character went
; A4,A5 saved (until packet's all in or error)
; NOTE: CRC bytes not included in counts
ReadPacket BRA.S DoRP ; Need this for two entry points
ReadRest movem.l a0/a1/D2,-(sp) ; save some regs
move RcvdLen(a2),D1 ; get the number of remaining chars in D1
move D1,D0 ; we expect to copy D1 bytes
move #0,-(sp) ; and expect good return status
sub D1,D3 ; compute (D3 - D1)
bpl.s @1 ; go if we should copy D1 bytes (it fits)
add D3,D0 ; otherwise, copy D3 bytes (d1 + (d3-d1))
move #-1,(sp) ; and set error return status
@1 movem.l SaveA45(a2),a4/a5 ; restore A4 and A5
bra.s DoCopy ; and go to the common code
DoRP movem.l a0/a1/D2,-(sp) ; push some regs
move RcvdLen(a2),D1 ; get the number of remaining chars in D1
move D1,D0 ; assume we'll copy them all
move #-1,-(sp) ; and that there's an error
sub D3,D1 ; update D1 (remaining bytes in buf)
bmi.s DoCopy ; go if it's negative (error)
move D3,D0 ; we'll read what they asked for (D3)
clr (sp) ; and remember that it's exactly right
clr D3 ;
DoCopy move.l LAPStash(A2),a0 ; point at the source data
ext.l D0 ; belt and suspenders (D0 = actual length)
add.l D0,LAPStash(A2) ; and update the LAPStash value
sub D0,RcvdLen(a2) ; and the num chars remaining
move.l A3,A1 ; point at the dest buffer
lea 0(A3,D0),A3 ; update the return pointer
_BlockMove ; Do It
move RcvdLen(a2),D1 ; return number of unread chars
move (sp)+,d0 ; get the return status back
movem.l (sp)+,a0/a1/D2 ; get the other registers
tst D0 ; set the CCR
; NextCRC -- compute a CRC on the word pointed at by A3 and the char in D0
; This routine computes a CRC-16 on a stream of bytes. It uses a
; table lookup scheme to implement a x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1 polynomial.
; The interested reader is referred to McNamara's Technical Aspects
; of Data Communications, second edition, pps 110-122 for an obliquely
; related discussion.
; This routine takes the storage short cut of looking up two four-bit
; values in a 16-entry table instead of one eight-bit value in a 256
; word table. This saves a considerable amount of space (32 bytes vs.
; 512 bytes for the table).
; One pass thru this routine (one character) is about 262 cycles, or
; 33.45 usec on a Mac. This is a data rate of ~29,900 char/sec,
; or plenty fast to keep up with a 9600 baud link.
; Entry: A3 -> CRC accumulator
; D0 LSbyte is the data char (already masked to 8 bits)
; Exit: D1,D2 changed
; Other regs unchanged
NextCRC _SUBR 0 ; for macsbug
move (a3),D2 ; D2 is the temp accumulator
move D0,D1 ; make a copy of the input character
; first work on the least significant nibble
eor D2,D1 ; xor the accumulator with the data char
and #$0F,D1 ; to get an index into the CRCTable
add D1,D1 ; to make a word index
lsr #4,D2 ; shift the CRC right four bits
move CRCTable(D1),D1
eor D1,D2 ; and mask it with the approp. table entry
move D0,D1
lsr #4,D1 ; shift the data char right four bits
; and do it again for the high nibble
eor D2,D1 ; xor the accumulator with the data char
and #$0F,D1 ; to get an index into the CRCTable
add D1,D1 ; to make a word index
lsr #4,D2 ; shift the CRC right four bits
move CRCTable(D1),D1 ; and mask it with the approp. table entry
eor D1,D2
move D2,(a3) ; remember this CRC for next time
CRCTable DC.W $0000,$CC01,$D801,$1400
DC.W $F001,$3C00,$2800,$E401
DC.W $A001,$6C00,$7800,$B401
DC.W $5000,$9C01,$8801,$4400
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * ****
; MDoWarn -- Control call to put up a warning
; Entry: A0 -> IOQelement
MDoWarn move CSParam(a0),D0 ; get the error code into D0
bsr.s DoWarn ; warn 'em and return status in D0
bra AbusExit ; and exit
; Put up alerts
; DoWarn -- Warn the user... Give a beep, and display a dialog;
; wait for their choice, then try the NNNN one more time.
; If they choose "Use new address" from Mismatch dialog,
; set SysLAPaddr and SysNetNum to zero before exiting.
; Entry: D0 = PortNotCf
; noAnswer
; Exit: D0 = -4001 (user clicked OK/Try again)
; -4002 (user clicked Use New)
; -193 (ResFNotFound)
resfile EQU -2 ; res file number
dlgwindow EQU -6 ; dialog window handle
warning EQU -8 ; error number/return status
MyCurMap EQU -10 ; save the current res file
DoWarn _SUBR 10 ; Warn the user about troubles
move.w D0,warning(A6) ; remember the warning
move.w CurMap,MyCurMap(A6) ; and the current res file
InitCursor ; make it an arrow again
; Open our resource file.
subq.l #2,sp ; make space for result
pea fileName ; point to file name
move.w (SP)+,resfile(A6) ; save the resfile number
cmp.w #-1,resfile(a6) ; check for failure
bne.s @3 ; branch if ok
move.w #60,-(A7) ; else beep (long)
move.w #ResFNotFound,D0 ; return bad status
bra.s @20 ; and quit
; beep at 'em
move.w #6,-(A7) ; 1/10 second beep
; choose a dialog to display
move.w #PortNCalrt,D0
cmp.w #PortNotCf,warning(a6) ; which warning?
beq.s @5
move.w #Noansalrt,D0 ; noAnswer dialog
; now display the dialog
subq.l #4,sp ; space for result of _GetNewDialog
move.w D0,-(sp) ; dialog resource ID
clr.l -(sp) ; dialog record in heap
move.l #-1,-(sp) ; in front of other windows
move.l (SP)+,dlgwindow(A6) ; save the dialog's handle
; Now do the dialog stuff
subq.l #2,sp ; result on stack
clr.l -(sp) ; normal filterproc
pea 4(sp) ; point to result space
_ModalDialog ; Do it
; discard dialog
move.l dlgWindow(a6),-(sp) ; point to dialog
; What did they hit?
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get the button's item #
cmp.w #1,D0 ; (Try Again or OK (=1)) or Use New?
beq.s @10 ; go if not "Use New"
clr.b SysLAPAddr(a2) ; otherwise, Use New
clr.w SysNetNum(a2) ; and reset net and node adrs
@10 neg.l D0 ; item will be 1 or 2; return -4001
sub.l #4000,D0 ; or -4002 as the status
move.w D0,warning(A6) ; save it
; discard resource file
move.w resfile(A6),D0 ; get the refnum
cmp.w MyCurMap(A6),D0 ; was it the current resource file
beq.s @15 ; go if so (someone else opened it)
move.w D0,-(sp) ; else, push it
CloseResFile ; and close it
@15 move.w warning(A6),D0 ; get the status from the NNNN
@20 ; D0 is result code for this routine
_SUBEND 'DOWARN ' ; and exit
FileName DC.B 15
DC.B 'Async AppleTalk'
DC.B 'V1.2a6'
; ****** end of lap.a
Listing 2
CRC Calculations
This file contains a CRC calculation in Pascal. It was used with
preliminary versions of Async AppleTalk, and computes the same
function as the code in the M68000 listing.
The NextCRC algorithm simulates the feedback shift register which
normally implements a CRC calculation. NextCRC takes each four-
bit nibble of the input char and uses a table (crctbl) to select
a mask which is exclusive-or'd with the current CRC accumulator.
{ pseudo-CONST -- put this in the initialization code of your program
crctbl[00] := $0000; crctbl[01] := $CC01;
crctbl[02] := $D801; crctbl[03] := $1400;
crctbl[04] := $F001; crctbl[05] := $3C00;
crctbl[06] := $2800; crctbl[07] := $E401;
crctbl[08] := $A001; crctbl[09] := $6C00;
crctbl[10] := $7800; crctbl[11] := $B401;
crctbl[12] := $5000; crctbl[13] := $9C01;
crctbl[14] := $8801; crctbl[15] := $4400;
VAR crctbl : array [0..15] of integer;
function NextCRC (crc : integer; c : QDbyte) : integer;
j : integer;
j := crctbl[ band(bxor(crc,c),$000F) ];
crc := bxor(bsr(crc,4),j);
c := bsr(c,4);
j := crctbl[ band(bxor(crc,c),$000F) ];
crc := bxor(bsr(crc,4),j);
nextcrc := crc;
END; { NextCRC }
function crc16 (p : qdptr; len : integer) : integer;
i,j : integer; { sixteen bits wide }
c : qdbyte; { an eight bit value }
crc : integer; { the CRC accumulator }
crc := 0;
for i := 1 to len do begin
c := p^;
p := pointer(ord(p) + 1);
crc := NextCRC(crc,c);
crc16 := crc;
END; { crc16 }
Listing 3
; _AssumeEq Arg1, Arg2 -- macro to generate a compile-time error if two
; arguments are unequal.
; To optimize code size, we will be making various assumptions,
; mainly as to offset values. This macro is a way of formalizing
; those assumptions within the code.
IF &Eval(&Syslst[1]) <> &Eval(&Syslst[2]) THEN
_ERR ; Invalid statement - will cause error
; _StatCount Arg1 -- increment a statistics count if stat keeping is enabled
; Assumes A2 points to the driver variables
IF debug THEN
ADDQ.L #1,&Syslst[1](A2); Update the count
.* nop ; commented out
; _Subr -- assembles a "Link A6,#???"
; works for _SUBR <no param> and _SUBR ###
_Subr &size
IF &size = '' THEN
Link A6,#0
Link A6,#(-&size)
; _Subend NAME,$xx -- Subroutine epilog
; If debugging, put in Unlk and the name
_Subend &name
Unlk A6 ; unlink the stack frame
rts ; and return
DC.B &name ; the name