Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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679 lines
Scouting Toolkit¬
A Hypercard Project
Programmed and ⌐1988 by Stan Krute
All rights reserved
Description Of Objects
The Stack
The stack's name is "Scouting Toolkit¬"
It contains 1 background
It contains 1 card
The size of the stack is 20K
The stack has no script
Background 1
The background has no name
It's used by 1 card
The background has no script
Card 1
The card's name is "Scouting Toolkit"
It contains 17 buttons
It contains 2 fields
---------------------------- openCard --------------------------
on openCard
-- hide the menubar, and initialize a state variable for it
global menubarState
hide menubar
put "hidden" into menubarState
-- hide some windows
hide message box
hide tool window
hide pattern window
end openCard
---------------------------- mouseUp --------------------------
on mouseUp
-- redraw the toolkit buttons, in case some are hidden
repeat with buttonNumber = 2 to 13
show button buttonNumber
end repeat
end mouseUp
Button 1
The button's name is "Delete Scouting Toolkit"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30010
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 unitshigh
The button's located at card location (36,292)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
------------------------------ mouseUp ------------------------------
on mouseUp
-- make sure we don't mess up the supply card
if short name of this card is not "Scouting Toolkit" then
-- save and set the user level
get userLevel
put it into entryUserLevel
set userLevel to 5
-- show the watch cursor
set cursor to 4
-- make sure the kit buttons are showing
show button "Scouting Toolkit Icon"
click at loc of button "Scouting Toolkit Icon"
-- set the tool
choose button tool
-- get rid of our toolkit
click at loc of button "Home"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Back"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Next"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Previous"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Toggle Pattern Window"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Toggle Tool Window"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Toggle Message Box"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Toggle Menubar"
doMenu "Clear Button"
choose field tool
show card field "Copyright"
click at loc of card field "Copyright"
doMenu "Clear Field"
choose button tool
click at loc of button "Scouting Toolkit About"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Scouting Toolkit¬"
doMenu "Clear Button"
click at loc of button "Scouting Toolkit Window"
doMenu "Clear Button"
show button "Scouting Toolkit Icon"
click at loc of button "Scouting Toolkit Icon"
doMenu "Clear Button"
-- snake swallows tail
click at loc of button "Delete Scouting Toolkit"
doMenu "Clear Button"
-- set the tool
choose browse tool
-- restore the cursor
set cursor to 0
-- restore the user level
set userLevel to entryUserLevel
-- we're on the supply card, so it would be bad form to delete
-- send a signal
show card field "No Delete Here"
-- wait a moment
wait 1 seconds
-- hide the signal
hide card field "No Delete Here"
end if
end mouseUp
Button 2
The button's name is "Scouting Toolkit Window"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has no icon
Its rectangle is 300 units wide, 182 units high
The button's located at card location (197,144)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- make a noise
play "boing" "c"
-- close the kit
-- show the trigger
show button "Scouting Toolkit Icon"
end mouseUp
----------------------- hideScoutingToolkit -----------------------
on hideScoutingToolkit
-- hide the kit's buttons
hide button "Home"
hide button "Back"
hide button "Next"
hide button "Previous"
hide button "Toggle Pattern Window"
hide button "Toggle Tool Window"
hide button "Toggle Message Box"
hide button "Toggle Menubar"
hide button "Scouting Toolkit About"
hide button "Scouting Toolkit¬"
hide button "Scouting Toolkit Window"
end hideScoutingToolkit
Button 3
The button's name is "Scouting Toolkit¬"
Its Show name property is true
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is opaque
It has no icon
Its rectangle is 120 units wide, 20 units high
The button's located at card location (296,160)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
------------------------------ mouseUp ------------------------------
on mouseUp
-- pass the message through
send mouseUp to button "Scouting Toolkit Window"
end mouseUp
Button 4
The button's name is "Scouting Toolkit About"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is transparent
It has an icon, ID# 30011
Its rectangle is 24 units wide, 22 units high
The button's located at card location (466,150)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
------------------------------- mouseUp -------------------------------
on mouseUp
-- show the copyright notice
show card field "Copyright"
-- a little sound effect
play "harpsichord" "c e g"
-- wait for a mouse click
wait until the mouseClick
-- a little sound effect
play "harpsichord" "g e c"
-- hide the copyright notice
hide card field "Copyright"
end mouseUp
Button 5
The button's name is "Toggle Menubar"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30009
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (225,193)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- no built-in check for visibility, so╔
global menubarState
-- toggle the menubar's visibility
if menubarState is "hidden" then
show menubar
put "showing" into menubarState
hide menubar
put "hidden" into menubarState
end if
end mouseUp
Button 6
The button's name is "Toggle Message Box"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30008
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (292,193)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- toggle the message window's visibility
if the visible of message box is true then
hide the message box
show the message box
end if
end mouseUp
Button 7
The button's name is "Toggle Tool Window"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30007
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (359,193)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- toggle the tool palette window's visibility
if the visible of tool window is true then
hide tool window
show tool window
end if
end mouseUp
Button 8
The button's name is "Toggle Pattern Window"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30006
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (426,193)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- toggle the pattern palette's window's visibility
if the visible of pattern window is true then
hide pattern window
show pattern window
end if
end mouseUp
Button 9
The button's name is "Previous"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30001
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (225,259)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- move to the previous card
doMenu "Prev"
end mouseUp
Button 10
The button's name is "Next"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30002
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (292,259)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- move to the next card
doMenu "Next"
end mouseUp
Button 11
The button's name is "Back"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30003
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (359,259)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- go to the last card visited
doMenu "Back"
end mouseUp
Button 12
The button's name is "Home"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30005
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (426,259)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
---------------------------- mouseUp ----------------------------
on mouseUp
-- go home
visual effect iris close
doMenu "Home"
end mouseUp
Button 13
The button's name is "Scouting Toolkit Icon"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30004
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (178,83)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
------------------------------- mouseUp -------------------------------
on mouseUp
-- make a noise
play "boing" "e"
-- hide this button
hide button "Scouting Toolkit Icon"
-- show the toolkit
end mouseUp
------------------------- showScoutingToolkit -------------------------
on showScoutingToolkit
-- show the toolkit's buttons
show button "Toggle Menubar"
show button "Scouting Toolkit Window"
show button "Scouting Toolkit About"
show button "Scouting Toolkit¬"
show button "Toggle Message Box"
show button "Toggle Tool Window"
show button "Toggle Pattern Window"
show button "Previous"
show button "Next"
show button "Back"
show button "Home"
end showScoutingToolkit
Button 14
The button's name is "Duplicate Scouting Toolkit"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is shadow
It has an icon, ID# 30000
Its rectangle is 42 units wide, 42 units high
The button's located at card location (460,12)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
------------------------------ newButton ------------------------------
on newButton
-- make sure we don't mess up the supply card
if short name of this card is not "Scouting Toolkit" then
-- save and set the user level
get userLevel
put it into entryUserLevel
set userLevel to 5
-- set the cursor to the watch
set cursor to 4
-- set the tool
choose button tool
-- for all the buttons in the set
repeat with buttonNumber = 1 to 13
-- remember where we are (the target card)
push card
-- hide screen commotion
set lockScreen to true
-- go to the supply card
go to card "Scouting Toolkit" of stack "Scouting Toolkit¬"
-- select the button
click at loc of button buttonNumber
-- copy the button
doMenu "Copy Button"
-- return to the target card
pop card
-- show screen commotion
set lockScreen to false
-- paste the button
doMenu "Paste Button"
end repeat
-- copy the copyright notice
-- get rid of this duplication button
choose button tool
click at loc of button "Duplicate Scouting Toolkit"
doMenu "Cut Button"
-- move two buttons
drag from loc of button "Scouting Toolkit Icon" to loc of button "Back"
hide button "Scouting Toolkit Icon"
drag from loc of button "Delete Scouting Toolkit" to loc of button "Home"
-- hide the toolkit
choose browse tool
click at loc of button "Scouting Toolkit Window"
-- restore the user level
set userLevel to entryUserLevel
end if
end newButton
-------------------------- copyCopyrightField --------------------------
on copyCopyrightField
-- save our location
push card
-- hide screen commotion
set lockScreen to true
-- go to the supply card
go to card "Scouting Toolkit" of stack "Scouting Toolkit¬"
-- set tool
choose field tool
-- select the field
show card field "Copyright"
click at loc of card field "Copyright"
-- copy the button
doMenu "Copy Field"
-- hide the field
hide card field "Copyright"
-- and get the field's contents
get card field "Copyright"
-- return to the target card
pop card
-- show screen commotion
set lockScreen to false
-- paste the field, fill it up, and hide it
doMenu "Paste Field"
put It into card field "Copyright"
hide card field "Copyright"
end copyCopyrightField
-------------------------------- mouseUp --------------------------------
on mouseUp
-- make sure we're at the supply card
if short name of this card is "Scouting Toolkit" then
-- show the watch cursor
set cursor to 4
-- copy the button
choose button tool
click at loc of button "Duplicate Scouting Toolkit"
doMenu "Copy Button"
-- restore tool
choose browse tool
end if
end mouseUp
Button 15
The button's name is "Copyright"
Its Show name property is false
Its Auto hilite property is true
Its style is transparent
It has an icon, ID# 30000
Its rectangle is 70 units wide, 13 units high
The button's located at card location (0,52)
Its text properties are: System Font 12, Height 16, Align center
------------------------------- mouseUp -------------------------------
on mouseUp
-- pass message on to the toolkit's About button
send mouseUp to button "Scouting Toolkit About"
end mouseUp
Card Field 1
The field's name is "Copyright"
It's hiddden
Its Lock text property is true
Its Show lines property is false
Its Wide margins property is false
Its style is rectangle
Its rectangle is 286 units wide, 129 units high
The field's located at card location (204,190)
Its text properties are: Geneva 12, Height 16, Align center
"⌐1987 by Stan Krute's Camp Creek Institute.
All rights reserved.
Call or write for details:
18617 Camp Creek Road
Hornbrook, California96044
[916] 475-3428"
The field has no script
Card Field 2
The field's name is "No Delete Here"
It's hiddden
Its Lock text property is true
Its Show lines property is false
Its Wide margins property is false
Its style is opaque
Its rectangle is 39 units wide, 39 units high
The field's located at card location (37,293)
Its text properties are: Geneva 9, Height 12, Align center
"Not Here,
The field has no script