Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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For Reading Files DesqView's DOS Services Directory Listing
Henry M. Halff
Halff Resources, Inc.
4918 33rd Road, North
Arlington, VA 22207
What DSLIST is.
This collection of files is a point-and-shoot way of getting from
a directory listing in DesqView's DOS Services to Vern Buerg's
List program. List is a DesqView aware program that displays a
text file one screen at a time and which lets you navigate
through the file in a number of fancy ways.
When to use DSLIST.
Whenever you are tempted to use the Type command in the DOS
Services menu but don't because the non-stop scrolling drives you
up the wall.
With DSLIST, if you spot in DOS Services directory listing a
file that you need to read, you can, with a single key stroke
(Alt-L), automatically open a List window on the file.
If you can't recall the name of a file you want to read, you can
use DOS Services to locate the file and again, with a single
keystroke, open a List window on the file.
How to install DSLIST.
1. Make sure you have Vern Buerg's List program. It's available
on this bulletin board as LIST62A.ARC.
2. Dearc LIST62A. Rename LIST62A.COM to LIST.COM and move it to
your DesqView directory.
3. Install LIST in DesqView. Use LK-PIF.DVP (from DSLIST.ARC)
as the profile file. You must use LK as the two-letter code to
invoke LIST from the DesqView's Open-Window Menu.
WARNING: The next step will wipe out any existing scripts that
you have installed in DOS Services. A method for saving these
scripts is discussed below.
4. Move the files DSLIST.BAT and DS-SCRIP.DVS (both from
DSLIST.ARC) into your Desqview directory.
5. Make sure LIST is working correctly. Enter LK from
DesqView's Open-Window menu. A new window should open and the
machine should pause displaying a line
Type the path name of any text file, say this one, and press
Enter. You should see List go to work on the chosen file.
How to use DSLIST.
1. From DOS Services obtain a directory listing containing the
file you want to examine.
2. Position the bar cursor in the directory listing over the
name of the file you want to examine.
3. Make sure the mouse cursor is in the directory listing
window, not in the command menu window (very important).
4. Press Alt-L. A List window should automatically open on the
file under the bar cursor.
What can go wrong?
1. The mouse cursor is not in the directory-listing window.
2. The bar cursor is not positioned over a real file. Maybe
it's over a file that's been deleted. Maybe it's over a
3. DSLIST.BAT is not in the DesqView directory.
4. You fail to send Buerg any shareware money, and the whole
shareware enterprise goes down the tubes.
-------------------TECHIE SECTION STARTS HERE------------------
Files in this Archive
This document
A DesqView Profile file for List.
A DesqView script for Alt-L in DOS Services. This script marks
the file name under the bar cursor and the directory name at the
top of the DOS Services menu. It then invokes DSLIST.BAT in a
List window and tranfers the file and directory names on the
DSLIST.BAT's command line.
A DOS Batch file that assembles its arguments (file name,
extension, directory) into a pathname and invokes List on the
Other Questions
1. How can I preserve my existing DOS Services Scripts?
If you have DesqView Notepad (A DesqView Companion), you can use
it to move the script in DSLIST.ARC with your existing scripts.
Or, you can (carefully) use DesqView's Learn feature to add the
script in DS-SCRIP.DVS. A listing of the script is given below.
2. Do I have to keep LIST.COM in my DesqView Directory.
No. If you move LIST.COM to another directory, however, change
the DesqView profile to reflect that fact. Make sure that
DSLIST.BAT is in the DesqView directory or in the same directory
3. Can I use DSLIST's techniques for point and shoot at other
functions such as editors?
Sure. You can make a script and batch file to invoke any program
that takes a path name as an argument on its command line.
Suppose you would normally edit a file, say foo, by entering
C>edit foo
and suppose you want to use Alt-E to open an edit window on a
file from DOS Services. Here's how to proceed.
a. Create a DesqView program for your editor that has "edit"
on the Program line of the profile, and "?" on the Parameter line
of the profile. (That is, tell DesqView that your editor should
be opened with the command "edit ?")
b. Use DesqView Notepad to copy the script for the Alt-L key to
one for the Alt-E key. Replace the characters "olk" (Open LK)
near the end of your new script with "oed" (Open ED). Or, using
the listing below, key in the script with DesqView's learn
feature, making the changes as you go.
c. Copy the file DSLIST.BAT to a file DSEDIT.BAT. Then edit
DSEDIT.BAT so that all of the "list" commands are changed to
"edit" commands. Make sure that DSEDIT.BAT is in the DesqView
directory or the directory with your editor.
d. Use Alt-E to invoke your editor in the same way that you use
Alt-L to invoke List.
5. Do you want any money for DSLIST?
Not a dime. (And, in case you wondered, I don't have any
affiliation with Vern Buerg. I don't even know him. I sent him
a few bucks for List several years ago and have gotten more than
my money's worth out of the program.)
The Script in DS-SCRIP.DVS
{Learn {Alt-L} "Look"}
{Right}{Enter}{DESQ}z{Enter}{DESQ}olk{Esc}dslist {DESQ}tt {DESQ}r{Enter}