Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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137 lines
/* FREE command - Dec 1986 - Rev. 2 - for DeSmet C
Vincent Bly Nanosoft PO Box 409 Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060
*** Returns free disk space or free RAM memory ***
*** Sets errorlevel if less than spec bytes free ***
Call from DOS or batch file:
FREE [N[:]] [MINREQ] [+]
FREE (displays free space on current drive)
FREE A (displays free space on drive A)
FREE C: (displays free space on drive C)
FREE B: + (displays free space on drive B & shows disk data)
FREE M (displays free RAM memory)
FREE 50000 (displays free space on current drive & sets errorlevel
to 1 if less than 50,000 bytes are available )
FREE M 256000 (displays free RAM & sets errorlevel 1 if less than 256K free)
#define DOS_FUNC(n) _rax = ((n) << 8), _doint(0x21)
extern long atol();
extern unsigned _rax, _rbx, _rcx, _rdx, _rds, _res, _carryf;
long free_bytes, minval = 0L; /* 0 => default minimum required memory */
unsigned topram, pspseg; /* used in calculating free RAM memory */
int verbose = 0; /* extra information flag, set by '+' */
main(argc,argv) /* Returns # of free bytes on drive N or the default drive, */
int argc; /* or--if drive spec is "M"--returns free RAM memory. If a */
char *argv[]; /* numeric spec. is given, FREE will set the errorlevel to 1 */
{ /* if this amount of free space or memory is not available. */
/* If arg of + (plus sign) is included, detailed info given. */
/* For minimum code size, bind with CSTDIO7.S (no floating */
/* point is actually used, so this reduces the size of the */
/* routines bound with printf()). Also, bind with a stack */
/* size of 400h (bind free -s400). PUBLIC DOMAIN V. T. Bly */
int n, drive = 0; /* 0 => default (current) drive number */
char c;
for (n = argc - 1; n > 0; n--) { /** Scan command line arguments **/
c = *argv[n];
if (isdigit(c)) /* If argument is numeric, set */
minval = atol(argv[n]); /* minimum required memory value */
else if (c == '+') /* set verbose if arg is '+' */
verbose = 1;
drive = (c & 95) - '@'; /* else, calc. drive number */
if (drive == 13) {
/* Free ram is computed from the value of the PSP segment */
/* (which starts at the lowest available memory location) */
/* & top of ram value (stored as the 2nd word in the PSP). */
/* Shift by 4 (* 16) to convert from paragraphs to bytes. */
pspseg = _showcs() - 0x10; /* trace back to PSP segment */
topram = _peek(2, pspseg) + (_peek(3, pspseg) << 8);/* top ram in PSP */
free_bytes = ((long)topram - pspseg) << 4;/* actual memory available */
puts("\nRAM memory: ");
} else {
_rdx = drive;
DOS_FUNC(0x36); /* get disk free space */
if (_rax == 0xffff) {
puts("\n** Invalid Drive **\n");
free_bytes = (long)_rbx * _rax * _rcx;
/* (free = free clusters * sectors/cluster * bytes/sector) */
n = _rax; /* save it */
if (drive == 0) { /* if default drive, calc drive number */
drive = (_rax & 0xff) + 1;
_rax = n; /* restore it */
printf("\nDrive %c: ", (char)drive + '@');
finish(drive); /* print output data & exit to DOS */
finish(drive) /* Finish printing free bytes and exit to DOS, giving an error */
int drive; /* if there are insufficient bytes to meet minimum required. */
{ /* If the verbose flag is set, display additional data */
long val;
if (verbose) {
if (drive == 13) {
val = ((long)topram << 4) - 1L;
printf(" Top of RAM = %7s [%05lx]\n", lngp(val), val);
val = (long)pspseg << 4;
printf(" Next free addr = %7s [%05lx]\n", lngp(val), val);
printf(" Free bytes = %7s [%05lx]\n", lngp(free_bytes), free_bytes);
} else {
printf(" Sectors/cluster = %10s [%04x]\n", lngp((long)_rax), _rax);
printf(" Bytes/sector = %10s [%04x]\n", lngp((long)_rcx), _rcx);
val = (long)_rax * _rcx;
printf(" Bytes/cluster = %10s [%04lx]\n", lngp(val), val);
val = (long)_rax * _rcx * _rdx;
printf(" Total clusters = %10s [%04x]\n", lngp((long)_rdx), _rdx);
printf(" Free clusters = %10s [%04x]\n", lngp((long)_rbx), _rbx);
printf(" Total bytes = %10s [%05lx]\n", lngp(val), val);
printf(" Free bytes = %10s [%05lx]\n", lngp(free_bytes), free_bytes);
} else {
printf("%s bytes free\n", lngp(free_bytes));
exit(free_bytes < minval);
lngp(val) /* Format long integer val for printing with commas */
long val; /* value to be formatted */
static char fmtn[13]; /* holds formatted number */
char buff[13]; /* temporary working buffer */
int d, i, j, l;
sprintf(buff, "%ld", val); /* first, format w/o commas */
l = strlen(buff);
d = l % 3;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i++) { /* copy into s w/commas inserted */
fmtn[j + i] = buff[i];
if ((i != (l - 1)) && ((d % 3) == 0)) {
fmtn[j + i] = ',';
fmtn[j + i] = '\0'; /* add terminating 0 */
return(fmtn); /* return pointer to fmtn[0] */