Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
332 lines
Title ZDEL: multiple file deletion utility
comment !
ZDEL v3.001 for the Public Domain
Thomas Hanlin III
6812 Sydenstricker Rd
Springfield, VA 22152
Update notes: v2.0 allows full path specs with filenames.
v3.0 includes more information in the confirmation.
v3.001 fixes a minor bug that caused the "days" portion
of dates from months > 9 to be displayed incorrectly
(Mike Pechnyo, 5-4-87)
Sseg segment byte stack 'prog' ; dummy stack segment
Sseg ends
Cseg segment byte public 'prog'
assume cs:Cseg, ds:Cseg, ss:Sseg
org 80h
CMDINFO db 127 dup(?)
org 100h
MAIN proc far
xor cx,cx ; clear parm length
mov cl,CMDLEN
mov PARMLEN,cl
jcxz Inform
mov si,offset CMDINFO
mov di,offset PARMINFO
mov PARMLOC,di
SaveParms: lodsb ; get a command-line char
cmp al,"/" ; is it a switch?
jne NotSwitch ; no, skip switch handler
Switches: lodsb ; get the switch char
and al,11011111b ; convert to uppercase
cmp al,"K" ; K>ill without confirmation?
je SwitchKill ; yes, set flags
cmp al,"S" ; S>hort confirm?
jne Inform ; no, list valid parms
mov byte ptr SHORTCNF,1
jmp short SwitchDone
SwitchKill: mov byte ptr CONFIRM,0 ; set confirmation off
SwitchDone: sub byte ptr PARMLEN,2 ; remove "-K" from parms
loop SP_loop
jmp short Inform ; oops, no letter, so error!
NotSwitch: stosb ; save it as a parm chr
SP_loop: loop SaveParms ; scan entire command line
cmp byte ptr PARMLEN,0 ; doublecheck parms
jz Inform ; Inform if switch w/o filespec
inc byte ptr PARMLEN ; account for later decrement
GetParm: xor cx,cx
mov cl,PARMLEN ; get parm length
jcxz Done ; exit if no more files to kill
dec cx ; factor in space between parms
jcxz Done ; exit if no more files to kill
mov si,PARMLOC ; get parm location
cld ; search forward
SeekParmStart: cmp byte ptr [si]," " ; is it a valid char?
jne GotStart ; yes, go handle it
inc si ; move to next char
loop SeekParmStart ; loop until start of parm
Inform: mov dx,offset ZDELINFO
mov ah,9
int 21h
Done: int 20h ; exit program
GotStart: mov dx,si ; point to start of parm
cld ; set direction forward
SeekParmEnd: lodsb ; get a parm char
cmp al," " ; is it a space?
je GotParmEnd
loop SeekParmEnd ; loop if not
GotParmEnd: mov PARMLEN,cl ; save new parm line length
jcxz GotParm
mov PARMLOC,si ; and new location
dec si ; go back to space
GotParm: mov [si],ch ; put filespec in ASCIIZ format
mov di,offset FILESPEC +65 ; end of path area
std ; set direction backwards
dec si ; move to last chr of filespec
SeekPath: lodsb ; get a chr
cmp al,":" ; are we back at the drive spec?
je SavePath ; yes, save it
cmp al,"\" ; are we back at the subdir spec?
je SavePath ; yes, save it
cmp al," " ; are we back at the start?
je GotPath ; yes, null path
or al,al ; are we back at the previous file?
jnz SeekPath ; no, go until we find something
jmp short GotPath ; null path spec
SavePath: cmp al,"a" ; is it lowercase?
jb UpCase ; no
cmp al,"z" ; is it really lowercase?
ja UpCase ; no
sub al,32 ; convert it to uppercase
UpCase: stosb ; save path chr
lodsb ; get another path chr
or al,al ; are we back at the previous file?
jz GotPath ; yes, we're done saving the path
cmp al," " ; are we back at the beginning?
jnz SavePath ; no, keep saving path
GotPath: inc di ; move to first chr of path spec
mov FILELOC,di ; save location
mov ah,4Eh ; find first file
xor cx,cx ; seek normal files
int 21h
or ax,ax ; was there an error?
jnz GetParm ; yes, try next parm
XferName: mov si,offset CMDLEN +30 ; loc of filename
mov di,offset FILESPEC +66 ; where to store it
cld ; move forward
mov cx,12 ; max chars per filename
SaveName: lodsb ; get a chr of the filename
or al,al ; end of filename?
jz EndFileName ; yes, handle it
stosb ; store chr
loop SaveName ; transfer all of filename
jmp short NoFill ; skip fill with blanks
EndFileName: mov al," "
rep stosb ; left-justify filename in blanks
NoFill: xor al,al
cmp byte ptr CONFIRM,1 ; confirm deletion?
je ConfirmIt ; yes, go confirm deletion
jmp DeleteIt ; go delete file
ConfirmIt: mov ah,9 ; display string
mov dx,offset DELSTR1 ; "Delete "
int 21h
mov si,FILELOC ; get start of filespec
DispPath: mov dl,[si] ; get a char
or dl,dl ; is it null?
jz CheckConfirm ; yep, go see how to confirm it
mov ah,2 ; display char
int 21h
inc si
jmp DispPath
CheckConfirm: cmp byte ptr SHORTCNF,1 ; short confirmation?
jne LongConfirm ; no, do size/date/time stuff
jmp DispDelStr2 ; skip size/date/time...
LongConfirm: mov ax,word ptr CMDLEN +26 ; lsw of file size
mov dx,word ptr CMDLEN +28 ; msw of file size
call ASCFileSize ; convert filesize to ASCII
mov ax,word ptr CMDLEN +24 ; get file date
mov si,offset DISPBUF +18 ; ofs of year in buffer
mov dx,ax ; save date
mov cl,9 ; shift for year
shr ax,cl ; get year
add ax,80 ; add bias
cmp ax,100 ; is it two digits (1900's) ?
jb ConvYear ; yes, go convert it
sub ax,100 ; make it two digits (2000's)
ConvYear: call TwoDigit ; convert to ASCII
and dh,1 ; clear year from date
mov ax,dx ; restore date
mov cl,5 ; shift for month
shr ax,cl ; get month
mov si,offset DISPBUF +12 ; ofs of month in buffer
call TwoDigit ; convert to ASCII
mov ax,dx ; restore date
; and al,1Fh ; screen out month, leaving day
and ax,1Fh ; screen out month, leaving day
; if AX is not masked, then there
; can be a 1 as the low bit of AH
; for months > 8, which screws up
; the display of the days
; ... Mike Pechnyo 5-4-87
mov si,offset DISPBUF +15 ; ofs of day in buffer
call TwoDigit ; convert to ASCII
mov ax,word ptr CMDLEN +22 ; get file time
mov dx,ax ; save time
mov cl,11 ; shift for hour
shr ax,cl ; get hour
mov si,offset DISPBUF +22 ; ofs of hour in buffer
call TwoDigit ; convert to ASCII
mov ax,dx ; restore time
mov cl,5 ; shift for minute
shr ax,cl ; get minute
and ax,3Fh ; screen out hour
mov si,offset DISPBUF +25 ; ofs of minute in buffer
call TwoDigit
mov dx,offset DISPBUF ; location of display buffer
mov ah,9 ; display string
int 21h
DispDelStr2: mov dx,offset DELSTR2 ; " [Y,N,Q] ? $"
mov ah,9 ; display string
int 21h
GetKey: mov ah,8 ; keyboard input without echo
int 21h
or al,al ; extended ASCII?
jnz GotKey ; no, process it
mov ah,8 ; keyboard input (to junk extASCII)
int 21h
jmp GetKey ; go get a valid key this time
GotKey: and al,11011111b ; convert key to uppercase
cmp al,"Y" ; delete file?
jne NotY ; no
call DispLine ; display chr,CR,LF
jmp short DeleteIt ; go delete file
NotY: cmp al,"N" ; skip file?
jne NotN ; no
call DispLine ; display chr,CR,LF
jmp short NextFile ; go skip file
NotN: cmp al,"Q" ; quit program?
jne GetKey ; no, go get a valid key
call DispLine ; display chr,CR,LF
jmp Done ; exit program
DeleteIt: mov ah,41h ; delete file
mov dx,FILELOC
int 21h
NextFile: mov ah,4Fh ; find next file
int 21h
or ax,ax ; was there an error?
jnz BadFile ; yes, ignore it
jmp XferName ; go buffer the filename
BadFile: jmp GetParm ; skip to the next parm
MAIN endp
DispLine proc near
mov bx,offset DELSTR3
mov [bx],al
mov dx,bx
mov ah,9 ; display string
int 21h
DispLine endp
ASCFileSize proc near ; file size in DX:AX --> ASCII number
mov si,offset DISPBUF +1 ; where to put result
mov di,offset CONVTABLE ; table of powers of ten
mov byte ptr SHOWZERO,0 ; don't show leading zeroes
AFS1: mov byte ptr DIGIT,0 ; clear digit
mov cx,2[di] ; get table entry (msw)
cmp cx,-1 ; at end of table?
je AFSdone ; yes, we're done
mov bx,[di] ; get table entry (lsw)
AFS2: cmp dx,cx ; is number < table (msw)?
jb AFS3 ; yes, got digit
ja AFS2A ; ...get digit
cmp ax,bx ; is number < table (lsw)?
jb AFS3 ; yes, got digit
AFS2A: inc byte ptr DIGIT ; increment digit
sub ax,bx ; reduce number accordingly
sbb dx,cx
jmp AFS2 ; keep going on this digit
AFS3: push ax ; save AX, we need it
mov al,DIGIT ; get digit
add al,"0" ; convert to ASCII
cmp al,"0" ; is it zero?
jz AFS5 ; yes, special case
mov byte ptr SHOWZERO,1 ; show following zeroes
AFS4: mov [si],al ; store digit
pop ax ; restore AX
inc si ; move to next buffer loc
add di,4 ; move to next table loc
jmp AFS1 ; convert until done
AFSdone: ret
AFS5: cmp SHOWZERO,1 ; show zeroes?
je AFS4 ; yes
mov al," " ; leading zeroes --> blanks
jmp AFS4
ASCFileSize endp
TwoDigit proc near ; AX --> two-digit ASCII number
mov cl,10 ; convert to base 10
div cl
add ax,3030h ; convert digits to ASCII
mov [si],ax ; save result
TwoDigit endp
CONFIRM db 1 ; whether to confirm before deleting (default YES)
SHORTCNF db 0 ; whether to use short confirmation (default NO)
PARMLEN db 0 ; length of parms left to examine
PARMLOC dw ? ; location of current parm item
PARMINFO db 127 dup(0) ; cleaned-up command line storage
FILELOC dw ? ; location of start of path spec in storage
FILESPEC db 79 dup(0) ; full filespec storage
DISPBUF db 9 dup(" "),"b 00/00/00 00:00 $" ; long confirm display buffer
DELSTR1 db "Delete $"
DELSTR2 db " [Y,N,Q]? $"
DELSTR3 db "x",13,10,"$"
CONVTABLE dd 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1, -1
DIGIT db 0
ZDELINFO db 13,10,"ZDEL 3.0 by Tom Hanlin for the Public Domain",13,10,10
db "Purpose: multiple-file deletion utility with confirmation.",13,10
db "Format : ZDEL [/K] [/S] [filename] [..filename]",13,10
db "Options: Use /K to bypass confirmation before deletion.",13,10
db " Use /S for short confirmation.",13,10
db "$"
Cseg ends
end MAIN