Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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FastCopy v1.0
The Fast Multi Copier
Dennis M. Passmore
Copyright 1988
If you have ever had to make more than one copy of a diskette at
any one time then Fastcopy is just what you need. FastCopy uses
the ROWM principal (Read Once and Write Many times). It reads the
source disk and stores the complete disk in a file on the default
drive. It then proceeds to Format & Copy diskettes using the disk
file without ever having to reread the source diskette.
FastCopy will copy 360K, 720K, 1.2M, and 1.4M non copy protected
DOS compatible diskettes only. It will not work with any other
type of disk format.
Since it supports up to 1.4M drives the default drive to hold the
temporary work file must have as much free disk space as the size
of the source disk. Henceforth it is suggested that it be a hard
drive. The program will use whatever drive it is executed from so
long as it has at least as much free space as is required.
When copying 360K diskettes I setup a 370K ram disk using
VDISK.SYS from the DOS diskette. When the program is executed
from the ram disk prompt it will use the ram disk for its
temporary files. This is the fastest mode and does not require
the use of any drive other than the input and output drives.
Usage is as follows:
C:\> FastCopy {drive} [/D /E /V]
{drive} = drive letter to read from and write to. A: or B:
/D = allows continuous copying between drives A: and B:
Starts by reading source from {drive}
/E = enables type ahead for faster disk changes
Only allowed with /D option.
/V = verify format/write operations - safest but slower
The {drive} is the only parameter required.
The /D option:
If your A: and B: drives are of the same identical
types you can then use the /D option to turn on the
auto switching of drives feature. While FastCopy is
processing the disk in drive A: you can be changing the
disk in drive B: and etc.
The /E option:
If you have chosen the /D option above you can also
enable type ahead on the keyboard to speed up the disk
change process. When you have changed the previously
copied disk all you need to do is press any key other
than the ESC key and FastCopy will immediately switch
to formating and copying to that disk when it through
with the other drive.
The /V option:
Diskettes have become so dependable today that this
option is not always required. When it is used FastCopy
will Verify ever track as it formats and copys the data
to them. If an error is found on any sector it will
immediately stop and let you insert a new diskette to
replaced the questionable disk. FastCopy will not lock
out these errors as bad sectors, it only makes exact
copys of the source disks it reads in.
FastCopy is not a public Domain or Shareware program. It is User
Support Software. If you use FastCopy for more than initially
trying it out then you MUST PAY FOR IT. Cost is $25 per single
copy. If you wish to purchase a Site License then the cost is $75
Please distribute FastCopy the way you received it with this file
FastCopy.Doc and the program FastCopy.Exe together.
If you use the program then please register it using the form
provide below.
Any suggestions to improve FastCopy are appreciated.
The Fast Multi Copier
Version 1.0
Registration Form
Name of User or Company : ______________________________________
Street Address : ________________________ City/State:___________
Zip Code : _________
I am purchasing ____ copy(s) @ $25 a copy. Total amount $______
Are you paying for a $75 Site License? _____
-- Additional Information --
Where did you acquire FastCopy? ________________________________
What type of system are you using, and with what peripherals?
What do you like or dislike about FastCopy? ____________________
What would you like to see implemented in the next version of
FastCopy? ______________________________________________________
Attach a check or money order for $25 (U.S.) and send to :
Dennis M. Passmore
1421 Pinetree Dr
EdgeWater, Fl. 32032
Thanks for supporting FastCopy!
You are entitled to a free copy of the next major upgrade.