Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Text File
111 lines
Note (synonyms), [PC keys], and <arrow keys> as indicated.
CURSOR MOVEMENT: ===============================================================
<Up> = ^E [Up] <Dn> = ^X [Dn] <Right> = ^D [Right] <Left> = ^S [Left]
^QE = [Home] = Top of screen ^QX = [End] = Bottom of screen
^QS (^Q-left arrow) = Start of line ^QD (^Q-right arrow) = End of line
^F [^Right] = Word right ^R [PgUp] = Page up ^QR [^Home] = Top of file
^A [^Left] = Word left ^C [PgDn] = Page down ^QC [^End] = End of file
^QL = To last ^QN = To next page ^QI = To specified page/line
ESC[Tab] = Variable tab ^QB = To block start ^QP = Move to prev position
SHFT[Tab] = Back var tab ^QK = To block end ^QZ = To next place mark
^[PgUp], ^[PgDn] = 2 files
SCREEN: ========================================================================
^W = scroll up 1 line ESC<up>,<dn> = shift frame up, down 1/4 screen
^Z = scroll down 1 line ESC<rt>,<lf> = shift frame right, left 32 cols
^OW = split 2 Windows ^OE = Make top line [5] = Make center
^OZ = ZAP (blank screen) ^OT = Ruler ln on/off ^OB = Hard CRs on/off
^[PgUp, Dn] = Screen move back/fwd for 2 files. ^OQ = Quiet (no header)
[PgUp,Dn] = Screen move, one file ^OD = Display w/o ^ code
[Home] = Top of screen [End] = Bottom of screen
^[Home] = Top of file ^[End] = Bottom of file
MISCELLANY: ====================================================================
^V [Ins] = INSERT on/off ^^ = Upper/lower case ^OV = var. tabs on/off
^N = insert CR:break ln TAB = Tab or move to stop ^OI = set variable tab
^J [F1] = Help Menu ^OT = Ruler line on/off ^ON = clear variable tab
^_ = Insert space ^OD = Display w/o ^ codes ^OH = hyphenation on/off
^] = Insert word ^P = Printer code follows
ESC? = MenuBar command toggle Return = MenuBar/Misc/Command Mode
MS-DOS COMMANDS: ===============================================================
AltT = Time stamp AltO = Overview bar AltV = Chg prt driVer
AltD = Date stamp AltE = Toggle EGA 43/50 ln AltR = Run DOS cmd
AltG = Enter graphics AltA = ATI 132 columns AltS = Split up file
AltU = Use .VDx file AltI = VDE Info: MS-DOS AltL = Load 2nd file
WINDOWS: =======================================================================
AltF = Edit other window (file) AltW = Split screen into two windows
AltM = Match files, show differences
MULTIPLE FILES: ================================================================
AltL = Load new file AltC = Cut block AltP = Paste block
AltB = Previous file AltN = Next file
AltX = eXit all with save AltQ = Quit all
DELETING: ======================================================================
^G = delete char at cursor ^Y = delete line ^QY = del to end of line
[Del] = del char left or at ^U = Undo last del ^Q[Del] = to beg of line
^T = del word to right ^[BS] = del word to left ^QT = Del to spec char
SEARCHING: =====================================================================
^QF = find string ^QA = find/replace string ^L = repeat find/replace
^_ = Wildcard
DISK FILES: ====================================================================
^KE = rEname current work ^KF = File browser ^KS = Save and continue
^KL = Load new file ^KJ = Delete disk file ^KX = eXit with save
^KR = Read in disk file ^KA = Autosave time ^KQ = Quit without save
^KD = Save,load new file ^KI = File and memory information
BLOCKS: ========================================================================
^KB = Begin block ^KC = Copy block ^KH = Unmark block
^KK = End block ^KV = moVe block ^KY = delete block
^KZ = Zoom in/out ^KW = Write to file ^K# = Autonumber
^K",',^ = Upper, lower case in block ^KP = Print file or block
FORMATTING and PRINTING: =======================================================
^OL,R = Set Left,Right margin ^OC = Center line ^OI = Set Var Tab
^OX = Margin release on/off ^OF = Flush right line ^ON = Clear Var Tab
^B = Reform paragraph ^OS = Single/dbl space ^OV = Var hard tabs
^KP = Print text ^OP = Set page length ^OH = Hyphen on/off
^OG = Paragraph Tab ^OA = Auto indent ^OK = PropSpc on/off
^OM = Auto reformatting ^OJ = Right justify ^OD = Screen preview
^PB = Bold ^PX = Strikeout ^PT = Superscript
^PD = Double ^PY = Italic ^PV = Subscript
^PS = Underline ^PH = Overstrike char ^PM = Overstrike line
^PL = Page break at site ^PI = Hard Tab ^P# = Autonumber mark
^PZ = Place marker ^PG = Print pause ^P- = Soft hyphen
^PA = Alternate pitch ^PQ = User defined ^PE = User defined
^PN = Normal pitch ^PW = User defined ^PR = User defined
MACROS: ========================================================================
ESC[ = define/run macro ESC] = store to numeric key ESC! = Jump to label
ESC; = wait (pause) ESC0..Z = use stored key ESC& = Chain to Key
ESC" = Record macro ESC=,~ = Tests, loops [F1..F12] Func keys
ESC(),+,- = Counter for pgmg ESC$0..Z On Error, go to ESC* = Set toggle
Note: See VINST.REF and VDE.DOC for programming of function keys and switches.