Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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File List
160 lines
Filename Type Length Date Description
123TLK22.ZIP B 177314 911116 Talking Teacher: Child learns numbers/counting
AAALIFE.ARC B 52566 890715 Conway's 'Life' simulation, CGA/VGA/EGA/HGC
AALIFE.ARC B 2504 890725 Life patterns for AAALIFE program
ABC412A.ZIP B 134451 910319 ABC Fun Keys: Teach children ABCs, v4.12a
ABCTLK23.ZIP B 207303 920312 Teaches children to talk, read/alphabet/spell
AFARM.ZIP B 184213 910630 Teach/learn Orwell's Animal Farm (CGA)
AI_TUTOR.ZIP B 130896 910426 Artificial intelligence tutorial
AIRCOND.ZIP B 51268 910802 Airconditioning repair knowledge self-test CGA
ALGEBRAX.ARC B 97320 891215 Professor Weissman's Algebra tutor, v1.50
AMYPRIME.ARC B 49127 870914 Educational children's games
ANIMALS.ARC B 38054 900120 Number games for children
ASTRO20.ARC B 50931 880925 Calculate planetary ATA, rise and set time
AVPLAN30.ZIP B 228431 910521 Aviation preflight planning utility
BABYDRAW.ZIP B 179651 901203 Simple drawing program for children
BIOMRF.ARC B 48358 881205 Demos cumulative small chg, Darwin evolution
BLDFSH21.ZIP B 228801 910416 Identify fish and graphically display
CAPFUN.ZIP B 31360 920314 DEMO: prog. teaches sentence capitalization
CAT0301.ZIP B 81996 920106 Teachers: Computer Assisted (Tech) testing
CGP20.ZIP B 68288 911006 Children's Graphics Paint program, v2.0
CHEMICAL.ARC B 210176 881030 Molucular modeling program CGA or EGA
CHEMREF.ARC B 166476 890802 Chemistry database/reference
CIBOX.ARC B 97020 870926 Good math educ. game for kids GR 3-6, C/G req.
CLOCKGAM.ARC B 17400 900120 Teach clock to 3-5 year old children
COLORBK.ZIP B 121083 920427 EGA Coloring Cook for kids, w/mouse support
CORWP30.ZIP B 109420 911119 CoreWar Pro: Redcode program vs program battle
COSMOS14.ZIP B 168494 910622 Astronomy pgm displays skies viewed from earth
CRITIC21.ZIP B 36447 911005 Analyze/compare your writing to famous authors
CSA.ARC B 40570 871231 Analyzes categorical syllogisms for validity
CURA22.ZIP B 92609 920110 Autocidal pest control simulation for Windows3
DIVECOMP.ZIP B 62974 910204 Diver's nitrogen loading computer simulator
DLANET.ZIP B 57884 901028 Polynomial/circuit analysis, w/built-in editor
DR_LIFE.ZIP B 27293 920411 Conway's 'Life' simulation (EGA/VGA/mouse req)
DRILL.ARC B 13440 870531 A school teacher for your kids
EE11.ZIP B 321877 920430 Electrical Engineering design & analysis prog.
ELECTRC3.ARC B 58498 900216 Performs most common electrical calculations
ELEMENTS.ARC B 69279 890826 Study aide: data on the 106 chemical elements
EPHEM421.ZIP B 245439 901111 Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets positions
EXAMBA20.ZIP B 123722 920330 Exam Bank v2.0: Teacher's test maker
EXPBENCH.ARC B 77199 880907 Expert System benchmarking
EXTOL30.ARC B 74991 871123 PC-EXTOL 3.0 computer CAI Language
FRAMES.ARC B 84064 891220 Programmed textbook CAI, fill in missing words
FREN1_23.ARC B 77487 890327 Language Teacher series - French 1 - ver 2.3
FREN2_23.ARC B 75153 890327 Language Teacher series - French 2 - ver 2.3
FRNCH102.ZIP B 90714 920312 Ultimate French v1.02: Learn basic French
FUNNELS.ARC B 53531 891118 FUNNELS & BUCKETS arithmetic game for children
FWLAW.ARC B 127839 900119 Fun w/Letters & Words,educational game,age 2-6
GARDENER.ARC B 205952 881030 Database for gardeners
GEO_MATH.ZIP B 129982 900903 Math tutor for grades 1-6. Includes BASIC src
GERM1_23.ARC B 78843 890327 Language Teacher series - German 1 - ver 2.3
GERM2_23.ARC B 76397 890327 Language Teacher series - German 2 - ver 2.3
GLOS2.ZIP B 73552 900320 Glossary of Telecomputing terms
GRADE252.ZIP B 59972 900402 Aeius Gradebook: Maintain teacher's grade book
GRADEBOK.ARC B 39346 871121 Maintain teacher's grade book
GRADES27.ZIP B 138627 911021 Course grades/scores/GPA calc/grade prediction
GRAVITY2.ZIP B 112662 910604 Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space
HACKTST3.ZIP B 27210 920406 Program to administer the infamous Hacker test
HRAP.ARC B 200704 880724 Diet+Lifestyle=Longevity: compared w/average
INF_EXE.ARC B 118843 871231 Information system, part 1 of 2
INF_SRC.ARC B 58205 871231 Information system, part 2 of 2
ITAL1_23.ARC B 77535 890327 Language Teacher series - Italian 1 - ver 2.3
JAPAN14.ARC B 134400 891025 Tutorial: Japanese for business & travel v1.4
JPSTPHN2.ZIP B 55651 910621 Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA)
KANJI1.ZIP B 351692 910428 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 1 of 3
KANJI2.ZIP B 353735 910428 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 2 of 3
KANJI3.ZIP B 349614 910428 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 3 of 3
KIDSWP.ARC B 20925 870914 Shareware Child's Word Processor
LESSON.ARC B 58031 871024 Maintain school lesson plans for teachers
LETTERFA.ARC B 44677 891118 Falling letters game, children's typing tutor
LP100210.ZIP B 210606 920312 Linear programming, solve optimizing problems
LTBLIT30.ZIP B 119613 920312 Potato late blight management game for Windows
MACBETH.ZIP B 194650 910630 Teach/learn Shakespeare's Macbeth (CGA)
MARKV13.ZIP B 57734 911025 Mark V. Shaney, text paraphraser
MATHER.ZIP B 53718 920107 Moraff's math for prizes educational game
MATHSHOP.ARC B 67200 870625 Math/arithmetic drills
MATLAB.ZIP B 200670 900927 Computes matrices developed by LINPAK/EISPACK
MAZE2A.ARC B 78223 890712 Generate/solve mazes on your PC, w/TC2.0 src
MB12.ZIP B 214529 920324 WIN3: Multi-language learning environment
MBLDIV10.ZIP B 101376 910802 CGA Long Division Tutor with a new 'twist'
MBMULT10.ZIP B 136832 910802 Math education: Multiplication trainer
MCASTLE.ZIP B 123211 910522 Math Castle: Math-based adventure game
MEMMASTR.ZIP B 141088 901013 Improve your memory with this educational pgm
MOMS358.ZIP B 121465 920121 Game teaches music/art/spelling/english/math
MOON.ZIP B 57300 901210 Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find
ODE25.ZIP B 131887 910116 Ordinary differential equation simulate/solve
ORIGAMI.ARC B 209024 880304 Make paper figures
OTD_11.ZIP B 121594 911219 Tells what happened 'On This Day' in history
PC_QUIZ.ARC B 72351 900120 Teachers aid (test)
PCCAI205.ZIP B 240076 910601 CAI authoring language; write tutorials, tests
PCFTYP41.ZIP B 178782 911209 PC-FASTYPE/CGA v4.1 typing tutorial (ASP)
PEDHLP13.ZIP B 45997 910724 Pop-up hypertext help for PEDRAW13
PEDRAW13.ZIP B 207625 910724 Scientific pedigree-drawing program
PEN2MINO.ZIP B 25762 901226 Game:Put 12 shapes of 5 squares into rectangle
PERIODIC.ARC B 52843 900216 Display the periodic table of elements, (EGA)
PLANET.ARC B 52445 890215 Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets
POLY.ARC B 98304 871204 Fit polynomial equations to data points
POLYRT1.ZIP B 77128 911219 Finds polynomial roots, w/interactive graphics
POLYSIM.ARC B 33973 890717 Polynomial simplex optimization, w/C source
PRESQUIZ.BQS B 5376 861011 Quiz on U.S. Presidents. Written in BASIC
PROCESS1.ZIP B 33389 910610 Gravity tank simulation for Process Control
PSPICE5A.ZIP B 1187601 920319 PSpice 5.0a electrical circuit simulator, 1of2
PSPICE5B.ZIP B 1130448 920319 PSpice 5.0a electrical circuit simulator, 2of2
PSPICE5C.ZIP B 848140 920319 PSpice schematics util install disk for WIN3.0
PWERSQR1.ZIP B 28480 910605 Makes squares, sides multiply to same product
QUIZ.ARC B 79791 870823 Quiz program
QUIZGEN.ARC B 52457 871206 Quiz generator program
RECALL1.ZIP B 154218 911209 Shareware vers of Total Recall educational pgm
RMAN.ZIP B 56459 910215 Learn French vocabulary hangman-like game, EGA
ROMEO.ZIP B 207698 910630 Teach/learn Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (CGA)
ROO10.ZIP B 89453 920207 Advanced animated LOGO-like environment (EGA)
RUNLOG.ARC B 92880 900308 Runner's/bicycler's workout log
RUSEN125.ZIP B 238237 911211 Russian-English on-line dictionary (TSR)
RUSTU15.ZIP B 229736 910416 Russian tutorial for beginners - VGA required
SATVIEW2.ZIP B 34439 910620 Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CGA
SFS101.ZIP B 277775 920312 Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA
SKYGLB30.ZIP B 241051 920330 Skyglobe v3.0: Educational map of the sky
SKYPLOT.ARC B 183831 880808 Star map graphic display
SM2.ZIP B 91354 920312 Learning tool; automated repetitave study
SOLAR.ARC B 44069 881013 Solar system simulator
SPAN1_23.ARC B 78055 890327 Language Teacher series - Spanish 1 - ver 2.3
SPAN2_23.ARC B 75098 890327 Language Teacher series - Spanish 2 - ver 2.3
SPELL110.ZIP B 192265 900403 SPELLBOUND! - spelling tutor package
SPELLING.ZIP B 39295 900425 Tutorial/exercises for h.s., college learners
SPNSH102.ZIP B 95757 920312 Ultimate Spanish v1.02: Learn basic Spanish
SSPICE10.ZIP B 91659 910415 Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator
STAGES12.ZIP B 184946 910522 Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/t
STARVIEW.ARC B 246528 881101 Astronomy at its best - (requires mouse)
STATP101.ZIP B 113167 910430 Statistical Physics simulation, ver. 1.01
STRING.ARC B 52096 870222 Math game w/VENN diagrams & sets
STUDY.ZIP B 14602 900826 Study helper. Asks questions randomly + score
TA16.ARC B 57856 871029 Version 1.6 of TEACHING ASSISTANT
TEDDEMO2.ZIP B 134456 910105 ThermoDynamics: Kinetic gas model simulator
TESTWRT2.ARC B 90804 890227 Word processor for preparing examinations
TORG310.ZIP B 172682 920421 Organic chemistry ID of unknowns simulator
TOXINS.ZIP B 26828 900720 Snake and toad toxins, diagnosis, treatment
TP_ET.ZIP B 115774 911209 Thumb Print Software's Electric Typewriter
TRANS.ARC B 52269 870729 Translate text to another language
TSGAME12.ARC B 56521 890727 T.Salmi: First package of educational games
TSGMEB15.ZIP B 80345 910811 T.Salmi: Second package of educational games
TSGMEC11.ZIP B 82460 900818 T.Salmi: Third package of educational games
TSGMED11.ZIP B 74421 901016 Learn national flags as a game, T.Salmi
TSGMEE10.ZIP B 71674 901216 T.Salmi: 5th pkg of educational games, EGA req
TSLIN33.ZIP B 73471 901216 Linear programming and linear goal programming
TURKISH1.ZIP B 74320 910911 Turkish language tutorial
TUTSIM.ARC B 26680 890411 TUTSIM demo - analog computer simulator
TYPDR11.ZIP B 17906 900912 TypeDrill: Improve typing skills, w/TP src
TYPEFAST.ZIP B 91532 900912 TypeFast: Game stresses typing speed, w/C src
USA_SURV.ZIP B 419328 910614 Survey the USA, graphics, requires mouse
USGEO102.ZIP B 130285 920312 USA geography teacher & tester (req. EGA/VGA)
VARGRA50.ZIP B 667989 920430 Comprehensive grade entry, analysis, stats
VCLANG11.ZIP B 153240 910823 Teaching tool: Visable compiler & interpreter
WNG.ZIP B 87267 910523 World Name Game: educational - guess capitals
WORDGEN1.ZIP B 98480 920430 Mega Mind Maze 1: Amazing word game for GENIUS
WORDWIZ.ARC B 37760 870703 Hangman-like spelling game. Simple graphics
WRDGLRY.ARC B 185071 900110 Match words with pictures, children ages 4-7
WRDLK11B.ZIP B 63084 910525 WordLock: Menu-driven crossword puzzle builder