Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Internet Message Format
From: merlin@ieee.org (Burt Juda)
Reply-To: hostmaster@fidonet.fidonet.org
Subject: sendmail rules for MXing for .fidonet.org sites
# The header lines which your gate receives in 'mail' messages from
# the Internet *can* be forced into "Internet" format by your MX-receiver,
# even though it's being transmitted via UUCP. Most sites will typically
# use different sets of header re-writing rules when dealing with a
# "UUCP" site as opposed to sending over the Internet via SMTP.
# The UFGATE utilities MailIn/MailOut *CAN* deal with things being in
# Internet format, it does NOT have to have things in bangpath format.
# The biggest advantage this has is to allow your smart-host to handle
# sending to a destination where the 'path' has changed since the message
# came thru (it might be a reply to a 2-month old message). Better yet,
# it allows the smart-host to use the DNS for sending those replies
# whereever possible.
# Essentially a set of rules for handling UUCP transmission with "Internet"
# headers is what is called for. I have been using this configuration
# successfully between my machines using sendmail since I've been running
# 'ieee.org'.
# If you have an MX-receiver (ie: he has an IP address and running an SMTP
# daemon) and we have your MX-record pointing to him, you may want to
# forward this on to the administrator of the system you deal with.
# If he's willing and able to install the extra rulesets for your system,
# the end result will be less bounces for both you and him to deal with
# along with more efficient mail delivery.
# Burt Juda Internet: merlin@ieee.org
# If you only handle MXing for ONE .fidonet.org site, you can use the
# following macro. Otherwise, the uucpname of the site will have to
# be spelled out explicitly in Ruleset 0.
CX fidosite
# If you have given the FidoNet gateway SysOp a logon on your machine,
# you can set the following to a FILE in his $HOME directory so that
# he can maintain the list of FidoNet Nets that must be mapped to
# delivery to his system.
# otherwise, you can set the class-macro to be a list of the Nets which
# get delivered to his system.
# CF n###
# CF n###
# "ufgate" UUCP mailer: Uses UUCP transport but domain-style naming
# Contains special hacks for FidoNet gateway
# Use this mailer definition for delivery to sites which
# are gateways for .fidonet.org.
# Mufgate, P=/usr/bin/uux, F=msDFMhuU, S=17, R=23,
Mufgate, P=/usr/bin/uux, F=msDFMC, S=27, R=28,
A=uux - -r $h!rmail ($u)
# convert Sender field
# use this if your site can handle the .BITNET pseudo-domain
R$+%$+.BITNET<@$+> $@$1<@$2.bitnet> user@host.BITNET
# use this if you map your system to the mail domainname
R$*<@$=w>$* $:$1<@$m>$3 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$m.LOCAL>$* $:$1<@$m>$3 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$m>$* $:$1<@$m>$2 LOCAL => hostname
# otherwise use only the following
R$*<@$=w.$m>$* $:$1<@$m>$3 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$+.$m>$* $:$1<@$2.$m>$3 send our domain as is
R$*<@$+>$* $@$1<@$2>$3 already ok
# if you map outgoing mail as the domain, leave as is
# otherwise change $m to $w.$m
R$- $@$1<@$m>
R$-.$- $@$1.$2<@$m>
R$-.$-.$- $@$1.$2.$3<@$m>
# Convert recipient (To, Cc) fields
# The following will re-map UUCP-style addresses to Internet-style
# addresses so that REPLIES can use your Nameserver instead of possibly
# being sent to bad paths, thus minimizing bounces.
# The class-macro T is assumed to be a list of the valid Top-Level domains
# which your Nameserver can resolve, ie: com org edu net mil gov, etc.
# strip preceeding path
R$+!$+.fidonet.org!$+ $2.fidonet.org!$3
# site.fidonet.org!user@domain => user@site.fidonet.org
R$+.fidonet.org!$+<@$+.$=T> $:$2<@$1.fidonet.org>
# strip any preceeding path remaining from what is left
R$+!$+<@$+.fidonet.org> $@$2<@$3.fidonet.org>
# use this if your site can handle the .BITNET pseudo-domain
R$+%$+.BITNET<@$+> $@$1<@$2.bitnet> user@host.BITNET
# use this if you map your system to the mail domainname
R$*<@LOCAL>$* $:$1<@$m>$2 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$m.LOCAL>$* $:$1<@$m>$2 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$m>$* $:$1<@$m>$2 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$=w>$* $:$1<@$m>$3 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$=w.$m>$* $:$1<@$m>$3 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$=w.LOCAL>$* $:$1<@$m>$3 LOCAL => hostname
R$*<@$=w.$m.LOCAL>$* $:$1<@$m>$3 LOCAL => hostname
# if you map outgoing mail as the domain, leave as is
# otherwise change $m to $w.$m
R$+<@LOCAL> $:$1<@$m> make sure domain is tacked on
R$*<@$+.$m>$* $:$1<@$2.$m>$3 send our domain as is
R$*<@$+>$* $@$1<@$2>$3 already ok
# if you map outgoing mail as the domain, leave as is
# otherwise change $m to $w.$m
R$- $@$1<@$m>
R$-.$- $@$1.$2<@$m>
R$-.$-.$- $@$1.$2.$3<@$m>
R$+ $:$>7$1
# Ruleset 0
# map the site itself
R$X.fidonet.org!$+ $#ufgate $@$X $:$1.fidonet.org!$2
R$+<@$X.fidonet.org> $#ufgate $@$X $:$2.fidonet.org!$1
# map the Nets that get gated thru this site
R$+.$=F.z1.fidonet.org!$+ $#ufgate $@$X $:$1.$2.z1.fidonet.org!$3
R$+<@$+.$=F.z1.fidonet.org> $#ufgate $@$X $:$2.$3.z1.fidonet.org!$1
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