Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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235 lines
idx2dat - Convert a simibm.idx file format to a data format
compatible with autoftp or batchftp for downloading
idx2dat fname1 [fname2]
idx2dat converts a file in the format of simibm.idx into
a data file for the autoftp or batchftp program. It will
extract the directory and file name from each line of the
fname1 file and convert them into a format acceptable to the
common background ftp programs.
The simibm.idx file format is a comma delimited record with
each ASCII field in the record enclosed in quotes. The
order of fields is:
"<vol name>","<dir name>","<fname>","x","<size>,"<type>",...
where <vol name> is the disk volume (e.g. PD1: or PD2:),
<dir name> is the directory name (e.g. <MSDOS.DSKUTL>),
<fname> is the name of the file in upper case letters,
<x> is ignored, <size> is the size in bytes (ignored) and
<type> is the type of the file ("7" = ASCII, "8" = binary).
The fields after <type> are ignored by this program.
Each record is converted to the following format:
-d <vol_name><dir name>
-t <lc_fname>
for binary files or:
-d <vol_name><dir name>
-a <lc_fname>
for ASCII files, where lc_fname is a lowercase version of
the <fname> field. Simtel does not care about the case of
the file name and this will cause batchftp and autoftp to
create the local file using lowercase. The -d line with
the directory name is only printed once for a group of files
from the same directory. Note that there are slight
differences between the data file format between autoftp and
batchftp. However, the forms used above are accepted by
both programs.
The first command line parameter is taken to be the input
file name. The second parameter (if present) is the output
file name. If the second file name is not given then stdout
is used.
To set up the program, simply compile idx2dat:
cc -o idx2dat idx2dat.c
and place the executable in your bin directory. You can
rename the executable to anything you like.
USAGE: I have found this program a valuable timesaver. I use a
simple shell script which extracts the simibm.idx file from
a newly downloaded simibm.arc file and runs diff against the
previous simibm.idx. I then use an editor to read the diff
file and save off lines of the file for new programs I want
to download. Then I use idx2dat to convert that file into a
format for autoftp or batchftp. Now I run autoftp to start
downloading the files I selected in the background. The
whole process takes me just five minutes with most of the
time spent browsing through the diff file for interesting
new programs.
John Sauter, Industrial Technology Institute
This is a freeware, meaning that it can be copied and used
freely. But the programs must NOT be sold for profit.
Problems, improvements, comments and suggestions can be sent
to the author at:
E-mail: Postal Mail:
john@iti.org John A. Sauter
Industrial Technology Institute
PO Box 1485
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Version 1.0 by John Sauter, March 1, 1991
After a year of internal use I decided to clean up the
program, make it compatible with both autoftp and batchftp
and release it. This version also includes some nominal
error checking to verify that it was given a valid
simibm.idx file. Its not elegant. I just used simple brute
force methods to parse the files, but all I wanted was
something quick and dirty. It does what it says it does and
nothing more.
The program does not protect itself very well from
overrunning array bounds. It makes sure that the first
three characters of a line are '"PD' and ignores the line
if it isn't. This will be a problem if simibm.idx ever
references volumes that don't start with "PD" (currently it
doesn't). If this test passes, but the rest of the line
is not in correct simibm.idx format then the program will
probably bomb in a spectacular fashion!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MAXLINE 150
#define lowercase(c) (isupper((c)) ? tolower((c)) : (c))
int argc;
char **argv;
char *cname ; /* pointer to command name */
FILE *infile; /* input file ptr */
FILE *outfile; /* output file ptr */
char *res; /* fgets result */
char *iptr, *fptr, *dptr; /* string parsing ptrs */
int i ;
char c;
char inline[MAXLINE]; /* current record from input file */
char dname[100]; /* current directory name */
char last_dname[100]; /* last directory name */
char fname[100]; /* current file name */
char type; /* file type (ASCII, Binary) */
cname = argv[0] ; /* cname = comand name from argv */
if (argc < 2)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Missing input file name\n", cname) ;
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s input_fname [output_fname]\n", cname) ;
if (argc > 3)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Too many parameters\n", cname) ;
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s input_fname [output_fname]\n", cname) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Opening %s\n", argv[1]);
if ((infile = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
printf("unable to access %s\n", argv[1]) ;
if (argc == 3) /* open second file name for writing */
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Opening %s\n", argv[2]);
if ((outfile = fopen(argv[2], "w")) == NULL)
printf("unable to access %s\n", argv[2]) ;
outfile = stdout; /* use stdout if no fname given */
last_dname[0] = '\0';
/* Read a line from the file */
while((res = fgets(inline, MAXLINE, infile)) != NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Input line = %s\n", inline);
/* get the directory name */
iptr = inline;
if (strncmp(iptr, "\"PD", 3) != 0) /* Check for simibm.idx format */
fprintf(stderr, "Error in input line:\n%s\n", inline);
fprintf(stderr, "Input line not in simibm.idx format. Line ignored.\n");
while (*iptr++ != '"'); /* find 1st " for vol name */
dptr = dname;
while ((*dptr++ = *iptr++) != '"'); /* find 2nd qoute */
dptr--; /* ignore the quote */
while (*iptr++ != '"'); /* find 1st " for dir name */
while ((*dptr++ = *iptr++) != '"'); /* find 2nd qoute */
*(--dptr) = '\0'; /* end directory name */
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Directory name = %s\n", dname);
/* get file name */
while (*iptr++ != '"'); /* find 1st " for filename */
fptr = fname;
while ((c = *iptr++) != '"') /* find 2nd qoute */
*fptr++ = lowercase(c);
*fptr = '\0'; /* end file name */
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "File name = %s\n", fname);
/* Get the file type (after third comma) */
i = 0;
while (i < 3)
if (*iptr++ == ',')
type = *iptr; /* get type character */
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "File type = %c\n", type);
/* print output line */
if (strcmp(last_dname, dname) != 0)
fprintf(outfile, "-d %s\n", dname);
strcpy(last_dname, dname);
if (type == '7')
fprintf(outfile, "-a\t%s\n", fname);
fprintf(outfile, "-t\t%s\n", fname);
} /* end if */
} /* end while */
return(0) ;