# | PD1: | <MSDOS.ARC-LBR> | ARJOP110.ZIP | 1 | 38023 | 8 | 911021 | ARJOPT: Fast and simple windowed shell for ARJ
1 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ARC-LBR> | FV138.ZIP | 1 | 8747 | 8 | 911004 | View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs |
2 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ARC-LBR> | GEN012.ZIP | 1 | 25044 | 8 | 911021 | Builds multivolume backups w/popular archivers |
3 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ARC-LBR> | SHEZ64.ZIP | 1 | 161030 | 8 | 911004 | Shell for archive manipulation, w/virus check |
4 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ARC-LBR> | UNARJ221.ZIP | 1 | 51253 | 8 | 911005 | ARJ file extractor for MS-DOS/Unix/VMS/others |
5 | PD1: | <MSDOS.AUTOCAD> | ECONO3.ZIP | 1 | 5776 | 8 | 911015 | Redundant line replacement program for AutoCAD |
6 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BATUTL> | MENU0891.ZIP | 1 | 17119 | 8 | 911015 | Creates batch files which present nested menus |
7 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | BDOC_250.ZIP | 1 | 112685 | 8 | 911004 | Binkleyterm mail/term pgm docs v2.30/2.40/2.50 |
8 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | BEXE_250.ZIP | 1 | 180374 | 8 | 911004 | Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 exe/update doc |
9 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | BSML_250.ZIP | 1 | 167758 | 8 | 911004 | Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 Borland C src |
10 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | BSRC_250.ZIP | 1 | 463372 | 8 | 911004 | Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 source |
11 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | FD202.ZIP | 1 | 622889 | 8 | 911006 | FrontDoor FIDONET-compat. BBS mailer/front-end |
12 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | QBBS275D.ZIP | 1 | 299062 | 8 | 911016 | QuickBBS v2.75 - Documentation |
13 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | QBBS275E.ZIP | 1 | 322249 | 8 | 911016 | QuickBBS v2.75 - Executables |
14 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | QBBS275O.ZIP | 1 | 319988 | 8 | 911016 | QuickBBS v2.75 - Overlay version |
15 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBS> | QBBS275U.ZIP | 1 | 281776 | 8 | 911016 | QuickBBS v2.75 - Mail and other utilities |
16 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBSLISTS> | 96LISTJ1.ZIP | 1 | 88055 | 8 | 911006 | 9600 bps bulletin board systems list, Oct '91 |
17 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBSLISTS> | BLOKE5.ZIP | 1 | 13722 | 8 | 911006 | BBS Locator, avoids 313BBS.LST zone/toll calls |
18 | PD1: | <MSDOS.BBSLISTS> | ENGR0991.ZIP | 1 | 26555 | 8 | 911021 | Engineering BBS List, September, 1991 |
19 | PD1: | <MSDOS.C> | DBREAK.ZIP | 1 | 4361 | 8 | 911021 | Disable CTL-C/CTL-BREAK/CTL-ALT-DEL. C source |
20 | PD1: | <MSDOS.C> | XMSLB17.ZIP | 1 | 19399 | 8 | 911021 | XMS library for Turbo/Borland C/C++, w/source |
21 | PD1: | <MSDOS.CASE> | EZCASE17.ZIP | 1 | 271457 | 8 | 911005 | Computer Aided Software Engineering tool DEMO |
22 | PD1: | <MSDOS.COMPUTE-PC> | COMP9110.ZIP | 1 | 263863 | 8 | 911005 | Programs from Compute's PC Magazine, Oct 1991 |
23 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DATABASE> | ALBUMS.ZIP | 1 | 84370 | 8 | 911004 | DBMS for CD/record/tape music collections |
24 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DATABASE> | HELPD12.ZIP | 1 | 104967 | 8 | 911023 | Help Desk pgm for use in MIS/DP departments |
25 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DATABASE> | SUPERMEM.ZIP | 1 | 92156 | 8 | 911021 | Create/edit/supervise knowledge databases |
26 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DBASE> | FFLD.ZIP | 1 | 15152 | 8 | 911015 | Displays field structure of dBASE .DBF files |
27 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DDJMAG> | DDJ9109.ZIP | 1 | 112603 | 8 | 911015 | Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1991 |
28 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DDJMAG> | DDJ9110.ZIP | 1 | 176254 | 8 | 911015 | Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1991 |
29 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DESQVIEW> | BALLPT.ZIP | 1 | 2094 | 8 | 911016 | Patch DV to operate MS Ballpoint mouse device |
30 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DESQVIEW> | DVPED1_0.ZIP | 1 | 88110 | 8 | 911021 | Edit DV DVP w/better interface, undoc'd fields |
31 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DESQVIEW> | DVPSV11.ZIP | 1 | 12878 | 8 | 911027 | Full featured print spooler for DESQview |
32 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DESQVIEW> | DVSI1_21.ZIP | 1 | 73750 | 8 | 911011 | UnixLike DV utils:PS w/CPUtime,DF,perf mon,etc |
33 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DESQVIEW> | FILES008.ZIP | 1 | 13077 | 8 | 911016 | DESQview utility to display open files |
34 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DESQVIEW> | MY-D116.ZIP | 1 | 5134 | 8 | 911015 | DV DIR lister shows locks,fcbs,tasks accessing |
35 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DIRUTL> | ACD114.ZIP | 1 | 30208 | 8 | 911021 | ChDir FAST; more features than LCD/NCD & FREE |
36 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DIRUTL> | CCD10.ZIP | 1 | 6997 | 8 | 911026 | CCD v1.0: An enhanced CD (change dir) for DOS |
37 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DIRUTL> | CUDUP21.ZIP | 1 | 87650 | 8 | 911006 | Finds duplicate files, even in archives |
38 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DIRUTL> | DX-264.ZIP | 1 | 125124 | 8 | 911012 | Directory eXtended v2.64 super dir & file util |
39 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DIRUTL> | ODEL12.ZIP | 1 | 26534 | 8 | 911012 | Makes room on drive by deleting oldest file(s) |
40 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DIRUTL> | RM_OM.ZIP | 1 | 21778 | 8 | 911025 | Unix-style file/directory deleter, w/C source |
41 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DIRUTL> | WIPER.ZIP | 1 | 16480 | 8 | 911011 | Remove a whole directory subtree in DOS & OS/2 |
42 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DSKUTL> | ALLSEA.ZIP | 1 | 120320 | 8 | 911011 | Specs for ALL Seagate drives |
43 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DSKUTL> | CUVL1.ZIP | 1 | 30598 | 8 | 911005 | Colorado Utilities disk volume labeler ver 1.0 |
44 | PD1: | <MSDOS.DSKUTL> | DCOPY332.ZIP | 1 | 22617 | 8 | 911023 | Copy whole diskette with subdirs to a file |
45 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDITOR> | BOXER311.ZIP | 1 | 220132 | 8 | 911015 | Multiple file text editor w/macros,mouse supp. |
46 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDITOR> | CEDIT22.ZIP | 1 | 230452 | 8 | 911025 | PD mouse-based Chinese word processor |
47 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDITOR> | EE1091.ZIP | 1 | 24815 | 8 | 911011 | Free ASCII editor for MS-DOS/Unix with source |
48 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDITOR> | TDE120.ZIP | 1 | 180680 | 8 | 911015 | PD multi-window/file text editor w/C & asm src |
49 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDITOR> | VIET1P6.ZIP | 1 | 223834 | 8 | 911015 | Vietnamese word processor, VIET ver. 1.6 |
50 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDUCATION> | CGP20.ZIP | 1 | 68288 | 8 | 911006 | Children's Graphics Paint program, v2.0 |
51 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDUCATION> | CRITIC21.ZIP | 1 | 36447 | 8 | 911005 | Analyze/compare your writing to famous authors |
52 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDUCATION> | GRADES27.ZIP | 1 | 138627 | 8 | 911021 | Course grades/scores/GPA calc/grade prediction |
53 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EDUCATION> | MARKV13.ZIP | 1 | 57734 | 8 | 911025 | Mark V. Shaney, text paraphraser |
54 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EEL> | ASMTAG04.ZIP | 1 | 10309 | 8 | 911017 | Tag Assembly source in MASM/TASM syntax |
55 | PD1: | <MSDOS.EEL> | CTAG05.ZIP | 1 | 22470 | 8 | 911017 | Comprehensive Tagging of C\C++ source code |
56 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILEDOCS> | SIM9109.IDX | 1 | 11560 | 7 | 911022 | Comma-delimited list of September 1991 uploads |
57 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILEDOCS> | UPLOADS.SEP | 1 | 11508 | 7 | 911022 | List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for September 1991 |
58 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILUTL> | CDUMP142.ZIP | 1 | 31269 | 8 | 911027 | Dumps binary files in several useful formats |
59 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILUTL> | DIRC100.ZIP | 1 | 43862 | 8 | 911005 | DIRC 1.00: Checks compression of EXE/COM files |
60 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILUTL> | PKLTE113.EXE | 1 | 49928 | 8 | 911004 | PKLITE v1.13, compress EXE/COM files and run |
61 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILUTL> | PPLUS585.ZIP | 1 | 75381 | 8 | 911015 | PrintPlus: Tag/print/copy/move/view/del files |
62 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILUTL> | SPLIT517.ZIP | 1 | 27664 | 8 | 911006 | Split/rejoin files by lines/bytes per file |
63 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILUTL> | UUDOALL.ZIP | 1 | 13205 | 8 | 911015 | More flexible uudecode for MS-DOS & Unix |
64 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FILUTL> | UUEXE421.ZIP | 1 | 27881 | 8 | 911021 | R.E.Marks' UUdecode/UUencode/XXdecode/XXencode |
65 | PD1: | <MSDOS.FINANCE> | BAM300.ZIP | 1 | 162506 | 8 | 911021 | Bank Account Manager: Checkbook accounting pgm |
66 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GENEALOGY> | BK50D1.ZIP | 1 | 223254 | 8 | 911011 | Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, 1of3 |
67 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GENEALOGY> | BK50D2.ZIP | 1 | 315295 | 8 | 911011 | Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, 2of3 |
68 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GENEALOGY> | BK50D3.ZIP | 1 | 293214 | 8 | 911011 | Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, 3of3 |
69 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GIF> | GIFEND13.ZIP | 1 | 6520 | 8 | 911012 | Remove unused characters from GIF files |
70 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GIF> | GIFEXE20.ZIP | 1 | 32874 | 8 | 911021 | GIFEXE 2.0: Create .EXE versions of .GIF files |
71 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GIF> | GIFLT141.ZIP | 1 | 47554 | 8 | 911021 | Compress GIF files 20% or more and still view |
72 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GIF> | NAKED100.ZIP | 1 | 243633 | 8 | 911022 | NakedEye 1.0, a SuperVGA GIF viewer |
73 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GIF> | VUIMG315.ZIP | 1 | 110720 | 8 | 911004 | GIF/GIF89a/PCX/TIFF view/print, zoom/pan/scale |
74 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GIFNEWS> | GN91-09.ZIP | 1 | 91340 | 8 | 911021 | GIF News 09/91 issue. Newsletter in GIF format |
75 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GRAPHICS> | FGDEMO10.ZIP | 1 | 103956 | 8 | 911015 | Fastgraph GUI demo. See FGL105A & B & C ZIP |
76 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GRAPHICS> | FGL105A.ZIP | 1 | 117341 | 8 | 911015 | Fastgraph/Light v1.05 graphics pgm library 1/3 |
77 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GRAPHICS> | FGL105B.ZIP | 1 | 176196 | 8 | 911015 | Fastgraph/Light v1.05 graphics pgm library 2/3 |
78 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GRAPHICS> | FGL105C.ZIP | 1 | 64928 | 8 | 911015 | Fastgraph/Light v1.05 graphics pgm library 3/3 |
79 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GRAPHICS> | IMDISP77.ZIP | 1 | 342084 | 8 | 911011 | Image Processing Software for JPL images |
80 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GRAPHICS> | IMPROC24.ZIP | 1 | 163895 | 8 | 911021 | Improces: SVGA image processor (GIF,PCX,PRF) |
81 | PD1: | <MSDOS.GRAPHICS> | MVGAVU51.ZIP | 1 | 121061 | 8 | 911004 | GIF & BLD/PLT viewer w/GIF slideshow (req VGA) |
82 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HAMRADIO> | AUTOEXAM.ZIP | 2 | 251630 | 8 | 911016 | Novice/Tech/General/Adv./Extra Ham Radio exams |
83 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HAMRADIO> | CW104.ZIP | 1 | 83367 | 8 | 911005 | Hams: Send and receive CW via RS-232 port |
84 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HAMRADIO> | YAGIMAX.ZIP | 1 | 352305 | 8 | 911021 | Hams: Yagi antenna design program |
85 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | ABRL10B.ZIP | 1 | 43595 | 8 | 911026 | DEMO version of 'AutoBraille' TSR program |
86 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | ACCDOS10.ZIP | 1 | 134984 | 8 | 911026 | AccessDOS: Screen/mouse/sound access utilities |
87 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | BLKDIR.ZIP | 1 | 13243 | 8 | 911026 | Speech friendly directory maintenance pgm |
88 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | DIAL4.ZIP | 1 | 32744 | 8 | 911026 | Speech friendly phone dialer pgm |
89 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | DONDE20.ZIP | 1 | 36847 | 8 | 911027 | Speech friendly file finder pgm |
90 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | NAMES302.ZIP | 1 | 75724 | 8 | 911026 | Speech friendly name and address pgm |
91 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | NWCWDEMO.ZIP | 1 | 128292 | 8 | 911026 | Speech friendly notepad and calculator. DEMO |
92 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | QCB-DEMO.ZIP | 1 | 22718 | 8 | 911026 | Speech friendly QWERTY checkbook program. DEMO |
93 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | QWP-DEMO.ZIP | 1 | 108426 | 8 | 911026 | Speech friendly QWERTY wp/form generator. DEMO |
94 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | ROCK114.ZIP | 2 | 61613 | 8 | 911026 | Speech friendly basic communications pgm |
95 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | SDIR31.ZIP | 1 | 16448 | 8 | 911026 | Speech friendly DIR replacement and more |
96 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | SEEKLYNE.ZIP | 1 | 27223 | 8 | 911026 | Screen review pgm for Covox speech synth. DEMO |
97 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HANDICAP> | TBRL258.ZIP | 1 | 86990 | 8 | 911026 | DEMO version of 'Turbo Braille' program |
98 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HEBREW> | HEB-DISP.ZIP | 1 | 34341 | 8 | 911024 | Display Hebrew letters on a PC's monitor |
99 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HEBREW> | REVEAL.ZIP | 1 | 34175 | 8 | 911024 | Counts occurrences of letters in the Tanach |
100 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HEBREW> | TANACH1.ZIP | 1 | 189405 | 8 | 911024 | The Torah from the Tanach in Hebrew |
101 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HEBREW> | TANACH2.ZIP | 1 | 199937 | 8 | 911024 | The Prophets from the Tanach in Hebrew |
102 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HEBREW> | TANACH3.ZIP | 1 | 249453 | 8 | 911024 | The Writings from the Tanach in Hebrew |
103 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HYPERTEXT> | EBK.ZIP | 1 | 48545 | 8 | 911005 | Topic-oriented hypertext viewing program |
104 | PD1: | <MSDOS.HYPERTEXT> | EBKSRC.ZIP | 1 | 56013 | 8 | 911005 | Borland C++ src for EBK.ZIP hypertext viewer |
105 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | ASQ130.ZIP | 1 | 177870 | 8 | 911027 | Displays information on system configuration |
106 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | DEVDRIV.ZIP | 1 | 3947 | 8 | 911005 | Tutorial on DOS device drivers |
107 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | DOSREF21.ZIP | 1 | 238195 | 8 | 911005 | List of interrupts, memory locations, IO ports |
108 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | FUNC-10.ZIP | 1 | 1635 | 8 | 911004 | Patches QEMM 5.10-5.13 for UMB problem |
109 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | MODER.LST | 2 | 5037 | 7 | 911011 | List of MS-DOS FTP site moderators |
110 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | OPT_PAT.ZIP | 1 | 2207 | 8 | 911006 | Bug fix patch for Quarterdeck's OPTIMIZE v2.0 |
111 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | PIC13S01.ZIP | 1 | 237214 | 8 | 911018 | Baker's PC Industry Catalog (text ref), 1 of 3 |
112 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | PIC13S02.ZIP | 1 | 235484 | 8 | 911018 | Baker's PC Industry Catalog (text ref), 2 of 3 |
113 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | PIC13S03.ZIP | 1 | 193513 | 8 | 911018 | Baker's PC Industry Catalog (text ref), 3 of 3 |
114 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | STEALT.ZIP | 1 | 6527 | 8 | 911004 | QD Tech note: Trouble-shooting QEMM386 STEALTH |
115 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | SYSID602.ZIP | 1 | 33362 | 8 | 911021 | Displays 17 pages of system information |
116 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | THEREF42.ZIP | 1 | 168696 | 8 | 911017 | Technical list of HDs,controllers,cables,mfgrs |
117 | PD1: | <MSDOS.INFO> | TSFAQ24.ZIP | 1 | 95444 | 8 | 911021 | T.Salmi: Frequently asked questions & answers |
118 | PD1: | <MSDOS.KA9Q-TCPIP> | NOS-SLFP.ZIP | 3 | 310211 | 8 | 911026 | NOS vers. of KA9Q with Merit SLFP/PPP support |
119 | PD1: | <MSDOS.KERMIT> | MSKER311.ZIP | 1 | 186841 | 8 | 911001 | MS-Kermit v3.11 comm pgm for IBM-compatibles |
120 | PD1: | <MSDOS.KEYBOARD> | KEYPRS30.ZIP | 1 | 4101 | 8 | 911004 | Non-TSR keyboard buffer stuffer, many options |
121 | PD1: | <MSDOS.LAN> | CHARON34.ZIP | 1 | 361385 | 8 | 911018 | Novell to SMTP gateway for Pegasus Mail |
122 | PD1: | <MSDOS.LAN> | NOTICE15.ZIP | 1 | 59597 | 8 | 911018 | Noticeboard system for Novell Netware |
123 | PD1: | <MSDOS.LAN> | PMAIL21C.ZIP | 1 | 264221 | 8 | 911018 | Pegasus Mail e-mail system for Novell Netware |
124 | PD1: | <MSDOS.LINGUISTICS> | SH12A.ZIP | 1 | 296728 | 8 | 911016 | SHOEBOX, linguistic data management program |
125 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MAC> | UNSTUFIT.ZIP | 1 | 17157 | 8 | 911004 | Extract Macintosh STUFIT .SIT files on MS-DOS |
126 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MATH> | DELP.ZIP | 1 | 4568 | 8 | 911023 | Fast non-iterative multi-exponential fitting |
127 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MENU> | HDM432.ZIP | 1 | 235184 | 8 | 911021 | Customizable DOS menu system w/security, mouse |
128 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MICROSOFT> | MSD11036.ZIP | 1 | 92543 | 8 | 911005 | System configuration diagnostic from Microsoft |
129 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | CMC501.ZIP | 1 | 26029 | 8 | 911021 | {COMMO} Master Control, do evertything macro |
130 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | COMMO501.ZIP | 1 | 153186 | 8 | 911005 | DESQview-aware comm pgm w/macros,ext.protocols |
131 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | COMMOU5F.ZIP | 1 | 18975 | 8 | 911005 | COMMO50 SD BBSs, logons, protocol macros |
132 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | ECOMM221.ZIP | 1 | 177310 | 8 | 911021 | Comm pgm w/editor/calculator/X/YModem & mouse |
133 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | FSTHST22.ZIP | 1 | 15551 | 8 | 911004 | Set up US Robotics HST modem for fastest speed |
134 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | GETS15.ZIP | 1 | 310982 | 8 | 911004 | BBS-controlled terminal pgm w/sound/graphics |
135 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | MUFUS32L.ZIP | 1 | 63431 | 8 | 911015 | Microfusion MF30 terminal emulator w/TP5 src |
136 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | PNS51.ZIP | 1 | 24542 | 8 | 911005 | Point-N-Shoot uploads. Works with {COMMO}/DSZ |
137 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | RS204.ZIP | 1 | 16582 | 8 | 911004 | Displays RS-232 serial port status |
138 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MODEM> | WHATL275.ZIP | 1 | 33834 | 8 | 911004 | Use 1 phone for modem, FAX, and voice calls |
139 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MORMON> | BOM.ZIP | 1 | 509357 | 8 | 911025 | Book of Mormon (Mormon Church) |
140 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MORMON> | D-AND-C.ZIP | 1 | 258588 | 8 | 911025 | Doctrine and Covenants (Mormon Church) |
141 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MORMON> | POFGP.ZIP | 1 | 57239 | 8 | 911025 | Pearl of Great Price (Mormon Church) |
142 | PD1: | <MSDOS.MOUSE> | MOU105.ZIP | 1 | 51681 | 8 | 911021 | MS-C & Turbo-C mouse routines with TRUE cursor |
143 | PD1: | <MSDOS.NCSATELNET> | PKTD.INF | 1 | 270 | 7 | 911027 | Pointer to the latest Clarkson packet drivers |
144 | PD1: | <MSDOS.PCMAG> | VOL10N17.ZIP | 1 | 90424 | 8 | 911004 | PcMag: ALTKEY, FFF, OWNERDRW, SAFEMOVE, WINVER |
145 | PD1: | <MSDOS.PCMAG> | VOL10N18.ZIP | 1 | 26267 | 8 | 911005 | PcMag: CFGSAVE, NOPRSCR, NOWAIT, POPDEM.PRG |
146 | PD1: | <MSDOS.PGMUTL> | TAGS15.ZIP | 1 | 195742 | 8 | 911017 | Comprehensive Tags Generator for C/C++, ASM |
147 | PD1: | <MSDOS.PLOT> | GNUPLOT3.ZIP | 1 | 197463 | 8 | 911021 | Interactive function plotting pgm |
148 | PD1: | <MSDOS.PRINTER> | DUMP0891.ZIP | 1 | 15808 | 8 | 911015 | Dump graphic screens to LaserJet/Epson printer |
149 | PD1: | <MSDOS.PRINTER> | MPAGE113.ZIP | 1 | 24080 | 8 | 911021 | Print multiple pages per sheet on PS printer |
150 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QBASIC> | ASMWIZ14.ZIP | 1 | 85853 | 8 | 911004 | Assembly Wizzard: ASM routines for QuickBASIC |
151 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QBASIC> | GETCPU.ZIP | 1 | 2335 | 8 | 911021 | QBasic routine to determine CPU type w/ASM src |
152 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QBASIC> | V-QLIB.ZIP | 1 | 61189 | 8 | 911021 | List contents of QB Quick Library (.QLB) files |
153 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QEDIT> | AMAC41E.ZIP | 1 | 98724 | 8 | 911004 | Tom Hogshead's QEDIT macros thru 9-Sep-91 |
154 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QEDIT> | TSQED12.ZIP | 1 | 18884 | 8 | 911004 | Timo Salmi's utilities for QEdit v2.15 editor |
155 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QMODEM> | QM431-1.ZIP | 1 | 144848 | 8 | 911004 | QModem comm pgm v4.31, readme & overlay, 1of4 |
156 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QMODEM> | QM431-2.ZIP | 1 | 212437 | 8 | 911004 | QModem comm pgm v4.31, executable & help, 2of4 |
157 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QMODEM> | QM431-3.ZIP | 1 | 168962 | 8 | 911004 | QModem comm pgm v4.31, utilities, 3of4 |
158 | PD1: | <MSDOS.QMODEM> | QM431-4.ZIP | 1 | 246672 | 8 | 911004 | QModem comm pgm v4.31, documentation, 4of4 |
159 | PD1: | <MSDOS.RAMDISK> | SRDISK12.ZIP | 1 | 31042 | 8 | 911021 | Resizeable/removable XMS RAM disk. 32 megs max |
160 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SCREEN> | DSCRNV12.ZIP | 1 | 4229 | 8 | 911015 | Screen saver with selectable delay |
161 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SCREEN> | GRABB390.ZIP | 1 | 128089 | 8 | 911021 | Creates .EXE files from console screens |
162 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SCREEN> | HERKULES.ZIP | 1 | 34154 | 8 | 911021 | HiRes 90x45 text mode driver for Hercules disp |
163 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SMALLTALK> | STV3-DOS.ZIP | 1 | 223373 | 8 | 911015 | Little Smalltalk interp. v3 compiled for DOS |
164 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SOUND> | IFF2VOC.ZIP | 1 | 7931 | 8 | 911007 | Converts Amiga IFF sounds to VOC format |
165 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SOUND> | SOUNDFX4.ZIP | 1 | 48291 | 8 | 911004 | Sound effects from command line. Many sounds |
166 | PD1: | <MSDOS.STATISTICS> | KWKST21A.ZIP | 1 | 200992 | 8 | 911005 | Kwikstat 2.1 Statistical Analysis, 1 of 2 |
167 | PD1: | <MSDOS.STATISTICS> | KWKST21B.ZIP | 1 | 167299 | 8 | 911005 | Kwikstat 2.1 Statistical Analysis, 2 of 2 |
168 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | A20OFF.ZIP | 1 | 3875 | 8 | 911021 | Turn address line 20 on/off with C&T chip set |
169 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | ANTIBOOT.ZIP | 1 | 756 | 8 | 911004 | Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence on a PC |
170 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | CUFND1.ZIP | 1 | 41519 | 8 | 911005 | Colorado Utilities fast file & text find v1.0 |
171 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | CUSET1.ZIP | 1 | 25731 | 8 | 911005 | Colorado Utils set file attributes/date/time |
172 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | DCOM20.ZIP | 1 | 38487 | 8 | 911005 | Captures COM port input. Requires two ports |
173 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | DUMPEM.ZIP | 1 | 18655 | 8 | 911005 | Display/edit expanded, extended, normal memory |
174 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | FFLIP213.ZIP | 1 | 67717 | 8 | 911005 | FastFlip 2.13: Fast multiple program swapper |
175 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | FILES102.ZIP | 1 | 2354 | 8 | 911004 | Increase DOS max. open files from command line |
176 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | INTERC2.ZIP | 1 | 36603 | 8 | 911011 | Traces software interrupts |
177 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | IPCA12A.ZIP | 1 | 12953 | 8 | 911012 | Uses last BIOS bytes as a mini-SET utility |
178 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | LO10.ZIP | 1 | 8837 | 8 | 911016 | Screen saver/hard disk parker. Non-TSR |
179 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | MIRFIX.ZIP | 1 | 3547 | 8 | 911004 | Bug fix for DOS 5's MIRROR command |
180 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | PEEPOK12.ZIP | 1 | 10660 | 8 | 911012 | Peek/poke utility with binary and hex display |
181 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | PORTS13.ZIP | 1 | 19486 | 8 | 911012 | Permits reading and writing to hardware ports |
182 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | PROF.ZIP | 1 | 15848 | 8 | 911027 | EXE & COM pgm profiler, uses pgm's map file |
183 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | PUFF307.ZIP | 1 | 36064 | 8 | 911024 | TSR pop-up directory and text file browser |
184 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | QINFO30.ZIP | 1 | 44790 | 8 | 911004 | Displays free mem & disk space for all drives |
185 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | SCENV100.ZIP | 1 | 5092 | 8 | 911021 | Removes wasted environment space for TSRs |
186 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | SHROM18G.ZIP | 1 | 18357 | 8 | 911021 | Shell Room v18g: Swap program from MEM to disk |
187 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | TSUTLB19.ZIP | 1 | 85991 | 8 | 911015 | More assorted command-like PC utils, T.Salmi |
188 | PD1: | <MSDOS.SYSUTL> | UMBDR503.ZIP | 1 | 11501 | 8 | 911005 | UMB provider/base memory expander for DOS 5 |
189 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | GFILE25F.ZIP | 1 | 51712 | 8 | 911023 | TAG BBS v2.5f, general text and support files |
190 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | HOWTOTAG.ZIP | 1 | 2560 | 8 | 911023 | How to use the Tag BBS, information file |
191 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | HSTMODEM.ZIP | 1 | 2048 | 8 | 911023 | How to use a USRobotics HST modem with TAG BBS |
192 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | MW_310C.ZIP | 1 | 15360 | 8 | 911023 | Mailwait, # msgs waiting for TagMail (TAG BBS) |
193 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | PATCH25G.ZIP | 1 | 7168 | 8 | 911023 | TAG BBS v2.5g system patch |
194 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | TAGD25G.ZIP | 1 | 111616 | 8 | 911023 | TAG BBS v2.5g, documentation |
195 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | TAGID101.ZIP | 1 | 4096 | 8 | 911023 | TAG BBS Ideas v1.01 |
196 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | TAGM25G.ZIP | 1 | 270848 | 8 | 911023 | TAG BBS v2.5g, main and overlay programs |
197 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | TAGR25G.ZIP | 1 | 9728 | 8 | 911023 | TAG BBS v2.5g, file structures |
198 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | TAGS25G.ZIP | 1 | 58368 | 8 | 911023 | TAG BBS v2.5g, instant start-up documentation |
199 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TAGBBS> | TM_241.ZIP | 1 | 194560 | 8 | 911023 | TagMail v2.41, including documentation [Fido] |
200 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TELIX> | MDMCFG21.ZIP | 1 | 19169 | 8 | 911005 | MODEMCFG.EXE program v2.01, for Telix 3.15 |
201 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TELIX> | TXMDM201.ZIP | 1 | 10314 | 8 | 911005 | TELIX.MDM file for Telix MODEMCFG.EXE program |
202 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | CLEAN84.ZIP | 1 | 100352 | 8 | 911011 | Virus removal program for PC's, LAN's |
203 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | HTSCAN16.ZIP | 1 | 85234 | 8 | 911027 | HTScan virus scan v 1.6; needs VSyymmdd.ZIP |
204 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | NETSCN84.ZIP | 1 | 78976 | 8 | 911011 | Scans network file servers for viruses |
205 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | PZIP160.ZIP | 1 | 67765 | 8 | 911005 | Virus-check multiple archives, repack to ZIPs |
206 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | SCANV84.ZIP | 1 | 89368 | 8 | 911011 | Scans standalone & networked PC's for viruses |
207 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | SECUR231.ZIP | 1 | 21610 | 8 | 911005 | Virus/trojan security, prevents unauth. writes |
208 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | VALIDATE.CRC | 1 | 21276 | 7 | 911014 | From McAfee BBS: CRC validation list of pgms |
209 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | VIRX18.ZIP | 1 | 65888 | 8 | 911004 | VIRX v1.8: Easy to use free virus checker |
210 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | VS911009.ZIP | 1 | 35420 | 8 | 911027 | Virus signatures for HTSCAN/TBSCAN - 911009 |
211 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | VSHLD84.ZIP | 1 | 78080 | 8 | 911011 | Virus infection-prevention TSR for PC's |
212 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO> | WSCAN84B.ZIP | 1 | 123849 | 8 | 911015 | Windows3 version of McAfee's virus scanner pgm |
213 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBO-C> | EMSLB221.ZIP | 1 | 67369 | 8 | 911015 | EMS interface from Borland/Turbo C[++] & MSC |
214 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBO-C> | KSLIB.ZIP | 1 | 33437 | 8 | 911004 | Windowing/database/toolkit libs for Turbo-C |
215 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | HOTM60.ZIP | 1 | 5798 | 8 | 911021 | Reassign the TP 6.0 IDE hot keys, w/TP 6.0 src |
216 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | SORTKIT1.ZIP | 1 | 12049 | 8 | 911004 | Sort objects sources for Turbo Pascal 6 |
217 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TEGL6A.ZIP | 1 | 269585 | 8 | 911005 | TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 1of2 |
218 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TEGL6B.ZIP | 1 | 150197 | 8 | 911005 | TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 2of2 |
219 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TPRINT.ZIP | 1 | 24624 | 8 | 911026 | TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows |
220 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TSPA2540.ZIP | 1 | 81464 | 8 | 911028 | TurboPascal 4.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi |
221 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TSPA2550.ZIP | 1 | 78221 | 8 | 911028 | TurboPascal 5.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi |
222 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TSPA2555.ZIP | 1 | 78233 | 8 | 911028 | TurboPascal 5.5 units for programmers, T.Salmi |
223 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TSPA2560.ZIP | 1 | 78336 | 8 | 911028 | TurboPascal 6.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi |
224 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TVG102.ZIP | 1 | 88871 | 8 | 911026 | TVGRAPH 1.02: TURBO VISION In EGA/VGA graphics |
225 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TURBOPAS> | TVG102_S.ZIP | 1 | 38416 | 8 | 911026 | TVGRAPH 1.02: TURBO VISION In EGA/VGA: sources |
226 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TXTUTL> | CAWF2.ZIP | 1 | 134442 | 8 | 911004 | Formats docs intended for nroff -man, w/C src |
227 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TXTUTL> | LIST76B.ZIP | 1 | 105459 | 8 | 911004 | V. Buerg's classic ascii/binary file viewer |
228 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TXTUTL> | SED15.ZIP | 1 | 67052 | 8 | 911015 | Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 TC src |
229 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TXTUTL> | SED15X.ZIP | 1 | 21163 | 8 | 911015 | Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 EXE/docs |
230 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TXTUTL> | SORTF237.ZIP | 1 | 10202 | 8 | 911004 | Vernon Buerg's fast text sort utility |
231 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TXTUTL> | TSCHEK14.ZIP | 1 | 72655 | 8 | 911004 | Unix-like spelling checker by Timo Salmi |
232 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TXTUTL> | TSFILT18.ZIP | 1 | 105044 | 8 | 911021 | Filters for message/log text files, T.Salmi |
233 | PD1: | <MSDOS.TXTUTL> | WSTRIPRG.ZIP | 1 | 8724 | 8 | 911022 | Gautier's WordStar file stripper & dot remover |
234 | PD1: | <MSDOS.VGA> | VGACAP77.ZIP | 1 | 96304 | 8 | 911021 | Capture & Bsave VGA/MCGA/SVGA palettes/screens |
235 | PD1: | <MSDOS.VGA> | VGAMAX.ZIP | 1 | 95349 | 8 | 911004 | Font/Palette utilities, get most from VGA card |
236 | PD1: | <MSDOS.VOICE> | SWTLK171.ZIP | 1 | 178814 | 8 | 911004 | SW-Talk: Speech library for shareware authors |
237 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WAFFLE> | NUEXPIRE.ZIP | 1 | 3923 | 8 | 911026 | Perl expire for MS-DOS Waffle BBS |
238 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WAFFLE> | WAFDL110.ZIP | 1 | 22464 | 8 | 911011 | External file section door for Waffle's BBS |
239 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WAFFLE> | WAFSRTR2.ZIP | 1 | 17014 | 8 | 911023 | FILESORT: Waffle BBS @FILES editor program |
240 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | BACKDESK.ZIP | 1 | 103619 | 8 | 911021 | BACKMENU/BIGDESK: WIN3 menu/desktop manager |
241 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | CMAN-10.ZIP | 1 | 178130 | 8 | 911004 | Intelligent alarm clock for Windows3, w/alarms |
242 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | CMPSKIT.ZIP | 1 | 78343 | 8 | 911021 | Font compose/preview/display for Windows3 |
243 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | DMPPFM14.ZIP | 1 | 23679 | 8 | 911026 | WIN3: Printer PS/PCL Font Metrics dumper, v1.4 |
244 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | SPY30.ZIP | 1 | 34092 | 8 | 911015 | WIN3: Displays other windows' info (w src) |
245 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | UUCODE16.ZIP | 1 | 23671 | 8 | 911018 | Unix-compatible UUencode/UUdecode for Windows3 |
246 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | W3ET4.ZIP | 1 | 414453 | 8 | 911027 | Tseng ET4000 SVGA Drivers for Windows - 910820 |
247 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | WGREEK13.ZIP | 1 | 178944 | 8 | 911026 | Greek-Hebrew Fonts/Accenter/Conv CCAT for Win3 |
248 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | WININIT.ZIP | 1 | 6336 | 8 | 911015 | Easy custom setup startup desktop for Windows3 |
249 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | WINQ130.ZIP | 1 | 107428 | 8 | 911021 | Windows 3.0 MarkMail/Qmail BBS reader |
250 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | WINSP105.ZIP | 1 | 404974 | 8 | 911021 | WIN3: Spelling checker, works in any window |
251 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | WNQVT473.ZIP | 1 | 157420 | 8 | 911021 | Windows VT220 emulator with X/Y/Zmodem/Kermit |
252 | PD1: | <MSDOS.WINDOWS3> | WNSCAP10.ZIP | 1 | 10287 | 8 | 911021 | Windows3 screen capture, all or part of screen |
253 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZIP> | CUTTER22.ZIP | 1 | 16348 | 8 | 911005 | Splits ZIP Files into any size you wish |
254 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZIP> | PKINSV64.ZIP | 1 | 81615 | 8 | 911005 | Pkinsert: Utility for inserting ZIP comments |
255 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZIP> | ZM25.ZIP | 1 | 141233 | 8 | 911005 | ZipMaster 2.5, ZIP file compression manager |
256 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZIP> | ZSIZE122.ZIP | 1 | 41658 | 8 | 911004 | Breaks large ZIPs into smaller specified size |
257 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | AVGZ20.ZIP | 1 | 17133 | 8 | 911004 | DSZ log analyzer displays file xfer statistics |
258 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | CLASSICZ.ZIP | 5 | 110242 | 8 | 911024 | Classic ZCOMM: Non-graphic vers. of ZCOMM.EXE |
259 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | DSZ1015.ZIP | 1 | 90001 | 8 | 911024 | X/Y/Zmodem protocol file transfer pgm - 911015 |
260 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | DSZ1015N.ZIP | 1 | 2852 | 8 | 911024 | What's new in the 911015 release of DSZ |
261 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | DSZ1015X.ZIP | 1 | 40904 | 8 | 911024 | X/Y/Zmodem file transfer, EXE version - 911015 |
262 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | GSZ1015.ZIP | 1 | 108721 | 8 | 911024 | Graphical version of DSZ X/Y/Zmodem file xfer |
263 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | YAMDEMO.ZIP | 10 | 190117 | 8 | 911024 | Pro-YAM communications SW demo - 911015 |
264 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | YAMHELP.ZIP | 6 | 100837 | 8 | 911006 | Flash-up help processor+database for YAM |
265 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | ZCOMMEXE.ZIP | 19 | 216296 | 8 | 911024 | Comm pgm w/Kermit, X,Y,ZModem, SEAlink. 911015 |
266 | PD1: | <MSDOS.ZMODEM> | ZCOMMHLP.ZIP | 6 | 97748 | 8 | 911006 | Flash-up help for ZCOMM communications program