Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
318 lines
page 55,132
title 'DUMP --- Hex and ASCII Dump Filter'
; DUMP --- filter to transform the Standard Input stream into a
; Hex and ASCII dump, which is written to the Standard Output.
; Version 1.0 Richard G. Markley July 20, 1985
; From Dr Dobbs Journal, November 1985
; Version 1.1 Ted Shapin, Dec. 18, 1985
; Modified to also take a name on the command line
cr equ 0dh ;ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ;ASCII line feed
space equ 20h ;ASCII space
tab equ 09h ;ASCII tab
;DOS 2.x predefined handles
Std_Input equ 0 ;Standard Input device or file
Std_Output equ 1 ;Standard Output device or file
Std_Err equ 2 ;Standard Error device or file
;DOS function numbers
Get_Version equ 030h ;get current DOS version
Device_Input equ 03fh ;read from file or device
Device_Output equ 040h ;write to file or device
Exit equ 04ch ;exit with return code
code segment para public 'CODE'
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
org 100h
dump proc far
jmp start
; data area
Column_Guide db 11 dup (' ')
db '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '
db 'A B C D E F',cr,lf
Col_Guide_Size equ $-Column_Guide
Data_String db 3 dup (' ')
Byte_Counter db '000000 '
Hex_String dw 25 dup (?)
ASCII_String dw 8 dup (?)
db cr,lf
String_Size equ $-Data_String
Appx_String_Len equ (LENGTH Hex_String)+(LENGTH ASCII_String)
New_Lines db cr,lf ;one blank line
New_Lines_Size equ $-New_Lines
Line_Count db ? ;Count of lines per block
filen db 40 dup(0) ; File name (paths OK)
fileh dw 0000H ; File handle
; error messages
Pre_DOS_Error db cr,lf,'DUMP: DOS 2 or greater required',cr,lf
Pre_DOS_Size equ $-Pre_DOS_Error
Input_Error db cr,lf,'DUMP: input device error',cr,lf
Input_Size equ $-Input_Error
Empty_Error db cr,lf,'DUMP: missing input error',cr,lf
Empty_Size equ $-Empty_Error
Output_Error db cr,lf,'DUMP: output device error',cr,lf
Output_Size equ $-Output_Error
Disk_Full_Error db cr,lf,'DUMP: disk is full',cr,lf
Disk_Full_Size equ $-Disk_Full_Error
Start: mov ah,Get_Version ;check version of DOS
int 21h
or al,al ;is it DOS v. 2.0 or higher?
jnz Prepare ;yes, proceed
jmp Error_1 ;no, output error message
Prepare: ;prepare for processing
mov bp,-1 ;prevent output if no input
call Findname ;see if a name on command line
call Input ;perform input of data
Main_Loop: ;output heading'
mov cx,Col_Guide_size
mov dx,offset Column_Guide
call Output
;now dump a block
mov Line_Count,8 ;number of lines per block
jmp Do_Block
Output_Lines: ;send 1 blank lines
mov cx,New_lines_Size
mov dx,offset New_Lines
call Output
jmp Main_Loop
Do_Block: ;initialize part of data
;template with spaces
mov ax,2020h
mov cx,Appx_String_Len
mov di,offset Hex_String
rep stosw
;initialize pointers
;and convert data
mov bx,offset Hex_String
mov dx,size ASCII_String
mov di,offset ASCII_String
jmp Do_Line
Output_Data: mov cx,String_Size ;write a line to Std Output
mov dx,offset Data_String
call Output
;set pointer to sixteen's
;place of byte counter
mov di,offset Byte_Counter+4
;number of places in byte
mov cx,5 ;counter minus one
Adjust_Counter: ;increment input offset counter
inc byte ptr [di] ;incr current number place value
mov al,[di]
cmp al,'9' ;is it 9 or less?
jbe Check_line_Cnt ;yes, check no. of lines output
cmp al,'A' ;no is it larger than A?
ja check_For_F ;yes, jump
mov byte ptr [di],'A'
jmp short Check_Line_Cnt
Check_For_F: cmp al,'F' ;is it 'F' or less?
jbe Check_Line_Cnt ;yes, check number of lines output
mov byte ptr [di],'0' ;no, make the digit '0'
dec di ;move ptr to next higher place
Loop Adjust_Counter ;carry into next higher digit
;check number of lines output
Check_line_Cnt: dec Line_Count ;has block been output?
jne do_Block ;no, output another line
jmp Output_Lines ;yes, output blank
;place ASCII equivalent of
;byte in string
Do_Line: mov al,[si] ;get byte from buffer
mov ch,al ;keep copy
cmp al,' ' ;control code?
jb Not_Printable ;yes, jump
cmp al,'~' ;no, is char a tilde or less?
jbe Printable ;yes, use it
Not_Printable: mov al,'.' ;substitute '.' if not printable
Printable: stosb ;store into ASCII section of output
;place hex equivalent of byte
;in output string
mov ah,2 ;number of nibbles in a byte
xchg di,bx ;get hex section offset
Swap_Nibbles: mov cl,4 ;size of nibble in bits
rol ch,cl ;exchange nibbles
mov al,ch ;save copy
and al,0fh ;mask off high 4 bits
add al,'0' ;convert to ASCII char.
cmp al,'9' ;is it '0-9'?
jbe Place_Digit ;yes, store result
add al,7 ;put it into range 'A-F'
Place_Digit: stosb ;store into hex section of output
dec ah ;any more nibbles?
jnz Swap_Nibbles ;yes, convert again
;reposition pointers
xchg di,bx ;get ASCII section offset
inc bx ;skip space in hex section
inc si ;move input pointer
;input data when buffer empty
dec bp ;buffer used up yet?
jnz Check_Item_Cnt ;no, check item count
call input
;check number of items stored
Check_Item_Cnt: dec dx ;store more data in string?
jnz Do_Line ;yes, get another byte
jmp Output_Data ;no, send a line
;output last data string
;if necessary
Finish_Output: or bp,bp ;was there any input?
jnz Error_3 ;no, send error message
mov cx,String_Size ;yes get size & addr of string
mov dx,offset Data_String
call Output ;send the line
;exit to DOS with ERRORLEVEL set
sub al,al ;return code = 0 for success
Exit_to_DOS: mov ah,Exit ;terminate with AL=return code
int 21h
findname proc
mov bh,00h ; Look for a filename on command line
mov bl,ds:[0080h] ; Look in the FCB location
cmp bl,00h ; BL has the length of the string
jne findnm1 ; If something; else
noname: mov ds:[fileh],Std_input ; use std input for file handle
findnm1: mov cx,bx
add cx,2 ; Save length for later
add bx,0081h ; Put null byte at end to make ASCIIZ string
mov byte ptr [bx],00h
mov bx,0080h
findnm: ; Find actual start of filename
dec cx
inc bx
cmp byte ptr [bx],space ; by skipping leading spaces
je findnm
cmp byte ptr [bx],tab ; and tabs
je findnm
cmp byte ptr [bx],00 ; End of string?
je noname ; Yes. Just blank(s)
mov di,offset filen ; Where to put it
mov si,bx
rep movsb
mov dx,bx
mov ds:[fileh],ax ; Save file handle
mov dx,offset filen
mov al,0 ; Read access
mov ah,3dh ; Try to open the file
int 21h
jnc filefound
cmp ax,2
je Error_3 ; File not found
jmp Error_2 ; Input error
filefound: mov ds:[fileh],ax ; Save file handle
findname endp
Error_1: mov cx,Pre_Dos_Size ;wrong DOS version
mov dx,offset Pre_Dos_Error
mov bp,1 ;save ERRORLEVEL value
jmp Output_Err_Msg ;send error message
Error_2: mov cx,Input_Size ;input device error
mov dx,offset Input_Error
mov bp,2 ;save ERRORLEVEL value
jmp Output_Err_Msg ;send error message
Error_3: mov cx,Empty_Size ;empty input stream
mov dx,offset Empty_Error
mov bp,3 ;save ERRORLEVEL value
jmp Output_Err_Msg ;send error message
Error_4: mov cx,Output_Size ;output device error
mov dx,offset Output_Error
mov bp,4 ;save ERRORLEVEL value
jmp Output_Err_Msg ;send error message
Error_5: mov cx,Disk_Full_Size ;output device is full
mov dx,offset Disk_Full_Error
mov bp,5 ;save ERRORLEVEL value
Output_Err_Msg: ;send error message to Standard
;Error device & pass return
;code back to DOS
mov ah,Device_Output
mov bx,Std_Err ;use handle for Standard Error dev.
int 21h
mov ax,bp ;recover return code
jmp Exit_to_DOS ;go terminate
Input proc near ;get data from Standard Input
push bx ;save hex section offset
push dx ;save item count
mov ah, Device_Input
mov bx,ds:[fileh] ;use handle for input
mov cx,60*1024 ;size of input buffer
mov dx,offset Buffer;address of buffer for data
int 21h
jc Error_2 ;jump if input device error
or ax,ax ;any input?
jnz input2 ;yes.
jmp Finish_Output ;no, send last string & exit
Input2: mov si,offset Buffer;set pointer to input
mov bp,ax ;Length of input
pop dx ;restore item count
pop bx ;restore hex section offset
Input endp
Output proc near ;send string to Standard Output
mov ah,Device_Output
mov bx,Std_Output ;use handle for Standard Output
int 21h
jc Error_4 ;jump if output device error
cmp ax,cx ;all requested bytes written?
jne Error_5 ;jump, output device full
Output endp
Buffer equ $ ;beginning of input buffer
Dump endp
Code ends
end Dump