Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Text File
500 lines
║ HELP │ Allows you to select help in the following areas. ║
║ EDIT │ Will allow changes in the line that is displayed on the screen.║
║ PREV │ The preceeding line is displayed on the screen. ║
║ NEXT │ The succeeding line is displayed on the screen. ║
║ GOTO │ The GOTO command is used to display any line you ask for on ║
║ │ the screen. ║
║ FIRST│ Displays the first line on the screen for viewing. ║
║ LAST │Displays the last line on the screen for viewing. ║
[ Del ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Delete asks for a FIRST line and a LAST line and then
removes all lines inlcusive from the form.
Asks which column to delete, and FROM line TO line.
[ Ins ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Insert moves all lines down one line to make room for a new line.
Then you are placed in the EDIT mode so you may enter the new line.
Insert will insert a column at the location ( column #) that you
choose. You also are asked to supply the width of the new column.
[ eXit ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
RETURNS you to the Command selection bar.
Fill File <Name>
A form that is created with (?prompt) in a box can be filled in
at a later time either form the key board or from a data file.
FILL FILE is the name of the file that will be used to fill in
the form. PROMPT is the remark that is displayed on the screen
when requesting data
for the form. It is not displayed if you are filling the form in from
a file. There is more information about the file structure contained in
the manual.
Version - is used to indicate whether this should be a fast draft or a final
copy. This is shown on the screen as:
Draft VERSION - faster but less dark and shows more dots.
Final VERSION - slower but prints a nice copy.
Print to <Name>: Prints the form to the following devices.
The choices are:
Screen = Prints the form to the screen.
Printer Grphx = Prints the form to the printer using dot matrix graphics.
Printer Text = Prints the form to the printer using standard typewriter
style characters, as illustrated below.
l This is a l sample of a text form. l
l The lines are l simply composed of + - l l
+ Disk - Text = Prints the form to a disk file named as FORMNAME.TXT.
Where FORMNAME is the name of the current form.
+ Disk - OnSide = Prints the form to a disk file named as FORMNAME.ONS.
Where FORMNAME is the name of the current form.
The "ONS" extension is used to show you that this file
has certain graphics characters in it, which are used when
+ The TEXT and OnSide forms saved to the disk do not support Elite,
condensed, or Italics. The forms when printed will have the textual
information truncated to fit the size of the box.
! The following values are set using the TAB and the ARROW keys. !
! TAB selects the value to be changed. The ARROW keys change !
! the value selected. The right/left arrows change by +/- 5, !
! and the up/down arrows by +/-1. !
Top margin
shows the number of lines, or inches printed white at the top
of the form. This is simply blank space. You may also set
this to center the form top to bottom, in which case the
top margin say's "CENTER". To CENTER type TAB key to change
the setting. Then type "0" , and then the down arrow. Press
TAB again when you are done.
! The following values are set using the TAB and the ARROW keys. !
! TAB selects the value to be changed. The ARROW keys change !
! the value selected. The right/left arrows change by +/- 5, !
! and the up/down arrows by +/-1. !
Left margin
shows how many PICA width characters the form will be offset
from the left side of the paper. You may also set the left
margin for "CENTER" which will center your form left to right
on the paper for you. See the manual for more information.
To CENTER type TAB key to change the setting. Then type "0",
and then the down arrow. Press TAB again when you are done.
! The following values are set using the TAB and the ARROW keys. !
! TAB selects the value to be changed. The ARROW keys change !
! the value selected. The right/left arrows change by +/- 5, !
! and the up/down arrows by +/-1. !
Paper Width
This information is used center your form on the paper,
Use the arrow keys to set the width of your paper.
Number of copies
shows how many copies of this form will be printed.
! The following values are set using the TAB and the ARROW keys. !
! TAB selects the value to be changed. The ARROW keys change !
! the value selected. The right/left arrows change by +/- 5, !
! and the up/down arrows by +/-1. !
Paper length
shows how long your paper is that you are using. For
example if you are using 2 by 5 inch cards, say for a
rotary card file, then you would change this to read
[ 5 inches ]. The top margin is from the top of the
paper and is included in the form length.
Pause to change paper
can be YES or NO. Set this for YES if you are using
single sheets. The paper out sensor is turned off while
this is selected so that short paper can be used.
If you are using fan fold or continuous roll paper then
set this for NO.
Print Next
shows the name of the form to print next. This is useful if
you have a form made up of several common parts. Start with
the part that will be the top of the form and then set
PRINT NEXT to the name of the form to follow. If you want
the forms to touch each other then set the top of margin
of the next form for 0. You can set each form in this way
and each form will call yet another. CAUTION if you call
a previously called form you may end up in a loop. Printing
over and over again.
SWAP is used to EXCHANGE line(s) or column(s)
The questions are: (L)ine or (C)olumn ?
If your response is : L
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ L ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Swap line # (Enter the number of one of the lines to swap.)
with line # (Enter the number of the other line.)
If your response is: C
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ C ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Swap column # (Enter the number of one of the columns to swap.)
with column # (Enter the number of the other column being exchanged.)
Starting at line # (Enter the line number which will be the top of the column.)
End at line # (Enter the line number which will be the bottom of the column.)
Dir Type "D" and you will be asked for the file TYPE. The file
type is the three letters that follow the period. For example
FRMATION.COM is of type COM.
In respons to the prompt for a file type, you may type a <RETURN>
and you will be shown all of the files on the disk.
You may also type from one to three letters for the file TYPE,
and you will be shown all of the files whose type's match the letters
that you selected.
"B" Will list files like : BAK, BXZ, BAS, BRP, BOS
"BA" Will list files like : BAK, BAS
"BAK" Will list files like : BAK
? is a wild card. "B?S" would list files like BAS, BOS.
drIve Press the letter 'I' to select the disk drive that you wish to use.
The drive letter is added to the form name for referencing the form.
This is a convenient way to start the program on one drive,
then use forms from another.
The drive letter will precede the names of the ONS and TXT
files created. Use the drive option to select the drive on which
you want your files saved.
NOTE: The drive that you are using when you open a form file, is not
affected by any changes to the logged drive. Once the drive letter
has been affixed to the name of the form, it will not change.
If you want to move a form from one drive to another, first change
drives, then create a new file name on that drive, and finally
COPY from the old file to the new file.
This selection allows the addition of another line of boxes.
The information need to construct a line of boxes will be as follows:
- How many boxes.
- How wide each box will be.
- The text information to be included in the box.
- Attribute assigned to each box.
First you must type a value between 1 and 40 for the NUMBER OF BOXES.
A value of less than 1 or pressing RETURN in response will end the ADD
For each box on the line you must specify a WIDTH between 1 and 255.
Finally you may enter text into the boxes you have created. When you
enter your text there are a few symbols that you may use which have
a special meaning. These are:
< which, if this is the first character on the line, will
left justify your text for you.
> which, if this is the first character on the line, will
right justify your text for you.
! Which, if this is the first character on the line, will
Print the entire line without any box structure, that is
the lines which form the box will not be printed.
The spacing, justification and any other attributes will work as
? Which, if the first character on the line, will print the following
text as a REMINDER when filling in the form from the keyboard.
The order of precedence is "!" followed by "?" and either "<", or ">".
Attributes selection is made by holding down the CTRL key and pressing V.
The arrows keys are used to move from one attribute category to another,
and the attributes are changed by typing TAB. Each time you press the TAB
key another option of the particular attribute is shown, and selected.
In the ADD mode only: The attributes set in the any box on the
line will also be assigned as the attributes for each succeeding box.
You my change the attributes any time you are entering text.
The maximum number of boxes on a line can be 40. The maximum total
width for any one line is 240. One could for example select 40 boxes
of width 6. Another limitation is that there can be no more than
80 characters per box.
The attributes are:
Super script Pica On On On On
Sub script Elite Off Off Off Off
Shading prints the characters on the form with a gray background.
Extend bottom will print the box without a bottom line.
Extend right will print the box without a Vertical line on the right side.
Extend bottom WITH Sub script ( needed in first box only ) will print
multiple lines per box closer together than with extend bottom alone.
Allows for the carrying forward of certain attributes
of the current line.
1.) The number of boxes on the line
2.) The size of each individual box on the line.
3.) The text which is in each box.
Usually only the number of boxes and the sizes would be kept,
since this allows for making quick columnar type forms.
New displays the directory, and requests another FORM name.
The current form along with the Print table selections are saved.
Quit saves the form you are working on and then warm boots the system.
L(ine If you select LINE you will be asked for the starting line number
and the last line number which you wish to duplicate. Next you are
asked for the number of copies of these lines, inclusive, that you
want. Then the lines are added to the form at the end.
F(ile The FILE option is essentially the same as line above, with the
exception that the lines are duplicated FROM another form. You will
be asked for the form name which contains the lines you want to copy.
and then you will be asked the same questions as in LINE above.
The result will be that the lines asked for are now added to the end
of the form you are working on.
N(umber The NUMBERS option lets you number lines or columns AFTER the form
has been made. The specific dialogue is covered in the next frame.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ NUMBERS ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
You will be prompted : (L)ines or (C)olumns ?: If your response is : L
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ L ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
You will be asked:
> Column Number? (This is the column which will be numbered)
> First Line ? (Where the nubmers will begin from. )
> Skip lines = (If it is desirable to number at intervals of )
(say 2 or more lines then this is the number of lines )
(to skip. If for example you chose to skip 3 lines )
(you would number lines 1 ,4, 8, 11, etc. )
> Last line ? (This is the last line to be numbered )
> Starting with number ? (This is the first number which you want on the
> Increment by ? (If you want numbers such as 1,3,5,7 etc.
(then you would answer 2.
> text ? (here you have some control over how the number is
(presented. for example: total #, would write
("total 1, total 2, total 3, etc. the # sign determines
(where the number is written. if the # is not present
(then no number will be written in the box.
>justify (L)eft (R)ight (C)enter (select your justification.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ NUMBERS ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
you will be prompted : (L)ines or (C)olumns ?: If your response is : C
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ C ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
You will be asked:
>Line number ? (Enter the line on which the columns will be numbered.
>Start at Column ? (Enter the first column to number.
>Skip Columns = (If you do not want to number consecutive columns then
(answer here, how many columns skip.
>Stop at Column ? (Enter the number of the last column in which a number
(will be placed.
>Start with number (This is asking for the actual number that will be placed
(in the box.
>Increment by? (If you want consecutive numbers then answer with 1.
> text ? (here you have some control over how the number is
(presented. for example: total #, would write
("total 1, total 2, total 3, etc. the # sign determines
(where the number is written. if the # is not present
(then no number will be written in the box.
>justify (L)eft (R)ight (C)enter (select your justification.
When you select (W)idth you will be prompted: Change (C)olumn (F)orm ?
If your response is: C
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ C ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Change which column number ? (Enter column number to be changed.)
New Column width ? (Enter the desired width for this column.)
Starting at line ? (Enter line where the affected portion of column starts.)
Ending at line ? (Enter line where the affected portion of column ends.)
If your response is: F
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ F ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Form width in characters? (10 characters = 1 inch )? (Enter form width )
The EDIT function is similar to ADD. There are a few differences which
are listed below.
1. The attributes from box to box remain as they were unless you change them.
Unlike ADD where they are carried from one box to the next.
2. If the number of boxes on the line is changed the last box will not
automatically have the remaining width.
3. If the number of boxes are changed to a greater amount the widths,
and text in the boxes that were there originally will remain unchanged,
however the new boxes will be undefined.
Previous is used to position the reviewed line to the line next closest
to the beginning of the form.
Simply type "P" to move.
Next moves you to the next line closer to the end of the form.
Typing "N" will move the reviewed line.
Goto is used to position you where ever on the form you would like to
When you press "G" you will be asked:
Line number: ?
Type the line number which you want to look at, or edit.
Typing "F" will position you to the first line on your form.
Last will move you to the last line on the form. Typing "L" will
invoke the command.
Delete is used to erase a line(s) or a column(s) which you do
not want on your form. The questions are: (L)ine or (C)olumn ?
If your response is : C
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ C ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Delete which column # ? (Enter the number of the column you do not want.)
Starting at line ? (Enter the first line the column will be deleted from.)
End at line? (Enter the last line the column will be deleted from.)
If your response is: L
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ L ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
First line? (Enter the FIRST line to be deleted .)
Last line ? (Enter the LAST line to be deleted )
[ If you are deleting only one line then FIRST and LAST
will be the same number ]
Insert a new (L)ine or (C)olumn: The questions are: (L)ine or (C)olumn ?
If your response is: C
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ C ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
This will be which column? (Enter the number of the column this will be.)
Column width ? (Enter the width for the new column.)
Starting at line? (This is the first line the column will be in.)
End at line? (This is the last line the column will be in.)
If your response is: L
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ L ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
There will be a slight pause while room for the new line is created.
The new line will be placed in front of the line shown on the screen.
Next you will be placed in the ADD mode to input your new line.
e(X)it does exactly that. When you type "X" your are return to the first
command line "CMD:"