Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Manual for Autograf (tm) -- The Scatterplot Specialist (tm)
Version 127
(Copyright (c) 1989 by Walter F. Smith)
Autograf is a high-performance graphing and data-analysis program.
To our knowledge, it is by far the fastest and easiest-to-use graphing
program for the IBM PC family. It can create linear, log-log, or semi-log
scatterplots using multiple datasets, each of which can be up to 16300
points long. As an example of Autograf's speed, it can read in and
screen-plot 2000 data points in about 10 seconds on a 10MHz AT clone.
Powerful data massaging features are conveniently linked to the graphics.
We have designed Autograf to be as automatic as is possible. Appropriate
plotting symbols, colors, and axes are automatically chosen for each
dataset. The automatic axis setting routine is "smarter" than any other
we've encountered. However, it is easy to override the defaults whenever
you like. The whole program is so easy to use that you should be able to
learn the basics in about 5 min.
Hardware Requirements
*IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible
*570k RAM
*Graphics adapter card -- Hercules, CGA, EGA, or VGA
(CGA cards will be used in the high-resolution monochrome mode. VGA
cards will be used in EGA mode, and should be set that way if they aren't
(*HPGL plotter or plotter emulation software required for high quality hard
copy. If you don't have either, you can do a screen-dump to a dot-matrix
(*Math co-processor chip will be used if present, but not required)
"Autograf" and "The Scatterplot Specialist" are trademarks of Walter F. Smith.
Walter F. Smith reserves the right to make changes in the product
described in this manual at any time, and without notice.
This manual is for Autograf version 127. The correct size for the file
AUTOGRAF.EXE in this version is 167134. If your copy of
AUTOGRAF.EXE doesn't match this statistic, destroy it. Send $2 to the
address in the license agreement to obtain an unregistered clean copy (or
$15 for a registered one!).
What you need to know to start using Autograf in 5 minutes
*Datafiles must be in ASCII
*The default data format is:
(up to 999 comment lines.) }The comment lines
START }and START are optional
X1 Y1
X2 Y2
. .
. .
. .
The comment lines and "START" line are not required. (If you have a large
datafile with no comments and a slow computer, you may add "/N" to the end of
the filename when Autograf prompts you for it, e.g. FILE.DAT/N. This will
shorten the time it takes to read the file from disk, but is not
required.) If you do have comment lines, you must include the START (in
capitals, on a line by itself) just before the data.
The X and Y values must be separated from each other by spaces,
commas, or tabs. Spaces or commas will allow faster reading of large
datafiles than tabs.
Here are two sample datafiles:
I find comment lines at the start of my datafiles to be a convenient
way to keep track of what the data means.
This file contains three columns, and by default
the first one will be the x-values and the second the y's
1.00 1.15 8.97
2 3.2 4.53
6 7 5.4
7 8 3.2
3.5, 6.78
*To start autograf, type
at the DOS prompt, where C: is the drive (and directory) where you have
*You will notice on the main menu that many of the options have been
replaced by "---". Most of these options do not become available until
after you have read in a datafile and screen-plotted it.
*Menu selections can be made either by using the left and right arrow
keys to move the brackets around the desired item (e.g. >Data< ) and then
hitting carriage-return (<CR>), or by typing the first letter of the item
(e.g. D ).
*Default responses to questions are shown in angle brackets: <Default>
To accept a default response, just press <CR> .
*You can escape from any menu to the one "above" it by hitting the Esc key.
*Hardcopies are available by using the "Hard-copy" menu selection to
output to an HPGL plotter connected to serial port 1, or to do a
screen-dump to a dot-matrix printer. (Typically, to do a screen-dump, you type
GRAPHICS at the DOS prompt to load the correct printer driver before start-
ing Autograf. Then, once you have the desired plot on screen, press the
"Print Screen" or "PrtSc" key. This will probably only work if you have a
CGA card, or an EGA, VGA, or Hercules card running in CGA simulation mode. See
your computer's manual and your graphics-card manual for more details.)
*A typical quick run from reading in data to making a hardcopy would go as
follows: (it's probably best for you to actually follow along on your
computer as you read through this section, using the sample data file
C>Autograf <CR> [Start Autograf from DOS prompt]
(Intro. screen appears, followed by the main menu: )
>Data< Axes Options ----------- ------ ---- --------- ------- Quit
You press D (or <CR>) to select Data.
(The data menu appears: )
>Read-data-from-disk< >----------------<
You press R (or <CR>) to select Read-data-from-disk
Autograf prompts you
Name of datafile (/N if no comments)?
You type FILE.DAT<CR> where FILE.DAT is your filename, including path
if needed.
(The data-entry menu appears: )
>Read-it< X-scale/shift Y-scale/shift Sort Column-specification
You press R (or <CR>) to select Read-it.
(Autograf reads in the data, then returns you to the main menu: )
>----< Axes Options Screen-plot ------ ---- Hard-copy Massage Quit
You press S (or use the arrow keys to move the angle brackets around
Screen-plot and then press <CR>) to select Screen-plot.
(Autograf chooses appropriately-scaled linear axes for you, does the
screen-plot, and returns to the main menu: )
>Data< Axes Options Screen-plot Cursor Fits Hard-copy Massage Quit
You press H to access the Hardcopy menu:
>Plotter< Screen-dump HPGL-file
You press P to access the Plotter menu:
>Go< Char-size Velocity Plot-size Symbol Data-labels Y-axis-label-angle
After checking to be sure your plotter is connected to serial port 1, and
is loaded with paper, you press G to select Go.
(Autograf plots the axes, then asks you: )
Pen # for next dataset <2>?
You type the desired pen #, followed by <CR>, or just <CR> for the default
response of 2.
(Autograf plots the data, then prompts you for labels for the x and y
axes, and an overall label for the graph. If you don't want any of these
labels, just type <CR> at the prompt.)
That's it! In the above example, we did things the long way around to
show you a little about how the menus work. Normally, if you have a
datafile in the standard format (i.e. X=column 1, Y=column 2),
it's faster to type
at the DOS prompt. This causes Autograf to read in and automaticaly
screen-plot FILE.DAT, and then returns to the main menu.
If you are an experienced user, you can probably figure out
most of Autograf's functions by browsing through the various menus.
However, you should read the rest of the manual at the earliest
opportunity for a complete understanding.
Menu Overview
Main menu:
>Data< Axes Options Screen-plot Cursor Fits Hard-copy Massage Quit
| | |
| | |
returns goes asks
to to for
main cursor fit
section. info
Return to then
main menu back
with to
Esc main
Data menu:
>Read-more-data-from-disk< Write-massaged-version-of-FILE.DAT-to-disk
| |
| |
Filename? then Filename? then
Data entry submenu Data output submenu
Data entry submenu:
>Read-it< X-scale/shift Y-scale/shift Sort Column-specification
Data output submenu:
>Write-it< Restrict-range-of-output-points
Axes menu:
>X-set< Y-set Zoom No-rescale Log-plots Refresh Auto-scale Main-menu
Options menu:
>Line< Symbol Plot/config-save Restore-plot/config
>No-line< Symbol Plot/config-save Restore-plot/config
Hard-copy menu:
>Plotter< Screen-dump HPGL-file
Plotter submenu:
>Go< Char-size Plotter-setup Symbol Data-Labels Y-label-angle
Plotter-setup sub-submenu:
>Speed< Plot-size Com-port-#
Speed sub-sub-submenu:
>Paper< Transparency Numeric
Plot-size sub-sub-submenu:
>Standard< Expand/shrink Top-(half) Bottom Left Right Quad Manual-set
Massage menu:
>Math< Examine Rearrange Drift Help Point-range Back-to-main
Math submenu:
>Multiply< Add Exponentiate Invert RMS
Examine submenu:
>List-comments< Add-comments Review-data
Rearrange submenu:
>Sort< Flip Point-#-convert Interpolate 3-d
Quit menu:
>Exit-autograf< Reset Cancel
Autograf does not support typing in data from the keyboard.
Data files must be in ASCII format. This format is used by most
editors and home-written software, and is available as an optional output
format on all good spreadsheets. If you're not sure whether your files are
in ASCII, type TYPE FILE.DAT<CR> at the DOS prompt (where FILE.DAT is
the name of your file). If what comes out on your screen is legible, the
file is ASCII.
The maximum allowable number of points (x-y pairs) in each data file
is 16300. (However, you may plot several files, each of which has 16300
points.) Autograf can handle files with up to 10 columns, and up to 9
datafiles per session.
Please see the 5-min introduction for more about standard format and
Data menu:
>Read-more-data-from-disk< Write-massaged-version-of-FILE.DAT-to-disk
| |
| |
Filename? then Filename? then
Data entry submenu Data output submenu
The next paragraph describes a feature which may be of interest to only a
small number of users. Feel free to skip it and proceed to the section
on the Data entry submenu .
Theorypoly--a special "Datafile"
If you select Read-more-data-from-disk and then type in
when Autograf asks you
Name of datafile (/N if no comments)?
then, instead of trying to read a file from disk, Autograf will take
you to a special section where it will create a pseudo-"datafile" by using a
6th order polynomial: Y= C(0) + C(1)*X + C(2)*X^2 + C(3)*X^3 +... . It will
display the current values for each of the C's. (These will all be 0 unless
you have used the Fits selection, or have used Theorypoly previously.)
To change a particular C, enter its number at the prompt.
Autograf will then prompt you for the new value, and update the screen. For
example, if you wanted the polynomial Y= 1.23 - 4.5*X then, when Autograf
prompts you Change? you would type 0<CR> . Autograf would prompt you
C(0)=? and you would respond 1.23<CR> . Then you would run through a similar
procedure to specify 4.5 for C(1). In order to fit all the C's on the screen,
Autograf displays them in rounded-off form. The internal values, however, are
kept exactly as you typed them in (up to 16 digits of precision).
When you have finished setting all the C's
to their desired values, press <CR> when Autograf prompts you Change? .
You will then be taken back to the main menu, where you can Screenplot,
Massage, etc., just as if you'd read in the data from disk.
Data entry submenu:
>Read-it< X-scale/shift Y-scale/shift Sort Column-specification
All entries on the data entry menu affect only the incoming data.
They have no effect on data which has already been read in.
*X-scale/shift (or Y-scale/shift) allows you to multiply the incoming X
(or Y) values by a constant and/or add a constant.
*Sort sorts the incoming data in order of increasing X. This is not a
very efficient sort in this version, so it may take a while on files with
more than 400 points.
Note that both scale/shift and Sort can be accomplished after the
data has been read in by using the Massage menu.
*Column-specification allows you to specify the columns for the X an Y
values, instead of using the default values of column 1 for X and column 2
for Y. For example, you could specify column 4 for X and column 3 for Y.
Autograf can handle files with up to 10 columns.
Data output submenu:
>Write-it< Point-range-restrict
This submenu only becomes available after you have read in data.
*Write-it tells Autograf to proceed to write the current dataset
(the one most recently read in and massaged) to disk.
*Point-range-restrict allows you to restrict which points will be
written out. This way, you could, say, write out only the first 100
points, or points 213 to 675.
Axes menu:
>X-set< Y-set Zoom No-rescale Log-plots Refresh Auto-scale Main-menu
Changes made in this menu will not take effect until you exit to the
Main menu, except for Zoom, Refresh, and Auto-scale.
*X-set (or Y-set) allows you to specify the minimum and
maximum values on the X (or Y) axis. When you exit back to the main menu,
the screen will be updated to reflect your choices. Autograf will
sometimes set the axes to cover a slightly larger range than you have
specified, so as to allow for sensible increments on the grid tics.
Whenever you set an axis, auto-scaling for that axis is turned off (though
the other axis will still be autoscaled).
*Zoom allows you to move the cursor on the screen to define an area
to zoom in on. First, you will be prompted to move the cursor (it looks like
a "+") to one corner of the box you want to zoom in on, using the up,
down left, and right arrow keys (or Shift-arrow keys for faster movement).
Then you will press C . Then you'll be prompted to move the cursor to the
diagonally opposite corner of your desired area (for example, if the first
corner was at the lower left, you'll move to the upper right), and press the
Esc key. When you exit back to the main menu, the screen will show
approximately the area you defined with the cursor (see above). See the
part of the manual on the Cursor section for more information about moving the
cursor. You may use the cursor's point-jumping mode for zooming.
*No-rescale turns off the automatic rescaling which is done, if
needed, when new data is read in. This selection is equivalent to setting
the X and Y axes at their current limits.
*Log-plots allows you to select logarithmic X and/or Y axes. You
must make this selection before doing any screen-plots! In the next upgrade
(which may be available by June 1, 1989), you will be able to switch back and
forth between linear ond log plots.
*Refresh redraws the screen.
*Auto-scale turns the automatic scaling for both axes back on. This is
useful, for instance, if you have zoomed in on an area, and then want to zoom
back out.
*Main-menu takes you back to the main menu.
Options menu:
>Line< Symbol Plot/config-save Restore-plot/config
>No-line< Symbol Plot/config-save Restore-plot/config
*Line (or No-line) draws a straight line (or erases it) between the
*Symbol allows you to select a different symbol from the default.
Any character is allowable (e.g. "a" or "M"). The characters T, S, and D are
special cases; T corresponds to a triangle, S to a square, and D to a diamond.
You make select no-symbol (i.e. light only one pixel per point) by typing
"." at the prompt. Datafiles with more than 300 points automatically have
no symbol, unless you select one for them. (Note that each symbol can only
be screen-plotted in one color, yellow for triangles, red for squares,
etc. If you change the symbols from their defaults, this can mean that the
symbols will be a different color on the screen than the points at their
centers (or the lines connecting them, if you have selected Line ). However,
when plotted on an HPGL plotter, the symbol will be drawn in the same color
as the center point or connecting line.)
*Plot/config-save allows you to save the current Autograf
configuration, including the data (see next paragraph), to a disk-file. You
can do this at any point, even before you've read in any data. (You will not be
allowed to save when you've read in data but not yet Screen-plotted it.)For
instance, if you often use the same X and Y axes, and don't want them changed,
you could set them using the Axes menu, save that configuration, and then
Restore it each time you started Autograf. You may save as often as you wish.
If you are in the midst of a complicated session, you could save it, shut down
your computer, come back later, and restore it. Saving after a hardcopy will
save all the information about the hardcopy, including labels, etc., so that,
at a later time, you can easily generate another copy, or modify it first.
If you will never use more than 16300 datapoints total in a given
session (totalling all files), then skip this paragraph! When less than
16300 points have been read in, Autograf holds them all in memory, and the
plot/config file which you save contains all the data. Once you exceed
16300 points, Autograf only remembers the names of the data files. This
reduces the amount of disk space you need to save a plot, assuming you
would keep the original data files on disk anyway. This means that when
you restore a plot/config file for a session with more than 16300 points,
you must have all of the datafiles (or massaged files) on disk, in the
same directories as they were when you saved. Also, if you do any
massaging during a session in which you expect to exceed 16300 points total,
you should save the massaged version to disk before reading in
any more data (Autograf will remind you to do this), and Autograf will
force you to save it before doing anything which causes a screen refresh, e.g.
doing a Hard-copy.
*Restore-plot/config restores Autograf to exactly the same
conditions as when a previous save was done.
When you make this selection, the most recently-read in dataset
is screen-plotted (along with any previous datasets). If necessary, Autograf
will automatically rescale the screen-plot to accommodate the new data (if you
haven't turned off the autoscaling, or set your own axes). A label appears at
the bottom of the screen showing the filename, with the symbol being used to
show it in parentheses (T=triangle, S=square, D=diamond).
Cursor section:
The cursor is a crosshair (looks like + ) which you can move around
using the arrow keys on your keypad. It provides a convenient way of reviewing
the exact values of your data points, as well as performing other
special-purpose functions. The cursor works in two different modes,
Point-jumping and Free. The mode is displayed in the lower right corner of your
screen. The cursor starts off in point-jumping mode.
Cursor Point-jumping mode:
The cursor begins positioned on the first point in the current datafile
(the last file read in). The coordinates of this point are displayed in the
lower left corner of the screen. All the commands available are displayed on
the screen.
Pressing the right arrow key moves the cursor
to the second point in the datafile (note that, depending on your data, point
#2 might actually be to the right, left, above, or below point #1). Holding
down the right arrow key scans the cursor "forward" through your data (i.e.
towards the end of it), while holding down the left arrow scans it "backward"
(toward the beginning). If you first hold down the Shift key, and then press
one of the arrow keys, the cursor will move ten points at a time, instead of
one point at a time.
Pressing the Esc key returns you to the main menu.
The next two paragraphs deal with special-purpose features of the Cursor
section, Point-jumping mode. Feel free to skip them and proceed to the section
on "Cursor Free Mode".
Pressing S causes Autograf to seek the next "reversal" in the x-value
trend of the datapoints. That is to say, it looks at the points immediately
after the one where the cursor is positioned, determines whether their x-values
have an increasing or decreasing trend, and then scans forward through the
dataset looking for a reversal in that trend. If it finds one, it moves the
cursor there. Consider the dataset represented schematically below (the numbers
refer to the number of each point, the X's to the X-axis, and the Y's to the
Y 1
Y 2
Y 3
Y 4
Y 5
Y 6
Y 12 7
Y 11 8
Y 9
Y 10
Assume the cursor is at point 1, and that you give the S command. Autograf
scans the points after #1 (points 2, 3 and 4), determines that their x-values
are increasing, then scans forward to find where the x-values begin to
decrease. It finds this reversal at point 6, and so it moves the cursor there.
If you issue another S command at this point, Autograf scans points 7, 8, and
9, determines that their x-values are decreasing, then scans forward through
the rest of the data (points 10, 11, and 12) to find where the x-values begin
to increase. There is no such place, so it prompts you:
Reversal not found (<CR> to continue)
and leaves the cursor on point 6.
Pressing I inserts a break-point at the point on which the cursor is
positioned. This has only two effects: 1) it changes the screen color of the
center point (or connecting line) for all points after the break-point (the
color of the symbol around the center point stays the same), and 2) it causes a
pause when you later make a plotter hardcopy, allowing you to change pens or
specify a different pen for the data after the break-point. All other
operations, including massaging, are not affected by break-points. You may set
up to nine break points per file. To avoid confusion, you should set them in
order (e.g., don't first set a break at point #200 and then set one at point
#113, but rather first set the break at #113 and then the one at #200).
Cursor Free Mode:
By pressing F , you change the cursor from Point-jumping to Free mode.
The mode appears in the bottom right corner of the screen. Once in free mode,
the cursor will move anywhere on the screen, not just from datapoint to
datapoint. The following commands are available in this mode (they are
displayed on the screen to remind you):
Arrow-keys (left, right, up, and down) move the cursor. Its coordinates
are displayed in the lower left corner of the screen. By holding down the
shift key before pressing an arrow key, you can make the cursor move in bigger
The Esc key returns you to the main menu.
You will be prompted for minimum and maximum values of X. Then, Autograf
will fits any data points in the range you have specified to a straight line,
and plot this line on the screen. Note: the line drawn is only a screen image.
It will not be reproduced on a plotter hardcopy. If you want it to come out on
the plotter hardcopy, then use the "Theorypoly" datafile (see section on Data
above). The Fits section automatically transfers its data to the Theorypoly
section, so you don't need to set the C(0) and C(1) manually.
Hard-copy menu:
>Plotter< Screen-dump HPGL-file
*Plotter brings you to the Plotter submenu.
*Screen-dump allows you to format the screen a little more nicely
before you do a screen-dump. You can type in axis labels and an overall
label for the graph.
*HPGL-file directs Autograf to send plotter commands to a disk file,
rather than to a plotter. This is only useful if you have a high-quality
printer and HPGL emulation software for it. For instance, if you have an
HP LaserJet printer, the program "LaserPlotter" (available from MicroMath
Scientific Software 801-943-0290) will take the HPGL command file which is
output by Autograf and change it into a format suitable for high-quality
LaserJet output. After prompting you for the name of the HPGL command file,
Autograf will take you to the Plotter menu. Proceed just as if you were
actually connected to a plotter (i.e. make your Char-size ,etc. selections,
if desired, and then select Go ).
Plotter submenu:
>Go< Char-size Plotter-setup Symbol Data-Labels Y-label-angle
This menu is only useful if you have an HPGL Plotter (or HPGL emulation
software). All selections on this menu affect only the plotter output (except
the Symbol, which you can also set using the Options menu). Note that you
don't need to select anything here other than Go to get a standard plot.
*Go tells Autograf to go ahead and begin plotting
*Char-size allows you to specify the size of the charaters used for
the labels.
Plotter-setup sub-submenu:
>Speed< Plot-size Com-port-#
Speed sub-sub-submenu:
>Paper< Transparency Numeric
This sub-sub-submenu sets the pen speed.
*Paper sets the pen to its maximum speed (default).
*Transparency sets it to a slower speed, suitable for drawing on
*Numeric allows you to specify any speed you want.
Plot-size sub-sub-submenu:
>Standard< Expand/shrink Top-(half) Bottom Left Right Quad Manual-set
This sub-sub-submenu sets the overall size of the plot.
*Standard sets to the default size, whcih takes up most of an 8&1/2
by 11 sheet.
*Expand/shrink allows you the make the plot bigger or smaller, while
keeping it centered on the page.
*Top-(half) (or Bottom) puts the plot on the top half (or bottom
half) of the page.
*Left (or Right) puts the plot on the left (or right) half.
*Quad puts the plot into one of the four quadrants on the page
(upper right, lower left, etc.).
*Manual-set allows you to use the P1 and P2 controls on your plotter
to place and size the plot however you like. P1 is the lower left corner
of the plot, P2 the upper right. See your plotter manual for more details.
Com-port-# allows you to set which serial port your plotter is connected to.
*Symbol (on the Hard-copy menu) allows you to specify the symbol for
each dataset (you can also do this using the Symbol selection under the
Options menu), whether it should be open or filled, and the size of all the
symbols (standard size is 1).
*Data-labels allows you to specify that you want labels of the form
(Symbol)=(you type in a label)
drawn on the plot. You may also specify where on the plot these labels will be
drawn: the upper-left corner, the lower-right, etc. For all labels
(data-labels, axis-labels, and graph-label), you may use subscripts by
enclosing them in square brackets. For instance, R[x] would come out as a
normal-sized R with a smaller x as a subscript. You may use superscripts by
enclosing them in inverted square brackets, e.g. R]super[ .
*Y-label-angle lets you specify whether the label for the Y-axis should be
written horizontally (default) or vertically. If you use horizontal labels,
then, if any single word in your label is too long, part of the label will
not be displayed because there isn't enough room for it in the left margin.
The exact maximum length depends on your choice of Plot-size , Char-size ,
and the number of subscripts and superscripts in it. For standard-sized
characters, a standard-sized plot, and no subscripts or superscripts, the
maximum number of characters in a given word is eight. (Subscripts and
superscripts take up less space than ordinary characters.) If you are in doubt
as to whether a particular word will fit, hyphenate it, and put a space after
the hyphen, e.g. hyphen- ate . Autograf automatically breaks up a horizontal
Y-axis label into its component words, by looking for the spaces between
words, and typesets the label accordingly. The next major version of Autograf
will warn you if the label you have typed in contains any word which are too
long. (This version may be available be June 1, 1989.)
After plotting all of your datasets, Autograf will prompt you for labels
for the x and y axes, and for an overall label for the graph. If you don't
want one of these labels, just type <CR> at the prompt. (If you have already
done a different plot during the session, Autograf will remember the labels you
used and offer them as defaults. In this case, typing <CR> would accept this
default, so if you don't want any label, type a space followerd by <CR>.)
Massage menu:
>Math< Examine Rearrange Drift Help Point-range Back-to-main
Massaging is only allowed for linear plots (i.e. not for log-log or
semi-log plots). This deficiency will be remedied in the next upgrade, which
may be available as early as June 1, 1989.
Massaging only affects the current dataset (the last one read in).
Most of the functions in the Massage menu can be applied to either
the X or the Y values. For example, using the Math submenu, you can add a
constant to either the X's or the Y's. Autograf will prompt you as
appropriate to find out which you want. In the following discussion, XorY
means your choice of X or Y. All functions which affect the data
automatically generate a comment which will appear at the beginning of the
output file (that is, if you decide to output the massaged version of your
data to disk, and if the input file had comments-- if it didnt't, comments
will not be added to the output file). For example, if you have selected
Add (from the Math submenu), you decide to add to the X's, and the constant
you are adding is 5.2, the automatically-generated comment will be
X + 5.2
Autograf will also ask you for explanatory comments after such operations.
Your response (if any) to this question will be enclosed in parentheses in
the output file. Say, in the above example, you answer
Compensate for zero offset
when Autograf prompts you for a comment. Then, the comments generated by
the operation would be
X + 5.2
(Compensate for zero offset)
Most of the information which follows about massaging is available by
selecting Help .
Math submenu:
>Multiply< Add Exponentiate Invert RMS
*Multiply XorY -> XorY * constant
*Add XorY -> XorY + constant
*Exponentiate XorY -> (XorY)^constant
*Invert XorY -> 1/(XorY)
*RMS You specify a range of X-values, then Autograf
calculates the average Y for all points in that range, and
the RMS deviation from that average (or from some other
baseline specified by you).
Examine submenu:
>List-comments< Add-comments Review-data
*List-comments review the comments for the last
datafile read in, including a record of a massaging done.
*Add-comments add comments for the output file
*Review-data allows you to type in a point number, and then Autograf
will display its coordinates.
Rearrange submenu:
>Sort< Flip Point-#-convert Interpolate 3-d
*Sort sorts the data in order of increasing X. This sort is not
very cleverly implemented in this version, so it may take a while for
datasets of more than 400 points.
*Flip invert the order of the data points, so that the first point
becomes the last and the last becomes the first.
*Point-#-convert replace one of the columns of data with the point #
*Interpolate add more data by linearly interpolating between each
pair of points. (Note that it is not necessary to use this command to
generate a straight line between points-- use the Line selection on the
Options menu for that.)
*3-d add x and y offsets to specified segments of the data to
produse a pseudo-three-dimensional plot. Your data should be in the
following format to use this feature: several traces (listed one after
the other in your data file, with no breaks between) over the same range
of x-values. Before using the 3-d massage option, the several traces
should lie on top of one another. They are assumed each to have the same
number of points. The function of the 3-d option is to
separate them. This is represented schematically below, where the a's
represent one trace, the b's another, and the c's a third, while the X's
represent the X-axis and the Y's the Y-axis
Y Y c
Y Y c
Y Y c c
Y Y b c c c
Y Y b c c c
Y Y b c b c
Y a Y a b b b
Y b Y a b b b
Y c c -------> Y a b a b
Y a b a Y a a a
Y b a b Y a a a
Y c c Y a a
Let's assume you have a dataset in which you have swept the X
variable up and then back down (with time passing during the sweep), but the Y
variable at the end of the sweep doesn't match its value at the beginning.
Depending on your experiment, the difference could be due to zero drift. In
trying to compensate for the effects of drift, the simplest possible assumption
is that the zero drifted at a constant rate during the course of the
experiment. This is what the Drift selection does. In this example, when
Autograf asks you
Initial Y baseline (i.e. subtract how much from first Y)?
you would type in
Then, when Autograf asks you
Final Y baseline (i.e. subtract how much from last Y)?
you would type in the difference between the Y you measured at the end of
your sweeps up and back and the Y you measured at the beginning. Say this
difference is 30. Autograf would subtract numbers, which started at 0 for the
first point and increased linearly to 30 for the last point from the Y-values.
This selection brings you to a series of help messages for the massage
menu, which are displayed, line by line, at the bottom of the screen. To
scroll through them, use the keypad (up and down arrow keys, Pg Up, Pg Dn,
End and Home). Exit back to the Massage menu by pressing E .
Use this selection to restrict the range of points to which your next
selection on the massage menu will be applied. The restriction will only
apply to the very next function. If you go back to the Main-menu before
choosing a subsequent function, the restriction will be cancelled. For
example, you could use the Point-range selection, followed by Math and
Add to add a constant to only points #213 to 453.
Returns you to the main menu. If you have made any changes to the
data, Autograf will automatically update the screen at this point.
Quit menu:
>Exit-autograf< Reset Cancel
*Exit-autograf returns you to DOS.
*Reset resets Autograf to its start-up configuration, erasing the
screen and all data in memory.
*Cancel returns you to the main menu.
Telephone support:
Unregistered users are allowed one session of telephone support
(though, if we are unable to resolve your question at that time, we may
allow more). If you have questions which cannot be answered by the
manual, call Walter F. Smith at (617) 628-3964 (6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
eastern time only). This number is valid only until Sept. 1, 1989. Once
you become a registered user, you will be kept up to date on the phone
number for quickest service. (The address listed on the registration form
is permanent.)
Registration Information
Autograf (TM) is a copyrighted program protected by both U.S. and
international copyright law. You are authorized to use it for a limited
period of time under the terms of the Autograf license agreement. After
this time is up, you must register and pay for Autograf to continue using
it. This method of distribution is known as "shareware". It allows you
to determine whether Autograf meets your need before you pay for it.
The registation fee for a single copy of Autograf is $15. Payment of
this fee entitles you to:
*A disk containing the latest version of Autograf and its manual,
registered to you.
*One free upgrade to the next version of Autograf, and reduced rates on
future upgrades.
*Continued technical support via mail or telephone.
*Inclusion on our mailing list, so that you will receive announcements of
upgrades and new products.
Discounts for large quantity license purchases are available; contact
Walter F. Smith for more information.
The form below is available separately in the file AGREG.FRM for your
Autograf Registration Form
Return to: Walter F. Smith
R.D. 1
Petersburg, NY 12138
Autograf version 127
Quantity Price
Disk containing latest update and manual
and next update ($15) ________ ________
(Sales tax included where required.)
Shipping outside US ($5) ________ ________
Total enclosed ________
Please specify 5.25____ or 3.5____ diskette.
Check here to have us contact you about large quantity purchases _____.
Terms: All payments must be in U.S. funds, and must be made by check,
cashier's check, or money order. Personal checks may be subject to bank
clearance delay before shipment.
Name: _____________________________________________
Company: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Phone (optional): ( ) -
I have read and agree to abide by the Autograf license agreement:
(Signature) _____________________________________________________
Where did you get Autograf? ___________________________________________
Please use the back of this page for any comments or suggestions.
Autograf license agreement
(1) The Autograf program and all other programs and documentation
distributed or shipped with it are copyrighted works protected by U.S. and
international copyright law. In the rest of this document, this
collection of programs and documentation is referred to simply as "Autograf".
You are granted a license to use your copy of Autograf only under the
terms and conditions specified in this license agreement.
(2) Autograf is a commercial software package. It is not free, and is
not in the public domain. It is distributed as shareware, which means
that, before you pay for the package, you may try it and see if you want
to continue using it. You may use Autograf free for a trial period of up
to 21 days. If you wish to continue using Autograf after that period, you
must pay a registration fee. If you choose not to pay the registration
fee, you must stop using Autograf and remove it from your computer, though
you are still free to keep copies and pass them along to others.
(3) You may use your copy of Autograf on a single computer. You may
also install it on a computer attached to a network, or remove it from one
computer and install it on another, provided there is no possibility that a
single copy of Autogarf will be used on more than one computer at a time.
(4) You may copy Autograf for backup purposes, and you may give
unmodified copies to other individuals, which they may also use and copy
under the terms of this agreement. You may also copy Autograf onto
publicly-accessible "electronic bulletin-boards", as long as the
"bulletin-board" onto which you copy it is not devoted exclusively to
"public-domain" software ("public-domain" is different from "shareware").
Others may obtain a copy of
Autograf from such "bulletin-boards", which they may use and copy under
the terms of this agreement. If you copy Autograf for others, or copy it
onto a "bulletin-board", you must include all of the files distributed
(5) Once you obtain a license for use of Autograf beyond the 21-day
trial period, you may transfer ownership of your license to another person,
provided that, when you do so, you stop using Autograf, remove it from
your computer, and notify Walter F. Smith of the new owner.
(6) You may NOT distribute Autograf other than by passing individual
copies to friends and associates for their individual use, and by copying
it onto publicly-accessible "electronic bulletin-boards" (as restricted above).
Specifically, you may NOT place Autograf of any part of the Autograf package
in any commercial library without express written permission from Walter F.
Smith, and you may not distribute for a fee, or in any way sell copies of
Autograf of any part of the Autograf package. Under no circumstances may
Autograf be sold or distributed with another product without the express
written permission of Walter F. Smith.
(7) Autograf is a powerful program. While we have attempted to build in
reasonable safeguards, if you do not use Autograf properly, you may
destroy files or cause other damage to your computer software and data.
You assume full responsibility for the selection and use of Autograf to
achieve your intended results; in no event shall Walter F. Smith or Martin
G. Forrester be responsible for any damages whatsoever due to errors in
usage or your failure to read, understand, or follow instructions in the
(8) Limited Warranty
This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties
of merchantibility and fitness for a particualr purpose. The entire risk
as to quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the
program prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary
servicing, repair, or correction. Some states do not allow the exclusion
of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state.
Walter F. Smith warrants the diskette on which a registered copy of the program
is furnished to be free from defects in the material and workmanship under
normal use for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of delivery to
you as evidenced by a copy of your receipt. The defective diskette must
be returned to Walter F. Smith for this warranty to be effected.
(9)Limitations of remedies
Walter F. Smith's and Martin G. Forrester's liability and your exclusive
remedy shall be:
- The replacement of the diskette if you have met the conditions as
described under "Limited Warranty" OR
- A full refund if Walter F. Smith is unable to deliver a diskette free
from defects in materials or workmanship.
In no event will Walter F. Smith or Martin G. Forrester be liable to you
for any damages including any lost profits, lost savings, or other
incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to
use such program even if Walter F. Smith or Martin G. Forrester has been
advised of the possibility of such damages or any claim by any other party.
Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion
may not apply to you.
(10)You may not sublicense, assign, or transfer the license or the limited
warranties of the program except as expressly provided in this agreement.
Any attempt otherwise to sublicense, assign, or transfer any of the
rights, duties, or obligations hereunder is void.
(11) If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you do not have
permission from the copyright holders to use Autograf, and you must stop
using it and remove it from your computer.
(12) Any use or distribution of Autograf which violates this license
agreement will be considered a copyright violation, and proscuted to the
full extent of the law.
Should you have any questions concerning this agreement, you may contact
Walter F. Smith by writing to:
Walter F. Smith
R.D. 1
Petersburg, NY 12138
You acknowledge that you have read this agreement and understand it and
agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that it
is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between us which
supercedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written, and any other
communications between us relating to the subject matter of this agreement.