Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
100 lines
title SpeedSet
fast equ 43h ; scan code for f9 key
slow equ 44h ; scan code for f10 key
kb_data equ 60h ; PIO port A - contains scan code
kb_ctl equ 61h ; PIO port B - contains unused bit
; and keyboard acknowledge bit
code segment ; everything goes in code segment
org 100h
assume cs:code
DOS_entry label far
jmp setup
old_int dd ? ; address of interrupt 9 code in ROM
new_int proc far ; beginning of our interrupt handler
sti ; INT 9 turns off interrupts, reenable
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push dx
mov ah,2 ; tell INT 16 to return kb_flag
int 16h ; get kb_flag
and al,00001000b ; mask bits except alt status
cmp al,00001000b ; check alt key status
jne short no_act ; don't act if alt not pressed
in al,kb_data ; get scan code
cmp al,fast ; is it the f9 key?
je short faster ; speed up if it is
cmp al,slow ; is it the f10 key?
je short slower ; slow down if it is
no_act: pop dx ; restore registers
pop bx
pop ax
jmp old_int ; let ROM code do it's thing
done: in al,kb_ctl ; get keyboard status
or al,10000000b ; set keyboard acknowledge bit
out kb_ctl,al ; write it back to port
pop dx ; restore registers
pop bx
pop ax
jmp old_int ; jump to ROM code to finish
faster: in al,kb_ctl ; get value from PIO port B
and al,11110111b ; reset unused bit
out kb_ctl,al ; write it back to port B
jmp short done ; finish
slower: in al,kb_ctl ; get value from PIO port B
or al,00001000b ; set unused bit
out kb_ctl,al ; write it back to port B
jmp short done ; finish
new_int endp ; end of our interrupt
sign_on db 13,10,18 dup (32),201,42 dup (205),187,13,10
db 18 dup (32),186,' SPEED SWITCH NOW '
db 'INSTALLED ',186,13,10,18 dup (32)
db 186,' Alt F9 ',26,' Slow ',1,' '
db 2,' Alt F10 ',26,' Fast ',186,13,10
db 18 dup (32),200,42 dup (205),188,13,10,'$'
db 13,10,'$'
assume ds:code
setup proc near ; install our routine
; as resident code
mov ax,3509h ; get address of interrupt 9
int 21h
mov ax,es ; segment is returned in es
cmp ax,0f000h ; is this address in ROM?
je short install ; if so, install our code
mov dx,offset err_msg ; if not, write msg
mov ah,9 ; that our code is already
int 21h ; installed
int 20h ; exit to DOS
install:mov dx,offset sign_on ; write sign on msg
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov word ptr old_int,bx ; save ROM address
mov word ptr old_int+2,es ; of interrupt 9
mov dx,offset new_int ; set up new
mov ax,2509h ; interrupt vector
int 21h
mov dx,offset end_res_code ; make our code
int 27h ; resident
setup endp
code ends
end DOS_entry