Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
Assembly Source File
1,056 lines
30-May-86 01:03:08-PDT,41855;000000000001
Return-Path: <milne@ICSE.UCI.EDU>
Received: FROM ICSE.UCI.EDU BY USC-ISIB.ARPA WITH TCP ; 30 May 86 00:57:05 PDT
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To: info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa
Subject: ComPackage version for UCSD p-System
Date: Thu, 29 May 86 22:54:20 -0800
From: Alastair Milne <milne@ICSE.UCI.EDU>
Here is my adaptation of the simpler version of ComPackage for the UCSD
p-System. There are 5 or 6 separate source files, mostly because of
limitations of the p-System assembler. They are delimited by <<<<< marks.
I have placed on each file the documentation header we use at work, to
explain it and give its relations to the other files. I hope they will be
adequate: this is the first time I've sent them to a non-p-System
Several of the names exported to Pascal have been changed (lengthened).
This was done to make them clearer, and in particular to avoid confusion
with names from other units trying to serve the same purpose. I trust
it will not result in too much confusion.
The bug fix I reported is in the interrupt service routine, whose file is
still called COM.PKG1.TEXT.
I hope you will not find restoring this to MASM conventions overly
difficult. If questions arise about what I've done, I'll be happy to help.
Thank you,
Alastair Milne
;{% global equates and macro definitions for ComPackage
;File Name : COM.EQU.TEXT Code Name : <none>
;Assembly context.
; Files included : none
rsize .equ 2048 ; size of receive buffer
tsize .equ 256 ; size of transmit buffer
base .equ 3F0H ; base of address of aux. port registers
aux_int .equ 0CH ; interrupt number for aux port
int_off .equ aux_int*4 ; offset of interrupt vector
datreg .equ base + 8H ; data register
dll .equ base + 8H ; low divisor latcH
dlh .equ base + 9H ; high divisor latch
ier .equ base + 9H ; interrupt enable register
iir .equ base + 0AH ; interrupt identification register
lcr .equ base + 0BH ; line control register
mcr .equ base + 0CH ; modem control register
lsr .equ base + 0DH ; line status register
msr .equ base + 0EH ; modem status register
dla .equ 80H ; divisor latch access
mode .equ 03H ; 8-bits, no parity
dtr .equ 0BH ; bits to set dtr line
dtr_of .equ 00H ; turn off dtr, rts, and tHe interupt driver
thre .equ 20H ; mask to find status of xmit holding register
rxint .equ 01H ; enable data available interrupt
txint .equ 02H ; enable tx holding register empty interrupt
tcheck .equ 20H ; mask for checking tx reg status on interrupt
rcheck .equ 01H ; mask for checking rx reg status on interrupt
imr .equ 21H ; interuprt mask register
int_mask .equ 0EFH ; mask to clear bit 4
int_pend .equ 01H ; there is an interrupt pending
mstat .equ 00H ; modem status interrupt
wr .equ 02H ; ready to xmit data
rd .equ 04H ; received data interrupt
lstat .equ 06H ; line status interrupt
ack .equ 244 ; acknowledge symbol
parity .equ 7FH ; bits to mask off parity
ocw2 .equ 20H ; operational control word on 8259
eoi .equ 64H ; specific end of interrupt 4
brkbit .equ 40H ; bits to cause break
true .equ 1 ; truth
false .equ 0 ; falsehood
XOn .equ 17 ; ASCII Transmit On code, for XOn/XOff protocl
XOff .equ 19 ; ASCII Transmit Off code, " " "
; assumes the parameter is the first word of an IP:CS pair,
; places the current CS into the CS half, and does an
; indirect long call to the routine pointed to.
; NOTE: destroys bx
.macro CallRel
lea bx, cs:%1
mov cs:(bx+2), cs
calll cs:(%1)
.title "COM.PKG"
;{% interrupt handler, installer, and remover for ComPackage
;File Name : COM.PKG1.TEXT Code Name : COM.PKG1.CODE
; (Adapted from code for MS-Pascal by John Romkey and Jerry Saltzer of MIT
; by Richard Gillmann (GILLMANN@ISIB), 1983. Taken from COM_PKG1.ASM
; from the INFO-IBMPC repository at the University of Southern California.)
;Date Coder Modification
; winter, 1986 Alastair Milne Adapted to p-System assembler syntax,
; and p-System calling conventions.
; - clearing of serial port (i.e. forced break)
; moved from init. of interrupt handler
; to user-callable routine.
; - XOn/XOff protocol (input & output) added to
; intrpt handler.
; - bug fix: transmit-ready interrupt is raised
; before transmit shift register is ready.
; Caused strings to be sent as garbage.
; Added loop to wait for the shift reg.
; before sending.
;Assembly context.
; Files included : COM.EQU.TEXT
;Linked to : COM.PKG.P.CODE to obtain : COM.PKG.CODE
;Important Additional Info:
; All this code expects to use serial port 1 on the IBM PC or compatibles.
; No allowance is made for machines with no serial port installed.
.include com.equ.text
; int_hndlr - handles interrupts generated by the remote serial port
.PROC int_hndlr ; *WARNING* - this routine MUST NOT be .REL
.def dataseg, ivecofst, int_segment, start_tdata, end_tdata, size_tdata
.def tdata, rdata, start_rdata, end_rdata, size_rdata
.def handleraddr
push bp
push ds
push es
push di
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
; set up data segment
mov ax,cs:dataseg
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
; find out where interrupt came from and jump to routine to handle it
mov dx,iir
in al,dx
cmp al,rd
jz rcv_chk ; if it's from the receiver
cmp al,wr
jz tmit_chk ; if it's from the transmitter
cmp al,lstat
jz lstat_int ; interrupt becuase of line status
cmp al,mstat
jz mstat_int ; interrupt because of modem status
jmp int_end ; interrupt when no interrupt pending, go away
mov dx,lsr ; clear interrupt
in al,dx
jmp repoll ; see if any more interrupts
mov dx,msr ; clear interrupt
in al,dx
jmp repoll ; see if any more interrupts
mov dx,lsr
in al,dx
and al,tcheck
jz repoll ; transmitter not yet ready,
; so see if any more interrupts
.public SndSuspended
goodtx: test ss:SndSuspended, 1
jnz $1
cmp size_tdata,0 ; see if any more data to send
jne have_data ; if not equal then there is data to send
; if no data to send, or host sent XOff, then reset tx interrupt and return
$1 call StopWriting
jmp repoll
TSRReadyFlag .equ 01000000T ; the LSR bit indicating the Transmitter
; Shift Register is ready.
xor cx, cx ; prepare to leave loop eventually no matter what
mov dx, lsr
$1 in al, dx ; repeatedly obtain the line status
test al, TSRReadyFlag
jnz $2 ; until the xmit shift register shows ready.
loop $1 ; (or 65536 iterations done: more than enough)
$2 mov bx,start_tdata ; bx points to next char. to be sent
mov dx,datreg ; dx equals port to send data to
mov al,tdata(bx) ; get data from buffer
out dx,al ; send data
inc bx ; increment start_tdata
cmp bx,tsize ; see if gone past end
jl ntadj ; if not then skip
sub bx,tsize ; reset to beginning
ntadj: mov start_tdata,bx ; save start_tdata
dec size_tdata ; one less character in x-mit buffer
jmp repoll
mov dx,lsr ; check and see if read is real
in al,dx
and al,rcheck ; look at receive data bit
jnz good_rx ; real, go get byte
jmp repoll ; go look for other interrupts
mov dx,datreg
in al,dx ; get data
call CtrlCheck ; check that data is not flow control
jz repoll ; if it is, don't add it to the queue
cmp size_rdata,rsize ; see if any room
jge repoll ; if no room then look for more interrupts
mov bx,end_rdata ; bx points to free space
mov rdata(bx),al ; send data to buffer
inc size_rdata ; got one more character
inc bx ; increment end_rdata pointer
cmp bx,rsize ; see if gone past end
jl nradj ; if not then skip
sub bx,rsize ; else adjust to beginning
nradj: mov end_rdata,bx ; save value
call SizeCheck
mov dx,lsr ; we always expect receive data, so
in al,dx ; check status to see if any is ready.
and al,rcheck ; get received data bit
jnz good_rx ; yes, go accept the byte
mov dx,ier ; look at transmit condition
in al,dx ; to see if we are enabled to send data
and al,txint
jz int_end ; not enabled, so go away
mov dx,lsr ; we are enabled, so look for tx condition
in al,dx
and al,tcheck
jz int_end
jmp goodtx ; transmitter is finished, go get more data
mov dx,ocw2 ; tell the 8259 that I'm done
mov al,eoi
out dx,al
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
; StopWriting - disables the xmitter-ready interrupt
mov dx,ier
mov al,rxint
out dx,al
; check whether receive buffer is now more than 1/4 full:
cmp size_rdata, rsize//4
jle rdfinished
; if it is, and XOn/XOff is being used, and XOff hasn't been sent yet,
; send an XOff to the char-write routine, and set RcvSuspended TRUE
.ref WrAppender ; use the char-write routine to send XOff
.public ISendXOnXOff, RcvSuspended
mov bl, ss:ISendXOnXOff
mov dl, ss:RcvSuspended
not dl
and bl, dl
and bl, 1 ; read only bit 0
jz rdfinished ; if XOff has been sent, don't resend
mov ax, XOff ; passing conventions use whole word
push ax
CallRel WrAppender
mov ss:RcvSuspended, TRUE
; CtrlCheck - checks if character now in al is flow control character.
; returns with ZF reset if it is not.
.public IHnrXOnXOff, SndSuspended
test ss:IHnrXOnXOff, 1 ; if honouring incoming Xon/XOff,
jnz CharCheck ; check for particular code
mov bl, al ; otherwise force reset of zero flag,
not bl ; and return
cmp bl, al
cmp al, XOn ; if incoming is XOn, kill any suspension
jne XOffCheck
mov ss:SndSuspended, FALSE
mov dx,ier ; and restore xmit-ready interrupt
mov al,rxint .or txint
out dx,al
cmp al, XOff
jne checkdone
mov ss:SndSuspended, TRUE
handleraddr .word int_hndlr
dataseg .word 0
ivecofst .word 0 ; the original interrupt offset
int_segment .word 0 ; the original interrupt segment
start_tdata .word 0 ; index to first character in x-mit buffer
end_tdata .word 0 ; index to first free space in x-mit buffer
size_tdata .word 0 ; number of characters in x-mit buffer
start_rdata .word 0 ; index to first character in rec. buffer
end_rdata .word 0 ; index to first free space in rec. buffer
size_rdata .word 0 ; number of characters in rec. buffer
tdata .block tsize ; dup(?) ; transmit buffer
rdata .block rsize ; dup(?) ; receive buffr
; init_rem
; initialize the Intel 8250 and set up interrupt vector to int_hndlr
.relproc InitRem
.ref handleraddr, dataseg, intsegment, ivecofst
push bp
mov bp,sp
cli ; make sure no interrupts during int.vec change
mov ax,ds
mov cs:dataseg,ax
mov dx,lsr ; reset line status condition
in al,dx
mov dx,datreg ; reset receive data condition
in al,dx
mov dx,msr ; reset modem deltas and conditions
in al,dx
; set interrupt vector
;save current DS, and reset it to address from 0:0
push ds
xor ax, ax
mov ds,ax
;save the pointer at int_off in cx and bx:
mov bx,ds:int_off
mov cx,ds:int_off+2
mov ax, cs:handleraddr
; prevent any interrupts, and set the routine pointer to cs:<handler>
movm ds:<int_off+0>, ax
movm ds:<int_off+2>,cs
pop ds
; save the recovered pointer in the handler's data area:
mov ivecofst,bx
mov int_segment,cx
; enable interrupts on 8259 and 8250
in al,imr ; set enable bit on 8259
and al,int_mask
out imr,al
mov dx,ier ; enable interrupts on 8250
mov al,rxint
out dx,al
mov dx,mcr ; set dtr and enable int driver
mov al,dtr
out dx,al
pop bp
; TurnOffSerial - turns off serial interrupt raising at the serial port
; and the interrupt controller.
.relproc TurnOffSerial
; turn off 8250
mov dx,ier
mov al,0
out dx,al
; turn off 8259
mov dx,imr
in al,dx
or ax, .not int_mask
out dx,al
; RemoveHandler - unlinks ComPackages interrupt handler from
; the interrupt vector, returning to it
; whatever was there when the package initialised.
.relproc RemoveHandler
.ref int_segment, ivecofst
; reset interrupt vector
mov bx,ivecofst
mov cx,int_segment
push ds
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
movm ds:<int_off+0>,bx
movm ds:<int_off+2>,cx
pop ds
;{% 8088/6 routines to set communications parameters for ComPackage.
;File Name : COM.STNG Code Name : COM.STNG (i.e. COM.SeTtiNGs)
; (Adapted from code for MS-Pascal by John Romkey and Jerry Saltzer of MIT
; by Richard Gillmann (GILLMANN@ISIB), 1983. Taken from COM_PKG1.ASM
; from the INFO-IBMPC repository at the University of Southern California.)
;Date Coder Modification
; Jan-April 86 Alastair Milne Adapted to p-System conventions,
; added setting of word length, stop bits,
; and parity;
; added FlushAll to clear I/O queues.
; separated baud rate setting into own routine.
; collapsed DTR_on and DTR_off into SetDTR.
;Assembly context.
; Files included : COM.EQU>TEXT
;Linked to : COM.PKG.P.CODE to obtain : COM.PKG.CODE
.include com.equ.text
.RELPROC SetBaudDivisor, 1
; Place the passed argument in the baud rate divisor latch.
mov bp, sp
mov dx,lcr
in al, dx
or al, dla ; set 8th bit of LnCtrlReg on,
; so that 3F8H addresses divisor latch.
out dx,al
mov dx,dll
mov al,(bp+4) ; low byte of passed argument
out dx,al
mov dx,dlh
mov al,(bp+5) ; high byte of passed argument
out dx,al
mov dx, lcr
in al, dx
and al, 7FH ; turn off 8th bit again,
; so 3F8H addresses Xmit/Recv buffer.
out al, dx
retl 2
.RELPROC SetWordLength, 1
; Sets the Line Control Register to use a word length of the value
; of the passed argument, either 7 or 8. Any other value is ignored.
SevenDataBits .equ 10T
EightDataBits .equ 11T
mov bp, sp
cmp (bp+4), 7
jl ResetDone ; don't do anything if new length < 7
mov ah, SevenDataBits ; in case new length = 7
cmp (bp+4), 8
jg ResetDone ; don't do anything if new length > 8
jne SetBits ; given length = 7 bits, use crnt pattern
mov ah, EightDataBits ; given length = 8, get 8 bit pattern
mov dx, lcr ; get crnt line ctrl settings,
in al, dx
and al, 11111100T ; and clear word length bits for new setting.
or al, ah ; put in new word length setting
out al, dx ; and send it back out.
retl 2
.RELPROC SetStopBits, 1
; Sets the Line Control Register to use either 1 or 2 stop bits,
; depending on the parameter. Anything but 1 or 2 is ignored.
mov bp, sp
mov dx, lcr ; get crnt line ctrl settings
in al, dx
cmp (bp+4), 1 ; if new number of stop bits = 1,
jne Try2
and al, 11111011T ; set stop-bit switch 0
jmp Reset
Try2: cmp (bp+4), 2 ; else if it's 2,
jne NoChange
or al, 00000100T ; set stop-bit switch 1
Reset: out al, dx
retl 2
.RELPROC SetParity, 1
; Sets the Line Control Register to use the parity indicated
; by the passed argument. Allowed values are the 5 listed below.
; Any other is ignored.
NoParity .equ 0
EvenParity .equ 1
OddParity .equ 2
SpaceParity .equ 3
MarkParity .equ 4
mov bp, sp
mov cx, (bp+4)
mov dx, lcr ; get crnt line ctrl settings
in al, dx
cmp cl, NoParity
jne TryEven
and al, 11000111T ; suppress all parity switches.
jmp Reset
or al, 00001000T ; enable parity switch for all other settings.
cmp cl, EvenParity ; if new parity is even,
jne TryOdd
or al, 00010000T ; suppress break, and stick-parity switch.
jmp Reset
TryOdd: cmp cl, OddParity ; if new parity is odd,
jne TrySpace
and al, 11001111T ; suppress stick- and even-parity.
jmp Reset
or al, 00100000T ; turn on the stick-parity switch for the rest.
cmp cl, SpaceParity
jne TryMark
or al, 00111000T ; turn on stick-, even-, and enable switches.
jmp Reset
cmp cl, MarkParity
jne NoChange
and al, 11101111T ; turn off even-par switch.
Reset: out al, dx
retl 2
; SetDTR - turns off dtr to tell modems that the terminal has gone away
; and to hang up the phone
.relproc SetDTR, 1 ; bit 0 of parameter is new DTR setting
mov dx,mcr
mov bp, sp
test (bp+4), 1 ; check whether bit 0 is 1
jnz $1
mov al,dtr_of ; if not, set up DTR-off mask
jmp $2
$1 mov al, dtr ; if so, set up DTR-on mask
$2 out dx, al ; set modem ctrl reg to new mask
retl 2
; Break - causes a break to be sent out on the line
.relproc Break
mov dx,lcr ; save the line control register
in al,dx
mov bl,al
or al,brkbit ; set break condition
out dx,al
mov cx,500 ; delay a while
delay: loop delay
mov al,bl ; restore the line control register
out dx,al
; FlushAll - resets all queue pointers to zero, dropping any contents.
; Doesn't affect interrupt servicing.
.ref start_tdata, end_tdata, size_tdata
.ref start_rdata, end_rdata, size_rdata
xor ax, ax
mov start_tdata, ax
mov end_tdata, ax
mov size_tdata, ax
mov start_rdata, ax
mov end_rdata, ax
mov size_rdata, ax
;{% remote serial output management routines for ComPackage
;File Name : COM.WRT.TEXT Code Name : COM.WRT.CODE
; (Adapted from code for MS-Pascal by John Romkey and Jerry Saltzer of MIT
; by Richard Gillmann (GILLMANN@ISIB), 1983. Taken from COM_PKG1.ASM
; from the INFO-IBMPC repository at the University of Southern California.)
;Date Coder Modification
; Jan-April 86 Alastair Milne Adapted to p-System conventions.
; Added SendStr for string-oriented output.
; Interrupts cleared for char-add and
; string-add so handler won't try to send
; during routines' execution.
;Assembly context.
; Files included : COM.EQU.TEXT
;Linked to : COM.PKG.P.CODE to obtain : COM.PKG.CODE
;Important Additional Info:
; Neither write routine (string or character) checks whether there is room
; left in the output queue for what they will add. If there is none,
; they will overwrite the existing contents. The function RemWrtSpace
; is exported to permit the user to make this check if desired.
.include com.equ.text
; RemWrtSpace - returns the amount of free space remaining in the transmit buffer
.relfunc RemWrtSpace
.ref size_tdata
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax,tsize ; get the size of the x-mit buffer
sub ax,size_tdata ; subtract the number of bytes used
mov (bp+6), ax
pop bp
; SendCh(ch:byte) - the passed character is put in the transmit buffer
; *WARNING* does not check that there is room to hold the character.
.relproc SendCh, 1
.ref end_tdata, tdata, size_tdata
.def IntrAddr, WrAppender
push bp
cli ; keep intrpt handler out while adding the char.
mov bp,sp
mov bx,end_tdata ; bx points to free space
mov al,(bp+6) ; move data from stack to x-mit buffer
mov tdata(bx),al
inc bx ; increment end_tdata to point to free space
cmp bx,tsize ; see if past end
jl L4 ; if not then skip
sub bx,tsize ; adjust to beginning
L4: mov end_tdata,bx ; save new end_tdata
inc size_tdata ; one more character in x-mit buffer
call IntrOn
L44: sti
pop bp
retl 2
mov dx,ier ; see if tx interrupts are enabled
in al,dx
and al,txint
or al,al
jnz $1
mov al,rxint+txint ; if not then set them
out dx,al
$1 ret
IntrAddr .word IntrOn
WrAppender .word SendCh, CS ; the intersegment address of this
; relproc.
; second word must be set to current CS
; at runtime, BEFORE any indirect
; calls to this routine.
; SendStr(var Out: string);
; *WARNING* does NOT check that the buffer has room for the string.
.relproc SendStr, 1 ; parameter points to byte 0 of string in SS.
OutStrPtr .equ 4
.ref end_tdata, tdata, size_tdata, IntrAddr, WrAppender
mov bp, sp
cld ; make sure str instructions move ahead in mem.
;put length byte into cl, move si to string[1], and zero ch:
mov si, (bp+OutStrPtr)
mov cl, ss:(si)
inc si
xor ch, ch
jcxz finished ; if the string is empty, send is finished
push cx ; save the length (loop will zero cx)
mov di, end_tdata ; di now indexes (NOT pointing) last buffer pos.
cli ; keep intrpt handler out while adding the string.
; append cx characters from the string to the buffer:
seg ss lodsb ; al <= new char, si <= si + 1
mov es:tdata(di), al ; buffer[di] <= new char
inc di
cmp di, tsize ; has buffer index reached buffer end?
jl moveup ; no: go for next character.
xor di, di ; yes: wrap it to start of buffer.
loop nextchar
pop cx ; recover the string's length,
add cs:size_tdata, cx ; and augment the queue size by it.
mov cs:end_tdata, di ; adjust permanent buffer index.
call cs:(IntrAddr) ; make sure transmitter-ready intrpt is on.
retl 2
; wlocal(ch:byte) - writes a character to the input buffer
.relproc wlocal, 1
.ref size_rdata, end_rdata, rdata
push bp
mov bp,sp
cmp size_rdata,rsize ; see if any room
jge L14 ; if no room then quit
mov bx,end_rdata ; bx points to free space
mov al,(bp+6) ; get data
mov rdata(bx),al ; send data to buffer
inc size_rdata ; got one more character
inc bx ; increment end_rdata pointer
cmp bx,rsize ; see if gone past end
jl L13 ; if not then skip
sub bx,rsize ; else adjust to beginning
L13: mov end_rdata,bx ; save value
L14: sti
pop bp
retl 2
;{% the remote serial input management routines of ComPackage.
;File Name : COM.READ.TEXT Code Name : COM.READ.CODE
; (Adapted from code for MS-Pascal by John Romkey and Jerry Saltzer of MIT
; by Richard Gillmann (GILLMANN@ISIB), 1983. Taken from COM_PKG1.ASM
; from the INFO-IBMPC repository at the University of Southern California.)
;Date Coder Modification
; Jan-April 86 Alastair Milne Adapted existing char read and char count
; routines to p-System.
; Added routine to return string of chars.
; from input queue.
;Assembly context.
; Files included : COM.EQU.TEXT
;Linked to : COM.PKG.P.CODE to obtain : COM.PKG.CODE
.include com.equ.text
; RemReadCount - returns number of bytes in the receive buffer
.relfunc RemReadCount
.ref size_rdata
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax,size_rdata ; get number of bytes used
mov (bp+6), ax
pop bp
; RemChRead - returns the next character from the receive buffer and
; removes it from the buffer
.relfunc RemChRead
.ref start_rdata, rdata, size_rdata
mov bx,start_rdata ; set bx to index the front of the read queue
mov al,rdata(bx) ; put the char to read in low byte and zero high
xor ah, ah
mov bp, sp ; put ax on the stack as function result
mov (bp+4), ax
inc bx ; bump start_rdata so it points at next char
cmp bx,rsize ; see if past end
jl $1 ; if not then skip
sub bx,rsize ; adjust to beginning
$1: mov start_rdata,bx ; save the new start_rdata value
dec size_rdata ; one less character
jnz $2
call Restore ; if buffer now empty, make sure further input
; not prevented by XOff
$2: retl
; assumes the read buffer is now empty, or almost. If UsingXOnXOff and
; Suspended are set, sends an XOn, and resets Suspended
.public ISendXOnXOff, RcvSuspended
.def RestoreAddr
.ref WrAppender ; export my own address in WrAppender
; if lowest bit of (ISendXOnXOff AND RcvSuspended) is set ...
mov bl, ss:ISendXOnXOff
mov dl, ss:RcvSuspended
and bl, dl
and bl, 1
jz $1
mov ax, XOn ; pass XOn to the public SendCh routine
push ax
CallRel WrAppender
mov ss:RcvSuspended, FALSE ; indicate reception is now suspended.
$1 ret
RestoreAddr .word Restore
; RemStrRead - moves the characters at the head of the remote input queue
; into a Pascal string, adjusting the queue pointers and size
; indicator accordingly.
.relproc RemStrRead, 2 ; first parameter is pointer to string
; length byte
; second is maximum length to be read.
OutStr .equ 6
MaxLength .equ 4
.ref start_rdata, rdata, size_rdata
mov bp, sp
; set si to index of first char. to read from buffer:
mov si, cs:start_rdata
; point es:di to zero'th byte of parameter string:
mov di, (bp+OutStr)
push ss
pop es
; set cx to lesser of: number of chars. in buffer; or max. length
mov cx, size_rdata
cmp cx, (bp+MaxLength)
jle $1
mov cx, (bp+MaxLength)
$1: cld
; store the length count into the string's length byte (ie. string[0])
mov al, cl
; if the string is empty, just return
jcxz retstr
push cx ; save count, for subtraction after loop
; run si along the queue, appending cx characters to the parameter string:
mov al, rdata(si) ; get each byte from the buffer,
inc si
stosb ; and append it to the string.
cmp si, rsize ; if si now at end of buffer area,
jl $2
xor si, si ; wrap it around to the beginning
$2: loop nextchar ; if more left to read, do another pass
pop cx ; recover original count (loop has 0'd it)
sub size_rdata, cx ; and reduce current queue size by it.
retstr: mov start_rdata, si ; update reading pointer to new start.
or size_rdata, 0 ; if no more left in incoming queue,
jnz $1
.ref RestoreAddr
call cs:(RestoreAddr) ; make sure XOff isn't suppressing it.
$1 retl 4
{% UCSD Pascal library UNIT to service remote serial interrupts.
File Name : COM.PKG.P.TEXT Code Name: COM.PKG.P.CODE
Date Coder Modification
Jan-Apr 86 Alastair Milne Creation of Pascal interface for assembly
- string and character write routines
- string and character read routines
- report of chars. to read and space for write
- routines to change communications params.
- routines to set DTR and send break signal
- routine to flush I/O queues
- flags to set or reset XOn/XOff flow control
Automatic initialisation installs handler
and enables serial interrupts.
Automatic termination restores original
interrupt vector entry and disables
serial interrupts.
Compilation context: Prefix for Compilation: None
Units used : None
Files included : None
Linked to : COM.READ.CODE
To obtain : COM.PKG.CODE
Files used at execution: None
Important Additional Info: does NOT handle incoming tabs (ASCII 9).
unit ComPackage;
type cpWrdLngRange = 7 .. 8;
cpStpBtRange = 1 .. 2;
StrRange = 0 .. 255; {the range of lengths a UCSD Pascal
string can have.}
cpBaudRates = (cpBaud110, cpBaud300, cpBaud1200, cpBaud2400,
cpBaud4800, cpBaud7200, cpBaud9600);
cpParityTypes = (cpNoParity, cpEvenParity, cpOddParity,
cpSpaceParity, cpMarkParity);
var ISendXOnXOff: boolean; {set this TRUE if ComPackage is to
control incoming flow with XOn/XOff
protocol. Initially FALSE. }
IHnrXOnXOff: boolean; {set this TRUE if ComPackage is to
honour XOn/XOff protocol use by other host.
Initially FALSE. }
function RemReadCount: integer;
{ Returns number of characters waiting to be read
from serial port. }
function RemChRead: char;
{ Returns character now at front of queue from serial port.}
procedure RemStrRead(var StrFromRem: string; MaxLength: StrRange);
{ Returns all the characters now available from the serial port,
or the first MaxLength of them, whichever is less. StrFromRem
is returned empty if no characters are available. }
function RemWrtSpace: integer;
{ Returns the number of bytes still available to the write buffer.}
procedure RemChWrite(ch: char);
{ Writes Ch into the output serial buffer. }
procedure RemStrWrite(str: string);
{ Moves Str into the output serial buffer, and makes sure
the serial interrupts are set to transmit it.}
procedure InWrite(ch: char);
{ Writes the Ch to the serial input buffer (debugging). }
procedure SetBaudRate(NewRate: cpBaudRates);
procedure SetWordLength(BitsInWord: cpWrdLngRange);
procedure SetStopBits(BitsToStop: cpStpBtRange);
procedure SetParity(NewParity: cpParityTypes);
procedure SetDTR(DTRSetting: BOOLEAN);
{ Sets the RS-232C DTR (Data Terminal Ready) pin to DTRSetting. }
procedure FlushAll;
{ Empties the input and output remote serial buffers,
but leaves interrupt servicing available. }
procedure Break;
{ Sends the break signal. }
procedure CloseRemote;
{ Closes down the remote serial port and suppresses
serial interrupts. Doesn't affect input or output buffer.}
var (*WARNING: the xxxSuspended flags are global to give them
a permanent lifetime, and to permit them to be communicated
among the interrupt servicer, reading, and writing routines.
They must NOT be modified by any other routine, or errors
in flow control (including possible infinite loops) may
result. *)
RcvSuspended, {TRUE <==> I have sent XOff to suspend host sending}
SndSuspended: {TRUE <==> host has sent XOff to suspend my sending}
Divisor: array[cpBaudRates] of integer;
procedure IntHndlr; external; {This is the interrupt handler,
to which the hardware interrupt vector
{Routines to initialise and terminate serial interrupt servicing: }
procedure InitRem; external; {Install interrupt handler,
and enable serial interrupts}
procedure TurnOffSerial; external; {disable serial interrupts}
procedure RemoveHandler; external; {restore original interrupt vector
procedure FlushAll; external;
{Routines to manage incoming characters:}
function RemReadCount (*: integer*); external;
function RemChRead (*: char*); external;
procedure RemStrRead(*var FromRem: string; MaxLength: StrRange*); external;
{Routines to manage outgoing characters:}
function RemWrtSpace (*: integer*); external;
procedure SendCh(ch: char); external; {add ch to output queue}
procedure SendStr(var OutStr: string); external; {add outstr to
output queue}
{Debugging routine to append characters to input queue:}
procedure WLocal(ch: char); external;
{Routines to control transmission parameters: }
procedure SetBaudDivisor(Divisor: integer); external;
procedure SetWordLength(*BitsInWord: cpWrdLngRange*); external;
procedure SetStopBits(*BitsToStop: cpStpBtRange*); external;
procedure SetParity(*NewParity: cpParityTypes*); external;
procedure SetDTR(*DTRSetting: BOOLEAN*); external;
procedure Break; external;
procedure SetBaudRate(*NewRate: cpBaudRates*);
procedure CloseRemote;
procedure RemChWrite(*ch: char*);
while RemWrtSpace < 5 do; {make sure serial output queue
has enough space: wait until some is dumped. }
procedure RemStrWrite(*Str: string*);
while RemWrtSpace < length(Str) do; {wait until the hardware
has dumped enough of the buffer
to admit the new string.}
procedure InWrite(*ch: char*);
{automatic initialisation:
set baud rate divisors (taken from table);
NOTE: these values should work for most IBM PC compatibles,
but they WON'T work for the PC jr, which uses different divisors.
set flags for no flow control;
install handler and enable serial interrupts.}
Divisor[cpBaud110] := 1047;
Divisor[cpBaud300] := 384;
Divisor[cpBaud1200] := 96;
Divisor[cpBaud2400] := 48;
Divisor[cpBaud4800] := 24;
Divisor[cpBaud7200] := 16;
Divisor[cpBaud9600] := 12;
ISendXOnXOff := false; RcvSuspended := false;
IHnrXOnXOff := false; SndSuspended := false;
{automatic termination:
turn off serial interrupts and restore the original
interrupt vector entry: }