Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Text File
644 lines
Microsoft Systems Journal
Volume 2; Issue 4; September, 1987
Code Listings For:
pp. 63-76
Author(s): Dan Mick
Title: Microsoft QuickBASIC: Everyone's First PC Language Gets Better
Figure 1
;; Written by Dan Mick
page 62,132
data segment public 'data'
dta_ofs dw ? ;save area for BASIC's DTA
dta_seg dw ?
fill db ? ;"fill array" flag
selflg db ? ;"selective search" flag
search_attr db ? ;files' search attribute
filcnt dw ? ;count of files found
path db 64 dup (0) ;search path, passed from BASIC
;DTA structure for findfirst, findnext calls (see DOS documentation)
dta db 21 dup (0) ;reserved area (used for findnext)
attrib db ? ;attribute of file found
time dw ? ;time of last write
date dw ? ;date
fsize dd ? ;filesize (32 bit integer)
fname db 13 dup (0) ;ASCIIZ filename: name.ext,00
data ends
dgroup group data
code segment byte public 'code'
assume cs:code, ds:dgroup
;CALL DSEARCH(path$, attr, count, selective, array ofs)
; path$ is a normal string variable with the path for the
; directory search. It be a full pathname, including filename
; and extension fields. To get all the files in the default
; directory on C:, for instance, path$="C:*.*", or all the files
; in subdir on the current drive, path$="subdir\*.*".
; attr is the MS-DOS file attribute for the search. See below for
; a description. Each bit represents a file attribute.
; count is an input and an output parameter. On input, if it is
; zero, the files will not be put in the array, only counted.
; This is provided so that a dynamic array may be allocated after
; the size is determined by dsearch(). If count is non-zero on
; input, the filenames will be placed in the array.
; In either case, the count of filenames found is returned.
; selective is a flag indicating how to do the counting and
; searching process. If the file attribute 10 is specified, for
; example, DOS will return all those filenames that have the
; subdir attribute as well as those that don't. If selective is
; set nonzero, the non-subdir files will not be returned. What
; this does, basically, is allow a "filter normal files" selection
; so that subdirs and volume labels may easily be found.
; array offset is a pointer (offset only for strings) to a string
; array big enough to hold all files found in path$. The size
; required may be determined as described below.
; The attribute byte:
; -------------------------------------
; | X | X | X | A | D | V | S | H | R |
; -------------------------------------
; X is don't care, A = archive, D = subdirectory, V = volume label,
; S = system, H = hidden, R = read-only.
stk struc
bbp dw ? ;BASIC's bp
retadd dd ? ;return address
arrofs dw ? ;param: array offset
select dw ? ;param: filter normal files flag
count dw ? ;param: count flag/count return
attr dw ? ;param: search attr
path$ dw ? ;param: pathname to search
stk ends
;calculate value to pop with RET n at end of proc (length of params)
popval = (offset path$) + (size path$) - (offset arrofs)
strdes struc ;BASIC string descriptor structure
len dw ? ;word length of string
strptr dw ? ;pointer to string space
strdes ends
dsearch proc far ;it's a far proc to BASIC
public dsearch ;let LINK know about this one
push bp ;save BASIC's bp
mov bp,sp ;address stack as it exists now
mov [filcnt],0 ;initialize file count
mov si,path$[bp] ;get pointer to string descriptor
mov cx,len[si] ;cx = path length
mov si,strptr[si] ;si -> path string data
lea di,path ;di -> place to fill
rep movsb ;move pathname to our data area
mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ;make sure it's an ASCIIZ string
mov si,count[bp] ;get pointer to fill flag in di
mov cx,[si] ;cx = fill flag
mov byte ptr [fill],0 ;set flag to "no" first
or cx,cx ;nonzero?
jz nofill ;nope
mov byte ptr [fill],0ffh ;yes, set flag
nofill: mov di,select[bp] ;get pointer to selective flag in di
mov cx,[di] ;cx = selective flag
mov byte ptr [selflg],0 ;set flag to "no" first
or cx,cx ;nonzero?
jz nosel ;nope
mov byte ptr [selflg],0ffh ;yes, set flag
nosel: mov di,attr[bp] ;point at search attribute param
mov cx,[di] ;and get it
mov ah,2fh ;get BASIC's DTA
int 21h
mov [dta_ofs],bx
mov [dta_seg],es ;and save it
lea dx,dta ;set DTA to our area here
mov ah,1ah
int 21h
mov di,arrofs[bp] ;di -> first string descriptor
mov di,[di] ;di = first string descriptor offset
mov bx,ds ;set up es to string array segment
mov es,bx ; (BASIC's data segment)
;now es:di -> first string descriptor
mov ah,4eh ;find first matching file
xor ch,ch ;clear hi part of attribute
lea dx,path ;ds:dx points to search path
int 21h
jnc ok ;if error, cy set
cmp ax,18 ;no files found?
jz exit ;yes, don't report error
mov [filcnt],0ffffh ;set count to -1 to report path error
jmp short exit ;and leave
ok: call countit ;rets cy if should save, incs filcnt
jz findnext ;no fill if zr set
call move_filename ;do the move
mov ah,4fh ;find next function
int 21h ;do it
jc exit ;if error, must be no more files
call countit ;count, return cy if should save
jz findnext ;if zr set, don't save name
call move_filename ;move it
jmp short findnext ;and keep hunting
exit: push ds
lds dx,dword ptr [dta_ofs] ;get BASIC's DTA
mov ah,1ah ;set DTA fn.
int 21h
pop ds
mov di,count[bp] ;di -> fattr for count return
mov ax,[filcnt] ;get file count
mov [di],ax ;put file count in fattr
pop bp ;restore BASIC's BP
ret popval ;return and pop parameter pointers
dsearch endp
countit proc
;Check file attribute if selective, and update count or not based on
;result. Return flag saying whether or not to move filename, too,
;based on updated count and the "fill" flag.
cmp [selflg],0ffh ;are we selective?
jnz bump ;nope, count it
cmp [attrib],cl ;is the attr just what we want?
je bump ;yes, count this file
cmp cl,cl ;nope, set ZF
jmp short dontfill ;and skip to exit
bump: inc [filcnt] ;update counter
cmp [fill],0 ;now, are we filling?
dontfill: ;get here from jne, so NZ
ret ; return with NZ if filling
countit endp
move_filename proc near
;es:di points to string descriptor to fill with filename from DTA
push di ;save pointer to descr. length part
mov di,es:strptr[di] ;and point instead to string data
lea si,fname ;si -> filename (ASCIIZ)
lodsb ;get filename character
or al,al ;is it 0? (end of string?)
jz done ;yes, quit moving data
stosb ;no, store
jmp short moveloop ;and continue
done: test byte ptr [attrib],10h ;is this a subdir?
jz notsub ;no
mov al,'\' ;yes, store a trailing backslash
notsub: pop di ;di -> length in s.d. again
add di,4 ;move to next s.d. pointer
move_filename endp
code ends
end dsearch
Figure 2
"Test Program" for DSEARCH.
'simple program to check dsearch routine and make sure it's
'working. The idea is to call it just enough to check out
'its capabilities, and perhaps vary its input by small
'amounts, so that you get a controlled test where there are
'no likely bugs in the BASIC code.
rem $dynamic
DIM A$(0)
input "Path for directory? (wildcards allowed): ",path$
if instr("\:",right$(path$,1)) then path$=path$+"*.*"
'get number of filenames in path
call dsearch(path$,attr%,count%,selective%,arrofs%)
'now count% has actual filename count for redim, or -1 if error
'(other than file not found, that is.)
if count%=-1 then print "Bad pathname":goto start
redim a$(count%)
print "There are "count%"filenames in path "path$"."
'set up a$ so that dsearch doesn't have to change length
for i=0 to count%-1:a$(i)=space$(12):next i
arrofs%=int(arrptr) 'explicit conversion
call dsearch(path$,attr%,count%,selective%,arrofs%)
for i= 0 to count%-1:print i;":";a$(i):next i
goto start
Figure 3
'BROWSE.BAS - a file browser/directory maintenance routine
'To compile in the editor environment, make a user library by
'assembling DSEARCH.ASM, using BUILDLIB to add it and USERLIB.OBJ
'to a user library (call it MYLIB.EXE, for instance), and then
'use the /L switch to load QB, as in "QB BROWSE /L MYLIB.EXE".
'To compile standalone, use "LINK BROWSE+DSEARCH+USERLIB...."
defint a-z
dim winrec(8) 'holds window dimensions, colors for text and borders
'the following arrays and constants are used for int86()
dim inary(7), outary(7)
const ax = 0, bx = 1, cx = 2, dx = 3
const bp = 4, si = 5, di = 6, flag = 7
'actions returned by PageAndSelect
const disk.change = 1, delete.file = 2, type.file = 3, quit = 4
action.flag = 0 'set by PageAndSelect to one of the above
rem $dynamic
dim filename$(0)
dim shared ScreenData (0,0)
def fn.min(x,y)
if x < y then fn.min = x else fn.min = y
end def
def fn.max(x,y)
if x > y then fn.max = x else fn.max = y
end def
'************************ MAIN PROGRAM **************************
call GetCurrDisk(origdisk$)
call GetCurrPath(origdisk$,origpath$)
disk$ = origdisk$
'get a count of all normal and subdir files
call GetCurrPath(disk$,CurrPath$)
searchpath$ = disk$ + ":" + CurrPath$ + "*.*"
attr = &H10 : count = 0 : selective = 0
arrofs = int(varptr(filename$(0)))
call dsearch (searchpath$,attr,count,selective,arrofs)
' This should never happen!...
if count = -1 then
locate 25,1:print "Invalid path: "searchpath$
print "Strike a key...":a$ = input$(1):end
end if
redim filename$(count-1)
for i = 0 to count-1:filename$(i) = space$(12):next i
arrofs = int(varptr(filename$(0)))
call dsearch (searchpath$,attr,count,selective,arrofs)
'now filename$(0 to count-1) have all the files and subdirs
winrec(1) = 1 : winrec(2) = 1 'upper left of window (row,col)
winrec(3) = 10 : winrec(4) = 80 'lower right of window
winrec(5) = 0 : winrec(6) = 11 'fg/bg color
winrec(7) = 10 : winrec(8) = 0 'border colors, fg/bg
call makewindow (winrec())
'do window/cursor/path manipulation.
call PageAndSelect(winrec(),filename$(),action.flag,f$)
'f$ comes back as fixed-length (12) string
' ...strip off trailing blanks
i = instr(f$," ") : if i > 0 then f$ = left$(f$,i-1)
select case action.flag
case quit
call SetCurrDisk(OrigDisk$)
call SetCurrPath(OrigPath$)
cls : end
case disk.change
cls : print "Enter new disk drive letter: ";
disk$ = input$(1) : print disk$;
if disk$ > "Z" then disk$ = chr$(asc(disk$) and &HDF)
call SetCurrDisk(disk$)
action.flag = 0
case type.file
if right$(f$,1) = "\" then
CurrPath$ = CurrPath$ + f$
call SetCurrPath(CurrPath$)
call ListIt (disk$+":"+CurrPath$+f$)
end if
case delete.file
kill (disk$+":"+CurrPath$+f$)
end select
action.flag = 0
loop while (1)
sub makewindow (winrec(1)) static
y1 = winrec(1):x1 = winrec(2):y2 = winrec(3):x2 = winrec(4)
fc = winrec(5):bc = winrec(6):bfc = winrec(7):bbc = winrec(8)
wid = x2-x1+1 : height = y2-y1+1
const vert = 186,upright = 187,lowright = 188
const lowleft = 200,upleft = 201,horiz = 205
color bfc,bbc
locate y1,x1:print chr$(upleft);string$(wid-2,horiz);chr$(upright);
for i = 2 to height-1
locate y1+i-1,x1:print chr$(vert);
locate y1+i-1,x2:print chr$(vert);
next i
locate y2,x1:print chr$(lowleft);string$(wid-2,horiz);chr$(lowright);
call clearwindow(winrec())
end sub
sub clearwindow (winrec(1)) static
y1 = winrec(1):x1 = winrec(2):y2 = winrec(3):x2 = winrec(4)
fc = winrec(5):bc = winrec(6):bfc = winrec(7):bbc = winrec(8)
wid = x2-x1+1 : height = y2-y1+1
color fc,bc
for i = 2 to height-1
locate y1+i-1,x1+1:print string$(wid-2," ");
next i
end sub
sub savewindow (winrec(1)) static
y1 = winrec(1):x1 = winrec(2):y2 = winrec(3):x2 = winrec(4)
fc = winrec(5):bc = winrec(6):bfc = winrec(7):bbc = winrec(8)
wid = x2-x1+1 : height = y2-y1+1
for i = x1 to x2
for j = y1 to y2
ScreenData(j-y1,i-x1) = screen(j,i,1) * 256 + screen (j,i,0)
next j
next i
end sub
sub restorewindow (winrec(1)) static
y1 = winrec(1):x1 = winrec(2):y2 = winrec(3):x2 = winrec(4)
fc = winrec(5):bc = winrec(6):bfc = winrec(7):bbc = winrec(8)
for j = y1 to y2
locate j,x1
for i = x1 to x2
d = ScreenData(j-y1,i-x1)
bc = (d\256)\8 : fc = (d\256) mod 8 : color fc,bc
print chr$(d and &hff);
next i
next j
end sub
sub PageAndSelect_
(winrec(1),file$(1),action.flag,FileSelected$) static
'This routine does all the work here. It assumes MakeWindow
'has been called before entering, and does all key processing and
'subsequent window updates. action.flag is returned as the action
'for the main program to take (see the constants in the main program
'for a list of possible actions).
shared disk$,CurrPath$,count
'second codes from extended keys used in PageAndSelect
const up = 72, down = 80, left = 75, right = 77
const f1 = 59, AltD = 32, AltX = 45
y1 = winrec(1):x1 = winrec(2):y2 = winrec(3):x2 = winrec(4)
fc = winrec(5):bc = winrec(6):bfc = winrec(7):bbc = winrec(8)
wid = x2-x1+1 : height = y2-y1+1
locate y1,x1+1:color bfc,bbc:print " ";disk$;":";CurrPath$;" "
locate y2,x1+1
print "RET-Type file AltD - delete file F1 - chg disk AltX - quit"
locate y1,x2-1-9:print count;"files"
NamesPerLine = (wid-2)\15 'how many filenames on each line in window
lines = height-2 'how many usable lines inside window
FilesPerWindow = lines * NamesPerLine
StartIndex = 0 'first file$() to be displayed in window
CurrIndex = 0 'current file$() being highlighted
NewIndex = 0 'updated file$() index after moving cursor
call clearwindow(winrec())
limit = fn.min (ubound(file$) - StartIndex, FilesPerWindow - 1)
color fc,bc : locate y1+1
for i = 0 to limit step NamesPerLine
for j = 0 to NamesPerLine-1
locate ,x1 + 1 + j*15
if StartIndex + i + j <= ubound(file$) then
print file$(StartIndex+i+j);
print space$(15);
end if
next j
next i
'initialize highlight bar position
BarRow = y1+1 : BarCol = x1 + 1
color fc,bc : locate BarRow,BarCol : print file$(CurrIndex);
CurrIndex = NewIndex
BarRow = (CurrIndex-StartIndex)\NamesPerLine + y1 + 1
BarCol = (CurrIndex mod NamesPerLine)*15 + x1 + 1
color bc,fc : locate BarRow,BarCol : print file$(CurrIndex);
'wait for extended character (look for cursor keys) or RETURN
a$ = "" : while a$ = "" : a$ = inkey$ : wend
if a$ = chr$(13) then
action.flag = type.file
FileSelected$ = file$(CurrIndex)
exit do
end if
if len(a$)<>2 then goto GetKey
redraw = 0 'flag to indicate when window must be redrawn
'and in which direction the cursor was moving
select case asc(right$(a$,1))
case up
NewIndex = fn.max (0,CurrIndex-NamesPerLine)
if NewIndex < StartIndex then redraw = -1
case down
NewIndex = fn.min (ubound(file$), CurrIndex+NamesPerLine)
if NewIndex > StartIndex + FilesPerWindow - 1 _
then redraw = 1
case left
NewIndex = fn.max (0,CurrIndex-1)
if NewIndex < StartIndex then redraw = -1
case right
NewIndex = fn.min (ubound(file$), CurrIndex + 1)
if NewIndex > StartIndex + FilesPerWindow - 1 _
then redraw = 1
case f1
action.flag = disk.change : file.selected = -1 : exit do
case AltX
action.flag = quit : file.selected = -1 : exit do
case AltD
action.flag = delete.file
FileSelected$ = file$(CurrIndex) : exit do
case else
sound 440,2:sound 220,2
end select
loop while redraw = 0
if action.flag then exit do
'otherwise, fall through and redo the entire "do" loop
select case sgn(redraw)
case -1
StartIndex = fn.max (StartIndex - FilesPerWindow , 0)
case 1
StartIndex = fn.min (StartIndex + FilesPerWindow , _
end select
CurrIndex = StartIndex
loop while not action.flag
end sub
sub GetCurrPath(disk$,CurrPath$) static
shared inary(),outary()
'first set up 64-byte work area for Int 21h Function 47h
' (get current directory)
CurrPath$ = space$(64) : pathptr = sadd(CurrPath$)
inary(si)=pathptr 'pointer to area to fill
inary(ax)=&H4700 'function number
call int86(&H21,varptr(inary(0)),varptr(outary(0)))
'strip off trailing NUL, rest of blanks
if CurrPath$ <> "\" then CurrPath$=CurrPath$+"\"
end sub
sub GetCurrDisk(disk$) static
shared inary(),outary()
inary(ax) = &H1900
call int86(&H21,varptr(inary(0)),varptr(outary(0)))
disk$ = chr$(65 + (outary(ax) and 255))
end sub
sub SetCurrDisk(disk$) static
shared inary(),outary()
inary(ax) = &H0E00
inary(dx) = asc(disk$) - 65
call int86(&H21,varptr(inary(0)),varptr(outary(0)))
end sub
sub SetCurrPath(path$) static
shared inary(),outary()
if newpath$<>"\" then newpath$=left$(newpath$,len(newpath$)-1)
inary(ax) = &H3B00
inary(dx) = sadd(newpath$)
call int86(&H21,varptr(inary(0)),varptr(outary(0)))
end sub
sub TypeIt (path$) static
shell ("type "+path$+" | more")
locate 25,1:print "Any key to continue...";
end sub
sub ListIt (path$) static
shell ("list "+path$)
end sub