Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
104 lines
name ltoa
title LTOA - long integer to ASCII
page 55,132
; LTOA.ASM --- Convert long integer to ASCII
; Copyright (c) 1987 Ziff Communications Co.
; Ray Duncan
; Call with: DX:AX = 32-bit integer
; DS:SI = buffer to receive string,
; must be at least 11 bytes long
; CX = radix
; Returns: DS:SI = address of converted string
; AX = length of string
; Since test for value = zero is made after a digit
; has been stored, the resulting string will always
; contain at least one significant digit.
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT
public ltoa ; make LTOA available to Linker
ltoa proc near ; convert long int to ASCII.
add si,11 ; advance to end of buffer
push si ; and save that address.
or dx,dx ; test sign of 32 bit value,
pushf ; and save sign on stack.
jns ltoa1 ; jump if value was positive.
not dx ; it was negative, take 2's
not ax ; complement of the value.
add ax,1
adc dx,0
ltoa1: ; divide value by radix to extract
; next digit for forming string.
call divide ; no, divide by radix.
add bl,'0' ; convert remainder to ASCII digit
cmp bl,'9' ; in case converting to hex ASCII,
jle ltoa2 ; jump if in range 0-9,
add bl,'A'-'9'-1 ; correct digit if in range A-F.
ltoa2: dec si ; back up through buffer
mov [si],bl ; store this character into string.
mov bx,ax ; is value = zero yet?
or bx,dx
jnz ltoa1 ; no, convert another digit.
popf ; was original value negative?
jns ltoa3 ; no, jump
dec si ; yes,store sign into output string.
mov byte ptr [si],'-'
ltoa3: pop ax ; calculate length of string
sub ax,si
ret ; back to caller.
ltoa endp
; General purpose 32 bit by 16 bit unsigned divide.
; This routine must be used instead of the machine's
; usual unsigned divide for cases where the quotient
; may overflow 16 bits (for example, 100,000 / 2 ).
; If called with a zero divisor, this routine returns the
; dividend unchanged and gives no warning.
; Call with: DX:AX = 32 bit dividend
; CX = divisor
; Returns: DX:AX = quotient
; BX = remainder
; CX = divisor (unchanged)
divide proc near ; Divide DX:AX by CX
jcxz div1 ; exit if divide by zero
push ax ; 0:dividend_hi/divisor
mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
div cx
mov bx,ax ; BX = quotient1
pop ax ; remainder1:dividend_lo/divisor
div cx
xchg bx,dx ; DX:AX = quotient1:quotient2
div1: ret ; BX = remainder2
divide endp
_TEXT ends