Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
257 lines
title DUMP --- display file contents
page 55,132
; DUMP.ASM Display contents of file in hex and ASCII.
; 80386 version for Phar Lap tools.
; Also requires 80386 versions of ARGV.ASM,
; Copyright (C) 1989 Ziff Communications Co.
; PC Magazine * Ray Duncan
; Build: C>386ASM DUMP
; MAKE File: argc.obj : argc.asm
; 386asm argc
; argv.obj : argv.asm
; 386asm argv
; hexasc.obj : hexasc.asm
; 386asm hexasc
; dump.obj : dump.asm
; 386asm dump
; dump.exe : dump.obj argv.obj argc.obj hexasc.obj
; 386link dump,argc,argv hexasc -exe dump
; bind386 c:\tools\run386b.exe dump.exp
; Usage: C>DUMP unit:\path\filename.exe [ >device ]
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII line feed
tab equ 09h ; ASCII tab code
blank equ 20h ; ASCII space code
blksize equ 16 ; input file record size
stdin equ 0 ; standard input handle
stdout equ 1 ; standard output handle
stderr equ 2 ; standard error handle
_TEXT segment dword use32 public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_DATA,es:_DATA,ss:STACK
extrn argc:near ; get no. of command line args.
extrn argv:near ; get addr. of command line arg.
extrn d2asc:near ; convert dword to hex ASCII
extrn b2asc:near ; convert byte to hex ASCII
dump proc far ; entry point from MS-DOS
call argc ; count command arguments
cmp eax,2 ; are there 2 arguments?
je dump1 ; yes, proceed
mov edx,offset msg1 ; missing or illegal filespec.
mov ecx,msg1_len
jmp dump7 ; display error message and exit
dump1: ; copy filename from command
; tail to local buffer
mov eax,1 ; get pointer to command
call argv ; tail argument in ES:EBX
mov ecx,eax ; let ECX = length
mov edi,offset fname; DS:EDI = local buffer address
dump2: mov al,es:[ebx] ; copy filename byte by byte
mov [edi],al
inc ebx
inc edi
loop dump2
mov ax,ds ; make our data segment
mov es,ax ; addressable by ES too
; now open the file...
mov eax,3d00h ; Fxn 3DH = open file
; mode 0 = read only
mov edx,offset fname; DS:EDX = filename
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mov fhandle,eax ; save file handle if any
jnc dump3 ; jump, open successful
mov edx,offset msg2 ; open failed, display
mov ecx,msg2_len ; error message and exit
jmp dump7
dump3: ; read block of file data...
mov ebx,fhandle ; EBX = file handle
mov ecx,blksize ; ECX = record length
mov edx,offset fbuff; DS:EDX = buffer
mov ah,3fh ; Fxn 3FH = read
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mov flen,eax ; save actual length of data
or eax,eax ; end of file reached?
jne dump4 ; no, proceed
cmp dword ptr fptr,0; was this the first record?
jne dump6 ; no, exit normally
mov edx,offset msg3 ; display "empty file"
mov ecx,msg3_len ; error message and exit
jmp dump7
dump4: test fptr,07fh ; heading needed?
jnz dump5 ; jump, not 128-byte boundary
; display heading...
mov edx,offset hdg ; ES:EDX = heading address
mov ecx,hdg_len ; ECX = heading length
mov ebx,stdout ; EBX = standard output handle
mov ah,40h ; Fxn 40H = write
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
dump5: call cnvblk ; convert record to ASCII
; display formatted output...
mov edx,offset fout ; DX:EDX = output address
mov ecx,fout_len ; ECX = output length
mov ebx,stdout ; EBX = standard output
mov ah,40h ; Fxn 40H = write
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
jmp dump3 ; go get another record
dump6: ; close input file...
mov ebx,fhandle ; EBX = file handle
mov ah,3eh ; Fxn 3EH = close file
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mov eax,4c00h ; Fxn 4CH = terminate,
; return code = 0
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
dump7: ; common error exit point...
; DS:EDX = message address
; ECX = message length
mov ebx,stderr ; standard error handle
mov ah,40h ; Fxn 40H = write
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
mov eax,4c01h ; Fxn 4CH = terminate,
; return code = 1
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
dump endp
cnvblk proc near ; convert record to ASCII
mov edi,offset fout ; clear output format
mov ecx,fout_len-2 ; area to blanks
mov al,blank
rep stosb
mov edi,offset fout ; convert file offset
mov eax,fptr ; to ASCII for output
call d2asc
xor ebx,ebx ; reset buffer pointer
cb1: mov al,[fbuff+bx] ; fetch byte from buffer
lea edi,[ebx+foutb] ; point to output area
; format ASCII part...
mov byte ptr [edi],'.'; store '.' as default
cmp al,blank ; in range 20H - 7EH?
jb cb2 ; jump, not alphanumeric.
cmp al,7eh ; in range 20H - 7EH?
ja cb2 ; jump, not alphanumeric.
mov [edi],al ; store ASCII character.
cb2: ; format hex part...
mov edi,ebx ; calculate output address
imul edi,edi,3 ; (position*3) + base address
add edi,offset fouta
call b2asc ; convert byte to hex
inc ebx ; advance through record
cmp ebx,flen ; entire record converted?
jne cb1 ; no, get another byte
add dword ptr fptr,blksize; update file pointer
ret ; back to caller
cnvblk endp
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment dword use32 public 'DATA'
fname db 64 dup (0) ; buffer for input filespec
fhandle dd 0 ; token from PCDOS for input file.
flen dd 0 ; actual length read
fptr dd 0 ; relative address in file
fbuff db blksize dup (?) ; data from input file
fout db 'nnnnnnnn' ; formatted output area
db blank,blank
fouta db 16 dup ('nn',blank)
db blank
foutb db 16 dup (blank),cr,lf
fout_len equ $-fout
hdg db cr,lf ; heading for each 128 bytes
db 11 dup (blank) ; of formatted output
db '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 '
db '8 9 A B C D E F',cr,lf
hdg_len equ $-hdg
msg1 db cr,lf
db 'dump: missing file name'
db cr,lf
msg1_len equ $-msg1
msg2 db cr,lf
db 'dump: file not found'
db cr,lf
msg2_len equ $-msg2
msg3 db cr,lf
db 'dump: empty file'
db cr,lf
msg3_len equ $-msg3
_DATA ends
STACK segment dword use32 stack 'STACK'
dd 64 dup (?)
STACK ends
end dump