Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
684 lines
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This is the control program of the menu system. Its job is to
alternately execute the user-interface program and whatever programs
the user wants to run. It communicates with the user-interface program'
via the inter-application communications area (IACA)
Written for MASM 5.1 and TASM 1.0
; Order of segments
end_seg segment
end_seg ends
; Data and buffers
IACA equ 4f0h ;Offset of IACA
STDERR equ 2 ;Handle for STDERR
CR equ 0dh ;Carriage return
UI_BUFSIZE equ 800h ;Allow 2K bytes for U_I data
ENV_SIZE equ 800h ;Allow 2K bytes for environ.
EPB equ $ ;EXEC parameter block
EPB_environ dw 0 ;Use inherited environment
EPB_cmd_tail dw offset cmd_tail ;Address of command tail
dw seg cmd_tail
EPB_fcb1 dw offset fcb1 ;Pointers to FCBs
dw seg fcb1
EPB_fcb2 dw offset fcb2
dw seg fcb2
model_fcb db 0
db 11 dup ('?')
db 25 dup (0)
fcb_len equ $-model_fcb
fcb1 db fcb_len dup(0)
fcb2 db fcb_len dup(0)
; Execution codes returned
; from user-interface (U-I)
; (add 80H or 128 to each to
; force a pause after program ends)
call_table dw offset exit ;Code 0: EXIT to DOS
dw offset reset ;Code 1: EXIT to DOS -
; & restore orig. directory
dw offset cmd_exec ;Code 2: Exec via Command.Com
dw offset dir_exec ;Code 3: Execute .EXE or .COM
dw offset shell_exec ;Code 4: Shell to DOS
dw offset change_env ;Code 5: Alter environment
; Buffer space
exec_path db 128 dup (?) ;Program path from U-I
exec_tail db 128 dup (?) ;Command tail from U-I
ui_buf db UI_BUFSIZE dup (?) ;U-I's memory buffer
exec_code dw ? ;Return code from U-I
cmd_path dw ? ;Ptr to Command.Com path
ui_path dw ? ;Ptr to user interface path
cur_drive db ?
cur_directory db 66 dup (0)
prog_path db 128 dup (0) ;Program to execute
cmd_tail db 128 dup (0) ;Line to execute
sp_save dw ? ;To save stack pointer
ss_save dw ? ;To save stack segment
our_psp dw ? ;Segment of our PSP
env_seg dw ? ;Segment of environment copy
env_end dw ? ;Offset of end of environment
pause_flag dw 0
; Literal strings
; and messages
comspec db "COMSPEC=",0 ;Environment string
ui_spec db "PCRSHELL=",0 ;Environment string
no_var db "Cannot find COMSPEC or PCRSHELL environment variable"
no_var_len dw $-no_var
bad_code db "Unknown execution code"
bad_code_len dw $-bad_code
bad_mem db "Memory allocation error"
bad_mem_len dw $-bad_mem
no_env db "Cannot allocate memory for new environment"
no_env_len dw $-no_env
long_env db "Inherited environment is too long"
long_env_len dw $-long_env
stop db " -- Program stopping"
stop_len dw $-stop
; Program code
error macro msg
mov cx,&msg&_len
lea dx,&msg
call errorout
; Program begins here
begin: mov ax,@data ;Set up registers
mov ds,ax
mov our_psp,es ;Save PSP
mov ss_save,ss ; and stack segment
call save_dir ;Save current default dir.
call release_mem ;Release unneeded RAM
call new_envr ;Make copy of environment
push ds ;Copy data segment
pop es ; to ES
lea di,ui_buf ;ES:DI ==> U-I's memory buff.
mov cx,UI_BUFSIZE/2 ;Words to fill
sub ax,ax ;AX = 0
rep stosw ;Clear buffer
call find_paths ;Find paths to Command.Com
; Main program loop
lp: call run_ui ;Exec user_interface
push ds ;Copy data segment
pop es ; to ES
lea si,model_fcb ;Clear FCB1
lea di,fcb1 ; by copying the
mov cx,fcb_len ; model FCB into it
rep movsb
lea si,model_fcb ;Clear FCB2
lea di,fcb2 ; in the same way
mov cx,fcb_len
rep movsb
lea di,prog_path ;Clear prog_path &
mov ax,0 ; cmd_tail
mov cx,128
rep stosw
mov bx,[exec_code] ;Get execution code
and bx,80h ;Isolate Pause bit
mov pause_flag,bx ; and save it
mov bx,[exec_code] ;Get return code again
and bx,7fh ;Clear pause bit
cmp bx,LAST_CODE ;Is code okay?
jbe lp2 ;Yes -- go
error bad_code ;Else report error
lp2: add bx,bx ;BX * 2 for call table
call [call_table+bx] ;Call requested routine
jmp lp ;Loop back to U-I again
; Utility Routines
; Find length of a string
; Offset and segment are received
; on the stack. Length is returned
; in AX
strlen proc uses es di cx, str_off:word, str_seg:word
mov es,str_seg ;Put string address
mov di,str_off ; in ES:DI
sub al,al ;AL = 0 (end marker)
mov cx,-1 ;Maximum possible length
repne scasb ;Search for end
dec di ;DI ==> last character
mov ax,di ;Offset in AX
sub ax,str_off ;AX = string length
strlen endp
; Copy a string from DS:SI to ES:DI
; Maximum length to copy received on stack
; Returns number of bytes moved in AX (including 0 byte)
strcpy proc uses di si bx cx, max_len:word
mov cx,max_len ;Length in CX
sub bx,bx ;BX will count bytes
cpy1: or cx,cx ;Test for end
jz cpy2 ;Go if at end
lodsb ;Else get a byte
stosb ;Move it
inc bx ;Count it
dec cx ;Reduce maximum left
or al,al ;Was it end of string?
jnz cpy1 ;No -- move another
cpy2: mov ax,bx ;Return count of bytes
strcpy endp
; Save the default drive
; and subdirectory.
save_dir proc uses dx si
mov ah,19h ;DOS Service: Get cur. disk
int 21h ;Call DOS
mov [cur_drive],al ;Save default drive
mov dl,al ;Drive in DL
inc dl ;A=1, B=2, etc.
lea si,cur_directory ;SI ==> buffer
add al,'A' ;AL has drive letter
mov [si],al ;Save it
mov byte ptr [si+1],':' ; and a colon
add si,2 ;Move pointer past drive
mov ah,47h ;DOS Service: Get cur. dir.
int 21h ;Call DOS
save_dir endp
; Restore default drive
; and directory
restore_dir proc uses dx
mov dl,[cur_drive] ;Get original drive
mov ah,0eh ;DOS Service: set cur. disk
int 21h ;Call DOS
lea dx,cur_directory ;DX ==> directory
mov ah,3bh ;DOS Service: Change dir.
int 21h ;Call DOS
restore_dir endp
; Release unneeded memory
; to make room for child
; programs
release_mem proc uses bx
mov ax,our_psp ;Get seg. of this program
mov es,ax ;ES==> our PSP
mov bx,seg end_seg ;BX = end of our program
sub bx,ax ;BX = paragraphs to keep
mov ah,4ah ;DOS Service: set block size
int 21h ;Call DOS
jc rel_mem1 ;Go if error
ret ;Else return
error bad_mem ;Abort if error
release_mem endp
; Report error and
; abort program. Receives
; pointer to message in DX
; and message length in CX
errorout proc
mov bx,STDERR ;Report to screen
mov ah,40h ;DOS Service: write to handle
int 21h ;Call DOS
lea dx,stop ;DS:DX==> halting message
mov cx,stop_len ;CX has length
mov ah,40h ;Write to handle again
int 21h ;Call DOS
call restore_dir ;Restore original dir.
mov ax,4cffh ;Exit with error
int 21h ;Return to DOS
errorout endp
; EXEC functions -- These routines run child programs
; Execute a
; child program
execute proc uses bx cx dx di si
push ds
pop es ;ES ==> our data segment
lea dx,prog_path ;DS:DX ==> prog. to execute
lea bx,epb ;ES:BX ==> EPB
push bp ;Save stack frame pointer
mov [sp_save],sp ;Save stack pointer
mov ax,4b00h ;Func. 4b: execute program
int 21h ;Call DOS
mov ax,@data ;Restore data segment
mov ds,ax
mov ss,[ss_save] ;Restore stack
mov sp,[sp_save]
pop bp ;Restore frame pointer
cld ;Avoid possible bug in 2.x
test pause_flag,-1 ;Should we pause?
jz ex1 ;No -- go
mov ah,8 ;Else wait for keystroke
int 21h
cmp al,0 ;Extended key?
jne ex1 ;No -- go
mov ah,8 ;Yes -- call again
int 21h ; for rest of key code
ex1: ret
execute endp
; Run the user-interface program
; after setting up the appropriate
; values in the inter-application
; communications area (IACA)
run_ui proc uses cx di si
mov exec_code,INVALID_CODE ;Make sure of valid return
mov pause_flag,0 ;No pause on return
sub ax,ax ;AX = 0
mov es,ax ;ES ==> BIOS area
mov di,IACA ;ES:DI ==> IACA
mov ax,ds ;Get data segment
stosw ;Save it
lea ax,exec_path ;Get offset of path buffer
stosw ;Save it
lea ax,exec_tail ;Get offset of tail buffer
stosw ;Save it
lea ax,ui_buf ;Get offset of memory buffer
stosw ;Save it
lea ax,exec_code ;Get offset of code word
stosw ;Save it
push ds ;Copy data segment
pop es ; to ES
lea di,cmd_tail ;ES:DI==> command tail
sub ax,ax ;AX = 0
stosw ;Clear command tail
lea di,prog_path ;ES:DI ==> program path
mov si,[ui_path]
push ds ;Save DS
mov ds,[env_seg] ;DS:SI ==> U-I path name
mov ax,128 ;Maximum bytes to move
push ax
call strcpy ;Move the string
add sp,2 ;Clear the stack
pop ds ;Recover data segment
call execute ;Execute U-I
run_ui endp
; Routines to service commands from User Interface
; Execution code 0
; Exit to DOS
exit proc
mov ax,4c00h ;Return to DOS -- no error
int 21h
exit endp
; Execution code 1
; Reset original default
; drive & directory and
; exit to DOS
reset proc
call restore_dir ;Restore default dir.
jmp exit ;Now exit
reset endp
; Execution code 2
; Execute a program
; or DOS command
; via Command.Com
cmd_exec proc
push ds
pop es ;ES==> data segment
push ds ;Save DS
lea di,prog_path ;ES:DI==> program name buffer
mov si,[cmd_path]
mov ds,[env_seg] ;DS:SI==> Command.Com path
mov ax,128 ;Bytes to move
push ax
call strcpy ;Move path name
add sp,2 ;Clear the stack
pop ds ;Recover data segment
lea di,cmd_tail+1 ;ES:DI==> tail buffer
push di ;Save the address
mov al,'/' ;Start tail with
stosb ; "/c "
mov al,'c'
mov al,' '
lea si,exec_tail ;DS:SI==> command to run
mov ax,124 ;Maximum bytes
push ax
call strcpy ;Move the string
add sp,2
pop di ;DS:DI ==> cmd_tail + 1
push ds ;Push segment of cmd_tail
push di ; and offset of cmd_tail text
call strlen ;Find length of tail
add sp,4 ;Clear the stack
mov bx,ax ;Length in BX
cmp byte ptr [di+bx-1],CR ;Does it end with a CR?
jne ce1 ;No -- go
dec ax ;Else reduce count
jmp short ce2 ;And go
ce1: mov byte ptr [di+bx],CR ;Put carriage return at end
ce2: mov [cmd_tail],al ;Put count in place
call execute ;Run the program
cmd_exec endp
; Execution code 3
; Execute an .EXE or .COM
; program directly
dir_exec proc
push ds ;Copy data segment
pop es ; to ES
lea si,exec_path ;DS:SI==> program to run
lea di,prog_path ;ES:DI==> execution buffer
mov ax,128 ;Maximum bytes
push ax
call strcpy ;Copy the string
add sp,2 ;Clear the stack
lea si,exec_tail ;Program tail
lea di,cmd_tail+1 ;Execution tail
mov ax,127 ;Maximum tail bytes
push ax
call strcpy ;Move the tail
add sp,2 ;Clear the stack
dec ax ;Don't count 0 byte
mov bx,ax ;Length of string in BX
cmp [cmd_tail+bx],CR ;Is last byte a CR?
jne de1 ;No -- go
dec ax ;Else reduce count
jmp short de2 ;And go
de1: mov [cmd_tail+bx+1],CR ;Terminate with a CR
de2: mov [cmd_tail],al ;Store the count
or al,al ;Was there a tail?
jz dir_exec1 ;No -- go
lea si,cmd_tail+1 ;DS:SI==> tail text
lea di,fcb1 ;ES:DI==> 1st FCB
mov ax,2901h ;DOS Service: Parse fname
int 21h ;Call DOS
lea di,fcb2 ;ES:DI==> 2nd FCB
mov ax,2901h ;DOS Service: Parse fname
int 21h ;Call DOS
call execute ;Run the program
dir_exec endp
; Execution code 4
; Shell to Command.Com
; and give user control
shell_exec proc
push ds ;Copy data segment
pop es ; to ES
lea di,prog_path ;ES:DI==>execution buffer
push ds ;Save data segment
mov si,[cmd_path]
mov ds,[env_seg] ;DS:SI==>Command.Com path
mov ax,128 ;Maximum bytes
push ax
call strcpy ;Copy path name
add sp,2 ;Clear the stack
pop ds ;Recover data segment
call execute
shell_exec endp
; Execution code 5
; Add, delete or change
; environment string
change_env proc
call del_env_string ;Delete old value
push ds ;Copy data segment
pop es ; to ES
lea di,exec_tail ;ES:DI==>new value
mov cx,128 ;Maximum bytes
mov al,"=" ;Look for "="
repne scasb
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ;Is there new text?
je change_env1 ;No -- go
call add_env_string ;Else add this string
call find_paths ;Readjust path pointers
change_env endp
; Environment routines -- These routines handle our copy
; of the environment, which is passed to both the user-interface
; and to every application
; Create a new environment that
; we can manipulate and send to
; child programs
new_envr proc uses bx cx si di
mov bx,ENV_SIZE/16 ;BX = # of paragraphs for environ.
mov ah,48h ;DOS Service: Allocate block
int 21h ;Get memory block
jnc env1 ;Go if okay
error no_env ;Else report error and stop
env1: mov [EPB_environ],ax ;Save new segment in EPB
mov [env_seg],ax ; and for us
mov es,ax ;ES==> new segment
push ds ;Save DS
mov bx,our_psp ;Get PSP address
mov ds,bx ;DS==> PSP
mov ds,ds:[2ch] ;DS==> inherited environment
sub si,si ;DS:SI==> current environment
mov di,si ;ES:DI==> new environment
sub cx,cx ;CX will count bytes
env2: test byte ptr ds:[si],-1 ;Are we done?
jz env4 ;Yes -- go
env3: lodsb ;Get a byte
stosb ;Store it
inc cx ;And count it
or al,al ;End of string?
jz env2 ;Yes -- start next string
cmp cx,ENV_SIZE ;Past the end?
jae env_err ;Yes -- report error
jmp env3 ;Else do next byte
env4: lodsb ;Get last 0
stosb ;Store it
pop ds ;Clear stack
dec di ;DI ==> last 0
mov [env_end],di ;Save address of end of env.
pop ds ;Clear the stack
error long_env ;Report error and end
new_envr endp
; Find environment variable in
; our copy of the environment.
; Return a pointer to beginning
; of environment string in ES:AX
; Receives a pointer requested name in DS:SI
find_env_var proc uses di si cx dx
mov es,env_seg ;ES:DI ==> copy of environ.
sub di,di
push ds
push si ;Pass string address
call strlen ;Find length of string at DS:SI
add sp,4 ;Clear stack
mov dx,ax ;DX has length
fen1: cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ;End of environment?
jz fen_err ;Yes -- error return
mov cx,dx ;Length in CX
push di ;Remember where we started
push si
repe cmpsb ;At variable name?
pop si ;Recover start of strings
pop di
jz fen_found ;Found it!
mov al,0 ;Else search for end of string
mov cx,8000h ;Look for 32K
repne scasb ;Move to end of string
jmp fen1 ;And try again
mov ax,-1 ;Return impossible addr.
jmp short fen_end
mov ax,di ;Move addr. to AX
ret ;Return to caller
find_env_var endp
; Find value of environment string
; Receives pointer to beginning of
; name, returns pointer to beginning
; of value
find_env_val proc uses es di cx, var_off:word
mov es,env_seg
mov di,var_off ;ES:DI ==> environ. variable
mov al,"=" ;Look for "=" sign
mov cx,-1 ;Maximum length
repne scasb ;Look for "="
mov ax,di ;Pointer to val in AX
find_env_val endp
; Find paths to Command.Com and user-interface
; by looking in our copy of the environment.
; Abort with an error if either is missing.
find_paths proc uses si
lea si,comspec ;DS:SI ==> "Command.Com"
call find_env_var ;Get addr. in environment
cmp ax,-1 ;Was it found?
je fp_error ;No -- go
push ax ;Else pass offset
call find_env_val ;Find beginning of path
add sp,2 ;Clear stack
mov [cmd_path],ax ;Save address
lea si,ui_spec ;DS:SI ==> "PCRSHELL"
call find_env_var ;Get addr. in environment
cmp ax,-1 ;Was it found?
je fp_error ;No -- go
push ax ;Else pass offset
call find_env_val ;Find beginning of path
add sp,2 ;Clear stack
mov [ui_path],ax ;Save address
error no_var ;Report error and abort
find_paths endp
; Erase environment variable by
; copying all following strings over
; it. String to erase is in exec_tail buffer.
del_env_string proc uses di si cx
push ds
pop es
lea di,exec_tail ;ES:DI ==> exec_tail
mov cx,128 ;Maximum size
mov al,'=' ;Look for "="
repne scasb ;Find end of variable name
dec di ;ES:DI ==> "="
mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ;Terminate name
lea si,exec_tail ;DS:SI ==> name
call find_env_var ;Find name in environment
mov byte ptr ds:[di],'=' ;Replace "="
cmp ax,-1 ;Did we find it?
je del_env_end ;No -- go
mov di,ax ;ES:DI ==> string to erase
push di ;Save address
mov al,0 ;Look for end of string
mov cx,-1 ;Look until end
repne scasb ;Move to 1st byte after end
mov si,di ;SI ==> next string
pop di ;ES:DI ==> beginning of string
mov cx,[env_end] ;CX has address of end of env.
push ds
mov ds,env_seg ;DS:SI ==> next string
movsb ;Move a byte
cmp si,cx ;Are we done?
jbe del_env1 ;No -- loop back
dec di ;ES:DI ==> last 0
pop ds ;Restore data segment
mov [env_end],di ;Save end address
del_env_string endp
; Add a string to our copy of the
; environment table. The string is
; in the exec_tail buffer
add_env_string proc uses di si cx
mov es,[env_seg]
mov di,[env_end] ;ES:DI ==> end of environment
lea si,exec_tail ;DS:SI ==> new string
push ds
push si ;Pass address of string
call strlen ;Find length to add
add sp,4 ;Clear the stack
inc ax ;Length + final 0
mov cx,ax ;Save string length
add ax,di ;Is there room for it?
cmp ax,ENV_SIZE
ja add_env_end ;No -- simply return
rep movsb ;Move the string
mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ;Terminate environment
mov [env_end],di ;Save new end address
add_env_string endp
end begin