Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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PibTerm v4.1 represents a mild upgrade from the previously released PibTerm
v4.0 through v4.0.6. PibTerm v4.1 has been compiled with Turbo Pascal v4.0;
the earlier releases were compiled with Turbo Pascal v3.0. The use of
Turbo Pascal v4.0 allows the v4.1 executables to reside in just two files
instead of over a dozen as in previous versions. In addition, PibTerm v4.1
executes more quickly and handles errors more gracefully.
There are a few new features:
(1) The file viewer available at <ALT>F, V)iew a file is greatly
improved and allows you to move up and down one line at a time,
to search for text, to jump to a specified line number, and to
move to the beginning and end of the file. You can still define
an external file viewer be used instead.
(2) The built-in full-screen editor at <ALT>F, E)dit a file
is greatly enhanced and now provides functionality equivalent
to the Turbo Pascal (v3.0) editor. Most of the editor code was
provided by Sammy Mitchell, the author of the excellent QEdit.
You can still define an external file viewer be used instead.
(3) The parameter entry section at <ALT>P has been re-arranged
slightly. You can now move through the parameter entries
using a mouse or the cursor keys.
(4) PibTerm supports the use of a mouse much more readily than
before. The PIBTERM.MNU file contains a sample mouse menu
for use with the Microsoft mouse.
(5) The "enhanced" 101-key keyboards are now supported,
including keys F11 and F12 and their variants, and the
extra cursor keys and keypad keys as separate entities from
the numeric keypad.
(6) The backspace and <CTRL>backspace keys can now be defined
as strings, just like other function keys. This makes
life easier when accessing IBM mainframe systems through
various bizarro front-ends. Definitions for backspace and
<CTRL>backspace can also be placed in .FNC function key
definition files.
(6) The ATI EGA Wonder and ATI VIP VGA cards are now supported in
VT100 mode, so that the VT100 escape sequences to switch between
80 and 132 column modes are accomodated if one of the ATI cards
is installed. (You can also set 132 columns x 44 line mode, which
is really nifty for viewing mainframe program output.)
(7) The support for serial ports 3 and 4 has been improved --
hopefully more people will be successful in using COM3 and COM4
with this version of PibTerm.
(8) Scripts can be executed from host mode for file transfer purposes.
However, it's generally easier to use batch files anyway.
(When entering the "script name" at <ALT>P, F)ile transfer,
external protocol definitions, use the full "nnn.bat" file name
for a batch file.)
(9) Up to ten external file transfer protocols are now supported.
(10) The new "Quick B" protocol for use with CompuServe is supported.
This is a windowing protocol that allows for MUCH faster file
transfers on CompuServe. The code is based in part upon that
written by Russ Ranshaw of CompuServe Inc.
(11) XON/XOFF is optionally supported for Xmodem family sends. This
feature is needed to support the high-speed error-correcting
modems, and for several mini/mainframe implementations of Xmodem.
(12) The "delay" time when windows are closed is now a settable
parameter. If you were bothered by the two-second delay in
closing windows like the capture file toggle or function key
reads, then you can set the delay time to something smaller
(or larger) in tenths of a second.
(13) The resolution of the Tek 4010 emulation on the EGA has been
enhanced to 640x350. This makes a CONSIDERABLE difference in
the quality of graphics output. You can also elect to use
the older 640x200 CGA-style graphics even if you have an EGA,
to reduce memory requirements or increase compatibility with
(14) It is possible to override the serial port specified in the
PIBTERM.CNF file by using the command line parameter /P=port.
For example, to force PibTerm to use port 2 even though port 1
is specified in PIBTERM.CNF, type
Note that what used to be parameter /P= (the dialing prefix
file name) is now /E=.
(15) Printing is done to the DOS PRN: device. This allows greater
flexibility in printer redirection than with previous versions
of PibTerm, which always wrote to LPT1:. Also, printer errors
(like printer not ready) will be trapped and a dialog box
displayed requesting that the printer be powered on, etc.
(16) PibTerm now checks for the presence of a Novell network before
checking for DoubleDos. The DoubleDos check unfortunately
was hanging systems with a Novell network installed.
(17) The speed of the "G" family protocols has been improved
somewhat, for those of you who can perform high-speed transfers
using hard-wired lines or fast modems.
(18) PibTerm now distinguishes between genuine monochrome adapters
and monitors and color graphics adapters attached to monochrome
monitors. For most systems, it wasn't really necessary to
distinguish these cases, but there were some systems which
didn't work without that check.
(19) PibTerm now distinguishes between EGAs and VGAs. Hopefully
this will eliminate some of those "shrunken screen"
(20) You can prevent the modem from hanging up after an
unsuccessful dialing attempt by setting the parameter
at <ALT>P, M)odem and dialing, s) Hold line ...
to YES. This is useful with modem pools and PC Pursuit.
(21) You can quit PibTerm completely from a script using the
QUIT script command. This acts as if <ALT>X were entered,
but it clears all levels of script execution and terminates
PibTerm without prompting like <ALT>X does.
(22) Kermit autodownload is supported. You can start a Kermit
send on the remote system and PibTerm can optionally
start a Kermit receive on the PC.
(23) Zmodem autodownload is supported. You can start a Zmodem
send on the remote system and PibTerm can optionally
start a Zmodem receive on the PC.
(24) String editing now distinguishes insert from overstrike mode
by changing the cursor shape from an underline (insert mode)
to a block (overstrike mode).
(25) Optional hardware handshaking using CTS/RTS and DSR/DTR is now
fully implemented. Previously, PibTerm only paid attention
to the "sending" end of these protocols.