Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
195 lines
;; ;;
;; PSEND.ASM Last modified: 09/29/87 R. Trevithick MASM 4.0 ;;
;; Send printer codes from ascii control code files. ;;
;; ;;
BSIZE equ 07fffh ; 32K buffer should do it!
PRT SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ; some info for the assembler
ORG 0100h
start: cmp byte ptr ds:[80h], 1 ; any parameters?
jg parm
mov al, 1
jmp exit
parm: mov si, 82h
parm2: cmp byte ptr ds:[si], 0dh
jne parm3
mov byte ptr ds:[si], 0 ; insert zero byte for DOS
jmp short open
parm3: inc si
jmp short parm2
open: mov dx, 82h ; point to filespec in PSP
mov ax, 3d00h ; try to open for read-only
int 21h
jnc read
mov al, 1
jmp exit
read: mov bx, ax ; get handle into bx
mov dx, offset ds:buffer ; point to the buffer
mov ah, 03fh ; read service
mov cx, BSIZE ; size of read buffer
int 21h
jnc read2
mov al, 1
jmp exit
read2: cmp ax, 0 ; special case, 0 byte file
jne read3
mov al, 1
jmp exit
read3: cmp ax, BSIZE ; see if too large a file
jb disp
mov al, 1
jmp exit
; here's where the work get's done
; bh = parser flag, bl = strlen
disp: mov cx, ax ; bytes read into loop counter
call pr_chk ; check the printer
xor bx, bx ; zero out our flags
mov si, offset buffer ; pointer into file buffer
mov di, offset pr_buff ; pointer into printer string
disp2: mov al, byte ptr ds:[si]
cmp al, '<' ; is it a start char?
jne disp3 ; no, process it further
mov bh, 1 ; yes, set flag
jmp short disp6 ; get another
disp3: cmp bh, 0 ; is flag set?
je disp6 ; no, skip this one
cmp al, '>' ; is it an end char?
jne disp4 ; no, see if length ok
xor bh, bh ; yes, turn off parser flag
cmp bl, 0 ; any valid chars?
je abort ; no, flag it as error
call print ; try to send it to printer
xor bl, bl ; reset length counter
mov di, offset pr_buff ; reset pointer to output
jmp short disp6 ; and back for more
disp4: inc bl ; bump up length counter
cmp bl, 3 ; max length allowed
ja abort ; no good, skip num test
cmp al, '0' ; check for valid numeric
jb abort
cmp al, '9'
ja abort ; not numeric, abort
jmp short disp5 ; ok, let this one through
abort: mov al, 1 ; no good, abort
jmp short exit ; and back to DOS
; build up printer output string
disp5: mov dl, al ; got a live one here
sub dl, '0' ; convert to binary
mov byte ptr ds:[di], dl ; stick it in print buffer
inc di ; bump up print buffer pointer
disp6: inc si ; point to next byte
dec cx ; unless end of buffer
jz done ; end, done
jmp disp2 ; more, go get next byte
done: xor al, al ; clear error, fall through
; general exit routine
exit: mov ah, 4ch ; error code passed in al
int 21h
; send codes to printer
print: push dx
push cx
xor dx, dx ; zero out output byte
dec di ; last digit found
mov dl, byte ptr ds:[di] ; get ones digit
dec di
dec bl
jz pr_out
mov al, byte ptr ds:[di] ; this is tens digit
mov cl, 10
mul cl
add dl, al
dec di ; back up again
dec bl
jz pr_out
mov al, byte ptr ds:[di] ; this is hundreds digit
mov cl, 100
mul cl
jc pr_val ; carry flag, error
add dl, al
jc pr_val ; check again after add
pr_out: mov ah, 05h ; get ready to send
int 21h ; send out the value
jmp short prexit ; and skip error routine
pr_val: mov al, 1 ; value-error handler
jmp short exit ; abort to DOS
prexit: pop cx
pop dx
; see if printer is ready
pr_chk: xor dx, dx ; default printer
mov ah, 2 ; printer status function
int 17h ; of bios printer services
cmp ah, 10010000b ; printer on-line?
je ck_ret ; yes, just return
mov al, 1
jmp short exit ; no, abort
ck_ret: ret
; data storage area
pr_buff db 3 dup(?) ; output to printer
buffer db BSIZE dup (?) ; file i/o buffer