FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ FANSI-CONSOLE can also emulate a DEC VT52/Heath H19/Zenith Z100
console as part of its VT100 emulation. For more information about
getting into this mode, see the subsection describing the ANSI DEC-SM
command in the chapter entitled "ANSI X3.64 control sequences". Note
abbreviated ___________ that the abbreviated user manual on the diskettes does not include
this chapter but the complete printed user manual does.
1.2.5 Allows one finger pausing _____ ______ ___ ______ _______ 1.2.5 Allows one finger pausing
FANSI-CONSOLE ______ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___________ ___ ___ ________ _____________ FANSI-CONSOLE allows you to set up the Scroll-Lock key for optional
___ ______ _______ one finger pausing. You can set up the Scroll-Lock key to act as a
scroll lock toggle. This is similar to the Ctrl-Num-Lock key
combination you already know. However, it allows you to type ahead
before turning off the scroll lock. With both the Ctrl-Num-Lock and
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ Scroll-Lock pausing, FANSI-CONSOLE prevents the duplicate lines which
may appear when using the standard IBM-PC console software. For more
information about one finger pausing, see the chapter entitled
"Detailed Installation".
1.2.6 Allows more control over shifting and locking keys _____ ______ ____ _______ ____ ________ ___ _______ ____ 1.2.6 Allows more control over shifting and locking keys
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ FANSI-CONSOLE allows you to change the functioning of the shifting
FANSI- ______ and locking keys. In addition to the handicap shift mode, FANSI-
CONSOLE _______ CONSOLE allows you to change the shifting keys to stay shifted until
you use their shifting effect, even if you take your fingers off the
shift. It allows you to change the Caps-Lock to automatically unlock
if you use a shift key. It allows you to change the Caps-Lock into a
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ "true" Caps-Lock, so that FANSI-CONSOLE ignores the shift keys when
the Caps-Lock is on. It allows you to change the Caps-Lock into a
1.2.7 Allows recall of lines scrolled off the screen _____ ______ ______ __ _____ ________ ___ ___ ______ 1.2.7 Allows recall of lines scrolled off the screen
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ Another important optional feature of FANSI-CONSOLE is that when you
pause with Scroll-Lock, it allows you to see lines which already left
the top of the screen. Such lines would otherwise be gone for good.
Now you can even print them. We call this the scroll recall feature.
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ Unlike some scroll recall programs, FANSI-CONSOLE saves the lines in
full color, and you can save them regardless of the current screen
display mode. For more information about the scroll recall feature,
see the chapter entitled "Detailed Installation" and the section
entitled "How do I use the scroll recall feature?" in the chapter
abbreviated ___________ entitled "Scroll Recall". Note that the abbreviated user manual on
the diskettes does not include this chapter but the complete printed
A feature that owners of most IBM-PC Color Graphics Adapter (CGA)
FANSI-CONSOLE _________ _____________ clones, will love is that you can use FANSI-CONSOLE to eliminate
_______ _______ flicker (blink) as it scrolls the screen. With some adapters, like
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ Tecmar's Graphics Master, FANSI-CONSOLE can do this in both software
and hardware scrolling modes. With these same adapters, you can make
some TopView compatible programs to write to the screen faster (when
___ not running under TopView) and not blink the screen even if they
write to the screen memory directly. Unfortunately, with the standard
IBM-PC Color Graphics Adapter, you can only use this when using quick
__ hardware scrolling mode. A hardware design deficiency (well, we call
it that) causes this problem. To identify these adapters more easily
when making purchasing decisions, we have included a program called
SNOW. You can use SNOW to determine whether an adapter requires that
annoying blinking during software scrolling. For more information
about eliminating screen flicker, see the chapter entitled "Detailed
1.2.15 Provides support for displays with more rows and columns ______ ________ _______ ___ ________ ____ ____ ____ ___ _______ 1.2.15 Provides support for displays with more rows and columns
For display adapters with enough display memory and appropriate CRT
FANSI- ______ controller chip, and screens with a long persistence phosphor, FANSI-
CONSOLE _______ CONSOLE supports several 50 line interlace screen display modes. Note
that this support can not be used on the standard IBM-PC Monochrome
Display and Printer Adapter, because it does not have enough screen
memory. For Enhanced Graphics Adapters with Enhanced Graphics
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ Displays, FANSI-CONSOLE supports several 43 line screen display
modes. For more information about 43 and 50 line screen display
modes, see the subsection describing the FANSI-DBLROWS parameter for
the FANSI-RM/FANSI-SM commands in the chapter entitled "Changing
abbreviated ___________ Options at Run-time". Note that the abbreviated user manual on the
diskettes does not include this chapter but the complete printed user
L - Lock on Scroll Lock _ ____ __ ______ ____ L - Lock on Scroll Lock
Version 1.04 and later
Default is /L=0
The /L option tells whether to have a one-finger pause key. Using
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ /L=1 (true) means FANSI-CONSOLE makes Scroll-Lock (or Hold on the
FANSI- ______ Tandy 1000) the one finger pause key. Using /L=0 (false) means FANSI-
CONSOLE _______ CONSOLE does not have a one-finger pause key and Alt-Scroll-Lock is a
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ pause key. FANSI-CONSOLE ignores other values. The default value is
/L=0, because it is the IBM-PC compatible setting.
The /L option gives the starting value for the FANSI-LOCK mode. You
may change FANSI-LOCK later with the ANSI X3.64 FANSI-SM and FANSI-RM
To use the one-finger pause key when you use /L=1, press the Scroll-
Lock key to cause the display to pause without flushing the type
Please note that the Scroll-Lock combination works ______ ____ ____ ___ ___________ ___________ _____ ahead buffer. Please note that the Scroll-Lock combination works
differently than the Ctrl-Num-Lock combination ___________ ____ ___ _____________ ___________ differently than the Ctrl-Num-Lock combination. Unlike Ctrl-Num-Lock,
Scroll-Lock acts as a toggle. When you have disabled the scroll
recall feature and you pause, you may use other keys to type ahead
without affecting the pause. If you have enabled the scroll recall
feature, then you may do scroll recall when paused. Pressing Scroll-
Lock a second time clears the pause. Usually Scroll-Lock is more
convenient than Ctrl-Num-Lock, mostly because it is a "one finger"
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ pause key. Any program that works with FANSI-CONSOLE pauses with
Scroll-Lock. If you use /L=0, you may still do this type of pausing
using the Alt-Scroll-Lock key combination instead of Scroll-Lock. Of
course, it is then a two finger pause! For other ways to pause, see
the descriptions of Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Num-Lock in the chapter entitled
"Starting Quickly".
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ When you do not use FANSI-CONSOLE, the Scroll-Lock key has the
function of changing the BIOS Scroll-Lock bit. Some application
programs, such as Borland's Sidekick and Lotus's 1-2-3, use the
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ Scroll-Lock bit for their own special purposes. So FANSI-CONSOLE must
still allow you to change the BIOS Scroll-Lock bit. It must do this
even though you have made the Scroll-Lock key the one finger pause
key. However, pausing and changing the BIOS Scroll-Lock bit must be
two separate functions. So they need different key combinations.
Pressing the Alt-Scroll-Lock key combination changes the BIOS Scroll-
Lock bit.
Obviously, the Scroll-Lock light must only have one meaning. However,
we now have two purposes for the Scroll-Lock key (alone or in a
combination). When should the Scroll-Lock light be lit?
FANSI-CONSOLE Compatibility and Limitations _____________ FANSI-CONSOLE Compatibility and Limitations
13.1.10 When all else fails....give us a call 13.1.10 When all else fails....give us a call
When you do ____ ___ __ When all else fails, give us a call or write us a letter. When you do
call us, we highly suggest that you have both the user manual, and ____ ___ __ ______ _______ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ _______ ___ call us, we highly suggest that you have both the user manual, and
your computer sitting in front of you. ____ ________ _______ __ _____ __ ____ your computer sitting in front of you. We suggest that you use the
forms found at the end of this manual to determine what information
we may need to find the cause, before you call or when you write. We
also suggest that you check the section below entitled "How do I help
you solve compatibility problems?" for details about how to collect
information for us which we may find useful in solving the problem.
FANSI-CONSOLE Distribution and Licensing _____________ FANSI-CONSOLE Distribution and Licensing
15.2 How are you limiting my use of FANSI-CONSOLE? _____________ 15.2 How are you limiting my use of FANSI-CONSOLE?
FANSI-CONSOLE (tm) abbreviated _____________ ____ ___________ The program FANSI-CONSOLE (tm) 2.00 and its abbreviated user manual
copyrighted restricted ___________ __________ are copyrighted by Hersey Micro Consulting, Inc. We give restricted
permission to make unlimited numbers of copies for personal use. We
restricted __________ also give restricted permission to make unlimited numbers of copies
of the diskettes for distribution to others. To allow such copying,
___ we did not copy protect it.
15.2.1 Limitations 15.2.1 Limitations
The restrictions on this permission to make unlimited numbers of ___ ____________ __ ____ __________ __ ____ _________ _______ __ The restrictions on this permission to make unlimited numbers of
copies are as follows: ______ ___ __ ________ copies are as follows:
_______ ______ __ ___ ____ _______ _______ ___________ __ 1.. Printed copies of the user manual, whether abbreviated or
_________ ____ ___ __ ___________ complete, must not be distributed without a written license
from Hersey Micro Consulting, Inc. to do so, even if you do it
FANSI- ______ for free and with no service charge. All copies of FANSI-
CONSOLE abbreviated _______ ___________ CONSOLE 2.00 and its abbreviated user manual which are
distributed to others must be on magnetic media, such as
diskettes, or via electronic communications such as via
electronic bulletin board systems or electronic information
networks. The recipients must each print their own copies of
the abbreviated user manual.
___ _____ __ ___ ________ ____ ______ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ 2.. The parts of the complete user manual that are not in the
___________ ____ ______ ____ ___ __ ___________ abbreviated user manual must not be distributed in any form,
especially printed or on magnetic media, without a written
license from Hersey Micro Consulting, Inc. Nor should any part
FANSI-CONSOLE _____________ of FANSI-CONSOLE be included with another product which is for