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LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
LAUNCH User's Guide
Version 1.3
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software
All Rights Reserved
Please send all suggestions, error reports, and corrections to:
Hamrick Software
P.O. Box 58635
Renton, WA 98058
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 1
LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
1.0 Introduction....................................................3
2.0 Prerequisites...................................................4
2.1 Hardware Required...............................................4
2.2 Software Required...............................................4
2.3 Obtaining a Password to use LAUNCH..............................4
3.0 Running LAUNCH..................................................5
4.0 Limitations and Restrictions....................................5
5.0 Sample LAUNCH Commands..........................................6
6.0 Error Messages..................................................6
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 2
LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
X*CHANGE, X*PRESS, and X*PRESS Executive are trademarks of X*PRESS
Information Services, Ltd.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft
IBM and PC-DOS are registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation
Turbo Pascal and Turbo Assembler are registered trademarks of Borland
International, Inc.
LAUNCH was written using Turbo Pascal and Turbo Assembler.
The User's Guide was created using Microsoft Works.
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 3
LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
1.0 Introduction
LAUNCH is a program that lets you run another program using
a portion of your computer's available memory, and interrupt this
program at any time to run DOS in the remaining memory.
There are two applications for LAUNCH. The main application
is to allow you to run certain programs in the background, such
as X*CHANGE, while you run DOS in the foreground. The other
application is to let you start certain long-running programs,
and interrupt them periodically to perform other tasks.
The only programs that will continue to run when interrupted
are programs that are "interrupt driven". An interrupt driven
program either processes characters from a serial communications
port or does some processing every time the computer's clock
ticks. Two programs which are interrupt driven, and which will
continue processing after being interrupted, are the X*CHANGE and
X*PRESS Executive programs from X*PRESS Information Services,
Ltd. Any program that is interrupted will be continued from the
point it was interrupted, without any adverse effects.
This User's Guide contains some examples of actual output from
the LAUNCH program. These examples of actual output will be
highlighted by a row of dots before and after the example. For
example, the help screen for the LAUNCH program is:
LAUNCH Version 1.3 Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software
LAUNCH lets you run any program in a way that lets you temporarily
interrupt the program to perform DOS commands. To interrupt LAUNCH,
press the Alt key and right-hand Shift key. To run LAUNCH, type:
LAUNCH memory program parameters
where "memory" is the number of K-Bytes of memory to use to run the
program, "program" is the filename of the program you want to run, and
"parameters" are the parameters you would normally type after the
program name. For example:
LAUNCH 256 XCHANGE will start XCHANGE in 256K of memory
The first time you run LAUNCH, you will be asked to enter the password
you were sent by Hamrick Software. To help you determine whether
LAUNCH is useful to you, LAUNCH will run without a password for up to
15 minutes.
A LAUNCH password can be purchased for $49.95 from Hamrick Software
P.O. Box 58635
Renton, WA 98058
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 4
LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
2.0 Prerequisites
The following three sections describe the hardware and
software required to run the LAUNCH program, and describe how to
purchase a copy of LAUNCH.
2.1 Hardware Required
In order to use LAUNCH, you will need an IBM PC compatible
personal computer with a minimum of 384K of memory. LAUNCH will
run at any hardware clock speed, including 4.77 MHz, and can be
loaded from either a floppy disk or a hard disk. In order to
interrupt a program started by LAUNCH, the display must be in one
of the three possible 80 column alphanumeric display modes: BW80,
CO80, or MONO (mode 2, 3, or 7, respectively).
2.2 Software Required
In order to run LAUNCH, you will need a copy of MS-DOS or
PC-DOS, version 2.0 or higher. You also need the following
LAUNCH program file:
LAUNCH.EXE - Main LAUNCH program
The LAUNCH User's Guide, and the examples contained within
it are contained in the following file:
2.3 Obtaining a Password to use LAUNCH
LAUNCH is a computer program which is a commercial product
of Hamrick Software. In order to run LAUNCH for more than 15
minutes at a time, you need to purchase a password. To purchase
a LAUNCH password, please send $49.95 to:
Hamrick Software
P.O. Box 58635
Renton, WA 98058
You will receive your LAUNCH password within approximately 2
weeks. The LAUNCH software is not copy protected, and you may
make as many backup copies as you wish. The license you are
granted allows running LAUNCH on one computer at a time.
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 5
LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
3.0 Running LAUNCH
To run LAUNCH, type the following command at a DOS prompt:
LAUNCH memory program parameters
where "memory" is the number of K-Bytes of memory to use to run
the program, "program" is the file name of the program to run,
and "parameters" are the parameters you would normally type after
the program name. For instance, if you would normally type
make -Iinclude -DTURBO=c:\tp5\project
to build a program, and if you wanted this build process to be
interruptible, you could type
launch 350 make -Iinclude -DTURBO=c:\tp5\project
The first time you run LAUNCH, you will be asked to enter
the password for LAUNCH. You will only need to enter this
password again if you run LAUNCH on another computer, disk, or
directory. If the password is incorrect, you may still use
LAUNCH for up to 15 minutes. If LAUNCH is still running after 15
minutes, the computer will be rebooted, just as if you had
pressed Control-Alt-Delete.
While you are running a program started by LAUNCH, you can
cause it to be interrupted by pressing the Alt and right-hand
shift keys simultaneously. The current screen will be saved, and
a new screen will be displayed with the standard DOS prompt. At
this point you may enter DOS commands and run other programs.
When you want to return to the program you interrupted, type EXIT
at a DOS prompt.
4.0 Limitations and Restrictions
The LAUNCH program will only interrupt the running program
when you press Alt-RightShift and when the running program is not
in the middle of a DOS operation. Some DOS operations may take a
long time, so there may be a delay of up to 30 seconds before
LAUNCH recognizes that you have pressed Alt-RightShift. You must
keep both the Alt key and right hand Shift key simultaneously
depressed until the program is interrupted.
Some programs use an un-interruptible DOS operation to read
from the keyboard. These programs will not be interruptible
while they are waiting for you to type on the keyboard. However,
most commercial programs do not use un-interruptible DOS
operations to read from the keyboard.
If you start a program which uses either a 40 column alpha-
numeric display or a graphics display, pressing Alt-RightShift
will do nothing. The program can only be interrupted if the
display is an 80 column alpha-numeric display.
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 6
LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
5.0 Sample LAUNCH Commands
A>LAUNCH 256 XCHANGE This command loads the LAUNCH
program from floppy disk drive A.
LAUNCH tries to run either
of memory. The current drive and
directory is searched first, and
then all directories specified by
the PATH command are searched.
A>LAUNCH 384 C:\XCHANGE This command loads the LAUNCH
program from floppy disk drive A.
LAUNCH tries to run either
384K of memory.
C>LAUNCH 256 COMMAND /C DIR This command loads the LAUNCH
program from the hard disk. LAUNCH
tries to run the DOS command
processor in 256K of memory. The
DOS command processor will execute
the DIR command. The execution of
the DIR command can be interrupted
by pressing Alt-RightShift.
6.0 Error Messages
This section contains a list of all error messages that
might be produced by the LAUNCH program, the cause of each error
message, and what you can do to correct each error.
Program too big to fit in memory
MS-DOS or PC-DOS will display this message if your computer
doesn't have enough free memory to run the LAUNCH program. You
will need approximately 128,000 bytes of free memory to run
LAUNCH. You may be able to obtain more free memory by removing
some memory resident programs or by reducing or eliminating the
amount of memory dedicated to a RAM disk. You can get
information about how much free memory you have by using the MS-
DOS or PC-DOS utility program CHKDSK. Please refer to the MS-DOS
or PC-DOS documentation for details on how to run the CHKDSK
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 7
LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
Sorry, nnn is not a valid number.
You will get this error message if you enter an invalid
number. Check that the number is valid, that it does not contain
a comma, and that it is greater than 0 and less than 640.
Sorry, nnn must be greater than zero.
You will get this error message if you enter a negative
number or zero. You should only enter numbers that are greater
than zero.
Sorry, not enough memory available.
You will get this error message if you enter a memory size
that is too big. Try using a smaller number, or try to free
existing memory. You may be able to obtain more free memory by
removing some memory resident programs or by reducing or
eliminating the amount of memory dedicated to a RAM disk. You
can get information about how much free memory you have by using
the MS-DOS or PC-DOS utility program CHKDSK. Please refer to the
MS-DOS or PC-DOS documentation for details on how to run the
CHKDSK program.
Sorry, can't find xxxxxx
You will get this error message if the file name you entered
can't be located. You will also get this message if LAUNCH.EXE
is not in the current directory or in one of the directories
specified by the DOS PATH command. Make sure that the program
file is either located in the current directory or in a directory
that has been referred to with the DOS PATH command. You can
either change your current directory, include the explicit path
in the file name, or add the path to the file using the DOS PATH
command. See your DOS manual for more details.
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 8
LAUNCH User's Guide 3/20/89
Sorry, nnnK is not enough memory to run xxxxxx
You will get this error message if the amount of memory you
have specified is too small. Try the LAUNCH command with more
memory specified.
Sorry, that password is not valid. LAUNCH will continue
to run for another 15 minutes so you can evaluate it.
You will get this error message if you enter an invalid
password, or no password at all. Try the LAUNCH command again
with the correct password if you need to run longer than 15
minutes. You should only need to enter the password once.
DOS Error nn - Please write Hamrick Software how to reproduce this error.
You should never receive this error message. If you do,
please send a description of how to reproduce the error to
Hamrick Software. You should also try rebooting your computer
and seeing if you can still reproduce the problem.
Copyright (c) 1989 Hamrick Software Page 9