Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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216 lines
STACK - Command Line Editor/Enhancer, Version 1.0 - by Shane Bergl
There are a number of programs around that record the last few
commands that were typed in a stack and allow you to recall them
with a few key strokes. I've always used one and feel a bit lost
on a computer that doesn't have one. The problem that I have
with such utilities is that the stack quickly gets cluttered up
with a 'rubbish' commands that I don't want to use again and I
quickly loose track of whether the command I want is still in the
stack or has been pushed out.
STACK is my solution to this problem. In addition to the usual
command line editing features STACK allows you to flip open a
window showing you what commands are in the stack. You can also
cop∙ thesσ command≤ t∩ ß separatσ lis⌠ associateΣ witΦ the
function keys. A complete list of the commands for STACK appears
STACK originally started life as DOSKEY by Jeff Prosise as
published in Australian Personal Computer. While I have made
extensive modifications some of the code remains much the same.
STACK patches some DOS interrupts and can clash with other
resident utilities especially keyboard enhancers such as
SMARTKEY. If you load it before such utilities there shouldn't
be any problem.
While I claim ownership of the code there are no restrictions on
who can use STACK or under what conditions. Go for it.
Note: STACK is only active at the DOS prompt.
Windows - some notes about how windows are controlled.
. When the window is opened and the command stack is
showing, the current command is highlighted.
. STACK only opens a window if PGUP or PGDN is pressed.
This saves having windows flashing around the place
when you know where the command you want is.
. If a window is displayed (using PGUP or PGDN) and theè other key is pressed (PGDN or PGUP respectively) then
the window content is swapped.
. although up to 80 characters of command are stored, to
save space on the screen, only the first 32 characters
of commands are displayed in the window
U╨ ¡ selec⌠ thσ precedinτ commanΣ anΣ displa∙ i⌠ a⌠ the
DOS prompt. If the window is open select the correct
command list to display and highlight the command.
DOWN - select the next command and display it at the DOS
prompt. If the window is open select the correct
command list to display and highlight the command.
PGUP - open a window and display the command stack
PGDN - open a window and display the commands for the
function keys
HOME - move the cursor to the left of the command line
END - move the cursor to the right of the command line
DEL - delete the character at the cursor
INS - toggle insert mode. Insert on is indicated by a block
shaped cursor
Backspace- delete the character to the left of the cursor
ESC - clear the command line and close the window
TAB - delete the currently highlighted command from the stack
Fn - issue the command associated with that function key.
Shift Fn You can't issue the command associated with a function
key using the highlight bar - you must press the
function key. The function keys that can be programmed
in this way are F1 to F10 and shift F1 to shift F5.
Ctrl Fn - copy the current command to this function key. Ctrl F1
to ctrl F10 copy to the corresponding function key,
alt F1 to alt F5 copy to shift F1 to shift F5
respectively. If STACK is currently in insert mode (ie.
you pressed INS and the block cursor is showing) then NO
carriage return is added to the end. This means that when
you use that function key you can add some more to the end
before pressing Return/Enter. If insert mode if off then
a carriage return is added to the end and the command will
be executed as soon as you press the function key.
Ctrl END - modify STACK.COM by writing the current (ie. in memory)
definitions of the function keys to STACK.COM. The memory
copy of STACK expects STACK.COM to be located in the
current drive and directory, if it isn't you'll get a
cryptic error message on the command line (it isn't placed
in the DOS buffer so just type over the error message).
For those who are game, the following information is provided to
help you modify the colours using DEBUG, PCTOOLS, etc. (Addresses are
offset from start of file - add 100h if using DEBUG).
06Ch - this byte controls the main window colours. The
first 4 bits are the back ground colour, the next 4è are the text colour
06Dh - as above but controls the colours for the highlight
If you discover bugs in STACK or would like to discuss some
aspects of it I can be contacted at home on (062) 369 216 or by
writing to PO Box 78, Dickson, Australian Capital Territory, 2602
Version 1.1
Like most programmers I can't resist adding just that one extra
feature. So STACK didn't make it further than a few of my friends
before I added the following "improvements":
- commands can now be deleted from the stack using the
TAB key
- the function keys which can be programmed have been
extended to include shift F1 to shift F5.
Version 1.2
After giving some friends three versions of STACK in less than a week I
sort of promised that I'd stop changing it at least for a while. But
you see there was this bug and while I was there .... Anyway here
are the changes in Version 1.2
- fixed a bug with insert so that STACK didn't stay in insert
mode between commands.
- fixed TAB (delete) command.
- ESC now closes the window (just for you Dave).
- dropped dedicated support for function keys F11 and F12 -
it just wasn't worth maintaining two versions.
- modified "copy current command to function key" so that it
optionally added a carriage return depending on insert
- added facility to allow current copy of function keys to
be written back to disk (this ones for you Lyell).
(The documentation has been updated to include these changes.)
Software Library Information:
This disk copy provided as a service of
The Public (Software) Library
We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated
with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the
program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution.
Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about
this program to the author of the program, whose name appears
elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting
in touch with the author, we will do whatever we can to help
you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do
run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the
file PROBLEM.DOC on many of our disks or in other written for-
mat with screen printouts, if possible. The P(s)L cannot de-
bug programs over the telephone.
Disks in the P(s)L are updated monthly, so if you did not get
this disk directly from the P(s)L, you should be aware that
the files in this set may no longer be the current versions.
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Houston, TX 77235-5705
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