Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Assembly Source File
1,159 lines
;Name WHOA
;Title WHOA! Version 1.0 - Brad D Crandall, 1987
; All rights reserved.
; WHOA!.asm - Brad D Crandall
; This program will slow a computer down so programs and
; games can be examined closely. Designed to run in a Text
; or graphic screen mode. To bring up WHOA!'s Menu,
; press <Alt> <F10>.
; Compiler: MASM Version 2.0 or greater.
; Computer: IBM PC or Compatible running on MS-DOS or
; PC-DOS Version 2.0 or greater. Also works
; on IBM's Personal System/2s under DOS 3.3.
; Compiling procedure:
; masm WHOA!;
; link WHOA!;
; exe2bin WHOA! WHOA!.com
; Notes:
; Care should be taken when determining what value to use for
; SET_MAX (located in EQUATE AREA). If the value is too large,
; a hard loop may result. The value 435 if optimum for a 12-MHz
; machine. Slower machines will need a slightly lower value.
; Special consideration has been taken to allow WHOA to be
; compatible with DOS versions earlier than 3.1, which do not
; support the MULTIPLEX interrupt protocol. WHOA uses the
; multiplex interrupt because it provides a broader range of
; software compatibility than do the eight conventional user
; interrupts.
; For older versions of DOS, WHOA uses a user interrupt
; (SLOW_INT) as the channel of communication to the resident
; portion of WHAO!. To provide full compatibility, SLOW_INT
; should be set to an interrupt that is not used by any of the
; software you wish to use WHOA with.
; E Q U A T E A R E A
MULTI_INT equ 2fh ; Multiplex used if DOS >= 3.1.
SLOW_INT equ 60h ; Interrupt used if DOS < 3.1,
; other possible values 60h-67h.
KEYBOARD_INT equ 16h ; Keyboard Interrupt.
TIME_INT equ 08h ; Time of Day Interrupt.
MULTI_HANDLE equ 89h ; Our Unique Multiplex ID.
INSTALL_CHECK equ 0h ; Code to check if resident.
UNINSTALL equ 1h ; Code to uninstall WHOA!
SET_LOOP equ 2h ; Code to set the delay loop.
STACK_SIZE equ 100h ; Size for our Stack.
HOT_KEY equ 7100h ; ALT F10.
STROBE_PAUSE equ 5 ; Strobe delay count setting.
SET_MIN equ 1 ; Minimum delay loop value.
SET_MAX equ 435 ; Maximum delay loop value.
TIME_PAUSE equ 100 ; Inner loop initial setting.
LOOP_DEFAULT equ 350 ; Delay default setting.
STROBE_BEGIN equ 28 ; Column coordinate for strobe.
STROBE_END equ 37 ; Column coordinate for strobe.
SCREEN_SIZE equ 16 * 1024 / 2 ; Size in words of largest
; screen to save.
BORDER = 16+14 ; Border color.
TEXT = 16+15 ; Text color.
DOS_CMP equ 0310h ; DOS comparison constant.
;--- Return Codes ---
NOT_INSTALLED equ 0 ; WHOA not installed return code.
INSTALLED equ 0ffh ; WHOA is installed return code.
ERROR equ 0feh ; Error occurred
OK equ 0fdh ; No errors occurred.
; M A C R O A R E A
; DISPLAY_AT parm1,parm2,parm3,parm4 - Display
; message on screen starting at fixed
; location. Does not use DOS.
; parm1 = X coordinate of start of message.
; parm2 = Y coordinate of start of message.
; parm3 = Color of message.
; parm4 = String of character to display.
DISPLAY_AT macro parm1,parm2,parm3,parm4
local label1,label2
jmp label2
label1 db parm4&,0
label2: mov si,offset cseg:label1
mov cx,&parm3
mov ax,&parm2
mov di,&parm1
call display_at_proc
; DISPLAY_DOS parm1 - Display a message to the
; console. Uses DOS function 09h.
; parm1 = Message to display.
DISPLAY_DOS macro parm1
local label1,label2
jmp label2
label1 db parm1&,24h
label2: mov dx,offset cseg:label1
mov ah,09h
int 21h
; RESIDENT parm1 - Executes the resident portion
; of WHOA! Determines which interrupt to
; use (multiplex or user) based on DOS version.
; parm1 - Resident function.
RESIDENT macro parm1
local label1,label2
mov al,&parm1
cmp cs:dos_version,DOS_CMP ; What DOS Version??
jae label1 ; Jump if DOS >= 3.1.
call call_interrupt
jmp label2
label1: mov ah,MULTI_HANDLE
; C O D E A R E A
cseg segment byte public 'code'
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
org 100h
slowdown proc far
jmp slowdown_0010
; T S R D A T A A R E A
dos_version dw ? ; Version number of DOS.
slow_interrupt db SLOW_INT ; Interrupt used if DOS < 3.1.
old_multi_int dd ? ; Address of old multiplex.
old_keyboard_int dd ? ; Address of old keyboard.
old_time_int dd ? ; Address of old time of day.
activated db 0 ; Switch to prevent re-entry.
crt_stat dw ? ; CRT port.
save_sp dw ? ; Save area of old stack.
save_ss dw ? ; Save area of old stack.
video_state db ? ; Save video state.
cursor_location dw ? ; Save cursor location.
current_page db ? ; Save page.
current_background db ? ; Current background color.
current_palette db ?
asc_value db 6 dup(0) ; Area for number display.
setting dw LOOP_DEFAULT ; Delay loop setting.
delay_switch db 1 ; Delay Switch on/off. 1 = ON.
strobe dw STROBE_BEGIN ; Location of strobe pattern.
move_strobe1 dw ? ; Delay countdown.
move_strobe2 dw ? ; Delay countdown.
screen_seg dw ? ; Address of screen.
enable db 1 ; Enable/disable switch.
columns db 80 ; Number of columns on screen.
; T S R C O D E A R E A
; multiplex - This procedure handles external
; communications for the memory resident
; portion of WHOA running on DOS 3.1 or
; greater.
multiplex proc far
;--- Check for our unique handle. If not found ---
;--- jump to next multiplex routine in chain. ----
je multiplex_0010
jmp dword ptr cs:old_multi_int
multiplex_0010: call request
iret ; Must return as an interrupt routine.
multiplex endp
; interrupt - This procedure handles external
; communications for the memory resident
; portion of WHOA running on DOS 3.0 or
; less.
interrupt proc far
call request
interrupt endp
; request - This routine execute a slowdown
; function based on the contents of AL.
; Status returned in AL.
request proc near
;--- We are being called. Find out why ---
request_0010: cmp al,INSTALL_CHECK ; Check for installed?
jne request_0020 ; Jump if NO.
mov al,INSTALLED ; We are already installed.
request_0020: cmp al,UNINSTALL ; Ordered to uninstall?
jne request_0030 ; Jump if NO.
call restore ; Uninstall.
mov al,OK ; Everything went OK.
request_0030: cmp al,SET_LOOP ; Ordered to set delay loop?
jne request_0040 ; Jump if NO.
mov cs:setting,bx ; Set delay loop counter.
mov al,OK ; Everything went OK.
request_0040: mov al,ERROR ; Unknown function.
request endp
; keyboard - This routine will compare every
; keystroke in search of our hot key.
; If <Alt> <F10> is pressed then send
; WHOA!'s Menu into motion.
keyboard proc far
;--- Check for READ KEYBOARD ---
cmp ah,0 ; Is it a keyboard request?
je keyboard_0010 ; Jump if YES.
jmp dword ptr cs:old_keyboard_int ; Do original
; keyboard routine.
;--- Check for hot key ---
keyboard_0010: pushf ; Call original keyboard.
call dword ptr cs:old_keyboard_int
cmp ax,HOT_KEY ; Is key hot key?
je keyboard_0020 ; Jump if YES.
iret ; Return to interrupter.
;--- Check to see if menu is already active. ---
;--- If not, activate menu routine. ------------
keyboard_0020: cli ; Stop Interrupts
cmp cs:activated,0 ; Already active?
jne keyboard_0030 ; Jump if YES.
mov cs:activated,1 ; Set active flag.
call active ; Activate menu.
mov cs:activated,0 ; Clear active flag.
;--- Contine on with next key --
keyboard_0030: sti
mov ah,0
jmp keyboard_0010
keyboard endp
; active - This procedure protects amd initializes
; the system and calls the menu.
active proc near
mov cs:delay_switch,0 ; Turn off delay.
push ax
push bx
;--- Setup our stack ---
mov cs:save_sp,sp
mov cs:save_ss,ss
mov ax,offset cseg:slowdown_0010 + STACK_SIZE
mov bx,cs
mov ss,bx
mov sp,ax
push cx ; Save registers.
push dx
push si
push di
push es
push ds
push bp
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
call calibrate ; Call menu calibrate.
pop bp ; Restore registers.
pop ds
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
;--- Restore old stack ---
mov ss,cs:save_ss
mov sp,cs:save_sp
pop bx
pop ax
mov al,cs:enable
mov cs:delay_switch,al ; Turn on Delay.
active endp
; time_of_day - This procedure contains
; the loop that slows the system down.
; The original time_of_day routine is
; called to maintain the system's clock.
time_of_day proc far
;--- Call original time_of_day routine ---
call dword ptr cs:old_time_int
;--- Check to see if we are disabled ---
cmp cs:delay_switch,0 ; Are we disabled?
je time_of_day_0030 ; Jump if YES.
;--- Do our loop to the current setting ---
cli ; Stop all interrupts.
push cx
mov cx,cs:setting
time_of_day_0010: push cx
time_of_day_0020: loop time_of_day_0020
pop cx
loop time_of_day_0010
pop cx
sti ; Restore interrupts.
;--- Return to caller ---
time_of_day_0030: popf
time_of_day endp
; calibrate - This procedure displays WHOA!'s
; menu to allow calibration of the slowdown
; loop and allow disable/enable of WHOA!
calibrate proc near
call save_screen ; Save the current screen.
mov ax,setting ; Initialize our strobe setting.
mov move_strobe1,ax
mov move_strobe2,TIME_PAUSE / 10
;--- Display menu using macro ---
DISPLAY_AT 00,00,BORDER,<'╔════════════════════════════════════════╗'>
DISPLAY_AT 01,01,TEXT, <' WHOA! by Brad Crandall '>
DISPLAY_AT 00,02,BORDER,<'╟────────────────────────────────────────╢'>
DISPLAY_AT 01,03,TEXT, <' Key Meaning '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,04,TEXT, <' ------- ---------------- '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,05,TEXT, <' + Execute Faster '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,06,TEXT, <' - Execute Slower '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,07,TEXT, <' D Disable WHOA! '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,08,TEXT, <' E Enable WHOA! '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,09,TEXT, <' <Enter> Quit '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,10,TEXT, <' '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,11,TEXT, <' Current setting 00000 -> <- '>
DISPLAY_AT 01,12,TEXT, <' Press <ENTER> to quit. '>
DISPLAY_AT 00,13,BORDER,<'╚════════════════════════════════════════╝'>
;--- Display delay loop number ---
calibrate_0005: call display_number
;--- Move fancy strobe ---
calibrate_0010: dec move_strobe2
jne calibrate_0035
mov move_strobe2,TIME_PAUSE / 10
dec move_strobe1
jne calibrate_0035
mov ax,setting
mov move_strobe1,ax
DISPLAY_AT strobe,11,TEXT,<' '>
cmp strobe,STROBE_END
je calibrate_0020
inc strobe
jmp calibrate_0030
calibrate_0020: mov strobe,STROBE_BEGIN
calibrate_0030: cmp enable,0
je calibrate_0035
DISPLAY_AT strobe,11,BORDER,<'*'>
;--- Get data from keyboard if available ---
calibrate_0035: mov ah,1
call dword ptr old_keyboard_int ; Original.
je calibrate_0010 ; Jump if no data.
mov ah,0
call dword ptr old_keyboard_int ; Original.
;--- Calibrate based on character received ---
cmp al,'+' ; Do we speed up?
jne calibrate_0040 ; Jump if NO.
dec setting ; Speed up loop.
cmp setting,SET_MIN ; Less than minimum setting?
jae calibrate_0038 ; Jump if NO. .
mov setting,SET_MIN ; Set to minimum setting.
calibrate_0038: jmp calibrate_0005
calibrate_0040: cmp al,'-' ; Do we slow down?
jne calibrate_0050 ; Jump if NO.
inc setting ; Slow down.
cmp setting,SET_MAX ; Greater than maximum?
jbe calibrate_0045 ; Jump if NO.
mov setting,SET_MAX ; Set to maximum setting.
calibrate_0045: jmp calibrate_0005
calibrate_0050: cmp al,13 ; Are we done?
je calibrate_0060 ; Jump if YES.
cmp al,'d' ; Disable WHOA!?
je calibrate_0051 ; Jump if YES.
cmp al,'D' ; Disable WHOA!?
jne calibrate_0052 ; Jump if NO.
calibrate_0051: mov enable,0 ; Disable WHOA!
jmp calibrate_0010
calibrate_0052: cmp al,'e' ; Enable WHOA!?
je calibrate_0053 ; Jump if YES.
cmp al,'E' ; Enable WHOA!?
jne calibrate_0055 ; Jump if NO.
calibrate_0053: mov enable,1 ; Enable WHOA!
calibrate_0055: jmp calibrate_0010
calibrate_0060: call restore_screen ; Restore the screen.
calibrate endp
; display_number - This procedure will display
; the current setting of the delay loop at
; the expected position on the screen.
display_number proc near
mov ax,setting
call numasc ; Convert to an ASCII number.
mov di,18 ; Set parameters.
mov ax,11
mov cx,TEXT
mov si,offset cseg:asc_value
call display_at_proc ; Display ASCII number.
display_number endp
; save_screen - This procedure will save the
; current screen. Care is taken so that
; not only the data on the screen is saved,
; but the current mode, color, and palette
; is saved also. This allows WHOA to
; work under graphic conditions.
save_screen proc near
push ds
push es
;--- Get screen information ---
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:[463h]
add ax,6
mov cs:crt_stat,ax ; CRT status port address.
mov screen_seg,0b800h ; Screen address.
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[0410h]
and al,30h
cmp al,30h
jne save_screen_0010
mov screen_seg,0b000h ; Screen address.
;--- Save the screen to a safe area ---
save_screen_0010: call screen_off ; Turn off the display.
mov di,offset cseg:slowdown_0010 + STACK_SIZE + 1
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax
mov ds,screen_seg
xor si,si
rep movsw
call screen_on ; Turn on the display.
;--- Get current Video State ---
mov ah,15
int 10h
mov cs:video_state,al
mov cs:current_page,bh
mov ah,03
int 10h
mov cs:cursor_location,dx
;--- Get current background color and palette ---
push es
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov al,es:[466h] ; CRT_Palette.
and al,1fh
mov cs:current_background,al
mov cs:current_palette,0
mov al,es:[466h]
and al,20h
je save_screen_0015
mov cs:current_palette,1
save_screen_0015: pop es
;--- Change Video State to an 80 X 25 mode ---
;--- if necessary. ---------------------------
cmp cs:video_state,3
jbe save_screen_0030
cmp cs:video_state,7
je save_screen_0030
mov ah,0
mov al,3
cmp cs:screen_seg,0b800h
je save_screen_0020
mov al,2
save_screen_0020: int 10h ; Change mode to 80 X 25.
;--- Move cursor off screen ---
save_screen_0030: mov bh,cs:current_page
mov dx,0ffffh
mov ah,2
int 10h
pop es
pop ds
save_screen endp
; restore_screen - This procedure will restore
; the screen to the state it was in prior to
; the save_screen call.
restore_screen proc near
push ds
push es
;--- Restore Video State ---
cmp video_state,3
jbe restore_0010
cmp video_state,7
je restore_0010
mov al,video_state
mov ah,0
int 10h
;--- Restore Background color and palette ---
mov ah,11
mov bl,current_palette
mov bh,1
int 10h
mov ah,11
mov bl,current_background
mov bh,0
int 10h
;--- Reset Cursor Position ---
restore_0010: mov bh,current_page
mov dx,cursor_location
mov ah,2
int 10h
;--- Restore screen ---
call screen_off ; Turn off the display.
mov si,offset cseg:slowdown_0010 + STACK_SIZE + 1
mov es,screen_seg
xor di,di
rep movsw
call screen_on ; Turn on the display.
pop es
pop ds
restore_screen endp
; display_at_proc - This procedure is used by
; the macro "DISPLAY_AT". This procedure
; will display a string to a given location
; anywhere on the screen.
display_at_proc proc near
mov es,screen_seg
mul columns
add di,ax
shl di,1 ; Screen offset.
mov ah,cl ; Color in ah.
display_at_proc_0010: mov al,byte ptr cs:[si]
inc si
cmp al,0 ; Are we done?
je display_at_proc_0050 ; Jump if YES.
;--- Wait for horizontal retrace if CGA ---
cmp screen_seg,0b800h
jne display_at_proc_0040
push ax
mov dx,crt_stat
display_at_proc_0020: in al,dx
test al,1
jne display_at_proc_0020
display_at_proc_0030: in al,dx
test al,1
je display_at_proc_0030
pop ax
;--- Display one byte of string ---
display_at_proc_0040: stosw
jmp display_at_proc_0010
display_at_proc_0050: ret
display_at_proc endp
; NUMASC.INC By Brad D Crandall Created 04/23/85 |
; |
; numasc: |
; |
; This procedure contains the code necessary to convert a |
; binary value into an ASCII coded number. This routine will not |
; work correctly on numbers larger than 65536. The numbers |
; must be integers greater than or equal to 0. |
; |
; How to use: |
; |
; 1) The following variables must be defined in your DS segment. |
; |
; asc_value DB 5 DUP(?) |
; |
; 2) Load the AX register with the binary value. |
; |
; 3) Upon return, ASC_VALUE will contain the ASCII Coded number. |
; |
; 4) All registers are preserved except AX. |
; |
base_ten dw 10000,1000,100,10,1
numasc proc near
push si
push cx
push dx
push di
xor si,si
xor di,di
mov cx,5
numasc_0005: mov dl,0
numasc_0010: sub ax,cs:base_ten[si]
jb numasc_0020
inc dl
jmp numasc_0010
numasc_0020: add ax,cs:base_ten[si]
add dl,'0'
mov asc_value[di],dl
add si,2
inc di
loop numasc_0005
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop si
numasc endp
; restore - This procedure will restore the
; interrupt vectors to the state that they
; were in prior to the execution of WHOA!
; This terminates WHOA completely.
restore proc near
push ax
push bx
;--- Setup our stack ---
mov cs:save_sp,sp
mov cs:save_ss,ss
mov ax,offset cseg:slowdown_0010 + STACK_SIZE
mov bx,cs
mov ss,bx
mov sp,ax
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
push ds
push bp
;--- Restore time_of_day interrupt to the original ---
mov dx,cs:word ptr cs:old_time_int
mov ds,cs:word ptr cs:old_time_int+2
mov ah,25h
mov al,TIME_INT
int 21h
;--- Restore multiplex/slow interrupt to original state ---
mov dx,cs:word ptr cs:old_multi_int
mov ds,cs:word ptr cs:old_multi_int+2
mov ah,25h
mov al,MULTI_INT
cmp cs:dos_version,DOS_CMP
jae restore2_0010
mov al,cs:slow_interrupt
restore2_0010: int 21h
;--- Restore keyboard interrupt to the original ---
mov dx,cs:word ptr cs:old_keyboard_int
mov ds,cs:word ptr cs:old_keyboard_int+2
mov ah,25h
int 21h
pop bp
pop ds
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
;--- Restore old stack ---
mov ss,cs:save_ss
mov sp,cs:save_sp
pop bx
pop ax
restore endp
; screen-off - This procedure will
; turn off the display. We do
; this so we don't have to see
; CGA snow during massive direct
; screen I/O.
screen_off proc near
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov al,byte ptr ds:[0465h]
and al,0f7h
mov dx,03d8h
out dx,al
pop ds
screen_off endp
; screen_on - This procedure will
; turn on the display.
screen_on proc near
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov al,byte ptr ds:[0465h]
or al,08h
out dx,al
pop ds
screen_on endp
; N O N - R E S I D E N T D A T A A R E A
valid_parm db 0 ; Switch to determine valid.
; N O N - R E S I D E N T C O D E A R E A
;--- First major code to be executed within WHOA ---
slowdown_0010: push ds
xor ax,ax
push ax
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
;--- Get the DOS version number ---
mov ah,30h ; Get DOS Version number.
int 21h
xchg al,ah
mov dos_version,ax ; High is MAJOR, Low is MINOR.
call set_loop_default ; Set the loop default counter.
DISPLAY_DOS <'Copyright 1988 COMPUTE! Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.',13,10>
;--- Determine whether to install or unload ---
cmp dos_version,DOS_CMP ; What DOS Version??
jae slow_down_00105 ; Jump if DOS >= 3.1.
call check_installed
jmp slow_down_00106
slow_down_00105: mov ah,MULTI_HANDLE
slow_down_00106: cmp al,NOT_INSTALLED ; Are we installed?
jne slow_down_0011 ; Jump if NO.
jmp slow_down_0019
;--- If a parameter was passed, then send ----------
;--- it to the memory resident part of WHOA! ---
;--- otherwise disable WHOA completely. --------
slow_down_0011: cmp valid_parm,0 ; Any parm?
jne slow_down_00113 ; Jump if YES.
jmp slow_down_0013
slow_down_00113: cmp valid_parm,1 ; Was it a valid parm?
je slow_down_00115 ; Jump if YES.
DISPLAY_DOS <'Parameter out of range.',10,13>
DISPLAY_DOS <'Valid values are between 1 and 435.',10,13>
ret ; Return to DOS.
;--- Pass new delay loop value to TSR WHOA ---
slow_down_00115: mov bx,setting
cmp al,OK
jne slow_down_0012
DISPLAY_DOS <'Setting completed.',10,13>
ret ; Return to DOS.
slow_down_0012: DISPLAY_DOS <'TSR is unable to set.',10,13>
ret ; Return to DOS.
;--- Uninstall WHOA ---
slow_down_0013: RESIDENT UNINSTALL
cmp al,OK ; All go well?
jne slow_down_0015 ; Jump if NO.
DISPLAY_DOS <'Uninstalled.',10,13>
ret ; Return to DOS.
slow_down_0015: DISPLAY_DOS <'Unable to uninstall.',10,13>
ret ; Return to DOS.
;--- Install proper entry interrupt ---
;--- based on DOS Version. ---
slow_down_0019: cmp dos_version,DOS_CMP
jae slow_down_0020
mov al,slow_interrupt ; Install SLOW_INT.
mov ah,35h
int 21h ; Save original.
mov word ptr old_multi_int,bx
mov word ptr old_multi_int+2,es
mov al,slow_interrupt
mov dx,offset cseg:interrupt
mov ah,25h
int 21h
jmp slow_down_0030
slow_down_0020: mov al,MULTI_INT ; Install MULTI_INT
mov ah,35h
int 21h ; Save original.
mov word ptr old_multi_int,bx
mov word ptr old_multi_int+2,es
mov dx,offset cseg:multiplex
mov al,MULTI_INT
mov ah,25h
int 21h
;--- Install Keyboard ---
slow_down_0030: mov al,KEYBOARD_INT
mov ah,35h
int 21h ; Save original.
mov word ptr old_keyboard_int,bx
mov word ptr old_keyboard_int+2,es
mov dx,offset cseg:keyboard
mov ah,25h
int 21h
;--- Install time_of_day ---
mov al,TIME_INT
mov ah,35h
int 21h ; Save original.
mov word ptr old_time_int,bx
mov word ptr old_time_int+2,es
mov dx,offset cseg:time_of_day
mov al,TIME_INT
mov ah,25h
int 21h
;--- Terminate and stay resident ---
DISPLAY_DOS <'Now resident. Use <Alt> F10 for calibrating.',13,10>
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax
add sp,4 ; Clean up stack.
mov dx,offset cseg:slowdown_0010 + STACK_SIZE + SCREEN_SIZE + SCREEN_SIZE + 2
int 27h
slowdown endp
; set_loop_default - This procedure will examine
; the command parameters in the Program
; Segment Prefix for any Loop Default Value.
; Returns:
; valid_parm is set as follows:
; 0 = No parameter given.
; 1 = Valid numeric parameter found.
; 2 = Valid parameter found.
set_loop_default proc near
cmp byte ptr es:[80h],0
je set_loop_default_0900
;--- Set numeric as loop default ---
mov di,81h ; Offset of parms.
mov word ptr value,0
xor ch,ch
mov cl,byte ptr es:[80h]
set_loop_default_0010: mov al,byte ptr es:[di]
inc di
cmp al,'0'
jb set_loop_default_0020
cmp al,'9'
ja set_loop_default_0020
call ascnum
set_loop_default_0020: loop set_loop_default_0010
mov valid_parm,2 ; Set for invalid parm.
;--- Check numeric value to see if it is in range ---
cmp value,SET_MIN
jb set_loop_default_0910
cmp value,SET_MAX
ja set_loop_default_0910
;--- Valid value found ---
mov ax,value
mov setting,ax
mov valid_parm,1
;--- No Value Found ---
set_loop_default_0900: mov valid_parm,0
set_loop_default_0910: ret
set_loop_default endp
; check_installed - This procedure will check
; to see if WHOA is already resident.
; This procedure is used on DOS versions
; less than 3.1.
; Returns in AL:
check_installed proc near
push es
mov ah,35h
mov al,slow_interrupt
int 21h
;--- Check to see routines match ---
mov si,offset cseg:interrupt
mov di,bx
mov cx,10 ; Number of bytes to compare.
rep cmpsb
je check_installed_0010
check_installed_0010: pop es
check_installed endp
; call_interrupt - This procedure calls the
; resident portion of WHOA for DOS
call_interrupt proc near
call_interrupt endp
; ASCNUM.INC By Brad D Crandall Created 04/23/85 |
; |
; ascnum: |
; |
; This procedure contains the code necessary to convert a |
; ASCII coded number into a binary value. This routine will not |
; work correctly on numbers larger than 65536. The number |
; must be integers greater than or equal to 0. |
; |
; How to use: |
; |
; 1) Move a zero to VALUE. |
; |
; |
; 2) Load the AL register with the left most digit and then call |
; this routine. Do this for every digit in the number. |
; |
; MOV AL,'3' ; Translate 34 into binary. |
; |
; MOV AL,'4' |
; |
; 3) The binary value will be found in the variable VALUE |
; |
; MOV AX,VALUE ; AX now contains binary 34. |
; |
; 4) All registers are preserved except AX. |
ten dw 10
value dw ?
ascnum proc near
push dx
cmp al,'0'
jb ascnum_0010 ; Not a number.
cmp al,'9'
ja ascnum_0010 ; Not a number.
sub al,'0'
xor ah,ah
mov dx,ax
push dx
mov ax,cs:value
mul cs:ten
pop dx
add ax,dx
mov cs:value,ax
ascnum_0010: pop dx
ascnum endp
cseg ends
end slowdown