Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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279 lines
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\headline{\eightrm \hfill Beispiele f"ur den Notensatz mit \TeX
\hfill\hbox to 0pt{\hss Schofer/Steinbach 1987}}
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\title{\vbox{\hbox to 0pt{\hss 6 Suiten f"ur Cello Solo\hss}
\hbox to 0pt{\hss Suite II Menuet I\hss}}}
\poet{\vtop{\hbox to 0pt{F"ur Viola "ubertragen \hss}
\hbox to 0pt{von Franz Schmidtner\hss}}}
\composer{Johann Sebastian Bach}
\parindent 20pt
\rchord \h5\h7\h9\endchord\v{10}\|%
\ubeam14\uslur12\go}{\rchord \a4\a6\endchord}%
{\a2}\|\rchord \h5\h7\h9\endchord\v{10}\|%
Aus: Johann Sebastian Bach, Sechs Suiten, f"ur Viola bearbeitet von
Franz Schmidtner, Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, Hamburg.
F"ur dieses Musikst"uck lautet die Eingabe:
%%%%% bach %%%%%%%
{\bf !!}
\ks{title}\{6 Suiten f"ur Cello Solo
\bs{atop} Suite II Menuet I\}\par
\ks{composer}\{Johann Sebastian Bach\}
\ks{poet}\{F"ur Viola "ubertragen \bs{atop} von Franz Schmidtner\}\par
\ks{alto}\ks{F}\ks{meter}\{{\bf3}\slash {\bf4}\}\ks{two}
\par{\bf \{\ \ \ \ks{chord}\{2`d f a\} 4h\strich
\ks{chord}\{'8c `e\}\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4a\strich
\ks{chord}\{4,h `d\} g\ks{beam}\{8f e\}\strich
,8a \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
\ks{chord}\{`2d f a\} 4h\strich 8e
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
{`}{`}4c \strich\par
\ks{chord}\{4`f a\}\ks{chord}\{,h `f {`}{`}d\}
\ks{chord}\{,g `g {`}{`}e\}\strich
\par\ks{chord}\{2.,a ,`e ,x{`}{`}c\}
\par\ks{chord}\{2`a {`}{`}e\}\ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}\{8d 6e f\}\}\strich
8`g\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
2f \slash\ 4e\strich 8d \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich
\ks{slur}\{4g f\}e\strich\par
8f\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
\ks{chord}\{4,h `e {`}{`}d\}\strich\ks{chord}\{4,a `f {`}{`}c\}
\ks{beam}\{8`h a g a\}\strich\par \ks{beam}\{8f e f a g h\}\strich
2xf 4p \strich b8e \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
4xf \ks{tr}\strich\ks{chord}\{4,h `g {`}{`}d\}
\ks{chord}\{4`c g {`}{`}c\} `d\slash\ \strich
\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{chord}\{,8g `d {`}{`}c\} 8`h a h g h\}\strich
4g p nf\strich 8xc \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4d\strich
\par\ks{beam}\{8,g `g\} 4.,a 8p\strich \ \slash\
\dpkt\strich\strich\ \ \}\par
\{\ \ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}h a\} h g\}\slash\ \strich
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{'8f e d\}xc ,nh a\}\strich
\slash\ \slash\ \strich\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8h a\}\ks{tenuto} h
f \ks{noaccent}\ \slash\ \}\strich
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
\slash\ \dpkt\strich\strich\dpkt\par
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}{`}e d xc e `a\}g\}\strich
\ks{slur}\{`4a {`}{`}d\}xc\strich
\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}{`}g f e f d \}nc\}\strich\par
`2h\slash\ {`}{`}4c\strich \ks{beam}\{8`a g a f\}\slash\ \strich
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich\par
2`a \ks{tr} 4h\strich
\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8g f\} g e\}\slash\strich
\slash\ \slash\ \ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8h a\}\}\strich
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich\par
\ks{slur}\{{`}{`}4d `a\} {`}{`}d\strich
\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8`g f\} g e\} 4f\strich
\slash\ \slash\ 4.e \ks{tr} 8d\strich
\ks{chord}\{2.,d .a `.d\}
\ \ \} }{\bf!!}
\title{Lobe den Herren}
\composer{Hugo Distler}
\def\lv{{\leaders\hrule \hskip1cm plus 1fill}}
\parindent 40pt
\beginsong\vio\G\^r{{\rm Schnell}}{\vrule height 7\nhh width0pt%
\_{\@{den}{ge - }}{\v6}\|%
\_{\@{Her-}{lie - }}{\v4\.1}\_{\@{ren, }{be - }}{\a3}%
\_l{\@{den}{te }}{\v2}\|%
\_l{\@{m"ach - }{See - }}{\v1}\_{\@{ti - }{le, }}{\v0}%
\_{\@{gen }{das }}{\v{-1}}\|%
\_{\@{K"o - }{ist }}{\h0}%
\group{\\{\_n{\@{nig \lv }{mein \lv }}{\v1}}\\{\|\meter2/4}\\{\v1}}
{\\{1}\\{0}\\{1}}\lslur13\go\_{\@{der }{Be- }}{\v2}\|\meter4/4%
\_{\@{Eh - }{geh - }}{\h3}\_{\@{ren!}{ren.}}{\h2}\rightrepeat\meter3/4%
%Ende Wiederholung
\_{Hauf!}{\h7\.1}\caesura\|\_l{Psal - }{\v4}\_{ter}{\a5}%
\_l{und }{\a5}%
\group{\\{\_n{Har\hskip40pt - \hskip40pt -\hskip 40pt - \hskip40pt
\^{\piano}\_{auf, }{\h3}\group{\\{\_n{wacht}{\caesura\a4}}\\{\a2}}
\meter4/4\_{Lob - }{\h2}\_{ge - }{\v3}\_{sang}{\v4}\|\meter7/4%
\group{\\{\_n{h"o \hskip20pt - \hskip20pt - \hskip20pt
- }{\h5}}\\{\v4\.1}\\{\a3}\\{\v2}\\{\h3}}
\parindent=0pt \eightrm
Aus: R. Baum,``Geselliges Chorbuch I'' B"arenreiter-Verlag, Kassel und
\vskip1cm \rm Auch zu diesem St"uck sei die Eingabe aufgef"uhrt:
%%%%%% distler%
{\bf !!}\ks{title}\{Lobe den Herren\}
\ks{composer}\{Hugo Distler\}
\ks{meter}\{{\bf3}\slash {\bf4}\}\ks{vocal}
\par {\bf\{\ \ \
4g\ks{mezzoforte} g {`}{`}d\strich `h. 8a 4g\strich f e d \strich 2e
\ks{slur}\{4f\strich\ks{meter}\{2\slash 4\} f\} 4g\strich
\par\ks{meter}\{4\slash 4\} 2a 2g\dpkt\strich\strich
\ks{meter}\{3\slash 4\} 4{`}{`}d d d \strich 2.e 0p\strich
\par `4h 8{`}{`}c c
\ks{group}\{4d\strich 8d e d `h 4{`}{`}d\strich 8d e 4.d 8e\strich 4.d\}
\ks{gslur}\{1-3, 1-13\}\par
\ks{gbeam}\{3-6, 9-10\} 8c 4`h\strich 2a
\ks{piano} 0p\ks{beam}\{8h g\}\strich\par 2a \ks{decr} 0p
%ks{beam}\{8h g\}\strich\par 2a \ks{decr} 0p
\ks{beam}\{8h \ks{text}\{{\rm zart}\}g\}\strich
{`}{`}2.d\ks{decr} 0p\strich
\par `4d\ks{forte} .e 8f\strich \ks{meter}\{4\slash 4\} 2g 4a h\strich
\ks{meter}\{7\slash 4\}\ks{slur}\{`{}`2c `4.h 8a 4g 2a\}\strich
\ks{meter}\{3\slash 4\} 2.g \gleich\ \ \ \} }
\{\ \ \ \{Lo-\bs{atop} Mei-\} \{be\bs{atop} ne\} \{den\bs{atop} ge-\}
\{Her-\bs{atop} lie-\} \{ren,\bs{atop} be-\}\par
\{den \bs{atop} te\} \{m"ach-\bs{atop} See-\}
\{ti-\bs{atop} le,\} \{gen\bs{atop} das\} \par
\{K"o-\bs{atop} ist\}
\{nig--\bs{atop} mein--\} \slash\
\{der\bs{atop} Be-\} \{Eh-\bs{atop} geh-\}
\{ren!\bs{atop} ren.\}
\par Kom- met zu Hauf! Psal- ter und Har-
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
fe, \par
wacht auf, wacht \slash\ auf, wacht\ \slash\ auf, \par
las- set
den Lob- ge- sang h"o-
\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
ren!\ \ \ \}{\bf!!}