Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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File List
234 lines
Filename Type Length Date Description
100LETRS.ARC B 49754 900113 100 business form letters for office and home
4TUNE.ZIP B 72024 900912 Get a fortune cookie or add one to the prompt
ADULATE.ZIP B 13466 910808 Let your PC adore you with one-liners
ALTRN234.ZIP B 39698 900628 Mass global and alternate text replace util.
ASC2EBC.ARC B 2069 900203 Converts ASCII to EBCDIC, w/ASM source
ASC2WORD.ARC B 10560 900203 Converts ASCII to MS Word docs, w/C source
ASCII2WS.ARC B 31016 881220 Converts ASCII text to WordStar doc. mode
ASCUTILS.ARC B 30035 880620 Collection of utilities used with ASCII files
ASPLL095.ZIP B 57640 910815 On-line spell check for text editor like PE2
ATARICNV.ZIP B 17304 910719 Convert Atari internal character set to ASCII
AUTRD101.ZIP B 44577 900810 LIST-like util with indexing/chapters in files
AV_SCR41.ZIP B 86400 920324 Creates 2 column TV scripts from ASCII text
BAKZAP.ARC B 10935 881216 Backspace zapper for capture files
BIGSRT22.ZIP B 9120 900504 In-memory sort program for large files
BISON111.ZIP B 264037 901115 Bison v1.11, yacc-compatible parser generator
BIZPLN12.ZIP B 153800 920406 Makes it easy to write complete business plan
BREAKUP.C A 6166 860426 Break up large text files into several smaller
BREAKUP.DOC A 4993 860426 Documentation for BREAKUP.C
BROWSE2.ZIP B 8435 920330 Full screen file pager, VGA and SVGA support
BYACC.ZIP B 103026 910228 Berkeley YACC for MS-DOS, w/C source & docs
CASER.ZIP B 35042 901026 Text case changing pgms with TC++ v1.0 source
CAWF2.ZIP B 134442 911004 Formats docs intended for nroff -man, w/C src
CC21.ZIP B 18129 901118 Filter files w/ carriage control characters
CC500.ZIP B 66752 910328 Copy CON replacement, create/edit BAT files
CHKTXT.ZIP B 8938 920213 Text file control character filter, CRLF fixer
CLEANS11.ARC B 4604 880716 Clean any text file to make it pure ASCII
COLORIT2.ARC B 14492 880728 Add color to DOS text files, needs ANSI.SYS
CONCAT10.ARC B 7971 890519 Copy multiple text files to file/ptr/console
COOKIE.ZIP B 7308 911212 Fortune cookie quotes (tight, small, ASM src)
COUNT.ARC B 13312 870207 Line counter for text files
CPYCN310.ARC B 39719 890531 Small editor for creating/editing batch files
CRLF.ARC B 8726 880518 Convert files between Unix and MS-DOS
CRLF15B.ZIP B 38657 920413 Unix<->Dos text convert (add/remove cr or lf)
CSPELLA.ARC B 109278 871231 Spelling checker (see CSPELSRC for source)
CSPELSRC.ARC B 100733 871231 C language source for CSPELLA.ARC
CTOC30.ZIP B 106587 900523 VP/XyWrite/Penta/MagnaType txt code conversion
CTRANS15.ZIP B 30042 920413 Converts Ascii<->Ebcdic<->Iso<->used defined
CURSIVE.ARC B 21888 871215 Horizontal cursive banners (w/C)
CUT_PAST.ARC B 36352 870308 Screen cut/paste utility
CUT101.ARC B 10786 880829 Cut out spec. fields from each line of file
DAED.ARC B 37248 870222 Fast text editor
DDJGREP.ARC B 25365 871119 Find strings in files, with source
DFUTIL1.ZIP B 117052 910531 Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 1 of 2
DFUTIL2.ZIP B 190048 910531 Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 2 of 2
DGARBAGE.ARC B 17650 880612 Removes line noise from captured text files
DIFF.ARC B 24181 871231 Difference between 2 text files (like Unix)
DIFF23.ARC B 30012 880921 File compare and changebar inserter V2.3
DIFFRNC2.ARC B 41464 880407 Displays differences between 2 files
DIGEX104.ZIP B 16990 911209 Undigest (extract) digests in mail file format
DL102.ARC B 18598 890409 Displays two files simultaneously on screen
DO30.ARC B 38912 871031 Text search program 3.0 - powerful
DOCMEN02.ARC B 20480 871129 Menu-driven utility displays your doc files
DOFILTER.ARC B 28160 870718 Comprehensive ASCII text filter
DOS2UNIX.ARC B 28108 891005 MSDOS<->Unix newline conversion pgm, w/C src
DOWNER.ARC B 58400 880907 Lower case text files w/special cases
DRC.ZIP B 53421 920211 David's Readme Compiler: Make pgm doc into EXE
DRLISTJ.ARC B 14872 891016 V.Buerg's special version of LIST for CTTY use
DTSRCH11.ZIP B 285800 910908 dtSearch: Indexed/unindexed text search w/edit
EBC2ASC.ARC B 7346 900207 EBCDIC to ASCII text conversion program
EBCDIC.ARC B 15488 861206 Convert IBM EBCDIC encoding to ASCII
EGREP.ARC B 84968 880331 Fast search for text in specified files
EHDEMO.ZIP B 82952 910913 Shareware replacement for NG help engine. DEMO
ENSOFT11.ARC B 10309 880515 Change text to WordStar DOC format
EZSPELL.ARC B 42750 871231 Spelling checker
F_11.ARC B 4096 890404 ASCII file filter, to/from WS, CR->CRLF, copy
FB211N.ZIP B 71761 901130 Browse ASCII/Wordstar, find/mark/print text
FC20.ZIP B 33452 900402 Compares two text files line by line, v2.0
FGREP172.ZIP B 12512 900510 Chris Dunford's fast text search w/wildcards
FGREP1_1.ZIP B 79101 901108 GNU fgrep v1.1: Pattern matching text search
FIG.ARC B 5531 880506 FOG Index Generator (in BASIC)
FILECMP.ARC B 16675 880309 Compare 2 files
FILECOMP.ARC B 15232 870207 Compare two text files
FILTERS.ARC B 19840 870419 Collection of ASCII text filters
FILTX2A.ZIP B 6124 910812 File filter utility. Clean ASCII files
FINDS101.ARC B 16640 861116 Find strings in any file
FIXCR.ARC B 13518 880811 File editor, patcher, and filter
FLEX237.ZIP B 286819 920312 Fast Unix-like LEX lexical analyzer for MS-DOS
FLIP1EXE.ARC B 18374 890731 Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 1of2
FLIP1SRC.ARC B 26708 890713 Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 2of2
FOLD10.ZIP B 5850 910421 Insert CR/LF after specified text line length
FORTUNE.ARC B 41535 890901 Fortune cookie program, add your own
GESTALT.ARC B 28278 881207 New string similarity function. ASM,C,TurboPas
GETPSTXT.ARC B 943 890822 Convert Postscript to text
GGREP.ARC B 19253 871108 Find regexp patterns in files
GREPFV2.ZIP B 11796 910425 Search for expressions in archives too
HARDSOFT.ARC B 9916 880829 Convert WordStar document to/from nondocument
HDIFF122.ARC B 37698 880627 File 'diff' utility
HEAD.ARC B 9975 880303 Display beginning of text files
HISTRIP.ARC B 42752 870906 High order bit stripper for text files
HUNTER52.ZIP B 83421 910426 Search entire disk for a word or phrase
HYPHEN.ARC B 37922 900119 HyphenAid v1.0S, TSR hyphenation dictionary
INDXX802.ZIP B 244272 920312 Make back-of-book index from page proofs. DEMO
JB_WC.ARC B 14048 890524 Counts words, lines, characters in documents
JDIC14.ZIP B 411614 911218 Online Japanese<->English dictionary
JORJ41_A.ZIP B 253575 901222 Phonetic spell checker/dictionary, 1 of 2
JORJ41_B.ZIP B 326831 901222 Phonetic spell checker/dictionary, 2 of 2
KANJI20.ZIP B 189365 901229 Display Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana
KTYPE.ZIP B 174774 901028 Viewer for Japanese text files (CGA/EGA req.)
KWS111.ZIP B 16845 920312 Keyword Search: And/or finds in text files
LESS177E.ZIP B 221866 920106 Better than MORE; file view/page/search; w/src
LEX_YACC.ARC B 182821 900301 Lex/Yacc compiler compiler, w/Turbo Pascal src
LFCR.ARC B 6528 861012 Fixes text files by putting cr/lf
LFCRLF11.ZIP B 16331 920108 Safe & Fast UNIX<->DOS text file translation
LFEED.ARC B 2596 881001 Add or delete line feeds from text
LIST76B.ZIP B 105459 911004 V. Buerg's classic ascii/binary file viewer
LISTCNFG.ZIP B 20006 901013 Configuration suggestions for Buerg's LIST pgm
LISTEDIT.ZIP B 924 900315 How: Make Buerg's LIST.COM invoke text editor
LOOK4_28.ARC B 9620 890513 Search text for 'AND' or 'OR' relationships
LOOKFR50.ZIP B 16797 901028 Text file quick search with AND/OR logic
LST60ASM.ARC B 13833 880724 ASM for early V Buerg LIST file viewer
MAN.ARC B 13253 880829 Unix-like 'man' utl for online doc display
MANPREP.ARC B 12202 890922 Prepares doc files for MAN Unix-like 'man' pgm
MARGIN3.ZIP B 31866 901203 MarginText 3.0 - Reformats ASCII text files
MARGTEXT.ZIP B 10435 910521 Reformat based on longest line in text file
MAXFND23.ZIP B 22360 900502 Search files for multiple strings,many options
MERGE17.ARC B 54858 871107 MAIL-MERGE pgm 1.7 10-87 Release
MFRM240.ZIP B 45971 910521 Convert mainframe numeric data to PC-readable
MISCNIX.ARC B 18487 880604 Split, head, and tail for MSDOS
MORE13.ZIP B 45278 901223 Scroll forward/backward thru text file, w/src
MOREF241.ZIP B 33531 900430 More-like text file viewer with many options
MSIGUIDE.ZIP B 154973 910112 Shareware Norton Guide clone from MSI
MSPANTOC.ARC B 79889 881002 MSPANTOC v1.0 document processing utility
NGCLON11.ZIP B 33170 901216 Norton Guides clone, w/Turbo Pascal 5.0 src
NGDUMP.ZIP B 5845 910615 Decompiler for Norton Guides database files
NGREP.ARC B 12272 871111 Improved GREP, takes wildcards
NOBIT71.ARC B 11603 881201 Strips high-order bit of text files
NOCZ12.ARC B 10243 891013 Strip Ctrl Z's from files, 3 versions, ASM src
NOTE.ARC B 11584 881111 Resident file/dir/prtsc utility
NROFF1.ZIP B 34371 901210 Unix V7 nroff clone with source for MS C 5.1
OVRSGR.ARC B 18688 870209 Overstrike/backspace etc. to ANSI
PAGE.COM B 1152 860201 Displays ascii files one page at a time
PC_READ.ARC B 36480 861015 Rates complexity of writing to grade level
PCB101_1.ARC B 168941 900304 TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 1of2
PCB101_2.ARC B 92400 900304 TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 2of2
PCI30.ZIP B 145361 910117 PC-INDEX: Creates indexes from text files
PCO334.ZIP B 116928 910511 PC-Outline v3.34: Outlining & planning program
PCOWP20.ARC B 36882 890902 Converts PC-Outline files to WordPerfect 5.0
PCPATCH.ARC B 70019 880209 Patch old source to current version
PCWRD110.ARC B 136341 900305 Viewer for PC-Write files
PDSRT212.ZIP B 23749 900713 PD disk-based external sort program, w/C src
PGREP.ARC B 16071 871231 fgrep/egrep variation; many options
PHRASE24.ARC B 42132 890524 Phrase Watcher 2.4, avoid bad, awkward phrases
PIL50KIT.ZIP B 91980 920421 Publishing Interchange Language v5.0 source
PSCRIBE.ARC B 170505 890524 Professional Scribe, improves your writing
PTF12.ZIP B 178593 900514 Portable Text Formatter with contents & index
QL569.ZIP B 51383 910802 Fortune cookie program (Quantum Leap sayings)
QP201.ZIP B 30720 910102 ASCII text file file viewer and print utility
QSORT312.ARC B 40960 880128 Ben Bakers Qsort v3.12 - fast sort utility
QT201.ZIP B 260497 910731 Fortune cookie program with 4000+ quotes
QUOTE24.ZIP B 66627 910615 Fortune cookie quotation generator, w/C source
READYREF.ZIP B 103711 900809 Pop-up configurable reference utility
RECALL25.ZIP B 71398 910428 RECALL 2.5, WordPerfect and ASCII text viewer
REFS51.ARC B 19255 900125 Finds references in name, date form in manusc.
REMBS1.ARC B 47655 881121 Removes backspaces in text files
RLIST10.ZIP B 38688 910804 Ron's LIST Program - CUA-like text file viewer
RMAIL401.ZIP B 68981 910717 PC ReadMail news & email & msgs reader v4.01
RSS22.ZIP B 23296 920320 Ron's smart existential dictionary search pgm
RTRIM51.ZIP B 54904 920131 Remove unwanted spaces/ctl chars from txt file
SCRIPTO.ZIP B 5298 910702 Builds cursive writing from text, w/TPas src
SEARCH.ARC B 9520 880720 Ultra-fast string search in TurboPas 4.0
SED15.ZIP B 67052 911015 Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 TC src
SED15X.ZIP B 21163 911015 Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 EXE/docs
SEE11.ARC B 22155 881226 Alternative to DOS 'TYPE' command
SIMP465.ZIP B 70061 910802 Fortune cookie program (Things Simpsons say)
SLEEK11.ZIP B 5196 910525 Sleek v1.1: Text file reformatter w/word-wrap
SORT.ARC B 9977 870627 Pembertons' numeric sort utility
SORTDEMO.ARC B 82357 871020 Graphic display of different sorting methods
SORTF237.ZIP B 10202 911004 Vernon Buerg's fast text sort utility
SPEL204.ARC B 59008 870523 Spell checker
SPELLR20.ARC B 83101 890324 Spell checker outputs list of misspelled words
SPLIT.ARC B 3922 871226 File cutter/reassembler - for ANY file
SPLITC.ARC B 9946 880516 Split file into multiple files
SS23.ZIP B 266521 910421 Text file screen-oriented spell checker, v2.3
SSPELL11.ZIP B 98797 920131 TurboC++ or Unix C source for Unix Spell clone
SSPELL12.ZIP B 99384 920312 TurboC++ or Unix C source for Unix Spell clone
STRIP21.ARC B 20480 861015 Strips high-order bits from WordStar files
STRPIT11.ZIP B 35507 901230 Strip characters from left/right side of text
STVIEW.ZIP B 42677 901203 ST-VIEW, text file viewer with mouse support
STYPE.ZIP B 15664 900826 Type files with convert, filter, skip, options
SWPUTILS.ZIP B 121972 910315 Does vertical/horizontal text file extractions
TAB.ARC B 15720 900307 Indent a file one tab or specified # of spaces
TABS21.ARC B 20786 880107 V.Buerg's replace spaces w/Tabs, & vice-versa
TABX10.ARC B 14125 900305 Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs, w/TC src
TAIL.ARC B 9646 880409 Display lines from tail end of text file
TCLESS.ARC B 36147 880424 TurboC version of Unix LESS, better than MORE
TD120.ARC B 37624 880728 Create ANSI text
TDS_V10.ZIP B 17036 910207 Transliterate/delete/complement txt characters
TEA100.ZIP B 184983 920426 TEA word search program for crosswords v1.00
TEABD100.ZIP B 10261 920426 Dictionary database encoder for TEA v1.00
THESAR39.ARC B 163621 890527 Extendable menu driven on-line thesaurus v3.9
THESPL22.ZIP B 229539 901017 Memory resident thesaurus, deluxe version 2.2
TOADCR11.ARC B 9598 891107 Unix <> DOS text file EOL converter w/ASM src
TOADEBC.ZIP B 8054 900813 Collection of ASCII <> EBCDIC conversion utils
TOADSO11.ARC B 16698 890415 Convert text to WS / WS to text format files
TOADTRIM.ARC B 4325 900119 Strip trailing spaces from text file,w/ASM src
TPLY30.ZIP B 97979 910618 Turbo Pascal Lex & Yacc V3.0 Compiler Compiler
TRAVESTY.ARC B 21854 881218 Text/music style simulator w/C source
TSCHEK14.ZIP B 72655 911004 Unix-like spelling checker by Timo Salmi
TSFCOM23.ZIP B 166618 900708 Progs for manipulating text files, T.Salmi
TSFILT18.ZIP B 105044 911021 Filters for message/log text files, T.Salmi
TSFLTB14.ZIP B 59458 910807 Build your own text & binary filters, T.Salmi
TSFLTC13.ZIP B 48659 920329 Second set of text file filters by T.Salmi
TSPELL24.ZIP B 130893 910330 Screen oriented spelling checker by T.Salmi
TSRMAKER.ARC B 24745 880728 Utility makes TSR menus
TXS20.ZIP B 48372 910717 Fast text search with existential dictionaries
TXS25.ZIP B 56330 920312 Fast text search with existential dictionaries
TXTCOM.ARC B 8939 871004 Text-to-COM translator
TXTOUT13.ARC B 33061 900201 Converts WordPerfect 5.0 files to ASCII files
TYPEBACK.ZIP B 12300 900826 Type a text file line by line backwards
UC3D.ZIP B 4610 900510 Displays user entered text msg as 3D animation
UNBOX.ZIP B 2949 900713 Cvt graphic box chars to ASCII substitutes
UNDIGEST.C A 5360 901127 Break down newsletter digests to individ. msgs
UNEEK101.ZIP B 14900 910614 Eliminate duplicate records in text files, w/C
UNSOFT11.ARC B 12021 880515 Convert WordStar DOC format to text
VF150.ARC B 13696 851019 Screen Oriented File Maintenance Util
VIEW645.ARC B 23974 880911 Fast text file viewer v6.45, Shareware
WC12.ZIP B 10613 910621 Gives statistics on writing, readability, etc.
WISDOM2.ZIP B 111085 910528 A fortune cookie program with Turbo C source
WLIST10.ZIP B 22241 910317 Fast word frequency and word length counter
WP5LOOK.ARC B 32056 890411 File browser for WordPerfect5.0 document files
WRAPLIN2.ARC B 11764 890111 Wraps long lines of text to make file readable
WSASCII.ARC B 22224 890302 Convert WordStar document files to ASCII
WSCONV.BAS A 822 850612 Convert WordStar DOC files to text
WSCONV.DOC A 587 850612 Doc for WSCONV.BAS
WSREFMAN.ARC B 62720 870523 Reference manual for WordStar 3.xx
WSTRIPRG.ZIP B 8247 911119 Gautier's WordStar file stripper & dot remover
WSX21A.ARC B 56776 880630 A great WordStar to ASCII convers
XCD20.ZIP B 13747 910727 Command line search for TXS dictionaries
XSORT.ARC B 17536 871129 Expanded,faster sort-handles multiline records