Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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* TOOLS.H various defines and typedefs for grep
* Copyright (c) 1984 Allen Holub
* Copyright (c) 1984 Software Engineering Consultants
* P.O. Box 5679
* Berkeley, CA. 94705
* All rights reserved.
* This program may be copied for personal, non-commmercial use
* only, provided that this copyright notice is included in all
* copies and that this program is not modified in any way.
* Copying for any other use without previously obtaining the
* written permission of the author is prohibited.
#define NUL 0x00 /* ^@ */
#define SOH 0x01 /* ^A */
#define STX 0x02 /* ^B */
#define ETX 0x03 /* ^C */
#define EOT 0x04 /* ^D */
#define ENQ 0x05 /* ^E */
#define ACK 0x06 /* ^F */
#define BEL 0x07 /* ^G */
#define BS 0x08 /* ^H */
#define HT 0x09 /* ^I */
#define LF 0x0a /* ^J */
#define NL LF
#define VT 0x0b /* ^K */
#define FF 0x0c /* ^L */
#define CR 0x0d /* ^M */
#define SO 0x0e /* ^N */
#define SI 0x0f /* ^O */
#define DLE 0x10 /* ^P */
#define DC1 0x11 /* ^Q */
#define DC2 0x12 /* ^R */
#define DC3 0x13 /* ^S */
#define DC4 0x14 /* ^T */
#define NAK 0x15 /* ^U */
#define SYN 0x16 /* ^V */
#define ETB 0x17 /* ^W */
#define CAN 0x18 /* ^X */
#define EM 0x19 /* ^Y */
#define SUB 0x1a /* ^Z */
#define ESC 0x1b /* ^[ */
#define FS 0x1c /* ^\ */
#define GS 0x1d /* ^] */
#define RS 0x1e /* ^^ */
#define US 0x1f /* ^_ */
#define DEL 0x7f /* DEL */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* Definitions of meta-characters used in pattern matching routines
* LITCHAR & NCCL are only used as token identifiers; all the others
* are also both token identifiers and the actual symbol used in the
* regular expression
#define BOL '^'
#define EOL '$'
#define ANY '.'
#define LITCHAR 'L'
#define ESCAPE '\\'
#define CCL '[' /* Character class: [...] */
#define CCLEND ']'
#define NEGATE '^'
#define NCCL '!' /* Negative character class [^...] */
#define CLOSURE '*'
#define OR_SYM '|'
#define CLS_SIZE 128 /* Largest permitted size for an expanded
** character class. (Ie. the class [a-z]
** will expand into 26 symbols; [a-z0-9] will
** expand into 36 symbols.
/* Tokens used to hold pattern templates. */
typedef struct token
char tok;
char lchar;
char *bitmap;
struct token *next;
#define TOKSIZE sizeof(TOKEN)
#define MAXSTR 132 /* maximun number of characters in a line */
extern char *matchs();
extern int amatch();
extern char *in_string();
extern TOKEN *getpat();
extern int esc();
extern int dodash();
extern TOKEN *makepat();
extern int unmakepat();
extern int insert();
extern int delete();
extern int isalphanum();
extern int stoupper();
extern int pr_tok();
extern int pr_line();
extern int max();