Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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# Lex and Yacc examples makefile V0.0 2-23-89, V0.1 11-21-89 AG,
# V0.2 1-14-90 AG.
# This makefile, when run through Borland's make, generates the executable
# (.EXE) files for the sample Lex and Yacc applications on the distribution
# disk, provided that the Turbo Pascal compiler, Lex and Yacc have been
# installed properly.
# The command line driven Turbo Pascal compiler, tpc.exe, as well as yacc.exe
# and lex.exe must either be in the current directory, or in some directory
# on the DOS PATH, before make is run.
# Sample Lex programs:
# - CREF.L: a cross reference utility for Turbo Pascal programs
# - DIGRAM.L: produces digram tables
# - FINDPROC.L: finds function and procedure headings in multiple Turbo
# Pascal source files
# - LENGS.L: counts word lengths in input file
# - STRIP.L: strips whitespace from input file
# - TABLE.L: demonstration of character tables (%T) in Lex programs
# Sample Yacc programs:
# - EXPR.Y: a simple arithmetic expression calculator
# - EXPRLEX.L: Lex source of the lexical analyzer for EXPR.Y
# - PAS.Y: Yacc source for complete ISO Level 0 Pascal parser
# - PASLEX.L: Lex source of the lexical analyzer for PAS.Y
# To compile all examples (except the Pascal parser), simply issue the
# command `make'. To compile all examples (including the Pascal parser),
# issue the command `make all'; note that the Pascal parser will take
# quite a while and will require 640 KB RAM to be compiled (if you
# don't have that much main memory, run yacc on pas.y manually, and then
# execute `make all').
# To generate a particular example, specify that program as an argument
# to make, e.g. `make pas.exe'.
examples: cref.exe digram.exe expr.exe findproc.exe lengs.exe\
strip.exe table.exe
all: cref.exe digram.exe expr.exe findproc.exe lengs.exe\
pas.exe strip.exe table.exe
tpc $* /m
lex $*
yacc $*
cref.exe: cref.pas
digram.exe: digram.pas
expr.exe: expr.pas exprlex.pas
findproc.exe: findproc.pas
lengs.exe: lengs.pas
pas.exe: pas.pas paslex.pas
strip.exe: strip.pas
table.exe: table.pas