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- Archive Utility
- Release A5.01
- 5/31/88
- by
- Dean W. Cooper
- (C) Copyright 1986,1987,1988 by Dean W. Cooper
- NOTE: The source code to the compressor/decompressor modules of DWC,
- as of this release, is now considered Proprietary Information
- and will no longer be distributed. However, the executable
- version of DWC, and the source code that is not part of the
- compressor/decompressor modules, is still available free of
- charge for both private and commercial use and may be
- distributed provided NO fee is charged. Updates are available
- by sending a SASE with a floppy disk to: Dean W. Cooper,
- 18028 Cottage Garden Dr #103, Germantown, MD 20874
- Contributions (of any kind) to help improve this program are welcomed.
- ------------
- DWC is an archive utility patterned after ARC, (C) Copyright System
- Enhancement Assoc., that has many improvements and added features. Please
- note, however, that DWC is Not file compatible with ARC and cannot be used
- to add or extract ARC files.
- Basic improvements include compression speed and size, and error
- handling. Also, DWC includes all of ARC's commands and options (except
- the run command) and adds many new ones along with small improvements
- over the old ones. These are detailed below.
- DWC attempts to emulate ARC's interface and functionality so Users
- do not need to learn a new style. New features are added as a super-set
- to ARC's features.
- An archive utility is a program that lets a User take a set of files,
- compresses them, and put them together into one DOS file. This DOS file
- is called the archive. DWC is an archive utility program that can be used
- to add files to an archive, extract files from an archive, list the files
- that are contained in the archive, and to delete one or more files in the
- archive.
- -----
- When DWC is run with No arguments, the following usage information is
- displayed:
- DWC <command>[[option]...][g<passwd>] <archive>[/s] [<file>[/s] ...]
- Commands: Options:
- a Add files to archive <digits> Max number of entries in directory
- m Move files to archive s Suppress compression of file
- u Update files to archive b Retain backup copy of archive
- f Freshen files to archive n Suppress normal program messages
- d Delete files in archive w,! Suppress (w)arnings, or all (!) messages
- e,x Extract files from archive q Query on each add or extract
- p Extract to standard output o Only extract files with newer dates
- l List files in the archive i Inquire comment field on each add
- v Verbose list of files z,y Optimize for size (z), or speed (y)
- t Test integrity of files = Make archive date equal newest file
- c Convert files in archive j Merge archives on add
- h Name header file of archive r Record directory on add, use on extract
- i,k Edit comment field of files g Encrypt on add, decrypt on extract
- = Make date equal newest file - Negate the following option
- /s Extend wildcard expansion to all sub-directories
- DWC can be run three ways as follows:
- 1) DWC by itself (displays above usage list)
- 2) DWC followed by,
- - An archive file name (implies default command, usually list 'l')
- 3) DWC followed by,
- - One of the commands
- and None, one, or more of the options
- - An archive file name
- - An optional list of files
- Normal DOS-style wildcards are allowed in both the archive's name and
- all file names in the file list. If wildcards are given in the archive's
- name and more than one archive is matched, then the given command is
- simply run once for each archive that matches.
- All commands work with the specified list of files. This list of files
- can be only one of two things: either a list of DOS files to add to the
- archive, or a list of one or more files in the archive to operate on.
- If no files are given in the file list, then "*.*" is assumed.
- ------------
- These are commands that "add" DOS files to the archive. They are:
- a Add - Adds all files in file list to the archive.
- m Move - Adds all files in file list to the archive and then
- deletes them from DOS.
- u Update - Adds only the files in the file list that are not already
- in the archive or that have a more recent date then the
- ones in the archive.
- f Freshen - Adds only the files in the file list that are already
- in the archive and have a more recent date then the ones
- in the archive.
- If "*.*" is given for the the file list (or no files are listed), then
- all files in the current directory are used for the file list. For
- instance:
- DWC a test
- Adds all files in the current directory to the archive "test.dwc"
- Paths may also be specified in order to add files from other drives
- and directories:
- DWC u test a:*.doc \include\sys\*.h *.c
- This adds all "doc" files from the current directory on drive A, all
- "h" files from the directory "\include\sys" on the current drive, and
- all "c" files in the current directory to the archive test, except for
- those files that are older than files already in the archive.
- Adding a file to an archive that already has a file in it with the
- same name, will cause the file in the archive to be replaced. An
- archive cannot contain two files in it with the same name. Also,
- the archive (and its backup) that is being added to is always auto-
- matically eliminated from the file list and cannot be added to itself.
- ----------------------
- These commands are variations on the "add" command:
- d Delete - (Negative Add) Deletes all files in the file list from
- the archive.
- c Convert - (Internal Add) Temporarily extracts all files in the
- file list and then re-adds them.
- i,k Comment - (Attribute Add) Edits the comment field of all files in
- the file list in the archive.
- A file list must be given for the delete command as, otherwise, a null
- file list would cause all files to be deleted.
- The convert command can be used to convert the files from one storage
- method to another. Files can be added during the day in un-compressed
- form and then later converted to compressed form. Or they could be
- converted from un-encrypted form to encrypted form (note that one cannot
- convert from encryption using one password to encryption using another
- password.)
- The comment command is used to add a short comment to each file stored
- in the archive. The comments are displayed when the archive is listed
- with the 'l' command.
- ----------------
- These are commands that extract files from the archive:
- e,x Extract - Extract all files in the list from the archive to DOS
- files.
- p Print - Extract all files in the list from the archive to
- standard output (the screen). This can be re-directed
- to the printer.
- t Test - Extract all files in the list from the archive to the
- null output (nowhere) in order to test the integrity
- of the files.
- To extract all the files in an archive, just enter:
- DWC e test
- This will extract all files in the archive "test". To extract just
- some of the files in an archive, just list them:
- DWC t test *.h *.c
- This will test all the "h" and "c" files in the archive "test".
- The test command will uncompress the files, checking for valid CRC's
- and other integrity checks.
- The extract command can include directory paths to specify where to
- put the extracted files. For example:
- DWC x test \some\where\*.txt fred* b:\*.txt sam*
- This will extract all "txt" files and all "fred" files to the directory
- "\some\where", and it will extract all "txt" files (a second time) and
- all "sam" files to the root directory of drive B. Note, that the
- directory used on one file is remembered until it is overridden by
- another directory.
- If you extract a file and the file already exists in DOS, then you
- will be warned and asked if you want to overwrite the existing file.
- The warning message tells if the existing file is older, newer, or the
- same date as the file being extracted. If warnings are suppressed, then
- it is assumed you want to overwrite the file. However, if there is
- any error in extracting the file, then you will be prompted if you
- really want to overwrite the file with a corrupted one. Thus, one
- does not need to worry about accidentally overwriting a file.
- -------------
- These are commands that list the files in the archive:
- l List - Lists all files in the file list along with their comments.
- v Verbose - A more detailed (verbose) list of the files in the file
- list.
- The list command displays as follows:
- Name Length Date Comment
- ============ ======== ========= ============================================
- CHKDSK.COM 6468 19 Oct 83 System command to check disk integrity
- DEBUG.COM 12223 19 Oct 83 Machine language debuger
- DISKCOPY.COM 1703 30 Jan 84 Makes an image copy of one disk to another
- EDLIN.COM 8080 19 Oct 83 DOS line oriented editor
- ==== ========
- Total 4 28474
- "Length" is the size of the file when un-compressed, and "Date" is
- the date that DOS had for the file when it was added to the archive.
- "Comment" is the User added comment field for each file.
- Please note, that the "r" option will make the list command display
- the directory path saved with each file instead of the comment field.
- The verbose command displays as follows:
- Last modified: 18 Dec 86 8:26a
- Name Length Stowage SF Size now Date Time Pass
- ============ ======== ======== ==== ======== ========= ====== ====
- CHKDSK.COM 6468 Crunched 17% 5419 19 Oct 83 7:51p --
- DEBUG.COM 12223 Crunched 13% 10680 19 Oct 83 7:52p Pass
- DISKCOPY.COM 1703 -- 0% 1703 30 Jan 84 12:59a --
- EDLIN.COM 8080 Crunched 52% 3912 19 Oct 83 7:51p --
- ==== ======== ==== ========
- Total 4 28474 24% 21714
- The verbose list includes the method of storage ("Stowage") which is
- either:
- -- No compression
- Crunched Lempel-Ziv compression
- The stowage factor, "SF", is the percent the file was compressed.
- "Size now" is the size of the file in the archive. "Pass" is either
- "--" for not encrypted, or "Pass" for encrypted. The date given for
- "Last modified" is the date the archive was last added to or modified.
- ------------------
- These are commands that modify an attribute of the archive:
- h Header - Names one file in the archive to be the "header" file
- of the archive. The header file is extracted and displayed
- before a listing of the archive. There is no restriction
- to the size or contents of this file.
- = Equal - Resets the date of the archive to equal the newest file
- in the archive if No file is specified in the file list.
- Or resets the date to equal the date of one file given
- in the file list.
- -----------
- These are options that modify the "add" commands:
- s Suppress - Suppresses compression of files when they are added. Just
- an image copy will be added. (Does not apply to the delete
- or comment commands.)
- b Backup - Creates a backup copy of the archive before it is changed
- by adding to it.
- i Inquire - Prompts User for comment fields for each file as they are
- added. (Does not apply to the delete command.)
- z Size - Optimizes compression of files for smaller size when they
- are added. The default compression technique is optimized
- for speed and requires less memory. (Does not apply to
- the delete or comment commands.)
- y Speed - Uses the compression algorithm that is designed for speed
- of compression as compared to size. This algorithm
- requires less memory then the "size" option. (Does not
- apply to the delete or comment commands.)
- = Equal - Makes the date of the new archive equal the date of the
- newest file in the archive.
- j Merge - When a file in the file list is an archive, it is merged
- into the new archive instead of being added like a normal
- file. (Does not apply to delete, comment, or convert.)
- ---------------
- These are options that modify the "extract" commands:
- o Only - Causes only the files with more recent dates than the
- DOS files they would overwrite to be extracted. The
- warning that a file is going to be overwritten, is
- automatically suppressed.
- --------------------------
- These are options that modify both the add and extract commands:
- q Query - Queries the User for confirmation before each add or
- extract is performed. (Applies to the print command
- but not the comment command.)
- r Record - Records what DOS directory the file was in when added
- to the archive and then extracts the file to that
- directory when extracting unless overridden. Can be
- used with the list command to display the directories
- recorded for each file. (Does not apply to delete,
- comment, or convert.)
- g Garble - This option must be the last option listed. The
- characters following it are interpreted as a password.
- Using this password, files are encrypted when added
- and decrypted when extracted. If a file is encrypted
- and one attempts to extract it without supplying a
- password, he will be warned.
- n Notes - Normal screen output is suppressed by sending it to the
- null output.
- w Warnings - Warning messages are suppressed such as the warning that
- an extracted file will overwrite an existing DOS file.
- Also suppressed is the warning that the directory one is
- extracting to does not exist. In this case, the
- directory is automatically created.
- ! All - All messages will be suppressed including notes, warnings
- and errors. This is useful in a batch file that can
- check for any error codes returned by DWC. The only
- things that can't be suppressed are the query option, the
- inquire option/command, and the list commands.
- Examples:
- DWC agxyz test *.txt
- This will add all "txt" files in the current directory to the archive
- "test". They will be encrypted using the password "xyz" (case insensitive).
- The attribute that the files were encrypted is recorded, but the password
- is not saved. Thus, care must be taken using this option, as it is
- unlikely that the file could be recovered if the password was lost. To
- extract these files, just type:
- DWC egxyz test
- The record option is a good way to backup an entire directory including
- all sub-directories. When restoring, the directories will automatically
- be created. For example:
- DWC ar backup \source/s
- This will add all files in the directory "source", and all of its sub-
- directories, to the archive "backup". The names of the directories
- that the files are in will be recorded with the files in the archive.
- To reproduce the entire directory tree on another drive, one could type:
- DWC erw backup d:
- This will extract all the files in the archive "backup" to drive D.
- The files that have a directory recorded with them will be put in those
- directories on drive D. If the directories do not exist, they will
- automatically be created. If the "warning" option was not used, you
- would be prompted whether or not you want the directories created. If
- the "record" option was not used, all files would simply be extracted to
- the current directory of drive D. If the following was typed:
- DWC erwq backup d:*.c a:\*.c
- This would extract all "c" files in the archive to drive D, to their
- recorded directories, and create the directories automatically. Then
- all "c" files would be extracted (a second time) to the root directory
- of drive A ignoring what directories were recorded with the files. As
- each file is extracted, the User would be be prompted for confirmation
- as to whether or not that file should be extracted.
- Please note that currently, no two files with the same name can be added
- to the archive even though they are in different directories. This will
- be corrected in a future release.
- ---------------------
- - Negate - Negates or reverses the effect of the option following.
- This is useful to override options that were prepended
- automatically when using the DWCADD environment variable.
- For example:
- "-b" means don't do backups
- "-s" means don't suppress compression
- "-w" means don't suppress warning messages
- "-z" means don't optimize for size (use speed)
- .. etc ..
- <digits> - This number is the maximum number of entries allowed
- in the archive's directory when loaded into memory.
- The default is 900 which requires about 30K, but can
- be set from 100 to 1800.
- ---------
- Wildcards can be used in both the archive name and all files in the
- file list. If a name used is the name of a DOS directory, then
- "*.*" is assumed. For example:
- DWC a test dos
- If "dos" is a file, then it will be added as normal. But if "dos"
- is a directory then all files in that directory will be added just
- as if the following command was given:
- DWC a test dos\*.*
- This is the same for the archive name. If "test" is the name of a
- directory, then all archives in that directory will be operated on just
- as if the following command was given:
- DWC a test\*.* dos\*.*
- Wildcards in the archive name are more common when listing or extracting.
- For example:
- DWC ewo a:* \include\*.h *.lib \doc\*.doc
- This will extract from all archives on drive A. Only the files with
- more recent dates, or that do not already exist, will be extracted and
- all warnings (such as "File not found" warnings) will be suppressed.
- "h" files and "lib" files will be extracted to the directory "\include",
- while "doc" files will be extracted to the directory "\doc".
- The "/s" option may be tacked onto the end of any archive name or file
- name to extend wildcard expansion to all sub-directories. For example:
- DWC a test dos\*.txt/s
- This means to add all "txt" files in the "dos" directory and all
- directories in the "dos" directory and all directories in those
- directories, and so on. One can add all files on a drive by giving
- the command:
- DWC a test \*.*/s
- Or even more simply:
- DWC a test \/s
- Or:
- DWC a test a:\/s
- Which adds all files in all directories on the A drive.
- ---------
- All file path names may be formed using either back slashes or forward
- slashes. Thus, the following two commands are identical:
- DWC a c:\util\save d:\stuff\*.*
- DWC a c:/util/save d:/stuff/*.*
- ---------------
- When adding to an archive, a temporary archive is created and then
- re-named to the new archive when the add is successfully completed.
- This archive is normally put in the current directory, but can be
- put in any other directory by specifying the path in an environment
- variable. The following environment variables are searched in order
- for a path to use:
- To make DWC put the temporary archive on a ramdisk on drive D, just
- type:
- set DWCTEMP=D:
- Another temporary file that DWC uses is a temporary extract file.
- When a file is extracted, it is first extracted to a temporary file
- and, if successful, re-named to the actual extracted file. (Note,
- this only happens if an existing file is being overwritten.)
- When re-naming a temporary file from one drive to another, there
- may be an out of disk space error. In this case, the file is re-named
- in place and the User is warned what happened to his file. If there
- is an error re-naming the file in place, then the User is told the
- name of the temporary file where his data is now at.
- Also, the control-C interrupt is handled, and all temporary files
- are deleted before the program terminates.
- ---------------------
- Besides the environment variable used to indicate where the temporary
- files should be place, there are three other environment variables as
- follows:
- DWCDEF - Defines the default command and options to execute
- when none are given.
- DWCADD - Defines options to prepend to the ones given on the
- command line.
- TZ - Sets the time zone for your computer. (This is a
- standard MicroSoft C library environment variable.)
- For example:
- C>set DWCDEF=x
- Will cause an archive to be automatically extracted when no command is
- given as in:
- C>dwc test
- Here all files from the archive "test" will be extracted because the
- default command is "x" as defined be the environment variable DWCDEF.
- If this environment variable is not set, the default command will be
- 'l', or the list command.
- C>set DWCADD=zq
- Will cause the options "z" and "q" to be prepended to whatever options
- the user supplies on the command line. The command:
- C>dwc a test
- will in effect become,
- C>dwc zqa test
- Here, files will be added using the "size" algorithm and the user will
- be prompted before each file is added. Please note that options are
- parsed in left to right order, so that the following command:
- C>dwc ay test
- would override the effect of the "z" option. Also, options that do
- not apply for a given command are simply ignored.
- The environment variable TZ is used to set the time zone that you
- are in. This effects how a file's time (and possibly date) is
- displayed when files are listed with the 'v' and 'l' options and
- effects what date and time the files are given when they are extracted.
- Say someone who lives in New York adds a file dated Nov 23, 87 - 9:19p
- to an archive and then gives the archive to a friend in California.
- Normally, if neither user has set the TZ environment variable, the
- file when extracted in California would be given the same date and
- time. However, if both users have set the TZ variable appropriately,
- then the file extracted in California would be given the time 6:19p,
- which shows the correct time of its creation.
- The default time zone is Pacific daylight savings time. This is
- denoted as follows:
- The value of TZ must be a three-letter time zone name (such as EST),
- followed by a signed or unsigned number giving the difference between
- Greenwich mean time and the local time zone. The number may be followed
- by a three-letter daylight-saving-time zone name (such as EDT).
- ------
- Memory requirements vary. Given lots of memory, the program will use
- the following amounts:
- "size" compression - 410K
- "speed" compression - 320K
- decompression - 306K
- Those figures include two very large buffers that can be as large as
- 63K each. However, if memory does not permit, then these buffers will
- be automatically reduced so that memory requirements are as follows:
- "size" compression - 290K
- "speed" compression - 198K
- decompression - 182K
- Now this assumes the default size of the in-memory directory which
- at 900 entries requires about 30K. This can be reduced to 100
- entries or raised to 1800 entries. Say it's reduced to 300, that
- would give us:
- "size" compression - 270K
- "speed" compression - 178K
- decompression - 162K
- Now, the "size" compression is a special case, as it can be reduced
- even more. If one wants to use the "z" option, but memory does not
- permit, then the program will automatically reduce the size of the
- hash table until memory permits. The hash table starts out at 31K
- and will be reduced down to 26K. This is the number of entries in
- the hash table each of which requires 4 bytes. Thus, at best this
- would give us:
- "size" compression - 250K
- This as the trade-off requiring more time (shouldn't be more than
- twice as slow). If memory still doesn't permit, then the string table
- will be reduced in order to make more room. The string table has 22K
- entries and will be reduced down to 16K if need be. This will save
- us 5 bytes per entry, or at best would give us:
- "size" compression - 220K
- This has the trade-off of worse compression as the "size" compression
- gets most of its advantage by using a large string table. However,
- this is still better than the "speed" option which uses a 12K string
- table and squashing which uses a 8K string table (ARC uses a 4K table).
- Please note, that the "l" and "v" commands (the list commands) usually
- require only about 60K of memory. However, if one is listing an
- archive that has a header file, then the header file will be extracted
- during the list, and thus, require the same amount of memory described
- above for decompression. Also, if one lists more than one archive at
- a time, then DWC assumes the worst case and allocs memory assuming one
- of the archives will contain a header file.
- Also note, that in the case of the "l", "v", "h", and "x" or "e"
- commands, when used with only one archive, that the size of the
- in-memory directory is based on the actual number of entries in the
- archive. Thus, if the archive has more entries than had been specified
- for the directory to hold, there will be no directory overflow error.
- Also, the minimum amount of memory will be used.
- -----------
- DWC returns error codes to DOS that can be tested for in batch files.
- If no errors or warnings occur, then DWC will return 0. The following
- sections list all possible errors and warnings along with the codes
- returned if that warning or error occurs.
- Please note that often, DWC will continue as best it can even after a
- warning or error occurs. In this case, multiple errors or warnings
- may occur. They are given the following error codes:
- Multiple errors: 2
- Multiple warnings: 3
- Also, error codes override any warnings. So if to two warnings occur
- and only one error with the code of 20, then DWC will return 20.
- If DWC is terminated by a Control-C, then DWC will return:
- Control-C: 1
- ------------
- These are the possible errors that result in immediate termination
- of DWC with an error message and the normal usage display. They
- can only be suppressed with the "!" option.
- Code Message
- 10 ERROR: Illegal parameter in argument list.
- - A character in the command and options argument was not
- a known command or option. If "!" follows the offending
- character, this message would not be suppressed.
- 11 ERROR: No command specified.
- - Only options but no command was found in the command and
- options argument.
- 12 ERROR: Only ONE command allowed.
- - More than one command was found in the command and options-
- argument. This is illegal.
- 13 ERROR: Password required with the 'g' option.
- - No password was found to follow the "g" option in the command
- and options argument.
- 14 ERROR: Missing archive file in argument list.
- - Archive file listed on command has an extension other than
- ".DWC", or ".*".
- ------
- These are the possible errors that DWC can report. They can only be
- suppressed with the "!" option.
- Code Message
- 20 ERROR: Out of memory
- - Ran out of memory. See section on memory requirements. It's
- possible to run out of memory even if your computer has lots
- as memory for various reasons. One possible reason is too many
- files matching the wildcards specified. This error causes
- immediate termination.
- 21 ERROR: Files must be specified to be deleted.
- - The delete command was given but no files specified. This error
- causes immediate termination.
- 22 ERROR: No header file specified.
- - The header command was given but no header file was specified.
- This error causes immediate termination.
- 23 ERROR: Can't open NULL output channel
- - When messages are suppressed, they are redirected to the nul
- output, but it failed to open. This error causes immediate
- termination.
- 24 ERROR: Can't open archive ssss.xxx for writing to.
- - The header command could not re-open the archive in write mode.
- This error causes immediate termination.
- 25 ERROR: Out of disk space on drive X:, giving up.
- - Ran out of space on the indicated drive. The temporary archive
- file is deleted. This error causes immediate termination.
- 40 ERROR: Archive file ssss.xxx does not exist.
- - Command requires an archive and it cannot be opened.
- 41 ERROR: Can't create temporary file tttt.xxx ... Skipping ssss.xxx
- - The temporary extract file could not be created, so the file
- ssss.xxx is not extracted.
- 42 ERROR: Unexpected EOF while reading ssss.xxx ... Skipping
- - An unexpected EOF was encountered while seeking to the position
- in the archive where the file ssss.xxx was supposed to be.
- 43 ERROR: File ssss.xxx corrupted, CRC error
- 43 ERROR: File ssss.xxx corrupted, Stack Overflow
- 43 ERROR: File ssss.xxx corrupted, Size Mismatch
- - The extracted file was corrupted as detected by a CRC error, or
- a Lempel-Ziv un-compress stack overflow, or the extracted file's
- size does not equal the saved size.
- 44 ERROR: ssss.xxx not a DWC archive file or is corrupted.
- - The last three bytes of a DWC archive file must be the letters
- "DWC". Either this or some other obvious error in the file
- was found when opening it.
- 45 ERROR: Directory of archive ssss.xxx corrupted.
- - The number of directory entries stored with the archive caused
- a seek past the beginning of the file.
- 46 ERROR: Can't create temporary DWC file ssss.xxx
- - Temporary archive file used on a add could not be created.
- 47 ERROR: Archive ssss.xxx too corrupted to use.
- - All directory entries in the archive are corrupted.
- 48 ERROR: Can't create file ssss.xxx
- - While re-naming a file, the new file could not be created.
- 49 ERROR: Ran out of disk space. File ssss.xxx is now in the temporary
- directory dddd
- - While copying a temporary file from one drive to another, we
- ran out of disk space, so the file specified is now in the
- directory specified.
- 50 ERROR: Ran out of disk space. File ssss.xxx is now in the temporary
- directory and file ddd\tttt.xxx
- - While copying a temporary file from one drive to another, we
- ran out of disk space, so the file specified is now in the
- directory specified and has the new name specified.
- 51 ERROR: Drive x: does not exist.
- - When trying to open the archive file, we found that the drive
- specified did not exist.
- 52 ERROR: Can't create archive tttt.xxx.
- - The archive name includes wildcard characters and cannot be
- created.
- --------
- These are the possible warnings that DWC can report. They can be
- suppress using the "w" option or the "!" option.
- Code Message
- none WARNING: Not enough memory to optimize
- - In order to optimize for size, one needs at least 248K of
- free memory (up to 410K will be used.) Normal compression
- requires at least 198K of free. These figures assume the
- default size of the in-memory directory.
- 60 WARNING: File ssss.xxx repeated ... Ignoring
- - One cannot add more than one file with the same name.
- 61 WARNING: File not found: ssss.xxx
- - The file specified is not in the archive.
- 62 WARNING: Can't open temporary file tttt.xxx ... Skipping ssss.xxx
- - The temporary extract file could not be created, so the file
- ssss.xxx, that was to be converted, is skipped
- 63 WARNING: Can't find file ssss.xxx ... Skipping it.
- - The file that was to be added could not be found, so it is
- skipped
- 63 WARNING: Can't open file ssss.xxx ... Skipping it.
- - The file that was to be added could not be opened, so it is
- skipped
- 64 WARNING: File ssss.xxx archived with password ... Skipping
- - An attempt was made to extract an encrypted file without
- giving a password, so it is skipped
- 65 WARNING: Extraction of the archive file ssss.xxx from itself
- and on top of itself is NOT allowed ... Skipping\n");
- - This warning is not likely, but is given to warn the User
- of a destructive extraction.
- 66 UNKNOWN compression method ... Skipping
- - The file was compressed using an unknown method and cannot
- be uncompressed using this release of the archiver.
- 67 WARNING: Header file not found in archive.
- - The header file named does not match any file in the archive.
- 68 WARNING: More than one header specified. Using ssss.xxx.
- - More than one archive file was listed in the file list.
- So DWC will just use the first one.
- 69 WARNING: File(s) specified not found in archive.
- - The file (or files) specified for the equal command could
- not be found in the archive.
- 70 WARNING: Only xx directory entries out of nn found.
- - The archive's directory is tacked onto the end of the archive
- file and EOF was reached before all entries were read in.
- 71 WARNING: Directory entry # xx, file "ssss.xxx" corrupted .. Ignoring.
- - The specified directory has corrupted data
- 72 WARNING: Unexpected EOF, ignoring...
- - While copying a file, an unexpected EOF was encountered.