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- Date: Tue, 12 Jul 88 17:16:17 cdt
- From: wucs1!wubios!david@uunet.UU.NET (David Camp)
- Subject: BACKLOG.C
- Greg,
- Here is a little something I cooked up.
- -David-
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- | (314) 362-3635 Mr. David J. Camp |
- | Room 1108D ^ Box 8067, Biostatistics |
- | 706 South Euclid < * > Washington University Medical School |
- | v 660 South Euclid |
- | Bitnet: david%wubios@wucfua.wustl Saint Louis, MO 63110 |
- | Internet: david%wubios@wucfua.wustl.edu |
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- /* BACKLOG.C -- program to copy latest portion of BACKUP.LOG */
- /* Written by David J. Camp of the Washington University
- Division of Biostatistics */
- /*
- I have sent you BACKLOG.C and BACKLOG.EXE, which does something
- useful. Whenever I use the MS-Dos 3.3 BACKUP command, I like to specify
- /L to get information appended to C:\BACKUP.LOG indicating each file
- backed up. I have routinely edited this file, placing the latest portion
- on the last disk of my backup. Now there is BACKLOG, which takes two
- arguments, the source drive and the target drive, e.g.:
- BACKLOG c: a:
- It will copy just the part pertaining to your latest backup into a file
- named \BACKUP.LOG on the target drive.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- | (314) 362-3635 Mr. David J. Camp |
- | Room 1108D ^ Box 8067, Biostatistics |
- | 706 South Euclid < * > Washington University Medical School |
- | v 660 South Euclid |
- | Bitnet: david%wubios@wucfua.wustl Saint Louis, MO 63110 |
- | Internet: david%wubios@wucfua.wustl.edu |
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- */
- #include <readable.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char * argv [];
- begin
- char infile [64], outfile [64];
- FILE * inf;
- FILE * otf;
- char buffer [1024];
- long holdpos, position;
- long i;
- if (argc != 3 or strlen (argv [1]) != 2 or strlen (argv [2]) != 2 or
- not isalpha (argv [1] [0]) or argv [1] [1] != ':' or
- not isalpha (argv [2] [0]) or argv [2] [1] != ':')
- begin
- fprintf (stderr,"usage: backlog c: a: (or other drive names)\n");
- fprintf (stderr,"Copies latest portion of \\BACKUP.LOG");
- exit (1);
- end
- strcpy (infile, argv [1]);
- strcat (infile, "\\BACKUP.LOG");
- strcpy (outfile, argv [2]);
- strcat (outfile, "\\BACKUP.LOG");
- inf = fopen (infile, "r");
- holdpos = ftell (inf);
- position = holdpos;
- fgets (buffer, 1024, inf);
- while (not feof (inf))
- begin
- /* Find the last date field. */
- if (isdigit (buffer [0]) and not isspace (buffer [3]))
- begin
- position = holdpos;
- buffer [strlen (buffer) - 1] = '\0';
- fprintf (stdout, "%s \r", buffer);
- end
- holdpos = ftell (inf);
- fgets (buffer, 1024, inf);
- end
- rewind (inf);
- if (0 != fseek (inf, position, SEEK_SET))
- begin
- fprintf (stderr, "Error seeking into %s\n", infile);
- exit (2);
- end
- fgets (buffer, 1024, inf);
- fprintf (stdout, "\nWriting %s\n", outfile);
- otf = fopen (outfile, "w");
- while (not feof (inf))
- begin
- fputs (buffer, otf);
- fgets (buffer, 1024, inf);
- end
- fputs (buffer, otf);
- fclose (inf);
- fclose (otf);
- end
- /* readable.h follows
- #define begin {
- #define end }
- #define and &&
- #define or ||
- #define not !
- #define eq ==
- */