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- Date: Tue, 26 Jul 88 21:04:04 CDT
- From: galvin%circle.UUCP@cs.wisc.edu (John Galvin)
- Subject: Re: Control-c Trapping Under Msc: The Day After
- After I saw your message, I decided to do a bit more
- thorough of a job. The result is included below. It is made up
- of two files: ctrl_c.c and ctrl_c.h. I have tested these
- routines some, and they appear to handle Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break
- with no problem. This code was written for MS C v5.1. Some
- rewriting *will* be necessary to get it to work under previous
- versions of the compiler. In particular, the do_break() and
- do_intcpt() routines would have to be coded in assembler.
- Fortunately, the do_break() and do_intcpt() are merely C
- versions of the stuff in intercep.asm. So if you had to, you
- could remove those routines from ctrl_c.c and replace
- do_break(INTERCEPT) with intercept() and do_break(RELEASE) with
- release(). If you have 5.1 things should work fine. Have a
- nice day :-) !
- --John
- ------------------------ ctrl_c.h: cut here ---------------------------------
- /*
- ** ctrl_c.h
- **
- ** Author: John Galvin
- ** Date: 25-Jul-1988
- ** Purpose: trap Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break without printing anything.
- **
- ** Note:
- ** Use of these routines will prevent Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break
- ** from terminating your program. They will also prevent
- ** Ctrl-P, Ctrl-S, and Ctrl-Z from being interpreted by
- ** MS-DOS as they normally are. Your program will be able
- ** to read *all* of these characters, so if you don't want
- ** them in your input stream, you will have to do something
- ** about them yourself. This code was written to work in
- ** all standard memory models of the Microsoft C compiler
- ** version 5.1. Do not use getch() or getche() with these
- ** routines.
- **
- ** $Id: ctrl_c.h 1.1 88/07/25 22:04:48 galvin Exp $
- **
- ** Copyright (c) 1988 by John W. Galvin. All Rights Reserved.
- **
- ** Permission is hereby granted by the author for anyone to use this
- ** code in their own programs provided the following conditions are met:
- ** This copyright notice is left intact. Any changes to this text/code
- ** must be commented and credited to the correct author somewhere
- ** in this file.
- **
- ** $Log: ctrl_c.h $
- ** Revision 1.1 88/07/25 22:04:48 galvin
- ** Initial revision
- **
- **
- */
- #ifndef TRUE
- # define TRUE 1
- #endif
- #ifndef FALSE
- # define FALSE 0
- #endif
- #define INTERCEPT 0
- #define RELEASE 1
- #define GET 0x00
- #define SET 0x01
- #define CHKON 0x01
- #define CHKOFF 0x00
- #ifdef LINT_ARGS
- int ctrl_c(int);
- int get_ctrl_c_chk(void);
- int set_ctrl_c_chk(int);
- int rawio(int, int);
- unsigned int ioctl(int, int, unsigned int);
- #else
- extern int ctrl_c(), get_ctrl_c_chk(), set_ctrl_c_chk(),
- rawio();
- extern unsigned int ioctl();
- #endif
- ------------------------ ctrl_c.c: cut here ---------------------------------
- /*
- ** ctrl_c.c
- **
- ** Author: John Galvin
- ** Date: 25-Jul-1988
- ** Purpose: trap Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break without printing anything.
- **
- ** Note:
- ** Use of these routines will prevent Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break
- ** from terminating your program. They will also prevent
- ** Ctrl-P, Ctrl-S, and Ctrl-Z from being interpreted by
- ** MS-DOS as they normally are. Your program will be able
- ** to read *all* of these characters, so if you don't want
- ** them in your input stream, you will have to do something
- ** about them yourself. This code was written to work in
- ** all standard memory models of the Microsoft C compiler
- ** version 5.1. Do not use getch() or getche() with these
- ** routines. See the #ifdef'd section of code below for an
- ** example of how to use these functions.
- **
- ** Copyright (c) 1988 by John W. Galvin. All Rights Reserved.
- **
- ** Permission is hereby granted by the author for anyone to use this
- ** code in their own programs provided the following conditions are met:
- ** This copyright notice is left intact. Any changes to this text/code
- ** must be commented and credited to the correct author somewhere
- ** in this file.
- **
- ** $Log: ctrl_c.c $
- ** Revision 1.1 88/07/25 22:04:46 galvin
- ** Initial revision
- **
- **
- */
- #ifndef _lint
- static char *rcsid = "$Id: ctrl_c.c 1.1 88/07/25 22:04:46 galvin Exp $";
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include "ctrl_c.h"
- #define BREAKINTR 0x1B
- #define DOS 0x21
- #define CTRLCCHK 0x33
- #define GETVECT 0x35
- #define SETVECT 0x25
- #define IOCTL 0x44
- #define DEVFLAG 0x80
- #define RAWFLAG 0x20
- /*
- ** Name:
- **
- ** get_ctrl_c_chk() - return status of MS-DOS Ctrl-C checking.
- **
- ** Synopsis:
- **
- ** int get_ctrl_c_chk()
- **
- ** Description:
- **
- ** This function determines the current level of Ctrl-C
- ** checking being performed by MS-DOS. The effect of this
- ** function is roughly analagous to issuing a "BREAK" command
- ** at the MS-DOS command prompt.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- **
- ** This function returns FALSE if MS-DOS is only checking for
- ** Ctrl-C in the 0x01 - 0x0C group of int 0x21 functions, or
- ** if an error occurred. A return of TRUE indicates that MS-DOS
- ** is checking for Ctrl-C before each DOS service is performed.
- **
- ** Bugs:
- **
- **
- */
- int get_ctrl_c_chk()
- {
- union REGS regs;
- regs.h.ah = CTRLCCHK;
- regs.h.al = GET;
- int86(DOS, ®s, ®s);
- if (regs.x.cflag)
- return(FALSE);
- return(regs.h.dl);
- }
- /*
- ** Name:
- **
- ** set_ctrl_c_chk() - set the level of MS-DOS Ctrl-C checking.
- **
- ** Synopsis:
- **
- ** int set_ctrl_c_chk(value)
- ** int value;
- **
- ** Description:
- **
- ** This function sets the level of Ctrl-C checking that MS-DOS
- ** will perform. Value should be one of the two manifest
- ** constants CHKON or CHKOFF. Calling set_ctrl_c_chk() with a
- ** value of CHKON is equivalent to issuing a "BREAK ON" command
- ** at the MS-DOS command line. Calling set_ctrl_c_chk() with a
- ** value of CHKOFF is equivalent to issuing a "BREAK OFF" command
- ** at the MS-DOS command line.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- **
- ** This function returns FALSE if an error occurred, TRUE otherwise.
- **
- ** Bugs:
- **
- **
- */
- int set_ctrl_c_chk(value)
- int value;
- {
- union REGS regs;
- regs.h.ah = CTRLCCHK;
- regs.h.al = SET;
- regs.h.dl = value;
- int86(DOS, ®s, ®s);
- return(!regs.x.cflag);
- }
- /*
- ** Name:
- **
- ** ioctl() - MS-DOS i/o control for devices interface.
- **
- ** Synopsis:
- **
- ** unsigned int ioctl(handle, op, value)
- ** int handle;
- ** int op;
- ** unsigned int value;
- **
- ** Description:
- **
- ** This routine provides a limited interface to the MS-DOS
- ** ioctl functions. It primarily intended to get/set the
- ** device attribute bits for a file handle. Handle should
- ** an open file handle (hopefully for a device). Op should
- ** be one of SET or GET. If op is SET, the device attribute
- ** bits for handle will be set to those specified in value.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- **
- ** This function returns FALSE if an error occurred. Otherwise
- ** The new device attribute word will be returned. The attribute
- ** word may possibly be equal to FALSE.
- **
- ** Bugs:
- **
- **
- */
- unsigned int ioctl(handle, op, value)
- int handle;
- int op;
- unsigned int value;
- {
- union REGS regs;
- regs.h.ah = IOCTL;
- regs.h.al = op;
- regs.x.bx = handle;
- regs.x.dx = value & 0xFF;
- int86(DOS, ®s, ®s);
- if (regs.x.cflag)
- return(FALSE);
- return(regs.x.dx);
- }
- /*
- ** Name:
- **
- ** rawio() - set/reset a device to/from raw i/o mode.
- **
- ** Synopsis:
- **
- ** int rawio(handle, raw)
- ** int handle;
- ** int raw;
- **
- ** Description:
- **
- ** Rawio() uses ioctl() to set/reset a device to/from raw i/o
- ** mode. When a device is in raw mode, and Ctrl-C checking is
- ** turned off, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-P, and Ctrl-Z may be read
- ** as data without having MS-DOS interpret them. Handle must
- ** refer to an open file/device. If raw is TRUE, the device
- ** will be set to raw mode. Otherwise, the device will be reset
- ** from raw mode.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- **
- ** This function returns a non-zero value if the device was
- ** in raw mode, 0 otherwise.
- **
- ** Bugs:
- **
- ** No checks are made for errors from ioctl().
- */
- int rawio(handle, raw)
- int handle;
- int raw;
- {
- unsigned int flags;
- flags = ioctl(handle, GET, 0);
- if (flags & DEVFLAG) {
- if (raw)
- ioctl(handle, SET, flags | RAWFLAG);
- else
- ioctl(handle, SET, flags & ~RAWFLAG);
- }
- return(flags & RAWFLAG);
- }
- /*
- ** Name:
- **
- ** do_intcpt() - Ctrl-Break Interrupt (0x1B) routine.
- **
- ** Synopsis:
- **
- ** void interrupt cdecl far do_intcpt()
- **
- ** Description:
- **
- ** This routine is the dummy interrupt routine which is used
- ** to intercept the IBM PC Break interrupt.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- **
- ** None.
- **
- ** Bugs:
- **
- **
- */
- static void interrupt cdecl far do_intcpt()
- {
- return;
- }
- /*
- ** Name:
- **
- ** do_break() - intercept/release the IBM PC Break Interrupt.
- **
- ** Synopsis:
- **
- ** static void do_break(op)
- ** int op;
- **
- ** Description:
- **
- ** If passed the manifest constant INTERCEPT, this routine
- ** will use do_intcpt() to intercept the IBM PC Ctrl-Break
- ** interrupt. If this routine is not used while trapping
- ** Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break, a ^C may turn up *after* the porgram
- ** exits. When passed the manifest constant RELEASE, do_break()
- ** will de-install its interrupt handler.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- **
- ** None.
- **
- ** Bugs:
- **
- ** No error checks are performed on the returns of int86x().
- */
- static void do_break(op)
- int op;
- {
- union REGS regs;
- struct SREGS segs;
- static unsigned int oldseg;
- static unsigned int oldofs;
- if (op == INTERCEPT) {
- segread(&segs);
- regs.h.ah = GETVECT;
- regs.h.al = BREAKINTR;
- int86x(DOS, ®s, ®s, &segs);
- oldseg = segs.es;
- oldofs = regs.x.bx;
- segread(&segs);
- regs.x.dx = (unsigned int) do_intcpt;
- segs.ds = ((unsigned long) do_intcpt) >> 16;
- }
- else {
- segread(&segs);
- regs.x.dx = oldofs;
- segs.ds = oldseg;
- }
- regs.h.ah = SETVECT;
- regs.h.al = BREAKINTR;
- int86x(DOS, ®s, ®s, &segs);
- }
- /*
- ** Name:
- **
- ** ctrl_c() - nullify Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break.
- **
- ** Synopsis:
- **
- ** int ctrl_c(op)
- ** int op;
- **
- ** Description:
- **
- ** If passed the manifest constant INTERCEPT, ctrl_c() will
- ** prevent MS-DOS from interpreting Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, Ctrl-P,
- ** Ctrl-S, and Ctrl-Z as it normally does. I.E. a Ctrl-C or
- ** Ctrl-Break will not cause a ^C to be output and will not
- ** abort the program. Do not use getch(), or getche() while
- ** this routine is in effect, they do not properly support
- ** this mode. If passed the manifest constant RELEASE, ctrl_c()
- ** will return the Ctrl character interpretation that existed
- ** before ctrl_c(INTERCEPT) was called.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- **
- ** Ctrl_c() always returns TRUE.
- **
- ** Bugs:
- **
- ** No error checking is done.
- */
- int ctrl_c(op)
- int op;
- {
- static unsigned int outflg;
- static unsigned int inflg;
- static unsigned int ctrlcchk;
- if (op == INTERCEPT) {
- do_break(INTERCEPT);
- inflg = rawio(fileno(stdin), TRUE);
- outflg = rawio(fileno(stdout), TRUE);
- if ((ctrlcchk = get_ctrl_c_chk()) == CHKON)
- set_ctrl_c_chk(CHKOFF);
- }
- else {
- set_ctrl_c_chk(ctrlcchk);
- rawio(fileno(stdout), outflg);
- rawio(fileno(stdin), inflg);
- do_break(RELEASE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- #ifdef CTRL_CDEBUG
- #include <bios.h>
- int main()
- {
- int achar;
- ctrl_c(INTERCEPT);
- while ((achar = _bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READ) & 0xFF) != ' ')
- putch(achar);
- ctrl_c(RELEASE);
- return(0);
- }
- #endif
- ----------------------------- the end ---------------------------------------
- --
- John Galvin ARPA: galvin@circle.UUCP
- 1810 Fordem Ave. #6 UUCP: ...!uwvax!geowhiz!circle!galvin
- Madison, Wi 53704 FidoNet: Sysop of 1:121/0, and 1:121/1. (608) 249-0275