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- From: marks@tekigm2.TEK.COM (Mark D. Salzman)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc
- Subject: Deleting files QUICKLY (a solution)
- Date: 23 Jul 87 16:16:25 GMT
- Keywords: DOS delete
- After many replys to my request, here is the one working solution that
- was given on how to delete a large number of files QUICKLY from within
- a program. That solution is to use the old DOS delete function 13H
- with wildcards to specify the files you wish to delete. As usual it
- has it's tradeoffs. This function does not understand path
- specifications at all. So it can only delete files in the current
- directory. It also gets it's speed by using wild cards since it only
- has to open the directory file once to do the deletions.
- Much thanks goes to Ralf Brown (Ralf.Brown@b.gp.cs.cmu.edu) who showed
- me that the DOS "del" command uses this function (along with some code
- to change directories if a path is given) to do it's work.
- Although many of you suggested going around DOS and mucking with the
- directory file and File Allocation Table (FAT) directly, I have not
- yet received enough information to do that safely. If anyone has such
- information, I would still love to hear it.
- Below is a program I wrote to test this function and determine how to
- use it.
- Enjoy!
- Mark D. Salzman Phone (206) 253-5542. | The more complex the mind,
- Tektronix Inc., P.O. Box 3500, M/S C1-937 | the greater the need for
- Vancouver, Washington. 98668 | the simplicity of play.
- {world_at_large}!tektronix!tekigm2!marks | James T. Kirk
- ############################################################################
- /*
- *
- * This program implements the PC/MS-DOS delete function 13h. This is the
- * fastest function for deleting large numbers of files as long as the files
- * can be specified with wildcards ( *, ? ). As it stands, the program can
- * only delete files on the current drive and in the current directory, no
- * path names allowed. It will not delete files with special attributes like
- * readonly or system. This program is donated to the public domain.
- *
- * Compile with Microsoft C V4.0 : cl delete.c -o delete
- *
- * By Mark Salzman, Tektronix Inc.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- struct FCB /* The DOS File Control Block */
- {
- char exflag; /* Extension active flag byte, FF = active */
- char space1[5]; /* Reserved space, normally set to zero */
- char attribute; /* File attribute byte */
- char drivenum; /* The drive number, also base address of FCB */
- char filenam[8]; /* File or device name, left justified space filled */
- char fileext[3]; /* File extension */
- int block; /* Current block number */
- int record; /* Record size */
- long size; /* File size in bytes */
- int date; /* File date */
- char space2[10]; /* Reserved space for DOS control work */
- char crecord; /* Current record (<127) */
- long rrecord; /* Random record number */
- }
- main (argc, argv) /* Set up to pass command line arguments */
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int inc;
- if (argc < 2) usage(); /* If no arguments, print usage. */
- for(inc=1; inc<argc; inc++)
- delete(argv[inc]);
- }
- int delete(fname)
- char *fname; /* File name and extension */
- {
- union REGS ir, or;
- struct FCB tmp;
- int i;
- tmp.drivenum = 0; /* use current drive */
- for(i=0; i<8; i++) tmp.filenam[i] = '\040'; /* Clear FCB name entries */
- for(i=0; i<3; i++) tmp.fileext[i] = '\040';
- /* Place file name (with wildcards) into FCB */
- i = 0;
- while((i<8) && (*fname != '\0') && (*fname != '.'))
- {
- tmp.filenam[i] = *fname;
- fname++; i++;
- }
- if(*fname == '.')
- {
- fname++;
- i = 0;
- while((i<3) && (*fname != '\0'))
- {
- tmp.fileext[i] = *fname;
- fname++; i++;
- }
- }
- /* Call DOS to remove the file(s) */
- ir.x.ax = 0x1300; /* DOS delete function 13h */
- ir.x.dx = (unsigned)(&tmp.drivenum); /* FCB base address */
- intdos(&ir, &or); /* Delete all matching file names */
- return(or.x.ax); /* Return errors if any */
- }
- /*
- * Print a program usage message, and exit.
- */
- usage()
- {
- printf("\nUSAGE: delete file_name(s)\n\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- ##############################################################################