home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ----------------------------- GDIR.DOC (cut here) -----------------------------
- Gdir is an enhancement over DOS's dir command. It includes file attributes
- in its display, allows you to perform directories of hidden and system files,
- and also allows you to recursively check all of a directory's subdirectories
- as well.
- Usage: GDIR [/I] [/A] [/D] [/R] [d:][dirspec][filespec]
- Options: /I - Include invisible (hidden and system) files in listing.
- Default is to not list invisible files.
- /A - Include files with leading dot in listing. Default is to
- not list files with a leading dot.
- /D - Only list directories. Default is to list directories and
- files.
- /R - Recursively GDIR on all subdirectories
- Parameters: d - drive to search; defaults to current drive
- dirspec - directory to search; defaults to current directory
- filespec - file(s) to search for; defaults to "*.*"
- Note: filespec may be wildcarded. If file extension is left
- blank, it will default to none, not "*"
- Returns: 0 = normal return 1 = no files found 2 = syntax error
- Notes:
- - Any switches must be given before the path.
- - Unlike dir, "gdir \foo" where \foo is a directory will only show the
- directory entry for \foo (which will show the /D, or directory, attribute).
- It will not list the files contained in \foo. Use "gdir \foo\" for to list
- the files in \foo.
- Examples:
- Normal directory listing of current directory.
- GDIR /I \*.COM
- Lists all .COM files in the root directory, including hidden and system files.
- GDIR /D /R \
- Lists all directories on current drive.
- GDIR /D /R /A \
- Same as above, but includes "." and ".." directory entries as well.
- Attribute flags:
- Gdir displays the following attribute flags for a file:
- /R - read-only /S - system /M - modified
- /H - hidden /D - directory
- ------------------------- end of GDIR.DOC (cut here) --------------------------
- ------------------------------ GDIR.C (cut here) ------------------------------
- /* ---------------------------------
- | by R. Lenoil - 8/16/84 |
- ---------------------------------
- Placed in the public domain, June 1986.
- Author's electronic mail address:
- USENET: lenoil@mit-eddie.uucp ARPA: lenoil@eddie.mit.edu */
- /******************************************************************************
- Effect: Shows directory information for files in several directories.
- Usage: GDIR [/I] [/A] [/D] [/R] [d:][dirspec][filespec]
- Parameters: d - drive to search; defaults to current drive
- dirspec - directory to search; defaults to current directory
- filespec - file(s) to search for; defaults to "*.*"
- Note: filespec may be wildcarded. If file extension is left
- blank, it will default to none, not "*"
- Options: /I - Include invisible (hidden and system) files in listing.
- Default is to not list invisible files.
- /A - Include files with leading dot in listing. Default is to
- not list files with a leading dot.
- /D - Only list directories. Default is to list directories and
- files.
- /R - Recursively GDIR on all subdirectories
- Returns: 0 = normal return 1 = no files found 2 = syntax error
- ******************************************************************************/
- /* Updated 7/12/85 to not use TREE.COM for directory search */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- /* attribute bits */
- #define READ_ONLY 1
- #define HIDDEN 2
- #define SYSTEM 4
- #define SUBDIRS 16
- #define MODIFIED 32
- /* strings */
- #define PATH_SEPERATOR "\\"
- #define FNAME_DEFAULT "*.*"
- /* system calls */
- #define SET_DTA 0x1a
- #define GET_DTA 0x2f
- #define FIND_FIRST 0x4e
- #define FIND_NEXT 0x4f
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ External Definitions ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- static char fname_default[] = FNAME_DEFAULT,
- path_seperator[] = PATH_SEPERATOR,
- switchar; /* holds system switch character */
- char *strrchr(); /* finds last occurrence of a character in a string */
- struct dta /* disk transfer area (for find) */
- { char rsvd[21], /* reserved for DOS */
- attrib; /* file atribute */
- struct /* Rep for file modification date */
- { unsigned twosec : 5;
- unsigned min : 6;
- unsigned hour : 5;
- unsigned day : 5;
- unsigned month : 4;
- unsigned year : 7;
- } time;
- long size; /* file size */
- char name[13]; /* file name */
- };
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ end External Definitions ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ procedure MAIN ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- main(nargs,args)
- int nargs; /* # of words on cmd line */
- char *args[]; /* array of ptrs to words */
- { char search_string[100], /* search string passed to DOS */
- fname[13], /* filename to search for */
- get_switchar(); /* returns switchar */
- register i;
- int attribs = 0, /* attributes to search for */
- subdirs = 0, /* global search or not */
- all = 0, /* print all files or not */
- files; /* number of files matched */
- /* get switch character */
- switchar = get_switchar();
- /* uppercase args */
- for (i=0; ++i < nargs;) strupr(args[i]);
- /* parse switches */
- while (++args,--nargs,**args == switchar && nargs)
- { if (args[0][2]) Syntax();
- switch (toupper(args[0][1]))
- { case 'I': attribs |= HIDDEN + SYSTEM; break;
- case 'A': all = 1; break;
- case 'R': subdirs = 1; break;
- case 'D': attribs |= SUBDIRS; break;
- default: Syntax();
- }
- }
- if (nargs > 1) Syntax();
- if (rootpath( (nargs)? *args : fname_default , search_string))
- files = 0;
- else
- { char *name_start = strrchr(search_string,'\\')+1;
- if (*name_start)
- { strncpy(fname,name_start,12);
- fname[12] = *name_start = 0;
- }
- else strcpy(fname,fname_default);
- files = gdir(search_string,fname,attribs,subdirs,all);
- }
- printf("\n Found %d file%c\n",files,files==1? ' ' : 's');
- return (files)? 0 : 1;
- }
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ end procedure MAIN ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ procedure SYNTAX ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- Syntax()
- { printf("Usage: GDIR [/I] [/A] [/R] [/D] [d:][path\\][filespec]");
- exit(2);
- }
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ end procedure SYNTAX ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ procedure GDIR ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- gdir(path,fname,attribs,subdirs,all)
- char *path,*fname; /* search path */
- /* Note: path must be as large as PATHMAX */
- /* Warning: path is modified */
- int attribs, /* attribs to search for */
- subdirs, /* TRUE = do recursive search */
- all; /* TRUE = show files starting with "." */
- { struct dta findbuf;
- char *name_start; /* start of filename in path */
- unsigned pdta; /* address of dta on entry */
- union REGS regs;
- int files_found = 0;
- /* Save dta address, and set to ours */
- regs.h.ah = GET_DTA;
- intdos(®s,®s);
- pdta = regs.x.bx;
- regs.h.ah = SET_DTA;
- regs.x.dx = (unsigned) &findbuf;
- intdos(®s,®s);
- if ((name_start = strrchr(path,'\\') + 1) == (char *)1)
- name_start = path;
- regs.h.ah = FIND_FIRST;
- regs.x.cx = attribs | SUBDIRS;
- regs.x.dx = (unsigned) path;
- /* find all matches in specified directory */
- strcpy(name_start,fname);
- for (;intdos(®s,®s),!regs.x.cflag;regs.h.ah=FIND_NEXT)
- if (attribs & SUBDIRS && !(findbuf.attrib & SUBDIRS)) continue;
- else if (*findbuf.name != '.' || all)
- { strcpy(name_start,findbuf.name);
- display(path,&findbuf);
- ++files_found;
- }
- if (subdirs) /* recurse on subdirs */
- { regs.h.ah = FIND_FIRST;
- regs.x.cx |= SUBDIRS;
- strcpy(name_start,fname_default);
- for (;intdos(®s,®s),!regs.x.cflag;regs.h.ah=FIND_NEXT)
- { if (findbuf.attrib & SUBDIRS && *findbuf.name != '.')
- { strcpy(name_start,findbuf.name);
- strcat(name_start,path_seperator);
- files_found +=
- gdir(path,fname,attribs,subdirs,all);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Restore dta */
- regs.h.ah = SET_DTA;
- regs.x.dx = pdta;
- intdos(®s,®s);
- return files_found;
- }
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ end procedure GDIR ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ procedure DISPLAY ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- display(path,f)
- char *path;
- struct dta *f;
- #define T f->time
- { printf("%s %lu %.2u-%.2u-%.2u %.2u:%.2u:%.2u",
- path,f->size,T.month,T.day,80+T.year,T.hour,T.min,T.twosec*2);
- if (f->attrib & READ_ONLY) printf(" /R");
- if (f->attrib & HIDDEN) printf(" /H");
- if (f->attrib & SYSTEM) printf(" /S");
- if (f->attrib & SUBDIRS) printf(" /D");
- if (f->attrib & MODIFIED) printf(" /M");
- printf("\n");
- }
- #undef T
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ end procedure DISPLAY ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ procedure GET_SWITCHAR ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- char get_switchar()
- { union REGS regs;
- regs.x.ax = 0x3700; intdos(®s,®s);
- return regs.h.dl;
- }
- /*++++++++++++++++++++ end procedure GET_SWITCHAR ++++++++++++++++++++*/
- -------------------------- end of GDIR.C (cut here) ---------------------------