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- getargs - command line processor for C programs
- A command line switch is an argument preceded by a '-' that modifies
- the way in which a program works. This command line processor is a package of
- subroutines. Access to the routines is through one call to the procedure
- getargs(). The routines are table driven. Getargs() removes switches from the
- command line as it works and leaves other arguments (the ones not preceded by
- '-') alone.
- When getargs() finds an error, it prints an error message to stderr listing all
- the legal switches, descriptions of each, and their default values. It
- then terminates with exit(1), which should close any open files.
- To use getargs() you must: (1) Set up a table to tell the routine what switches
- to expect, (2) Declare the associated variables and initialize them to their
- default values, and (3) call the routine itself somewhere early in the main()
- routine. The file getargs.h contains the #defines and typedefs needed to
- create the command switch descriptor table. This table is an array of
- structures:
- typedef struct
- { unsigned arg ; /* command line switch */
- unsigned type ; /* variable type (of those #defined above) */
- int *variable ; /* pointer to variable */
- char *errmsg ; /* pointer to error message */
- } ARG;
- The arg field is a character that identifies the switch on the command line.
- In the following descriptions this character is represented by <switch>. The
- type field may take any one of five values, all #defined in getargs.h.
- INTEGER switches take the form
- -<switch><number>
- Numbers preceded by 0x are hex, by 0 without the x, octal. All others are
- decimal. The number is terminated by any character not legal in the indicated
- radix. The int pointed to by the variable field of the ARG structure will be
- set to the value of the <number>. If the <number> isn't typed on the command
- line, *variable is set to 0.
- BOOLEAN switches will cause *variable to be set to 1 if present. If the switch
- is absent, *variable is not modified.
- CHARACTER switches take the form
- -<switch><character>
- When the switch is found on the command line, *variable is set to the character
- immediately following the <switch> character.
- STRING switches take the form
- -<switch><string>
- When the switch is found on the command line, the character pointer pointed to
- by the variable field is set to point at a string consisting of all characters
- following (but not including) the <switch> character up to the end of the
- current argument (not to the end of the command line).
- PROC switches take the form
- -<switch><anything>
- Here, the variable field is a pointer to a subroutine that is called indirectly
- as soon as the switch is encountered on the command line. A pointer to <anything>
- is passed to this subroutine as a single argument. It is the responsibility
- of the called subroutine to parse <anything> as appropriate.
- The errmsg field in the table is used to print an error message if an undefined
- switch is found.
- Switches may be combined into a single argument, but string switches must be
- last one because all following characters will be considered part of the
- <string>. When defining a STRING switch in the table, be sure to cast the
- variable into an integer pointer. See argtest.c for an example.
- Argtest is an example of how to use getargs(). Argtab is the table which
- defines the legal switches. Main() prints the command line before
- and after calling getargs(), and prints the values of the associated
- variables after the call. Similarly, proc() displays its argument when called.
- The following execution illustrates all five of the legal switches:
- A>argtest -b -pFISH alpha -shello_world -p&CHIPS -n0xff beta
- argc=8. command line before processing:
- "argtest -b -pFISH alpha -shello_world -p&CHIPS -n0xff beta "
- procedure called as follows: proc("FISH")
- procedure called as follows: proc("&CHIPS")
- variable values after processing:
- boolarg = TRUE
- chararg = &
- intarg = 255
- strarg = hello_world
- argc=3. command line after processing:
- "argtest alpha beta "
- Arguments may be combined as follows:
- A>argtest alpha -bcYn98sapple_pie
- argc=3. command line before processing:
- "argtest alpha -bcYn98sapple_pie "
- variable values after processing:
- boolarg = TRUE
- chararg = Y
- intarg = 98
- strarg = apple_pie
- argc=2. command line after processing:
- "argtest alpha "
- This execution illustrates the error message:
- A>argtest -y
- argc=2. command line before processing:
- "argtest -y "
- Illegal argument 'y'. Legal arguments are:
- -b boolean argument (value is FALSE)
- -c<c> character argument (value is & )
- -n<num> integer argument (value is 0 )
- -s<str> string argument (value is "do wha")
- -p<str> procedure argument
- This documentation is a condensation of the article by Allen Holub in Dr.
- Dobb's Journal #103 (May 1985).