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- #define DEBUG
- /* hsort - general purpose heapsort
- Author...
- Copyright (c) 1985 James R. Van Zandt
- All rights reserved.
- This program may be copied for personal, non-profit use only.
- Based on algorithms by Jon Bentley [Communications of the ACM v
- 28 n 3 p 245 (Mar 85) and v 28 n 5 p 456 (May 85)], and the
- sort interface routines by Allen I. Holub [Dr. Dobb's Journal
- #102 (Apr 85)].
- Usage...
- Including a #define for DEBUG will make this file a stand-alone
- program which sorts argv and prints the result, along with the
- heap at the intermediate stages. This is instructive if you
- want to see how the heap sort works. #defining DEBUG2 will
- also print results of comparisons.
- Notes...
- This routine sorts N objects in worst-case time proportional to
- N*log(N). The heapsort was discovered by J. W. J. Williams
- [Communications of the ACM v 7 p 347-348 (1964)] and is
- discussed by D. E. Knuth [The Art of Computer Programming,
- Volume 3: Sorting and Searching, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
- Mass., 1973, section 5.2.3].
- This algorithm depends on a portion of an array having the
- "heap" property. The array X has the property heap[L,U] if:
- for all L, i, and U
- such that 2L <= i <= U
- we have X[i div 2] <= X[i]
- sift_down enlarges the heap: It accepts an array with heap[L+1,U]
- and returns an array with heap[L,U].
- */
- typedef int (*PFI)(); /* pointer to a function returning int */
- static PFI Comp; /* pointer to comparison routine */
- static int Width; /* width of an object in bytes */
- static char *Base; /* pointer to element [-1] of array */
- static char *a, *b, tmp; /* temporaries for exchanges */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int Exchanges=0, Comparisons=0;
- #endif
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int argvcmp(s1p,s2p) char **s1p,**s2p;
- {
- /* Comparison routine for sorting an argv like list of pointers to
- strings. Just remove one level of indirection and call strcmp
- to do the comparison */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- Comparisons++;
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG2
- register int rval;
- rval=strcmp(*s1p,*s2p);
- printf(" argvcmp(<%s><%s>) = %d\n",*s1p,*s2p,rval);
- return (rval);
- #else
- return (strcmp(*s1p,*s2p));
- #endif
- }
- hsort(base,nel,width,compare)
- char *base;
- int nel,width;
- int (*compare)();
- {
- static int i,j,n,stop;
- /* Perform a heap sort on an array starting at base. The array is
- nel elements large and width is the size of a single element in
- bytes. Compare is a pointer to a comparison routine which will
- be passed pointers to two elements of the array. It should
- return a negative number if the left-most argument is less than
- the rightmost, 0 if the two arguments are equal, a positive
- number if the left argument is greater than the right. (That
- is, it acts like a "subtract" operator.) If compare is 0 then
- the default comparison routine, argvcmp (which sorts an
- argv-like array of pointers to strings), is used. */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- static int ii;
- printf("Sorting %d element array of %d byte elements at 0x%x\n",
- nel,width,base);
- printf("Comparison routine at 0x%x. Unsorted list:\n",compare);
- ptext(1,nel,base);
- for ( ii=1 ; ii<=nel ; ii++ ) printf("[%d] ",ii);
- printf("\n");
- #endif
- Width=width;
- Comp=(compare==(PFI)0) ? &argvcmp : compare ;
- n=nel*Width;
- Base=base-Width;
- for (i=(n/Width/2)*Width; i>=Width; i-=Width) sift_down(i,n);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Heap constructed\n");
- for ( ii=1 ; ii<=nel ; ii++ ) printf("[%d] ",ii);
- printf("\n");
- #endif
- stop=Width+Width;
- for (i=n; i>=stop; )
- {for (b=base, a=Base+i, j=Width ; j-- ; )
- {tmp = *b; *b++ = *a; *a++ = tmp;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- Exchanges++;
- #endif
- sift_down(Width,i-=Width);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("\nSort complete, list is:\n");
- ptext(1,nel,base);
- printf("%d comparisons and %d exchanges were performed \n",
- Comparisons,Exchanges);
- #endif
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static sift_down(L,U) int L,U;
- /* pre: heap(L+1,U) */
- { int c,count;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int i1;
- i1=L;
- #endif
- while(1)
- {c=L+L;
- if(c>U) break;
- if( (c+Width <= U) && ((*Comp)(Base+c+Width,Base+c)>0) ) c+= Width;
- if ((*Comp)(Base+L,Base+c)>=0) break;
- for(b=Base+L,a=Base+c,count=Width; count-- ; )
- {tmp=*b; *b++ = *a; *a++ = tmp;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- Exchanges++;
- #endif
- L=c;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- ptext(i1/2,U/2,Base+Width);
- #endif
- /* post: heap(L,U) */
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Test routine for hsort, compiled if DEBUG is #defined */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- static ptext( start, end, argv)
- int start,end;
- char **argv;
- {
- /* Print out argv, one element per line */
- register int i;
- for (i=1; i<start; i++) {printf(" "); argv++;}
- for ( i=start ; i<=end ; i++ ) printf("%-8s",*argv++);
- printf("\n");
- }
- main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv;
- {
- /* Test routine for hsort. Sorts argv (less the first element). */
- hsort(++argv,--argc,sizeof(PFI),0);
- }
- #endif