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- 4-May-86 13:51:39-PDT,3775;000000000001
- Date: Sun, 4 May 86 15:49:25 cdt
- From: Peter Wu <pwu@unix.macc.wisc.edu>
- To: info-ibmpc-request@mosis
- Subject: INPUT.C
- INPUT - read a string from console in a batch file
- INPUT <prompt> <var name>
- Where <prompt> is a "quoted" string and <var name> is the name of
- an environment variable to accept the input string.
- Use \" to include the double quote character itself in the
- prompt.
- Just like BASIC's INPUT statement, except this one works in
- batch files, so you can read a string from the user and use the
- string in your batch file.
- E.g. For kicks, you can put this in your autoexec.bat:
- echo off
- INPUT "Password:" pwd
- if %pwd%.==who. goto ok
- echo Access denied
- crash
- :ok
- echo. <- This prints an empty line
- echo Permission Granted
- The string enterd will always be converted to lower case before
- it is stored in the environment variable.
- If the enviroment variable you specified already exist, it's
- contend will be replaced by the user's input.
- Since this programs stores the string in an environment variable,
- you might run out of environment space. Here's a way to expand
- your environment space to 992 bytes:
- shell=c:\command.com /p /e:62
- Put the above line in your config.sys file. This is an
- undocumented feature.
- This program relies on several undocumented features of DOS 3.1.
- It has been tested on PC AT and PC XT only. For example, using
- %pwd% to refer to the value of environment variable pwd might not
- work in other DOS. The INPUT program itself relies on
- undocumented memory allocation block structure used by DOS to
- find DOS's environment space.
- I resort to undocumented features only because it's almost
- impossible to accomplish all these by using documented features
- alone.
- If you try it on a clone and/or try it with a different version
- of DOS, let me know whether or not it works.
- There's this game called HACK that requires a configuration file
- to indicate many options, among which the drive name of your ram
- disk if you have one. I installed this game on a PC Network where
- some PC's have ram disk and some don't. So this is what I put in
- the HACK start up batch file:
- echo off
- copy F:\games\hack\hack33.cnf hack33.cnf
- INPUT "Drive name of your ram disk (if you have one)? " d
- if %d%.==. goto noram
- echo RAMDISK=%d% >> hack33.cnf
- :noram
- F:\games\hack\hack33
- .
- .
- ***
- Here's a simple shell using INPUT:
- echo off
- :loop
- INPUT "% " cmd
- if %cmd%.==. goto loop
- if %cmd%.==exit. goto dos
- if %cmd%.==ls. goto ls
- %cmd%
- goto loop
- :ls
- dir/w
- goto loop
- :dos
- This could be the cheapest way to con your friends into thinking
- that you are running unix.
- ***
- A user-friendly print command:
- echo off
- set fname=%1
- if not %1.==. goto doit
- :noarg
- INPUT "What file do you want to print? " fname
- if %fname%.==. goto noarg
- :doit
- copy %fname% lpt1
- If the user call the batch file with a file name, then the file
- will be printed, otherwise the user will be prompted for the name
- of the file.
- ***
- There are probably many other uses, but my imagination is quite
- limited, if you found a good use for it, please let me know.
- Michael Tsang of University of Wisconsin showed me how to locate DOS's
- environment space.
- Someone posted news to net.micro.pc mentioned the %name% undocumented
- feature of DOS; this triggers me to write this program.
- Peter Wu
- uucp: ..{ihnp4|seismo|harvard|topaz|allegra|ucbvax}!uwvax!uwmacc!pwu
- arpa: uwmacc!pwu@uwvax.ARPA
- USmail: 1309 Spring St. #206, Madison, WI 53715
- Suggestions and comments are welcome.
- [INPUT.C has been added to the Libary. -rag]