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- Article 4827 of comp.sys.ibm.pc:
- Path: brl-smoke!brl-adm!husc6!uwvax!uwmacc!hobbes!circle
- From: galvin@circle.UUCP (John Galvin)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc
- Subject: preventing MS-DOS from printing ^C while within MS C
- Date: 29 Jun 87 03:53:30 GMT
- A while ago someone asked how to prevent MS-DOS from printing ^C
- when using signal() to trap Ctrl-C's. The code below does this for
- MS-DOS machines which are BIOS compatible with the IBM PC. Through
- sheer laziness I have not tested it without signal().
- When the BIOS determines that a Ctrl-C has been pressed it does
- two important things. First it sets bit 7 of 0040:0071 (labeled in
- the BIOS listing as BIOS_BREAK). Then it does an interrupt 0x1B. The
- interrupt routine that MS-DOS supplies for int 1B sticks a control C
- character (0x03) into the keyboard buffer. That is why the ^C is
- printed out by MS-DOS. The code below intercepts that interrupt so
- that the ^C is not put into the buffer. It does not, however, affect
- the byte at BIOS_BREAK in any way. if you want to prevent that flag
- from being seen by DOS, just add some code to zero out that location in
- the int 1B interrupt handler.
- To use these routines, just call intercept() when you want to
- prevent DOS from printing ^C. Remember to call release() before the
- program exits. Hope this is what you were looking for...
- John
- --
- John Galvin UUCP: ...uwvax!uwmacc!hobbes!circle!galvin
- 213 N. Hamilton #9 FidoNet: Sysop of 121/0, and 121/1. (608) 258-9723
- Madison, Wi 53703 AT&T: (608) 258-9721
- -------------------------------Cut Here---------------------------------
- TITLE Intercept.asm - intercept ^C
- PAGE 66,132
- ;
- ; Intercept.ASM
- ;
- ; Author: John Galvin
- ; Date: 06-Jan-1987
- ; Purpose: to intercept a control-C from Microsoft C
- ;
- ; Copyright (C) 1987 by John W. Galvin.
- ;
- ; This source code may be freely used and distributed provided that
- ; it is not sold, no charge whatsoever is made for its distribution,
- ; and the above copyright and authorship information remains with
- ; the source code.
- ;
- ; John Galvin - FidoNet 121/0 & 121/1
- ; UUCP ...!uwvax!uwmacc!hobbes!circle!galvin
- ;
- ; use the following to assemble this code for the small memory model:
- ; masm /ml intercep.asm;
- ; for the large memory model use:
- ; masm /ml /dLPROG intercep.asm;
- ;
- ; Update History:
- ; 06-Jan-1987 - initial version.
- ; 28-Jun-1987 - threw in some comments for release.
- ;
- ifdef LPROG
- INTERCEP_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
- else
- assume CS:_TEXT
- _TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
- endif
- PUBLIC _intercept, _release
- oldseg dw ? ; the old segment of the break interrupt vector
- oldoff dw ? ; the old offset of the break interrupt vector
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Name: do_intcpt
- ;
- ; This is an interrupt handler for int 1B, the Keyboard Break
- ; interrupt. As it stands it just does a return from interrupt.
- ; This routine is local to this file.
- ;
- ifdef LPROG
- do_intcpt PROC FAR
- else
- do_intcpt PROC NEAR
- endif
- iret
- do_intcpt ENDP
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Name: _intercept
- ;
- ; This routine changes the Keyboard Break interrupt handler
- ; to do_intcpt.
- ;
- ifdef LPROG
- _intercept PROC FAR
- else
- _intercept PROC NEAR
- endif
- push bp ; save bp
- mov bp, sp ; setup bp
- push di ; save possible register variable
- push si ; save possible register variable
- push es
- mov ax, 351Bh ; DOS get vector service
- int 21h
- mov ax, es ; segment returned in es
- mov cs:oldseg, ax ; save old routine's segment address
- mov cs:oldoff, bx ; and offset
- mov ax, 251Bh ; DOS set vector service
- mov dx, offset do_intcpt ; offset of our interrupt handler
- push ds
- push cs
- pop ds ; get segment address of our handler
- int 21h ; set the vector
- pop ds ; restore ds
- pop es ; restore es
- pop si ; restore si
- pop di ; restore di
- mov sp, bp ; chop stack for return to calling function
- pop bp ; restore bp
- ret ; return to calling function
- _intercept ENDP
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Name: _release
- ;
- ; This routine changes the Keyboard Break interrupt handler back to
- ; the original MS-DOS routine.
- ;
- ifdef LPROG
- _release PROC FAR
- else
- _release PROC NEAR
- endif
- push bp ; save bp
- mov bp, sp ; setup bp
- push di ; save possible register variable
- push si ; save possible register variable
- push ds
- mov ax, 251Bh ; DOS set vector service
- mov dx, cs:oldoff ; old handler's offset
- mov bx, cs:oldseg ; old handler's segment
- mov ds, bx
- int 21h ; set the vector
- pop ds
- pop si ; restore si
- pop di ; restore di
- mov sp, bp ; chop stack for return to calling function
- pop bp ; restore bp
- ret ; return to calling function
- _release ENDP
- ifdef LPROG
- else
- endif