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- Date: Fri, 29 Aug 86 01:18:20 cdt
- From: Peter Wu <pwu@unix.macc.wisc.edu>
- Message-Id: <8608290618.AA00716@unix.macc.wisc.edu>
- To: info-ibmpc-request@mosis
- Subject: wmv12doc.txt
- MV - move/rename files or subdirectories for PC DOS 2.xx and 3.xx;
- version 1.20
- MV [source1] [source2] ... [sourceN] [destination]
- Each [source] can specifies files or directories; wildcards are
- accepted.
- Typing MV without parameters will print a short help message,
- the version number, and the author's email addresses.
- Each [source] can be followed by a file-type option. There are
- three such options:
- /f - select files
- /d - select sub-directories (same effect as \.)
- /h - select hidden files/sub-directories
- /i - ask for confirmation to move for each file/sub-directory
- Options can be combined, like /hf for hidden and visible files.
- If neither /f or /d is specified, /fd (files and sub-directories)
- is used. If /h is not specified, hidden files/sub-directories are
- not moved. There should be no space between a source and its
- file-type option. So "*.*/f" is ok, but "*.* /f" is not.
- Assume your directory looks like this:
- Each of the following examples are independent from the
- others:
- MV trout.cat cat.exe -- renames trout.cat to cat.exe
- MV litter trashcan -- moves litter into trashcan
- MV dos don'ts -- renames dos to don'ts
- MV *.* animal -- moves all five files, trashcan,
- and dos into animal.
- MV dos animal -- moves dos into animal
- MV billard.com computer.txt animal -- moves billard.com and
- computer.txt into animal
- MV trashcan trout.cat dos -- moves trashcan and trout.cat
- into dos
- MV *. trashcan -- moves mother, litter, dos, and
- animal into trashcan. Trashcan
- itself is not moved to prevent a
- directory loop.
- MV mother animal\. -- moves mother into animal. The
- "\." following animal says
- explicitly that animal is a sub-
- directory, and if mv doesn't
- find that directory, then you
- get an error message. This is a
- good way to move things into an
- existing sub-directory without
- accidentally renaming files
- if you mistype the destination
- name.
- MV mother litter -- error. You cannot rename mother
- to litter because litter exists
- already. If you really want to
- do this, you have to delete
- litter first.
- MV */d animal, or
- MV *\. animal -- moves trashcan and dos into
- animal. The "*/d" or "*\." says
- match all sub-directories with
- no extension. Animal itself is
- not moved to prevent a directory
- loop.
- MV *.*/f dos -- moves all files (trout.cat,
- mother, billard.com,
- computer.txt, and litter) into
- dos
- MV *.*/h animal -- moves all files and sub-
- directories, hidden and visible
- ones (trout.cat, mother,
- billard.com, movie.xxx,
- computer.txt, litter, trashcan,
- and dos), to animal
- MV *.*/hf animal -- moves all files, hidden and
- visible ones (trout.cat, mother,
- billard.com, movie.xxx,
- computer.txt, and litter), to
- animal
- MV is like the mv program on UNIX (trademark of AT&T Bell Labs.)
- It moves files/sub-directories within a physical disk. This is
- done by manipulating directory entries and not by copying and
- deleting files. The advantage is that it's fast and non-
- recursive: moving a sub-directory containing six hundred files
- takes the same amount of time as it takes to move an empty sub-
- directory.
- The disadvantage is that you cannot move files/sub-directories
- from one physical drive to another. To do so you must copy and
- then delete; MV doesn't help in this case.
- In addition to normal physical disks, MV also works on
- 1) 'Join'-ed disks; of course you still cannot move things
- across different physical disks.
- 2) 'Subst'-ed disks.
- The above 'disks' can be created in DOS 3.xx.
- MV will not work on shared disk across the network. If you
- attempt to use it this way, you will get the message 'sorry, mv
- doesn't work on network disks.'
- When MV is writing to the disk, it will ignore the break key.
- This is to prevent you from messing up the disk. If you press the
- break key while running MV, the program might not stop
- immediately, but it will eventually -- after it's done writing to
- the disk. However, you can still mess up your disk by rebooting
- or turning off your computer while running MV. So be careful:
- must stop MV, use the break key.
- Since MV uses some undocumented DOS calls and also writes disk
- sectors directly (three sectors per sub-directory moved), it is
- potentially hazardous to your disks. However, I have compensated
- for this by including some redundant checking in the program and
- by doing a lot of testing with it.
- MV has been tested on the following systems:
- 1) DOS 3.20 on AT with floppy disks (double and high density),
- fixed disks, vdisk, and 'subst' disk.
- 2) DOS 3.10 on Zenith 148, 158 with floppy disks (double
- density).
- 3) DOS 3.20 on XT with floppy disks (double density and 3.5")
- and fixed disk.
- 4) DOS 3.20 on PC convertible with 3.5" floppy disks.
- 5) DOS 2.11 on Leading Edge model D with floppy disks.
- 6) DOS 2.10 on PC with floppy disks.
- 7) DOS 2.11 on AT&T 6300 with floppy disks.
- 8) DOS 2.02 on Compaq with floppy disks.
- At first, I regularly ran chkdsk to make sure MV did not screw up
- the disks, but now I only run chkdsk occasionally because MV has
- never screwed up any disk, ever since I started writing it.
- If you have a system quite different from the above ones, test MV
- on a floppy disk before using it on fixed disks. And for the
- first few times you use MV, it's a good idea to run chkdsk right
- afterwards. You should also run chkdsk once BEFORE you try MV, to
- make sure you are starting with a 'clean' disk so you don't blame
- MV incorrectly for messing up your disks.
- I have tried my best to prevent you from getting internal error
- messages. But if you do see one, don't panic, your disk is
- probably not harmed, except when the message tells you to run
- chkdsk, then panic. Hopefully this will not happen -- it has
- never happened to me.
- Won't work on network disks.
- Won't work on "E-disk" under DOS 2.02 on Compaq.
- If you discover other bugs, please let me know.
- Files move/rename are done with DOS function call 56H.
- Moving sub-directories (say MV A B/A) involves the following
- steps:
- 1) mkdir "B/A"
- 2) swap the starting cluster pointer of "A" and "B/A"
- 3) make "B/A"'s parent directory pointer point to "B"
- A make file comes with the source. To compile the source, simply
- type "make mv". The sources are intended for the IBM C compiler
- version 1.0 or Microsoft C compiler version 3.0. If you use
- Microsoft C compiler version 4.0, you have to edit the front.c
- module to reverse the order of the parameters to the "rename"
- function.
- This program comes with no guarantee. Standard disclaimer: use it
- at your own risks; neither I nor my employer is responsible for
- any consequence caused by the use of this program.
- Since the program comes with source, it is up to you to examine
- the source to determine whether you want to use the program or
- not.
- Please distribute this program for free and include all
- unmodified source code.
- I will put the latest version of MV on the following bulletin
- boards (look for wmv??src.arc, wmv??exe.arc, and wmv??doc.txt.
- ?? is the version number):
- 1) INFO-IBMPC at MOSIS (for Arpanet users). Sources and
- document only.
- 2) CompuServe, in IBMSW's data library.
- 3) MACC's public BBS (608-262-3057) under IBMUTL.
- Many volunteers on Usenet have helped me tested MV on their
- systems. The following ones are especially helpful:
- Scott Rose
- Mr. Video
- David Dyck
- John P. Nelson
- Peter Wu
- Faculty Support Center, MACC
- Madison, WI 53706
- Arpanet: pwu@unix.macc.wisc.edu
- Bitnet: WU at WISVMACC
- CompuServe: 76377,1332
- UUCP: ..{akgua|seismo|harvard|ucbvax|allegra}!uwvax!uwmacc!pwu
- Suggestions, comments, and bug reports are welcome. I especially
- like to know other ways to move sub-directories and tests to
- prevent users from creating directory-loop.