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- /* scale - calculate scaling parameters for plotting so that axes
- have convenient labels
- */
- #include "math.h"
- #include <g.h>
- #include <g3.h>
- /*
- #define xxxx
- #define xx
- */
- #define NTIC 30.
- #define NLAB 6
- #define minimum(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y))
- #define maximum(x,y) (((x)>(y))?(x):(y))
- #define power(x,y) (exp(log(x)*(y)))
- #ifdef xxxx
- static int used[4][4]= { {0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0},
- {0,0,0,0}
- };
- #endif
- static double decide[4][3]= { {1.414, 3.162, 7.071 },
- {1.414, 1.414, 1.414 },
- {2.236, 2.236, 2.236 },
- {1.414, 3.162, 7.071 }
- };
- static int mtic[4][4]= { {1, 2, 5, 10},
- {1, 2, 2, 2},
- {1, 5, 5, 5},
- {1, 2, 5, 10}
- };
- static double x1; /* minimum x value */
- static double x2; /* maximum x value */
- static int kx; /* kind of axis...0 for linear, 1 for log */
- static int nlx; /* number of long tic marks */
- static int ntx; /* number of short tic marks */
- static double y1, y2; /* (similar for y's) */
- static int ky, nly, nty;
- scale (amin,amax,ka,bmin,bmax,kb)
- double amin,amax,bmin,bmax;
- int ka,kb;
- {
- #ifdef xxx
- printf("scale: amin=%f amax=%f ka=%d \n", amin, amax, ka);
- #endif
- scale_one(amin,amax,&x1,&x2,&nlx,&ntx,ka);
- #ifdef xxx
- printf("scale: x1=%f x2=%f nlx=%d ntx=%d \n",x1,x2,nlx,ntx);
- printf("scale: bmin=%f bmax=%f kb=%d \n", bmin, bmax, kb);
- #endif
- scale_one(bmin,bmax,&y1,&y2,&nly,&nty,kb);
- #ifdef xxx
- printf("scale: y1=%f y2=%f nly=%d nty=%d \n",y1,y2,nly,nty);
- #endif
- kx=ka; ky=kb;
- window(x1,x2,y1,y2);
- }
- scale_one (amin,amax,bmin,bmax,nlab,ntic,kind)
- double amin,amax,*bmin,*bmax; int *nlab, *ntic, kind;
- { double tens, top, bottom, fraction, d, interval;
- int i,j;
- if(!kind)
- {amax=(amax>amin) ? amax : amin+1.;
- fraction=(amax-amin)/maximum(NLAB-1,1);
- #ifdef xxx
- printf("\nscale_one: fraction=%f",fraction);
- #endif
- tens=power(10.,floor(log10(fraction)));
- fraction/=tens;
- for (j=0; j<=2; j++) if(fraction<decide[0][j]) break;
- d=mtic[0][j]*tens;
- bottom=floor(amin/d); *bmin=bottom*d;
- top=ceil(amax/d); *bmax=top*d;
- *nlab=(int)(top-bottom+.25);
- interval=NTIC/ *nlab;
- for (i=0; i<=2; i++) if(interval<decide[j][i]) break;
- *ntic=mtic[j][i]* *nlab;
- #ifdef xxx
- used[j][i]++;
- printf("(-->%f) ?= d=%f, tens=%f \n",fraction,d,tens);
- printf(" bottom=%f, top=%f, interval=%f \n",bottom,top,interval);
- printf("i=%d j=%d bmin=%f bmax=%f \n", i, j, *bmin, *bmax);
- #endif
- }
- else if (kind)
- {*bmin=floor(amin); *bmax=ceil(amax);
- *nlab= *bmax - *bmin + .1;
- if ((*nlab * *nlab * 9) > 900) *ntic=*nlab;
- else *ntic = *nlab*9;
- }
- #ifdef xx
- printf("\n scale_one: *bmin=%f *bmax=%f *nlab=%d *ntic=%d kind=%d \n",
- *bmin, *bmax, *nlab, *ntic, kind);
- #endif
- }
- static double segl[9]={.301, .176, .125, .097, .079, .067, .058, .051, .046};
- axis(numbers,grid_style) int numbers,grid_style;
- { int i,j,after;
- double t1,t11,e1,t2,t22,e2,s,x,y,yval;
- static double ch; /* height of a character (in world coordinates) */
- static double cw; /* width of a character (in world coordinates) */
- static double wx1,wx2,wy1,wy2; /* window limits */
- static double vx1,vx2,vy1,vy2; /* viewport limits */
- char buf[80], format[80];
- if(grid_style==0) return;
- inquire_window(&wx1,&wx2,&wy1,&wy2);
- inquire_viewport_2(&vx1,&vx2,&vy1,&vy2);
- cw=(wx2-wx1)/(vx2-vx1)*char_width/pixels_wide;
- ch=(wy2-wy1)/(vy2-vy1)*char_height/pixels_high;
- t1=(x2-x1)*.012; /* length of small tic mark */
- e1=t1*.0000001; /* invisibly small distance */
- t2=(y2-y1)*.015;
- e2=t2*.0000001;
- if(grid_style==1) {t11=t1*2.; t22=t2*2.;} /* length of long tic mark */
- else {t11=x2-x1; t22=0.;}
- y_axis(y1,y2,ky,nly,nty,x1+e1,t1,t11); /* left */
- x_axis(x1,x2,kx,nlx,ntx,y2-e2,-t2,-t22); /* top */
- if(grid_style==2) {t11=0.; t22=y2-y1;}
- x_axis(x1,x2,kx,nlx,ntx,y1+e2,t2,t22); /* bottom */
- y_axis(y1,y2,ky,nly,nty,x2-e1,-t1,-t11); /* right */
- if(numbers)
- {clip_window(0);
- if(!ky) /* "after" is # digits needed after decimal */
- {after=ceil(-log10((y2-y1)/nly));
- if(after<0) after=0;
- sprintf(format,"%%%d.%df",after,after);
- }
- x=x1; y=y2-ch; yval=y2;
- for(i=0; i<=nly; i++) /* label y axis */
- {if(!ky) sprintf(buf,format,yval); else sprintf(buf,"1e%1.0f",yval);
- move_abs_2(x-cw*(1.+strlen(buf)),y);
- text(buf);
- y-=(y2-ch-y1)/nly; yval-=(y2-y1)/nly;
- }
- if(!kx)
- {after=ceil(-log10((x2-x1)/nlx));
- if(after<0) after=0;
- sprintf(format,"%%%d.%df",after,after);
- }
- x=x1; y=y1-1.5*ch;
- for(i=0; i<=nlx; i++) /* label x axis */
- {if(!kx) sprintf(buf,format,x); else sprintf(buf,"1e%1.0f",x);
- move_abs_2(x-cw*strlen(buf),y);
- text(buf);
- x+=(x2-x1)/nlx;
- }
- clip_window(1);
- }
- }
- static x_axis(x,x2,kx,nlx,ntx,y,t,tlarge)
- double x, x2, y, t, tlarge;
- int kx, nlx, ntx;
- { int i, j; double s;
- if(!kx)
- {s=(x2-x)/ntx;
- for( i=nlx ; i ; i-- )
- {for ( j=ntx/nlx ; j ; j-- )
- {move_abs_2(x,y);
- line_abs_2(x+=s,y);
- line_abs_2(x,y+t);
- }
- line_abs_2(x,y+tlarge);
- }
- }
- else if(kx)
- {s=(x2-x)/nlx;
- for ( i=nlx ; i ; i-- )
- {if(ntx>nlx)
- {for ( j=0 ; j<9 ; j++ )
- {move_abs_2(x,y);
- line_abs_2(x+=s*segl[j],y);
- line_abs_2(x,y+t);
- }
- line_abs_2(x,y+tlarge);
- }
- else
- {move_abs_2(x,y);
- line_abs_2(x+=s,y);
- line_abs_2(x,y+tlarge);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static y_axis(y,y2,ky,nly,nty,x,t,tlarge)
- double y, y2, x, t, tlarge;
- int ky, nly, nty;
- { int i,j; double s;
- if(!ky)
- {s=(y2-y)/nty;
- for( i=nly ; i ; i-- )
- {for ( j=nty/nly ; j ; j-- )
- {move_abs_2(x,y);
- line_abs_2(x,y+=s);
- line_abs_2(x+t,y);
- }
- line_abs_2(x+tlarge,y);
- }
- }
- else if(ky)
- {s=(y2-y)/nly;
- for ( i=nly ; i ; i-- )
- {if(nty>nly)
- {for ( j=0 ; j<9 ; j++ )
- {move_abs_2(x,y);
- line_abs_2(x,y+=s*segl[j]);
- line_abs_2(x+t,y);
- }
- line_abs_2(x+tlarge,y);
- }
- else
- {move_abs_2(x,y);
- line_abs_2(x,y+=s);
- line_abs_2(x+tlarge,y);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef xxxx
- main()
- { double lower, upper, delt, span;
- int nlab, ntic, i, j;
- initialize_core(1);
- initialize_view_surface(1);
- ndc_space_2(1.,.8);
- /* viewport2(.1,1.,.1,.8); */
- clip_window(1);
- delt=power(10.,0.1);
- lower=-5.;
- for (i=4; i; i--)
- {span=1.;
- for (j=11; j; j--)
- {new_frame();
- /* generate the figure */
- upper=lower+span;
- scale(lower,upper,2,lower,upper,2);
- create_temporary_segment();
- axis();
- printf("\n lower=%10.4f...upper=%10.4f \n",
- lower,upper);
- close_temporary_segment();
- span*=delt;
- getchar();
- }
- lower+=3.;
- }
- printf("mtic[][]...\n");
- for(j=0; j<4; j++)
- {for(i=0; i<4; i++) printf("%4d",mtic[j][i]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("usage of cells of mtic[][]...\n");
- for(j=0; j<4; j++)
- {for(i=0; i<4; i++) printf("%4d",used[j][i]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- #endif