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- Date: Sat, 24 Feb 90 14:46:12 IST
- To: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
- Re: TABX.C - Filter that expands TABS to SPACES
- To Keith Petersen, In reply to Info-IBMPC Digest Volume 90 : Issue 23
- After sending TABX.C to the info-ibm list I realized I wasn't too happy with
- its limited ability to handle only fixed tab spacing, So I've added the
- ability to define variable tab stops.
- In this newer version, tab stops are defined by a 'fancy' tab specification
- string, somewhat in a word processor style:
- the string --T---T defines tab stops at col. 3 & 7.
- This version should be more useful for general usage then the original
- tabx.c. Also the header of main() was changed so it should be compiled
- with unix cc.
- Thanks for keeping the name of tabx as it is. I have written filters to
- expand tabs several times but each time the program names where something
- like 'f3' and after a while they got lost amongst other filers of this sort.
- Now that the program has its own meaningful name I hope it is the last
- time I'm writing it.
- Baruch Nissenbaum - Tel Aviv University - School of Engineering.
- -----------THE PROGRAM FOLLOWS:----------
- /* TABX.C - tab expansion utility */
- /* Written by Baruch Nissenbaum - Tel-Aviv University, Israel 2/1990 (c) */
- /* TEL: + 792 3 776892 (voice) */
- /* Comments, Suggestions and Ideas are welcomed */
- /* This program should work for a file of any size, and any line length */
- /* compiled and tested with TURBO-C, should work with any other compiler */
- /* see usage() for details of operation*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int c,col=0,tab=8,dlen=0;
- char *d;
- if(argc>1)
- if(strchr(d=argv[1],'T') != NULL || strchr(d,'t') )
- dlen=strlen(d);
- else
- tab=atoi(argv[1]);
- if(tab<1) {
- usage();
- exit(0);
- }
- while((c=getchar()) != EOF)
- if(c=='\t') { /* expand tabs */
- putchar(' '); col++; /* tab will generate at least one space */
- for(; col<dlen && d[col]!='t' && d[col]!='T'; col++)
- putchar(' '); /* expansion of tabs (tab string) */
- if( col>=dlen )
- for(; col%tab; col++)
- putchar(' '); /* expansion of tabs (fixed spacing) */
- }
- else if(c=='\n' || c=='\r') {
- putchar(c);
- col=0;
- }
- else { /* any other character */
- putchar(c);
- col++;
- }
- }
- usage()
- {
- fprintf(stderr," TABX - tab expansion utility\n");
- fprintf(stderr," This program expands tab characters to a list of spaces
- fprintf(stderr,"usage: TABX [tab_spec] < source_file > dest_file\n");
- fprintf(stderr," tab_spec can be an integer for setting fixed tab spacin
- fprintf(stderr," tab_spec can also be a string as in:\n");
- fprintf(stderr," TABX ---T---T-T---T < in_file > out_file\n");
- fprintf(stderr," In this case tab stops will match the position of the '
- fprintf(stderr," in the above example - tabs will be set to 4 8 10 and 1
- fprintf(stderr," There are no limits on file size or line length\n\n");
- fprintf(stderr," Written by Baruch Nissenbaum, Israel, 6 Feb 90 (c)\n\n");
- fprintf(stderr," Not for sale, FREE distribution only!!\n\n");
- }