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- Date: Friday, 26 June 1987 04:36-MDT
- From: srp at ethz.UUCP (Scott Presnell)
- To: Info-IBMPC at MIT-MC
- Re: Undocumented Switches in 'cl.exe' for MS-C Ver 4.00
- For your amusement, here is a listing of options available in cl.exe for MSC
- 4.00, the documented options were added for completeness. The undocumented
- options were 'discovered' using the Norton Utilities, and their functions
- determined "on a rainy day". Hope someone will find them useful. Please
- feel free to correct me or fill in the blanks.
- Go wild son ...
- --------
- Listing of options in 'cl' of MS-C Ver. 4.00, documented and undocumented.
- Switch Documented Function
- -c yes
- -d no Display passes as they happen.
- -dos Xenix
- -i no
- -imp no
- -n no
- -s no
- -k no Keep temp files (quiet).
- -link yes
- -l* no False friend, see below.
- -m# no Make .map file.
- -nl# no
- -nologo no Don't print logo on startup.
- -pack yes
- -pathgen no
- -o# no Name the output (exe) file.
- -p no Gives warning about no -Gp.
- -pa# no
- -pl# no Supply alternate linker.
- -p0# no Supply alternate pass 0 cmd.
- -p1# no Supply alternate pass 1 cmd.
- -p2# no Supply alternate pass 2 cmd.
- -p3# no Supply alternate pass 3 cmd.
- -pL# no
- -u yes
- -v# no
- -w yes
- -z no Print passes (do not compile).
- -A* yes
- -Ba# no
- -Bd no Print passes as they happen.
- -Bk no Keep temp files (verbose).
- -Bl# no Supply alternate linker.
- -Bz no Print passes (do not compile).
- -B0# no Supply alternate pass 0 cmd.
- -B1# no Supply alternate pass 1 cmd.
- -B2# no Supply alternate pass 2 cmd.
- -B3# no Supply alternate pass 3 cmd.
- -BL# no
- -C yes
- -CSOFF no
- -D# yes
- -E yes
- -EP yes
- -FP* yes
- -Fa(*) yes
- -Fe* yes
- -Fc(*) yes
- -Fl(*) yes
- -Fs(*) yes
- -Fo* yes
- -Fm(*) yes
- -Gt(*) yes
- -G* yes
- -HELP yes
- -H# yes
- -I# yes
- -K no Keep temp files (see -k).
- -J yes
- -L no Make .cod file only.
- -M# Xenix See pg 298 MS-C Users Guide.
- -ND# yes
- -NM# yes
- -NT# yes
- -O(*) yes
- -P yes
- -PLM no _main & exit unresolved.
- -PLMF no no default lib search.
- -PLMN no -PLMF + something else?
- -S no Make .asm file only.
- -U# yes
- -V# yes
- -W# yes
- -X yes
- -Z* yes
- *, # -- symbols used in the cl.exe string formats. Usually indicates
- something further needs to be specified.
- Favorite Undocumented Option: -nologo (makes my error.log files much
- smaller).
- N.B.: -l does not act like -l in 'ld' on UNIX systems. 'Cl' just seems
- to chop off the -l and treat the rest like an object file to be linked.
- Note undocumented 'cc/ld' compatible options, -o, -S, -B?, -O.
- I would suspect that -Ba#, -pa# would allow an alternate assembler,
- but 'cl' doesn't seem to be able to call 'masm'.
- Any one got any good ideas about what -pathgen might do?
- Regards,
- -------
- Scott Presnell Organic Chemistry
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zentrum)
- CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland.
- uucp:seismo!mcvax!cernvax!ethz!srp (srp@ethz.uucp); bitnet:Benner@CZHETH5A
- "... I dunno, maybe it was Ewe-tah ..."