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File List | 1993-04-28 | 5.6 KB | 79 lines |
- Filename Type Length Date Description
- ==============================================
- AB_V1.ZIP B 32559 910101 Address and birthday reminder program
- AC405A.ZIP B 111578 910428 Area code finder - National and International
- ALARM13.ZIP B 16383 930130 TSR pop-up alarm clock
- AN_101.ZIP B 38673 900523 Advance Notice v1.01 - early warning of events
- AN300.ZIP B 184037 921007 Ample notice: Powerful appointments/alarm/PIM
- APP.ZIP B 11556 890716 Use SIDEKICK+ appointment book w/o loading SK+
- AREAFON3.ZIP B 22830 900402 AREAFON 3.02/Areacodes/Foreign Dial/Citynames
- BDAY.ZIP B 35786 910116 Birthday/event reminder with music & search
- CAL.ZIP B 14277 870125 Makes calander for any month & year, w/C src
- CAL26.ZIP B 14075 930405 Enhanced Unix-like 'cal' monthly calendar
- CALEND10.ZIP B 15247 920406 Annual calendar for the XIX, XX, XXI centuries
- CALKPR21.ZIP B 77039 910428 Keep track of important dates and appointments
- CALLFOR.ZIP B 11585 890116 A TSR to keep phone messages
- CALMT40C.ZIP B 148568 910512 Calender Mate version 4.0c: A calender maker
- CNG200.ZIP B 142405 920131 Click 'n Go! Desktop Navigator for DOS
- CONSULT.ZIP B 24687 890223 Academic consultant note log pkg v1.8 - TSR
- CONV.ZIP B 17562 890315 Programmer's handy multifunct TSR, calc/tables
- CWISE11.ZIP B 246088 920914 Multiple calendar planning and tracking tool
- DATABANK.ZIP B 188673 910815 Reminder/calendar/notepad/phone book/timetable
- DESK130.ZIP B 130105 870822 Shell pgrm. One of the best around
- DO210.ZIP B 45707 891221 Desk Organizer tickler/reminder/phone system
- FAC171.ZIP B 111850 921207 Fast fuzzy find US/foreign telephone area code
- FLSHB260.ZIP B 74165 910228 FlashBack v2.60: An appointment alert utility
- FONEBK22.ZIP B 48030 880803 Organize names, addresses & phones
- HB253_1.ZIP B 83738 881009 HomeBase desktop manager v2.53 1of5
- HB253_2.ZIP B 78078 881009 HomeBase desktop manager v2.53 2of5
- HB253_3.ZIP B 68582 881009 HomeBase desktop manager v2.53 3of5
- HB253_4.ZIP B 87817 881009 HomeBase desktop manager v2.53 4of5
- HB253MAN.ZIP B 24216 881009 MANUAL: HB253-1,2,3,4 DeskTop Mngr. 5of5
- IR164F.ZIP B 63824 900609 'Instant Recall' TSR free-form database pgm
- JCAL75.ZIP B 69692 920106 Jewish/Gregorian calendar utilities
- JOT_IT3.ZIP B 5181 880917 Configurable TSR notepad/capture 6K RAM v3
- JOTIT2.ZIP B 31204 920312 JotIt: Netbios-compatible phone message taker
- LCALV21.ZIP B 108381 920707 Color calendar/lookup/printout/freeware
- LEAVEMSG.ZIP B 29728 900503 Others can leave msg on PC when away from desk
- MTSLBB61.ZIP B 115734 900225 Address & phone number organizer/phone dialer
- MYADRSBK.ZIP B 39461 930407 AddressBook/Write Letters/MailMerge/PrintLists
- NAMDAT41.ZIP B 236760 920131 Names and Dates v4.1: Address/phone/date book
- NAMEPAL.ZIP B 56361 880609 Very good address book
- NEUBASE2.ZIP B 89806 900220 Neubase v2.0, daily appointments/diary/journal
- NOTEPAD4.ZIP B 14401 871231 Mem resident notepad
- NOTEWR10.ZIP B 30241 921122 NoteWare v1.0: 99 screensize notes TSR notepad
- OM101.ZIP B 56890 920315 Memo/time card/clock/phone dir/message manager
- ORG212.ZIP B 59713 910530 Personal appointment calendar/reminder/tickler
- PC1420.ZIP B 181408 910306 Clock/calendar/notepad/track reminder/tickler
- PCYEAR.ZIP B 15396 880422 Annual appointment calendar
- PHONEM12.ZIP B 19705 880321 Jot down phone messages with this TSR
- PHONEM50.ZIP B 34354 920312 Fast phone number indexer (not a TSR)
- PINKY.ZIP B 27468 881216 Telephone message system
- PMIS20.ZIP B 212857 920131 Checkbook/calendar/appointment/addressbook mgr
- PW22.ZIP B 9521 900103 PC Window v2.2: Small shareware SideKick clone
- QDIAL10.ZIP B 16474 920806 QuickDial: Modem dial voice call in DOS prompt
- QMR200.ZIP B 122925 890916 Non-resident reminder/to-do prodder
- RAID12.ZIP B 21835 890223 Resident aid util only 1K RAM rest EMS
- REM10.ZIP B 49956 930414 Reminds users of important dates and events
- REM23_00.ZIP B 41884 910221 REMIND v2.3.0: Sophisticated reminder service
- REMIND.ASM A 9305 860613 Tickle file/reminder
- REMIND49.ZIP B 44599 900306 Event remind,time organizer,perpetual calendar
- REMINDER.ZIP B 50341 891208 Program set for maintaining a reminders file
- REMINDSW.ZIP B 41825 880604 Reminds you of things you may forget
- RHMIBM33.ZIP B 62774 880216 Right-Hand Man desk-top utility
- RLWINDOW.ZIP B 28703 920406 Post-it notes like program for your DOS PC
- SANS30.ZIP B 619854 920115 Structural analysis and design system, v3.0
- SBE205U.ZIP B 453472 910728 Structured building construction estimator
- TERRA21.ZIP B 47802 890405 COLOR MAP with World with city times - v2.1
- TICKLX50.ZIP B 316734 891226 TICKLEX, Tickler/Scheduler/Calendar/To-do list
- TIKLER.ZIP B 18256 890511 Easy to use event reminder for autoexec.bat
- TOADWAKE.ZIP B 5895 871101 Execute a command at specified time
- TODO399A.ZIP B 44219 901231 ToDo v3.99a: To-do list manager, tickler
- TPA100.ZIP B 20412 900913 Color/ASCII chart & DEC/HEX/OCTAL/BIN convert
- TSBITS17.ZIP B 70270 891205 Base conversions, decimal bit calculations
- TSCDAR10.ZIP B 22903 890727 Perpetual calendar in English and Finnish
- XASC10.ZIP B 32691 920312 Pop-up extended (256 character) ASCII table
- YRCAL17T.ZIP B 61406 900324 Year calendars/monthly/weekly/daily schedules